Requirement for javamailing

iam new to javamail i dont tried even single program,i wanted to write the applicaion E-marketing ,so to write and test javamail application what r the things i should have and i should know.(i.e basic requirement for javamail application)

Hi Hironmay
I have to gone through the developer guide .They are saying the same thing as you told me.
That means no need of admin to logged in to the room. But in my code when another user either viewer or publisher try to initiate the chat with another user.. this action generate following error .
user don’t have sufficient permission or role
To avoid the above error i am doing following action
When new user logged into the room, above line of code setting his role to the owner. After this I m not getting any error but facing another problem
Problem :  user can post only one message , afterward message are not getting displayed on the chat window .On the console I can see message like : chat notified
For the more info/code Please share your email id
Do reply me , I am stuck not getting what to do next
Hironmay wrote:
Hi Sholay!,
It is not required for the admin to be present in a chat to have chat. But the admin is required to set up the room and the collectionnode and nodes if it’s a new room.
There can be various cases e.g. an admin runs an app that has chat in a new room so the chat collectionnode and nodes are created in that room. He can then leave and users can chat in that room always. He will never be required to enter the room again since he has set up the chat.
You can also create the simplechat collectionnode and nodes as an admin by entering into a room using room console or you can use server to server API. The central idea is admin is required for setting up a chat and its components in a fresh room. Once that is done , either using room console, server 2 server APIs or running an App , other users are free to use the components set up in that room.
Reading the developer guide upfront will help you.
Hironmay Basu

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  • Table for temporarily stock /requirement  for tocde /afs/mdo4

    Dear expart,
    I developed a zreport for display STO number, Production order number, operation etc.
    mainly I use here AFPO,AFRU, MSEG, MCHB & J_3ABDSI Table.
    My problem is, when I compare with Tcode /afs/md04 tab-temporarily stock /requirement  .
    for some MATNR
    data show properly.
    and some MATNR are blank  with message Last MRP run on 04.04.2011 or such date.
    Hhow i can filter the in Z-report which MATNR are not in Tcode /afs/md04 tab-temporarily stock /requirement  .
    my code is.
    SELECT  j_3abdsiaufnr j_3abdsimatnr j_3abdsij_4krcat j_3abdsimbdat j_3abdsi~menge INTO TABLE it_eket FROM j_3abdsi
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_final1
              j_3abdsi~j_4krcat = it_final1-j_4ksca AND
              j_3abdsi~matnr = it_final1-matnr AND
              j_3abdsi~werks = it_final1-werks AND
              j_3abdsi~bdart = 'TB' AND
              j_3abdsi~plart = 'B' AND
              j_3abdsi~bsart = 'UB'.
    Pls help .
    Edited by: Abu Rayhan on Apr 5, 2011 10:24 AM

    CLEAR i_data1.
      REFRESH i_data1.
      LOOP AT i_mara.
        READ TABLE i_marc WITH KEY matnr = i_mara-matnr  BINARY SEARCH .
        IF sy-subrc = 0 .
              i_matnr                 = i_mara-matnr
              i_werks                 = p_werks
          I_DIALOG                = ' '
          I_SPERR                 = ' '
          I_AUFRUF                = ' '
          I_BANER                 = ' '
             i_todate                = todate
          I_HEADER_ONLY           = ' '
             ex_dbba                 = i_data3
          E_MDKP                  =
          EX_PBBD                 =
          EX_MELD                 =
          E_CM61M                 =
             material_gesperrt       = 1
             wbz_fehler              = 2
             material_prgr           = 3
             dispo_gesperrt          = 4
             OTHERS                  = 5
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            IF i_data3[] IS NOT INITIAL.
              LOOP AT i_data3 INTO i_data4 .
                  IF ( i_data4-j_3astat ='A' OR i_data4-j_3astat ='T') AND i_data4-j_3abskz ='C'   .
                    READ TABLE i_t001l WITH KEY lgort = i_data4-lgonr  BINARY SEARCH .
                    IF sy-subrc = 0 .
                      CLEAR i_data1str.
                      i_data1str-matnr = i_data4-matnr.
                      i_data1str-j_3asize = i_data4-j_3asize .
                      i_data1str-lgort = i_data4-lgonr.
                      i_data1str-menge = i_data4-menge .
                      COLLECT i_data1str INTO i_data1.
    i_mara  recordset 500 material
    It take more than 3 house to finished this report.
    do changed ?
    do you help me ?

  • What are the settings required for QM in procurement

    Hi Team,
    What are the settings required for QM in procurement. I have  set indicator for QM in procurement in QM view in material master.
    I am not clear about  following fields to be maintained in QM view.
    QM Control Key
    Certificate type
    Target QM system
    Tech. delivery terms Indicator.
    Please suggest me in which case to be used this fiels. Is it relivant to Quality Certificates.

    All meaning are
    QM Control Key :
    If you activate the indicator for QM in procurement in the material master record at the client level, you must also store a control key at the plant level for quality management in procurement.
    Certificate type :
    Certificate types applies to the Certificate processing in procurement  &  Certificate creation
    Target QM system :
    whether the vendor's verified QM system, according to vendor master record or quality info-record (for a combination of vendor/material) meets the requirements for QM systems as specified in the material master
    -  If you activate the indicator for QM in procurement in the material master record at the client level, you must also store a control key at the plant level for quality management in procurement. If you want Procurment control then accordingly define Control Key.
    -  If you want Vendor's perticular certificate for Material then you have to define Certificate type.
    Also, you have to maintain Material, Vendor's Info record at plant level.

  • List of Manual Setup required for iSetup to work

    Hi All,
    This is Mugunthan from iSetup development. Based on my interaction with customers and Oracle functional experts, I had documented list of manual setups that are required for smooth loading of selection sets. I am sharing the same. Please let me know if I anyone had to enter some manual setup while using iSetup.
    Understanding iSetup
    iSetup is a tool to migrate and report on your configuration data. Various engineering teams from Oracle develop the APIs/Programs, which migrates the data across EBS instances. Hence all your data is validated for all business cases and data consistency is guarantied. It requires good amount of setup functional knowledge and bit of technical knowledge to use this tool.
    Prerequisite setup for Instance Mapping to work
    ·     ATG patch set level should be same across all EBS instances.
    ·     Copy DBC files of each other EBS instances participating in migration under $FND_SECURE directory (refer note below for details).
    ·     Edit sqlnet.ora to allow connection between DB instacnes(tcp.invited_nodes=(<source>,<central>))
    ·     Make sure that same user name with iSetup responsibility exists in all EBS instances participating in migration.
    Note:- iSetup tool is capable of connecting to multiple EBS instances. To do so, it uses dbc file information available under $FND_SECURE directory. Let us consider three instances A, B & C, where A is central instance, B is source instance and C is target instances. After copying the dbc file on all nodes, $FND_SECURE directory would look like this on each machine.
    A => A.dbc, B.dbc, C.dbc
    B => A.dbc, B.dbc
    C => A.dbc, C.dbc
    Prerequisite for registering Interface and creating Custom Selection Set
    iSetup super role is mandatory to register and create custom selection set. It is not sufficient if you register API on central/source instance alone. You must register the API on all instances participating in migration/reporting.
    Understanding how to access/share extracts across instances
    Sharing iSetup artifacts
    ·     Only the exact same user can access extracts, transforms, or reports across different instances.
    ·     The “Download” capability offers a way to share extracts, transforms, and loads.
    Implications for Extract/Load Management
    ·     Option 1: Same owner across all instances
    ·     Option 2: Same owner in Dev, Test, UAT, etc – but not Production
    o     Extract/Load operations in non-Production instances
    o     Once thoroughly tested and ready to load into Production, download to desktop and upload into Production
    ·     Option 3: Download and upload into each instance
    Security Considerations
    ·     iSetup does not use SSH to connect between instances. It uses Concurrent Manager framework to lunch concurrent programs on source and target instances.
    ·     iSetup does not write password to any files or tables.
    ·     It uses JDBC connectivity obtained through standard AOL security layer
    Common Incorrect Setups
    ·     Failure to complete/verify all of the steps in “Mapping instances”
    ·     DBC file should be copied again if EBS instance has been refreshed or autoconfig is run.
    ·     Custom interfaces should be registered in all EBS instances. Registering it on Central/Source is not sufficient.
    ·     Standard Concurrent Manager should up for picking up iSetup concurrent requests.
    ·     iSetup financial and SCM modules are supported from 12.0.4 onwards.
    ·     iSetup is not certified on RAC. However, you may still work with iSetup if you could copy the DBC file on all nodes with the same name as it had been registered through Instance Mapping screen.
    Installed Languages
    iSetup has limitations where it cannot Load or Report if the number and type of installed languages and DB Charset are different between Central, Source and Target instances. If your case is so, there is a workaround. Download the extract zip file to desktop and unzip it. Edit AZ_Prevalidator_1.xml to match your target instance language and DB Charset. Zip it back and upload to iSetup repository. Now, you would be able to load to target instance. You must ensure that this would not corrupt data in DB. This is considered as customization and any data issue coming out this modification is not supported.
    Custom Applications
    Application data is the prerequisite for the most of the Application Object Library setups such as Menus, Responsibility, and Concurrent programs. iSetup does not migrate Custom Applications as of now. So, if you have created any custom application on source instance, please manually create them on the target instance before moving Application Object Library (AOL) data.
    General Foundation Selection Set
    Setup objects in General foundation selection set supports filtering i.e. ability to extract specific setups. Since most of the AOL setup data such as Menus, Responsibilities and Request Groups are shipped by Oracle itself, it does not make sense to migrate all of them to target instance since they would be available on target instance. Hence, it is strongly recommended to extract only those setup objects, which are edited/added, by you to target instance. This improves the performance. iSetup uses FNDLOAD (seed data loader) to migrate most of the AOL Setups. The default behavior of FNDLOAD is given below.
    Case 1 – Shipped by Oracle (Seed Data)
    FNDLOAD checks last_update_date and last_updated_by columns to update a record. If it is shipped by Oracle, the default owner of the record would be Oracle and it would skip these records, which are identical. So, it won’t change last_update_by or last_updated_date columns.
    Case 2 – Shipped by Oracle and customized by you
    If a record were customized in source instance, then it would update the record based on last_update_date column. If the last_update_date in the target were more recent, then FNDLOAD would not update the record. So, it won’t change last_update_by column. Otherwise, it would update the records with user who customized the records in source instance.
    Case 3 – Created and maintained by customers
    If a record were newly added/edited in source instance by you, then it would update the record based on last_update_date column. If the last_update_date of the record in the target were more recent, then FNDLOAD would not update the record. So, it won’t change last_update_by column. Otherwise, it would update the records with user who customized the records in source instance.
    HR: Business Group => Set the name of the Business Group for which you would like to extract data from source instance. After loading Business Group onto the target instance, make sure that this profile option is set appropriately.
    HR: Security Profile => Set the name of the Business Group for which you would like to extract data from source instance. After loading Business Group onto the target instance, make sure that this profile option is set appropriately.
    MO: Operating Unit => Set the Operating Unit name for which you would like to extract data from source instance. After loading Operating Unit onto the target instance, make sure that this profile option is set if required.
    Navigation path to do the above setup:
    System Administrator -> Profile -> System.
    Query for the above profiles and set the values accordingly.
    Descriptive & Key Flex Fields
    You must compile and freeze the flex field values before extracting using iSetup.
    Otherwise, it would result in partial migration of data. Please verify that all the data been extracted by reporting on your extract before loading to ensure data consistency.
    You can load the KFF/DFF data to target instance even the structures in both source as well as target instances are different only in the below cases.
    Case 1:
    Source => Loc1 (Mandate), Loc2 (Mandate), Loc3, and Loc4
    Target=> Loc1, Loc2, Loc3 (Mandate), Loc4, Loc5 and Loc6
    If you provide values for Loc1 (Mandate), Loc2 (Mandate), Loc3, Loc4, then locations will be loaded to target instance without any issue. If you do not provide value for Loc3, then API will fail, as Loc3 is a mandatory field.
    Case 2:
    Source => Loc1 (Mandate), Loc2 (Mandate), Loc3, and Loc4
    Target=> Loc1 (Mandate), Loc2
    If you provide values for Loc1 (Mandate), Loc2 (Mandate), Loc3 and Loc4 and load data to target instance, API will fail as Loc3 and Loc4 are not there in target instance.
    It is always recommended that KFF/DFF structure should be same for both source as well as target instances.
    Concurrent Programs and Request Groups
    Concurrent program API migrates the program definition(Definition + Parameters + Executable) only. It does not migrate physical executable files under APPL_TOP. Please use custom solution to migrate executable files. Load Concurrent Programs prior to loading Request Groups. Otherwise, associated concurrent program meta-data will not be moved even through the Request Group extract contains associated Concurrent Program definition.
    Locations - Geographies
    If you have any custom Geographies, iSetup does not have any API to migrate this setup. Enter them manually before loading Locations API.
    Currencies Types
    iSetup does not have API to migrate Currency types. Enter them manually on target instance after loading Currency API.
    GL Fiscal Super user--> setup--> Currencies --> rates -- > types
    Associating an Employee details to an User
    The extract process does not capture employee details associated with users. So, after loading the employee data successfully on the target instance, you have to configure them again on target instance.
    Accounting Setup
    Make sure that all Accounting Setups that you wish to migrate are in status “Complete”. In progress or not-completed Accounting Setups would not be migrated successfully.
    Note: Currently iSetup does not migrate Sub-Ledger Accounting methods (SLA). Oracle supports some default SLA methods such as Standard Accrual and Standard Cash. You may make use of these two. If you want to use your own SLA method then you need to manually create it on target instances because iSetup does not have API to migrate SLA. If a Primary Ledger associated with Secondary Ledgers using different Chart of Accounts, then mapping rules should be defined in the target instance manually. Mapping rule name should match with XML tag “SlCoaMappingName”. After that you would be able to load Accounting Setup to target instance.
    Organization API - Product Foundation Selection Set
    All Organizations which are defined in HR module will be extracted by this API. This API will not extract Inventory Organization, Business Group. To migrate Inventory Organization, you have to use Inventory Organization API under Discrete Mfg. and Distribution Selection Set. To extract Business Group, you should use Business Group API.
    Inventory Organization API - Discrete Mfg & Distribution Selection Set
    Inventory Organization API will extract Inventory Organization information only. You should use Inventory Parameters API to move parameters such as Accounting Information. Inventory Organization API Supports Update which means that you can update existing header level attributes of Inventory Organization on the target instance. Inventory Parameters API does not support update. To update Inventory Parameters, use Inventory Parameters Update API.
    We have a known issue where Inventory Organization API migrates non process enabled organization only. If your inventory organization is process enabled, then you can migrate them by a simple workaround. Download the extract zip file to desktop and unzip it. Navigate to Organization XML and edit the XML tag <ProcessEnabledFlag>Y</ProcessEnabledFlag> to <ProcessEnabledFlag>N</ProcessEnabledFlag>. Zip it back the extract and upload to target instance. You can load the extract now. After successful completion of load, you can manually enable the flag through Form UI. We are working on this issue and update you once patch is released to metalink.
    Freight Carriers API - Product Foundation Selection Set
    Freight Carriers API in Product Foundation selection set requires Inventory Organization and Organization Parameters as prerequisite setup. These two APIs are available under Discrete Mfg. and Distribution Selection Set. Also,Freight Carriers API is available under Discrete Mfg and Distribution Selection Set with name Carriers, Methods, Carrier-ModeServ,Carrier-Org. So, use Discrete Mfg selection set to load Freight Carriers. In next rollup release Freight Carriers API would be removed from Product Foundation Selection Set.
    Organization Structure Selection Set
    It is highly recommended to set filter and extract and load data related to one Business Group at a time. For example, setup objects such as Locations, Legal Entities,Operating Units,Organizations and Organization Structure Versions support filter by Business Group. So, set the filter for a specific Business Group and then extract and load the data to target instance.
    List of mandatory iSetup Fwk patches*
    8352532:R12.AZ.A - 1OFF:12.0.6: Ignore invalid Java identifier or Unicode identifier characters from the extracted data
    8424285:R12.AZ.A - 1OFF:12.0.6:Framework Support to validate records from details to master during load
    List of mandatory API/functional patches*
    7413966:R12.PER.A - MIGRATION ISSUES
    8445446:R12.GL.A - Consolidated Patch for iSetup Fixes
    7502698:R12.GL.A - Not able to Load Accounting Setup API Data to target instance.
    How to read logs
    ·     Logs are very important to diagnose and troubleshoot iSetup issues. Logs contain both functional and technical errors.
    ·     To find the log, navigate to View Detail screens of Extracts/ Transforms/Loads/Standard/Comparison Reports and click on View Log button to view the log.
    ·     Generic Loader (FNDLOAD or Seed data loader) logs are not printed as a part of main log. To view actual log, you have to take the request_id specified in the concurrent log and search for the same in Forms Request Search Window in the instance where the request was launched.
    ·     Functional errors are mainly due to
    o     Missing prerequisite data – You did not load one more perquisite API before loading the current API. Example, trying to load “Accounting Setup” without loading “Chart of Accounts” would result in this kind of error.
    o     Business validation failure – Setup is incorrect as per business rule. Example, Start data cannot be greater than end date.
    o     API does not support Update Records – If the there is a matching record in the target instance and If the API does not support update, then you would get this kind of errors.
    o     You unselected Update Records while launching load - If the there is a matching record in the target instance and If you do not select Update Records, then you would get this kind of errors.
    Example – business validation failure
    o     VONAME = Branches PLSQL; KEY = BANKNAME = 'AIBC‘
    o     BRANCHNAME = 'AIBC'
    o     EXCEPTION = Please provide a unique combination of bank number, bank branch number, and country combination. The 020, 26042, KA combination already exists.
    Example – business validation failure
    o     Tokens: VONAME = Banks PLSQL
    o     EXCEPTION = End date cannot be earlier than the start date
    Example – missing prerequisite data.
    o     VONAME = Operating Unit; KEY = Name = 'CAN OU'
    o     Group Name = 'Setup Business Group'
    o     ; EXCEPTION = Message not found. Application: PER, Message Name: HR_ORG_SOB_NOT_FOUND (Set of books not found for ‘Setup Business Group’)
    Example – technical or fwk error
    o     OAException: System Error: Procedure at Step 40
    o     Cause: The procedure has created an error at Step 40.
    o     Action: Contact your system administrator quoting the procedure and Step 40.
    Example – technical or fwk error
    o     Number of installed languages on source and target does not match.
    Edited by: Mugunthan on Apr 24, 2009 2:45 PM
    Edited by: Mugunthan on Apr 29, 2009 10:31 AM
    Edited by: Mugunthan on Apr 30, 2009 10:15 AM
    Edited by: Mugunthan on Apr 30, 2009 1:22 PM
    Edited by: Mugunthan on Apr 30, 2009 1:28 PM
    Edited by: Mugunthan on May 13, 2009 1:01 PM

    Yes we have applied 11i.AZ.H.2. I am getting several errors still that we trying to resolve
    One of them is
    Uploading snapshot to central instance failed, with 3 different messages
    Error: An invalid status '-1' was passed to fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status. The valid statuses are: 'NORMAL', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'FND     at<init>(
    please assist.

  • Questions on SETSPN syntax and what is required for MANUAL AD auth

    I'll preface this by stating that I don't need to do all the extra stuff for Vintela SSO, SSO to database, etc.  I just need to know precisely what is necessary to do to get AD authentication working.  I managed to get it working in XIr2 previously but it's been so long and I'm not 100% sure that everything I wound up doing was absolutely necessary that I wanted to sort it out for good as we look at going to XI 3.1 SP3.
    In the XI 3.1 SP3 admin guide, page 503, the SETSPN command which is
    used as part of the setup process to establish a service account to
    enable AD authentication is outlined as follows:
    SETSPN.exe -A <ServiceClass>/<DomainName> <Serviceaccount>
    The guide suggests that the <ServiceClass> can be anything you want to
    arbitrarily assign. If I choose something other than the
    suggested "BOBJCentralMS" value, is there anywhere else I have to
    specify this value to allow the service account to function properly?
    The guide suggests that the <DomainName> should be the domain name on
    which the service account exists however I've seen many posts online which seem to
    indicate this <DomainName> should actually be the FQDN of the server
    running the CMS service instead of the general domain name.
    Clarification there would be very helpful if anyone has some insight.

    The CMS account can have an SPN of spaghetti/meatballs, there are no requirements (cept 2 characters on each side of the / I believe). The SPN created should be the value entered in the CMC > Authentication > Windows AD
    The account must run the SIA and it therefore must have AD permissions. Now if you are using IIs or client tools you don't even need an SPN. The SPN is for kerberos only which is required for java app servers.
    The vintela SSO white paper in the this forums sticky post explains the roles of a service account.

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  • Requirements for Cisco Jabber Applications

         I have to setup a lab enviornment for demonstrationg the Jabber technologies for our client.i am really new to jabber technologies and as per my understanding its a Softphone that we can install in PC and Mobile and has the features such as  IM,Presence and Web-ex.
    For my demonstration I am looking to Install the softphone in a windows PC.
    My doubt is what all software combination required for Jabber technologies??
    1)Either CUCM+Presence+Jabber(What Versons??)
    We have 3 MCS in our lab and running CUCM version 7.0.If we need a later version for this to support ??
    I serached in google for good document but no luck.....Please give me a good documents for integeration and configuration for this requiremnets.
    Thanks in advance.
    Nithin louis.

    Hi Nitin,
                 May be you can follow these links to get started:
    Hope this helps.
    Please rate helpful posts!!!

  • On installation of Firefox 4 beta, it tells me that it won't run on my Mac. When I go to system requirements, it takes me to a page for Firefox3.6 requirements. Where can I find the requirements for the beta?

    The link to system requirements for Firefox 4 beta takes you to a page that gives you the requirements for Firefox 3.6 instead. I assume that the requirements for the beta are different as I can't seem to install the beta on my Macs. Where can I find the beta system requirements?

    I never expected Mozilla to neglect the users of Apple's PowerPC (PPC) computers, while still supporting much older operating environments such as Windows XP. So, I should just throw away a $6,000 system, which is still fast and functional, and contribute masses of heavy metals to land-fills because…?
    I'm hurt and confused after supporting Firefox for many years — installing and using it not only on my own computers but on most of my customers' computers. Now I have to tell my customers with PPC Macs they can't have a secure cross-platform browsing experience from Mozilla. They'll have to learn to use some other browser, or buy a new computer.
    If one doesn't buy a new computer every year, one doesn't deserve Firefox 4. This is sort of sounding more like a Microsoft™© doctrine. (But wait, I can still have Firefox 4 on a ''SERIOUSLY CRAPPY WINDBLOWS XP pile of rubbish?!'') Please open your eyes Mozilla. This just doesn't make sense.

  • I am trying to install iTunes on my PC, but I get this error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor." Help!

    I am trying to install iTunes on my PC (using Windows 8.1), but I get this error: "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor." The iTunes file (64-bit) I am trying to install, is named "iTunes64Setup.exe". What seems to be the problem? Help!

    Hey madnest,
    Thanks for the question. After reviewing your post, it sounds like you are having difficulty installing iTunes in Windows. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help you resolve or isolate the issue.
    Issues installing iTunes or QuickTime for Windows
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Have a nice day,

  • Open Purchase Orders not considered as requirement for MRP Run

    Hi ,
    We are facing a issue of Open Purchase orders not appeared in Stock requirements list and also it is not considered as requirement for MRP Run against reservation.
    As aresult for a reservation demand of 10 units we are ending with Open POs 10 units and a additional planned order 10 units.
    Material Type : ERSA
    MRP Type : PD (or VB)
    Lot size : EX (  HB if MRP Type is VB)
    Could you please throw some light to correct our settings to MRP to consider Open POs?

    Can you check to see if there is a re-order point set up for this materia? That could be causing the problem too.

  • View requirements for delivered sales orders in MD4C.

    MD4C shows requirements for open sales orders and other related data but if a delivery has been created for the order which covers complete sales order item quantity it is excluded in the report.
    I want to view such requirements too. Is there a possibility of the same and how?
    Or any other transaction where this can be seen?
    Sonal Murbade

    When a delivery is completed (e.g. bu PGI). the requirement is not needed any more and it's deleterd in table VBBE or VBBS, so, you can not see it in requirement list any more.
    You sill can see the order in table VBAP(sales order) or table LIPS (delivery).

  • Help define the requirements for an Oracle Spatial management tool

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    What features would you like to have in a management tool for your spatial databases?
    The features we've got so far:
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    3. Exporting to shapefiles
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    We are adding editing of vectors in the next version - basic stuff for add, update and delete.
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    Any feedback either to myself or the forum is much appreciated.
    [email protected]
    PS If you like to have a look at what we have done so far, go to

    Andrew knows what I have asked for but for others to think about and to start
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    SELECT ...
    FROM my_spatial_table a
    WHERE a.ATTRIBUTE = :attr
    AND MDSYS.SDO_RELATE(a.shape,:polygon,'mask=anyinteract') = 'TRUE'
    When executed the attribute value is asked for via a input box (data type?)
    and the user is asked to define the SDO_GEOMETRY for the :polgygon parameter via mouse clicks on the screen.
    Similarly, this would work for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE...
    INSERT INTO my_spatial_table (shape) values(:polygon)
    The data type of an attribute parameter could be determined in two ways:
    a) By querying the Oracle catalog;
    b) By using a "PARAMETERS" command before the query as follows
    PARAMETERS name type [(size)] [, name type [(size)] ...]
    The PARAMETERS declaration has these parts:
    name     The name of the parameter.
    type     The type of the parameter.
    size     The size of the parameter in characters or bytes.
    2. When executing an SQL SELECT statement I would like the tool
    to suggest the HINTS that are needed to improve performance.
    3. Following on from 2, I would like to Tick an option that would return the
    EXPLAIN PLAN that the query optimizer used when executing my query.
    4. The tool has to support ALL Oracle's spatial vector data types.
    5. It would be nice to be able to work with GeoRasters. Since Spatial Console
    imports/exports shapefiles why not the same for rasters. However, the problem
    with supporting foreign data formats is WHERE DO YOU STOP!!!!!
    6. You could allow for the styling of the Spatial Console to be stored in the MapViewer catalogs or use the MapViewer catalogs when styling an Sdo_Geometry if it exists (I note that your tool extracts the SDO_METADATA
    why not the MapViewer metadata as well)?

  • I get the errer message "There is a problem with this windows installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run."

    I have Wondows Vista... I tried to upgrade to Itunes 10.5, and received an error orginially stating that I was trying to install a version older than the one I had.  I uninstalled all of itunes, and now I'm getting the error  message "there is a problem with this windows installer package.  Aprogram required for this install to complete could not be run.
    Help!  I have an IPhone, and I would like to get my Itunes upgraded so I can download the new Iphone software...

    I have been in touch with Apple support in reference to my problem. We went through every solution available, and found no fix. The tech then suggested I contact Microsoft concerning this issue. I thought that suggestion was just to get me pointed somewhere but Apple. Boy was I wrong!! I contacted Microsoft, and was directed to a free download called Microsoft Fix. This program fixed something in the regisitor, and wala everything was fixed!! I now have I-Cloud and I-Tunes loaded and working well. So, if you can't install Apple Software and are running Window 7 you might give Microsoft Fix a try, it fixed my problem.....

  • I'm trying to update iTunes to 10.5.2 and I get the message that "a program required for this install to complete could not be run".  I've tried all of the steps to try to resolve this (I have a PC) but nothing works.  Help please!

    I'm trying to update iTunes to 10.5.2.  I have a Windows 7 64-bit Dell laptop, and when I try to update it, I get the message "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package.  A program required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor." 
    I went to the troubleshooting page and did all of the steps they listed:  uninstalled iTunes, deleted by Temp files, even disabled AVG while I downloaded again and tried to install.  I still get the same message.  If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it!

    You must have gone to the old microsoft post.
    Here is the link:

  • I am trying to upload itunes 10.5, but get a message "There is a problem with this Window Installer Pkg. A program required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personnel or package vendor".  What is it I need to do?

    I am trying to install itunes 10.5, but during the download I get the following message, "There is a problem with this Window Installer Package.  A program required for this install to complete could not be run.  Contact your support personanal or package vendor."  If this is my personal computer and was able to upgrade to the previous version (pre 10.5), why not now?  What is my "package vendor"? And what is it I need to do to fix this?  The message is unclear.  Unfortunately, I deleted my itunes program, thinking that in doing so, 10.5 would finally load.  Now I have no itunes on my computer and unable to sync my iphone.  Help!
    Thanks - Rick

    Hi Rick,
    by "repair" I mean I went to the control panel, option - programs and features, and in the list of all my installed programs I selected "Apple Software Update". On top of the screen you find the options Uinstall, Change and Repair. I clicked the repair button and that did the trick. After the repair I could uninstall the program. I also uninstalled iTunes, Apple Application Support, Apple Mobile Device Support en Bonjour, thus all Apple programs. Then I installed iTunes 10.5 again and everything went fine.

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