Requirement of DMS-Architecture

Dear Experts,
Kindly provide me the DMS-Architecture ASAP.

What do you expect from DMS architecture.
DMS is a R/3 component.
Documents either stored on separate content server or SAP Database . document can be accessed through Web, SAP R/3 Gui , SAP Portal.
sap prefer to use separate content server for Doc storage
DMS Content server----DMS R/3 Component- --exchange of document through Web, SAP R/3 Gui
i hope it wil help you..

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    Create a custom global condition called "OS Architecture x64" and use it as an existential rule.  You are either x64 or are not x64 (implying x86... you'll be on the next version of ConfigMgr when 128-bit Windows comes out...).
    For the rule, use a WQL query to look at the architecture of the OS.
    OSArchitecture = '64-bit'
    I hope that helps!
    Nash Pherson, Senior Systems Consultant
    Now Micro -
    My Blog Posts
    If you found a bug or want the product to work differently,
    share your feedback.
    <-- If this post was helpful, please click the up arrow or propose as answer.
    See that's why I posted here. I knew somebody out there had to have come up with a good solution for this and I have to say Nash this is indeed very clever and now that you spelled it out for me also a total no-brainer. Either it is 64-Bit or it isn't!
    That's really all I need to know for my deployment. I was working on two conditions (a 32-Bit and a 64-bit) when (really) all I needed was one. Very very slick. I love it man, thanks for sharing!

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    SAP DMS can found under( SAP GUI)
    SAP ERP(customization) Central Component >> Cross-Application Components >> Document Management"
    And in SAP menu(user):
    Logistic-> Central functions->Document management system->Document
    Contentserver installation is depending on user requirement.
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    Seema Pilankar

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    Since you have bought license for OpenText, you can refer all the installation material on OpenTexT Knowledgecenter.
    Please select relevant installation guide. Download appropriate software from OpenText site based on your requirement.
    1) Installing the Enterprise library services (or part of services such Archiving and Storage services etc) or
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    Create a custom global condition called "OS Architecture x64" and use it as an existential rule.  You are either x64 or are not x64 (implying x86... you'll be on the next version of ConfigMgr when 128-bit Windows comes out...).
    For the rule, use a WQL query to look at the architecture of the OS.
    OSArchitecture = '64-bit'
    I hope that helps!
    Nash Pherson, Senior Systems Consultant
    Now Micro -
    My Blog Posts
    If you found a bug or want the product to work differently,
    share your feedback.
    <-- If this post was helpful, please click the up arrow or propose as answer.
    See that's why I posted here. I knew somebody out there had to have come up with a good solution for this and I have to say Nash this is indeed very clever and now that you spelled it out for me also a total no-brainer. Either it is 64-Bit or it isn't!
    That's really all I need to know for my deployment. I was working on two conditions (a 32-Bit and a 64-bit) when (really) all I needed was one. Very very slick. I love it man, thanks for sharing!

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    Hi Khan,
    maybe the information in the SAP online help could be useful under
    Best regards,

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    1. I think u could use services for objects is the best way to fulfil requirement.
    note: a. If u want to use ESSR as business document. u need to go for Archive linking and store document as business
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    Hi Jayesh
    This looks a clear issue of authorizations
    when the user gets this error just type /nsu53 transaction code and you will get what authorization is missing to him,just add that and it will be fine
    Also refer to
    This contains in detail what are the authorization required for DMS and also contains the full configuration of DMS

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    Hi Srinath,
    Please check the user exit : EXIT_SAPLSUSF_001.

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    Aryeh Goretsky
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    S230u (3347-4HU) • X220 (4286-CTO) • W510 (4318-CTO) • W530 (2441-4R3) • X100e (3508-CTO) • X120e (0596-CTO) • T61p (6459-CTO) • T43p (2678-H7U) • T42 (2378-R4U) • T23 (2648-LU7)
      Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español Русскоязычное Сообщество

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    I'm not sure on the XML parser requirement of DMS, but it sounds likely. You might want to try the app server or database forum for more generic info on DMS.
    If you are only seeing the TopLink session login time in the metrics then it is probably caused by the level being the default. At the default NORMAL level TopLink does not register any metrics. You need to set the DMS level to HEAVY or ALL for more metrics.
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    java -Doracle.dms.sensors=HEAVY ...
    java -Doracle.dms.sensors=ALL ...

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    I want to provide a DMS link in the main screen of inccident/ Accident log transcation code CBIH82. How I can do this?
    Edited by: V M on Sep 3, 2010 7:00 AM

    Hello VM,
    With ECC 6.0 ENHP 3, by activating business function set: u201COPS_EHS_CI_1u201D in tcode SFW5 ( SPRO-> Activate business functions), there is a tab page Documents created in CBIH82. You can directly assign document in this tab page which will create a DIR in the back ground. For this there are certain IMG activities required from DMS and EHS side.

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