Reset openhub request

We are using Open Hub Destinations via DTP to pass information from BW.
With Open Hub , is there any option to reset a request that has already been processed ( Info Spokes have option of reset in the monitor )
We are on BW 701 SP7 ( KW 70107 ).

Could not find any out of the box functionality, but we can change the status using table entries.
Table RSBKREQUEST - DTP Request status  has fields USTATE & TSTATE. We can input the request id and change the status of these two fields to 2 ( process complete ) and we can continue to next request.

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    How can I fix this.

    Sure, my BaseBean here provides a mechanism to guarantee that my init
    method is called once all properties are set.
    public class SolicitudCreditoBean extends BaseBean implements Serializable{
         private SolicitudCredito solicitudCredito;
        private String llave;
        private Integer llaveEmpresa;
        private Integer numeroSolicitud;
        private Date fechaSolicitud;
        private Date fechaRadicacion;
        private BigDecimal valor;
        private Integer numeroPlazo;
        private String tipoGarantia;
        private String observacion;
        private String estado;
        private Integer periodoGracia;
        private Integer periodoMuerto;
        private String origenCuotaAdicional;
        private oficina;
        private moneda;
        private programa;
        private convenio;
        private lineaCredito;
        private ubicacionPai;
        private modalidadCredito;
        private destinoCredito;
        private sectorEmpresa;
        private asesorCredito;
        private plazoSolicitud;
        private etnia;
         private List convenios;     
         private List programas;     
         private List lineasCredito;     
         private List monedas;     
         private List plazosPago;     
         private List asesores;     
         private List destinosCredito;     
         private List sectoresEmpresas;     
         private List oficinas;     
         private List modalidadesCredito;     
         private List tiposGarantia;     
         private List ciudades;     
         private List etnias;
         private String oficinaPK;
        private String monedaPK;
        private String programaPK;
        private String convenioPK;
        private String lineaCreditoPK;
        private String ubicacionPaiPK;
        private String modalidadCreditoPK;
        private String destinoCreditoPK;
        private String sectorEmpresaPK;
        private String asesorCreditoPK;
        private String plazoSolicitudPK;
        private String etniaPK;
        public SolicitudCreditoBean() {
             System.out.println(" ==>> SolicitudCreditoBean().....");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see
         protected void init() {
            try {
                 System.out.println(" ==>> init() - SolicitudCreditoBean......");
                 this.valor = new BigDecimal("0");
                this.convenios = ListadosSofia.getSelectListConvenios(
                this.programas = ListadosSofia.getSelectListProgramas(
                this.lineasCredito = ListadosSofia.getSelectListLineasCredito(
                this.monedas = ListadosSofia.getSelectListMonedas(
                this.plazosPago = ListadosSofia.getSelectListPlazosSolicitud(this.getServiceLocator().getServicioConsultasSofia().obtenerePlazosSolicitudActivos());
                this.asesores = ListadosSofia.getSelectListAsesores(
                this.destinosCredito = ListadosSofia.getSelectListDestinosCredito(
                this.sectoresEmpresas = ListadosSofia.getSelectListSectoresEmpresa(
                this.oficinas = ListadosSofia.getSelectItemsOficinas(
                this.modalidadesCredito = ListadosSofia.getSelectListModalidades(
                this.tiposGarantia = ListadosSofia.getTiposGarantia();
                this.ciudades = ListadosSofia.getSelectItemsUbicacionesPais(
                          this.getServiceLocator().getServicioConsultasSofia().obtenerUbicacionPaisActivasPorNivel(new Integer(1)));
                this.etnias = ListadosSofia.getSelectItemsEtnias(
            } catch (SofiaExcepcion e) {             
                String msg = "Error inicializando el bean de Solicitud Credito";
                throw new FacesException(msg, e);
         public String registrarSolicitud(){
              System.out.println("[SolicitudCreditoBean] ==>> valor: "+this.valor);
              SolicitudCredito solicitudCredito = SolicitudCreditoBuilder.createSolicitudCredito(this);
            try {
                return "SUCCESS";
            } catch (ObjetoSofiaNoUnico e) {
                FacesUtils.addErrorMessage("Esta solicitud ya existe, por favor intentelo de nuevo");
                //FIXME: OJO
                return "RETRY";
            } catch (SofiaExcepcion e) {
                return "ERROR";
         public String next(){
            try {
                 solicitudCredito = SolicitudCreditoBuilder.createSolicitudCredito(this);
                if(tipoGarantia.equals(SolicitudCreditoCons.GARANTIA_REAL) || tipoGarantia.equals(SolicitudCreditoCons.MIXTA)){
                     return NavigationResult.GARANTIAS;
                return NavigationResult.SOLICITANTE;
            } catch (ObjetoSofiaNoUnico e) {
                FacesUtils.addErrorMessage("Esta solicitud ya existe, por favor intentelo de nuevo");
                //FIXME: OJO
                return "RETRY";
            } catch (SofiaExcepcion e) {
                return "ERROR";
          * @return Returns the asesorCredito.
         public getAsesorCredito() {
              return asesorCredito;
          * @param asesorCredito The asesorCredito to set.
         public void setAsesorCredito(
          asesorCredito) {
              this.asesorCredito = asesorCredito;
          * @return Returns the asesores.
         public List getAsesores() {
              return asesores;
          * @param asesores The asesores to set.
         public void setAsesores(List asesores) {
              this.asesores = asesores;
          * @return Returns the ciudades.
         public List getCiudades() {
              return ciudades;
          * @param ciudades The ciudades to set.
         public void setCiudades(List ciudades) {
              this.ciudades = ciudades;
          * @return Returns the convenio.
         public getConvenio() {
              return convenio;
          * @param convenio The convenio to set.
         public void setConvenio(
          convenio) {
              this.convenio = convenio;
          * @return Returns the convenios.
         public List getConvenios() {
              return convenios;
          * @param convenios The convenios to set.
         public void setConvenios(List convenios) {
              this.convenios = convenios;
          * @return Returns the destinoCredito.
         public getDestinoCredito() {
              return destinoCredito;
          * @param destinoCredito The destinoCredito to set.
         public void setDestinoCredito(
          destinoCredito) {
              this.destinoCredito = destinoCredito;
          * @return Returns the destinosCredito.
         public List getDestinosCredito() {
              return destinosCredito;
          * @param destinosCredito The destinosCredito to set.
         public void setDestinosCredito(List destinosCredito) {
              this.destinosCredito = destinosCredito;
          * @return Returns the estado.
         public String getEstado() {
              return estado;
          * @param estado The estado to set.
         public void setEstado(String estado) {
              this.estado = estado;
          * @return Returns the etnia.
         public getEtnia() {
              return etnia;
          * @param etnia The etnia to set.
         public void setEtnia( etnia) {
              this.etnia = etnia;
          * @return Returns the etnias.
         public List getEtnias() {
              return etnias;
          * @param etnias The etnias to set.
         public void setEtnias(List etnias) {
              this.etnias = etnias;
          * @return Returns the fechaRadicacion.
         public Date getFechaRadicacion() {
              return fechaRadicacion;
          * @param fechaRadicacion The fechaRadicacion to set.
         public void setFechaRadicacion(Date fechaRadicacion) {
              this.fechaRadicacion = fechaRadicacion;
          * @return Returns the fechaSolicitud.
         public Date getFechaSolicitud() {
              return fechaSolicitud;
          * @param fechaSolicitud The fechaSolicitud to set.
         public void setFechaSolicitud(Date fechaSolicitud) {
              this.fechaSolicitud = fechaSolicitud;
          * @return Returns the lineaCredito.
         public getLineaCredito() {
              return lineaCredito;
          * @param lineaCredito The lineaCredito to set.
         public void setLineaCredito(
          lineaCredito) {
              this.lineaCredito = lineaCredito;
          * @return Returns the lineasCredito.
         public List getLineasCredito() {
              return lineasCredito;
          * @param lineasCredito The lineasCredito to set.
         public void setLineasCredito(List lineasCredito) {
              this.lineasCredito = lineasCredito;
          * @return Returns the llave.
         public String getLlave() {
              return llave;
          * @param llave The llave to set.
         public void setLlave(String llave) {
              this.llave = llave;
          * @return Returns the llaveEmpresa.
         public Integer getLlaveEmpresa() {
              return llaveEmpresa;
          * @param llaveEmpresa The llaveEmpresa to set.
         public void setLlaveEmpresa(Integer llaveEmpresa) {
              this.llaveEmpresa = llaveEmpresa;
          * @return Returns the modalidadCredito.
         public getModalidadCredito() {
              return modalidadCredito;
          * @param modalidadCredito The modalidadCredito to set.
         public void setModalidadCredito(
          modalidadCredito) {
              this.modalidadCredito = modalidadCredito;
          * @return Returns the modalidadesCredito.
         public List getModalidadesCredito() {
              return modalidadesCredito;
          * @param modalidadesCredito The modalidadesCredito to set.
         public void setModalidadesCredito(List modalidadesCredito) {
              this.modalidadesCredito = modalidadesCredito;
          * @return Returns the moneda.
         public getMoneda() {
              return moneda;
          * @param moneda The moneda to set.
         public void setMoneda(
          moneda) {
              this.moneda = moneda;
          * @return Returns the monedas.
         public List getMonedas() {
              return monedas;
          * @param monedas The monedas to set.
         public void setMonedas(List monedas) {
              this.monedas = monedas;
          * @return Returns the numeroPlazo.
         public Integer getNumeroPlazo() {
              return numeroPlazo;
          * @param numeroPlazo The numeroPlazo to set.
         public void setNumeroPlazo(Integer numeroPlazo) {
              this.numeroPlazo = numeroPlazo;
          * @return Returns the numeroSolicitud.
         public Integer getNumeroSolicitud() {
              return numeroSolicitud;
          * @param numeroSolicitud The numeroSolicitud to set.
         public void setNumeroSolicitud(Integer numeroSolicitud) {
              this.numeroSolicitud = numeroSolicitud;
          * @return Returns the observacion.
         public String getObservacion() {
              return observacion;
          * @param observacion The observacion to set.
         public void setObservacion(String observacion) {
              this.observacion = observacion;
          * @return Returns the oficina.
         public getOficina() {
              return oficina;
          * @param oficina The oficina to set.
         public void setOficina(
          oficina) {
              this.oficina = oficina;
          * @return Returns the oficinas.
         public List getOficinas() {
              return oficinas;
          * @param oficinas The oficinas to set.
         public void setOficinas(List oficinas) {
              this.oficinas = oficinas;
          * @return Returns the origenCuotaAdicional.
         public String getOrigenCuotaAdicional() {
              return origenCuotaAdicional;
          * @param origenCuotaAdicional The origenCuotaAdicional to set.
         public void setOrigenCuotaAdicional(String origenCuotaAdicional) {
              this.origenCuotaAdicional = origenCuotaAdicional;
          * @return Returns the periodoGracia.
         public Integer getPeriodoGracia() {
              return periodoGracia;
          * @param periodoGracia The periodoGracia to set.
         public void setPeriodoGracia(Integer periodoGracia) {
              this.periodoGracia = periodoGracia;
          * @return Returns the periodoMuerto.
         public Integer getPeriodoMuerto() {
              return periodoMuerto;
          * @param periodoMuerto The periodoMuerto to set.
         public void setPeriodoMuerto(Integer periodoMuerto) {
              this.periodoMuerto = periodoMuerto;
          * @return Returns the plazoSolicitud.
         public getPlazoSolicitud() {
              return plazoSolicitud;
          * @param plazoSolicitud The plazoSolicitud to set.
         public void setPlazoSolicitud(
          plazoSolicitud) {
              this.plazoSolicitud = plazoSolicitud;
          * @return Returns the plazosPago.
         public List getPlazosPago() {
              return plazosPago;
          * @param plazosPago The plazosPago to set.
         public void setPlazosPago(List plazosPago) {
              this.plazosPago = plazosPago;
          * @return Returns the programa.
         public getPrograma() {
              return programa;
          * @param programa The programa to set.
         public void setPrograma(
          programa) {
              this.programa = programa;
          * @return Returns the programas.
         public List getProgramas() {
              return programas;
          * @param programas The programas to set.
         public void setProgramas(List programas) {
              this.programas = programas;
          * @return Returns the sectorEmpresa.
         public getSectorEmpresa() {
              return sectorEmpresa;
          * @param sectorEmpresa The sectorEmpresa to set.
         public void setSectorEmpresa(
          sectorEmpresa) {
              this.sectorEmpresa = sectorEmpresa;
          * @return Returns the sectoresEmpresas.
         public List getSectoresEmpresas() {
              return sectoresEmpresas;
          * @param sectoresEmpresas The sectoresEmpresas to set.
         public void setSectoresEmpresas(List sectoresEmpresas) {
              this.sectoresEmpresas = sectoresEmpresas;
          * @return Returns the tipoGarantia.
         public String getTipoGarantia() {
              return tipoGarantia;
          * @param tipoGarantia The tipoGarantia to set.
         public void setTipoGarantia(String tipoGarantia) {
              this.tipoGarantia = tipoGarantia;
          * @return Returns the tiposGarantia.
         public List getTiposGarantia() {
              return tiposGarantia;
          * @param tiposGarantia The tiposGarantia to set.
         public void setTiposGarantia(List tiposGarantia) {
              this.tiposGarantia = tiposGarantia;
          * @return Returns the ubicacionPai.
         public getUbicacionPai() {
              return ubicacionPai;
          * @param ubicacionPai The ubicacionPai to set.
         public void setUbicacionPai(
          ubicacionPai) {
              this.ubicacionPai = ubicacionPai;
          * @return Returns the valor.
         public BigDecimal getValor() {
              return valor;
          * @param valor The valor to set.
         public void setValor(BigDecimal valor) {
              this.valor = valor;
          * @return Returns the asesorCreditoPK.
         public String getAsesorCreditoPK() {
              return asesorCreditoPK;
          * @param asesorCreditoPK The asesorCreditoPK to set.
         public void setAsesorCreditoPK(String asesorCreditoPK) {
              this.asesorCreditoPK = asesorCreditoPK;
          * @return Returns the convenioPK.
         public String getConvenioPK() {
              return convenioPK;
          * @param convenioPK The convenioPK to set.
         public void setConvenioPK(String convenioPK) {
              this.convenioPK = convenioPK;
          * @return Returns the destinoCreditoPK.
         public String getDestinoCreditoPK() {
              return destinoCreditoPK;
          * @param destinoCreditoPK The destinoCreditoPK to set.
         public void setDestinoCreditoPK(String destinoCreditoPK) {
              this.destinoCreditoPK = destinoCreditoPK;
          * @return Returns the etniaPK.
         public String getEtniaPK() {
              return etniaPK;
          * @param etniaPK The etniaPK to set.
         public void setEtniaPK(String etniaPK) {
              this.etniaPK = etniaPK;
          * @return Returns the lineaCreditoPK.
         public String getLineaCreditoPK() {
              return lineaCreditoPK;
          * @param lineaCreditoPK The lineaCreditoPK to set.
         public void setLineaCreditoPK(String lineaCreditoPK) {
              this.lineaCreditoPK = lineaCreditoPK;
          * @return Returns the modalidadCreditoPK.
         public String getModalidadCreditoPK() {
              return modalidadCreditoPK;
          * @param modalidadCreditoPK The modalidadCreditoPK to set.
         public void setModalidadCreditoPK(String modalidadCreditoPK) {
              this.modalidadCreditoPK = modalidadCreditoPK;
          * @return Returns the monedaPK.
         public String getMonedaPK() {
              return monedaPK;
          * @param monedaPK The monedaPK to set.
         public void setMonedaPK(String monedaPK) {
              this.monedaPK = monedaPK;
          * @return Returns the oficinaPK.
         public String getOficinaPK() {
              return oficinaPK;
          * @param oficinaPK The oficinaPK to set.
         public void setOficinaPK(String oficinaPK) {
              System.out.println(" ==>> setOficinaPK(String oficinaPK): "+oficinaPK);
              this.oficinaPK = oficinaPK;
          * @return Returns the plazoSolicitudPK.
         public String getPlazoSolicitudPK() {
              return plazoSolicitudPK;
          * @param plazoSolicitudPK The plazoSolicitudPK to set.
         public void setPlazoSolicitudPK(String plazoSolicitudPK) {
              this.plazoSolicitudPK = plazoSolicitudPK;
          * @return Returns the programaPK.
         public String getProgramaPK() {
              return programaPK;
          * @param programaPK The programaPK to set.
         public void setProgramaPK(String programaPK) {
              this.programaPK = programaPK;
          * @return Returns the sectorEmpresaPK.
         public String getSectorEmpresaPK() {
              return sectorEmpresaPK;
          * @param sectorEmpresaPK The sectorEmpresaPK to set.
         public void setSectorEmpresaPK(String sectorEmpresaPK) {
              this.sectorEmpresaPK = sectorEmpresaPK;
          * @return Returns the ubicacionPaiPK.
         public String getUbicacionPaiPK() {
              return ubicacionPaiPK;
          * @param ubicacionPaiPK The ubicacionPaiPK to set.
         public void setUbicacionPaiPK(String ubicacionPaiPK) {
              this.ubicacionPaiPK = ubicacionPaiPK;


    apple please oh please make the reset utillity work on vista please,i cant see why you havent done this already,please many people would like this.

    Workaround for you: Find someone with a Windows Xp machine and doenload and run the Reset Utility there on your shuffle (WARNING: latest Shuffle Reset Utility for Windows now has fimware 1.0.3...)

  • Reset password request ever 2-3 weeks

    How do I stop icloud from asking me to reset my password every 2 weeks?

    Set Your Passwords Preferences
    Open up your Safari Web browser and choose 'Preferences' from the Safari pull down menu.
    Click on the heading 'AutoFill.'
    Click on the box next to 'User Names and Passwords.'
    Close the 'Preferences' window.Save Your Passwords
    Go to a Web page that requires a password and enter in your chosen password. Safari will then ask if you would like to save this password.
    Click on the button 'Yes' in order to save the password.
    Complete steps 1 and 2 for any other passwords that you want Safari to remember.Manage Your Passwords
    Go to the 'AutoFill' section in the Safari Preferences window.
    Click on the 'Edit' button to the right of where it says 'User Names and Passwords.' This will bring up a window displaying all of the passwords and usernames that you have authorized Safari to save.
    Click on a password listing and push the 'Remove' button in order to delete the password from Safari's memory.
    Choose 'Remove All' in order to delete all of the saved passwords.
    Manage your passwords as you see fit.
    I'm guessing it is Safari you are using.

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    You have to talk to your e-mail provider for this.

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    Either this is a serious defect with the Windows Store-provided update for Windows 8.1 or Microsoft has done this intentionally but doing an update to Windows 8.1 from the Windows Store-provided service nukes your ability to use System Reset/Refresh.
    It claims files are missing which means that the update erased the necessary reset files from the HDD but didn't replace them during the update with Windows 8.1 compatible equivalents.
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    key. None of this would have been a problem if I could just perform the System Reset in place on Windows 8.1 and reset it back to a neutral, clean Windows 8.1 installation.
    I've since managed to find a way to do the install the way I needed to but can someone please give me some clarity on this subject so I don't have to go through all this again (as I've got two other computers that run a Windows Store-updated Windows 8.1
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    C:\Program Files (x86)\NeoSmart Technologies\EasyBCD\bin>net start sppsvc
    The Software Protection service is starting.
    The Software Protection service could not be started.
    A system error has occurred.
    System error 5 has occurred.
    Access is denied.
    This is the error from running net start sppsvc in an elevated command prompt.  Software Protection Service (sppsvc.exe) is getting an "access denied" error and code 0xC0000022.  Ok, let me break it down for you...  And this is with a fully
    legit VL key that works on several PC in our school that are
    First, you perform a System Refresh for what ever reason.  After the Refresh, within a few minutes get the Windows version watermark in the lower left corner of your desktop that shows the windows version and build.  Then after that
    you get another watermark above the first watermark that says you need to activate by going to **Change PC Settings***.  From there you are on the activation screen and its state with out doing anything...**Activation Error Description Not Found.** 
    When you click "Activate Now" nothing happens.  You briefly see "checking this key" and then nothing.
    This is where the above mentioned Software Protection service  is failing. <---  Needs to be fixed.
    Now at this point I cannot attempt to do an online activation because the sppsvc.exe is producing the 0xC0000022 error
    I cannot do a phone activation because there is no installation ID...all the boxes are blank...because the sppsvc.exe is producing the 0xC0000022 error.
    Oh, and I cannot re-type my product key got it...because the sppsvc.exe is producing the 0xC0000022 error.....
    The Software Protection service runs when I activate my PCs that are getting a "Clean" installs, Just to test the theory I did a refresh install on the "clean" installed pc and **VOILA** SAME ERROR....
    Let me clarify that one of the PCs has a dual partition and a complete re-install of the OS will mean some extensive work fixing the bootloader as well.  I have 150 PCs to refresh and this is what happened on the first one, then the 2nd.  I am
    running these on a TechNet VL and have never had these issues in the last 3 years.
    Listen to these people. ALL are having the same issue.  There has to be a process to fix it.  As difficult as it may seem, some of us don't mind spending a few extra minutes running administrative tasks to fix this instead of re-installing. 
    That's the novice way to fix the issues and the most painstaking for those of us who work 12-to 14 hrs a day and don't have the time.  We need this fixed.  PLEASE PLEASE
    Pretty please.  Please take the time to take ownership of this issue and pioneer a real fix for the hundreds maybe thousands that are having or have had (broke down and did a "clean" install) this EXACT issue.  Thank you so much for your help!!!!!

  • How do I create a "Reset Password Link" using apex for OracleExpress 10g?

    I'd like to add a "Reset Password" link to my application, but am not sure how to implement this.
    I see there is htmldb_util.reset_pw procedure, but this can only be called if the current user has admin privs. Clearly, an end user will not be able to logon as the administrator in order to reset their password!
    I tried preceding the call to htmldb_util.reset_pw with a call to htmldm_custom_auth.set_user, and whilst the page showed the name of the admin user when it displayed, the call to htmldb_util.reset_pw still raised the exception that the current user must have admin privs.
    Can anyone help please? Thanks Pete
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    You can either "play" with permissions for each user or you collect the reset password requests into a table and use DBMS_SCHEDULER to run the reset procedure every few minutes - this of course makes only sense, if said reset procedure can be used on different users from one account.
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  • Resetting Dyna form fields

    I am developing a Web Application using Struts. I have a JSP form which is a Dyna Form, the scope of this form is "session". The form has few input text fields. When i Submit the form, the associated action creates the record in database. Then the action is forwarded to the same jsp page.
    In the action I used dynaform.reset(mapping, request) method after submitting but still the form displays the values.
    Do I have to explicity clear each form field in the action class. Or is there any better way of resetting the fields of this form.
    Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    I faced similar problems, my solution was to use a specialised DynaACtionForm
    public class DynaActionResetForm extends DynaActionForm
      public void doReset( ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest )
    }Call doReset when you otherwise would call reset()

  • Set post parameter to request

    i want set a parameter to my request, e.g. a message.
    This paramter must be represented in the request as a post-paramter, e.g. like a simple form with post-methode would do it.
    Ho can i implement that in my Servlet?
    Thanks Daniel :-)

    Hi dniklas,
    Use request.setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object o)Stores an attribute in this request. Attributes are reset between requests. This method is most often used in conjunction with RequestDispatcher.
    Sanath Kumar

  • WRT54G not working with cable internet access - request for help

    Good evening!
    At least that's the time when I write this.
    I have a PC running Vista 64-bit version. 
    Until yesterday, I was connected to the internet using my WRT54G and a cable modem. There was a power outage (or blackout) and I lost my internet connection. I was not home when this happened. I got home and found the circuit breaker off. Since then, I can not access the internet anymore when I use the router. 
    If I connect the computer to the cable model directly, I can access the internet without a problem (hence I'm able to post this). 
    If I connect the computer to port 1 in the router, and connect the cable modem to the internet port in the router, I am not able to connect to the internet. 
    I have already:
     - updated the firmware to the latest version (it was already installed)
     - reset the router pressing the "reset" button for 30 seconds, unplugging it, and reconnecting power still pressing the "reset" button for 30 seconds. 
     - power cycled the devices
     - tested 3 differnet patch cables that I know are good and they work
     - reset the modem via a soft-reset remote request sent from the cable operator
    None of these options have helped me restore my router's connection to the internet.
    I know the router is working because I can print using my wireless printer and I can see my shared drives in the other PC I have connected to it,  but none of them are able to connect to the internet!
    Does anyone have any additional ideas on how I can fix this, before I go out and buy a new router?
    Thanks in advance!

    As you have mentioned in your previous post, that you have resetted your router and you are still able to Print from your Wireless Printer, I Feel that your Router is not getting Resetted properly, whenever you reset your router your router goes to Factory default mode, and it will change the wireless network name to "linksys" and your Network will be unsecured. Press and hold the reset button for 60 seconds...Release the reset button...Unplug the power cable from your router, wait for 60 seconds and re-connect the power cable.
    Once you reconnect the power to the Linksys router, On your computer Open IE and in the address bar type ( and hit enter, when prompted for username and password, Leave the username blank and in password type "admin" and click Ok. Below the Setup tab you will find MTU, So change it to "Manual" and change the size from 1500 to 1365 and Click on Save Settings. Then Below the Setup Tab you will find the Sub tab "MAC address Clone" click on it and "Enable" and click on "Clone your PC's MAC" and click on Save Settings. Now you can Unplug the Power from Router and Unplug the Power for Modem. Wait for 30 seconds, and 1st connect the Power to your Modem and wait till all the lights goes Stable then you can connect the power to Linksys router and once all the lights are sold. On your computer Open IE and check if you are Online. 

  • HT1911 Email reset does not work for Apple ID

    I am not receiving email reset when requesting help for Apple ID reset.

    Put in a request for another verification e-mail to be sent to you.
    Start here, change your country if necessary and go to manage your account
    Also check your Mail rules and filtering, the verification mail may be going to a junk folder or even being deleted altogether.

  • Change Request - Standard Request

    Hi All,
    I was just exploring the options available for Change Requests and came accress the Set Standard Request and Reset Standard Request.
    Even though I tried it out, I was not able to understand the use and functionality of the same. Can anyone explain as what this option does?
    once u set a request as a standard request, the request selection dialog does not appear when u save ur objects...
    the reset option just undoes this setting...

  • Package state reset

    It appears to me that APEX (3.2) performs package state reset during request processing. Is this Bug, Intended behavior or I am just missing something ?
    Is it possible to turn it off ?

    Thanks for answers.
    Unfortunately I have a situation when business logic in DB keeps its own state (APEX is a front end), so another question - are there any "hooks" available, which I can use to save/restore state at the correct moments of processing.
    Also is question as to where store session data (and I cannot exactly use APEX variables for this, since it is expected that there will be front-end components in other language(s) as well).
    Also some notes:
    - Oracle session itself actually does not change, there appears implicit reset to be done (probably dbms_session.modify_package_state, which is mentioned in one of the links above)
    - I somehow expected that stateless HTTP session mapping to correct DB session is performed by APEX (apparently I assumed wrong)

  • Firefox sync stopped working for me after I reset the password for the Sync account,it's like all my bookmarks disappeared

    I reinstalled my OS,and after resetting my sync password it seems that all my bookmarks,logins etc. are gone from my sync account.What use to take seconds (for my bookmarks to appear in my bookmarks tab) isn't working now after several hours of wait.Is there a way to get the data back, and now I didn't have another device paired :(

    You should never reset the recovery key.<br />
    Doing that will remove (reset) all data on the sync server because that key is used to encrypt the data locally before uploading it to the Sync server.<br />
    Resetting or requesting a new password for your sync account shouldn't affect the data that is stored on the sync server, but resetting the sync key will.<br />
    You should always backup your sync key to prevent such issues.

  • When booting up MacBook I get a reset password screen

    My Macbook pro would not wake from sleep. I shut it down and then tried to restart. I get a Reset password request I can not get out of this. If I reset the password and restart the Macbook it just eventually comes back to this screen.

    At this point not much. See OS X Mountain Lion- If you see a blue screen at startup.
    If the disk is so full the computer cannot boot, then all you can do is remove the drive and replace it or erase it and reinstall OS X.
    If you can restart the computer:
    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
      1. See Lion/Mountain Lion's Storage Display.
      2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
      3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
      4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
      5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
      6. See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.
    Try using OmniDiskSweeper 1.8 or GrandPerspective to search your drive for large files and where they are located.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can't get movies I already rented on apple tv to download or show on my ipad

    I rented a movie form iTunes it's taking forever to download to my apple tv so I tried downloading it to my iPad instead but apple is asking me to rent the movie again. Is there a way to watch movies I rented on any apple device ?

  • Slideshow running backwards

    slideshow running backwards

  • My website has changed without my knowledge

    I'm new to support communities and submitted a question without the proper information, so here goes again.  My website is  All of a sudden, it looks like a blog with extraneous material inserted and a download button, none of which I

  • Performance Update 1.0 Problem?

    Since performance update 1.0, my macbook pro (15.4" Mid 2009 3.06 Ghz, 500Gb), has been experiencing stalls more frequently than before, and recently just crashed. I checked the Terminal as I had a software build running only to discover that none of

  • Lost my wiki's (web services)...

    Oh man, oh man, I have done it now. I did this: $ cd /etc/apache2 $ sudo mv httpd.conf.default httpd.conf $ sudo apachectl graceful I was doing this because someone had suggested doing it in order to fix a problem with a greyed out edit... button for