Resource reservation

I have an Oracle 10g instance running in a machine that has 4 processors. Does anyone know if there is a way that I can configure Oracle in order that a specified database user will only use up to 2 processors?

1) You cannot (or at least should not) change CPU_COUNT.
2) Setting CPU_COUNT does not necessarily restrict a database to using a certain number of CPUs, only the operating system can do that. If the goal is to limit the number of CPUs to save on Oracle licensing costs, be aware that software partitioning does not generally suffice for this.
3) The original poster seemed to be interested in restricting the CPU available to a particular user, not to a particular database. Given that, the original suggestion of using Resource Manager seems most appropriate.

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    On a new SharePoint site, I created a calendar and imported a large number of events from an Excel spreadsheet. So far so good - all the events showed up on the calendar:
    We then decided that we wanted to make use of the new "resource reservation" feature, so I enabled it for the calendar by following the steps in this article:
    However, after doing this, all of the events in the calendar disappear from calendar view:
    The events show up in the All Items list view, but I cannot figure out how to get them to appear on the calendar.
    Is there a step I am missing, or something else that needs to be done to get this to work?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi.  I don't know if you found an answer yet, but I had a similar issue. I stumbled upon a way to fix this and thought I'd post it in case it helps. It is STRANGE solution (but hey, it's Sharepoint so that shouldn't shock you.)
    PROBLEM: My problem is similar, not related to resources, but related to "Attendees". When I change the "General Settings" -"Group Calendar Options" - to
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    but you'll still be able to use it to schedule people/resources.) 
    Verify - You should STILL see the "Schedule" content type.
    While still in
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    -- Check that all the fields you want are part of the SCHEDULE Content Type. (In the Columns - "Used In".) If your needed columns are not Used In "Schedule" add those columns to the "Schedule" content type so you don't lose data.)
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    Hope this helps.
    This work for me, thanks Mark!

  • Input & output simultaneously: resource reserved?

    I am acquiring analog data, then trying to output a DC voltage of 5V at a specific time. I get the error that the resource is reserved. I'm guessing the DAC can't be used to input and output on the same device at the same time?
    Below is a picture of my program. Everything is in a while loop. Once I hit two peaks detected (provided they're time apart is greater than 250ms but less than 5000ms), the output voltage should fire. However, I get the error.
    Any tips on what I'm missing? Thanks a lot.

    Hi Ktread
    Thank you for using our discussion forums.
    It is possible to configure one input task and one output task at the same time, as they each have independent timing.  You are getting the described error because you are using both the new DAQmx driver for your acquisition, and the Traditional DAQ driver for you generation on the same device.  This is not possible.  The easiest way to solve this issue is to replace the generation VI that you are using to update the output with either a DAQ assistant such as the one you are using for your acquisition, or replace it with DAQmx code.  There are helpful example programs that you can use in our example finder.  They can be found at Help>>Find examples, and then from the Example Finder browse to Hardware Input and  Output>>DAQmx, and choose the desired example. 
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

  • Error Code -50103 "Resources reserved".

    Hello all,
    Morning!  I have connected my SCXI-1100 to 1308 terminal blocks and trying to acquire readings using the DAQmx Create Channel vi.  I have channels ai0:12 connected to one DAQmx Create Chan vi and channels ai13:22 connected to a second DAQmx Create Chan vi.  I'm running these both vi's in the same WHILE loop.  And this is when the error -50103 props up saying "Resources are reserved".  How can I overcome this?
    Many thanks for your input. 

    Hello this example does not do the job because of the bugging error?
    Berns B.
    Bernardino Jerez Buenaobra
    Senior Test and Systems Development Engineer
    Test and Systems Development Group
    Integrated Microelectronics Inc.- Philippines
    Fax/Data: +632772-4944
    email: [email protected]
    PID Control-Multi ‏160 KB

  • SignaExpress Resource Reserved

    I am using a cDAQ system with a NI 9205 and NI 9221 modules and SignalExpress 2.0.
    I need to capture about 9 millisecond period of at 100k Hz. on two channels of the 9205 followed by VDC on 28 other channels of the 9205 and 2 from the 9211 modules at 10 Hz. The problem is when I setup two differnt acquire steps in SignallExpress I get the "resource is reserved" error which I understand it is because the cDAQ is one resource and the first step has not released it for the second step to run. I have tried changing the pre and post delay timings but nothing seems to correct this. How do I get the resource released between steps and get the whole process to repeat once every 5 seconds?

    There is currently no way for multiple steps to use the same device short of using more than one project.  Your only solution would be to acquire all of the channels at the 100k rate in a single step.  And then use the Subset and Resample step to reample the 30 channels to 10 Hz.  If you configure the acquisition to run in N Sample mode with 500k samples you will get you want want, but there will be a lot of data.

  • Resource Reservation software?

    We are a school in need of a new way for staff to reserve resources such as iPads/iPods/laptops/computer labs.
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    Most schools I know of that do a significant amount of resource tracking and scheduling are using WebCheckout:
    but it's not cheap. A yearly license starts about $3500.00 US. For just room scheduling EMS Lite might be a possibility:
    but I don't believe it can handle equipment checkout. We went round and round looking for an affordable solution for equipment reservation and tracking and never really found anything that fully met our needs and settled on Redbeam Check-In/Check-out just to handle our equipment checkout.
    It won't really do reservations, though, and can't do room scheduling. It's also not web based and so must be run from Windows systems.
    You could perhaps look into the open-source MERCI module for Drupal:
    It might perhaps work for you, though it isn't particular simple to set up and not terribly well documented.

  • Avoiding Resource Reserved Error -50103 when using Independent Outputs

    Hi all,
    I'm currently working on a VI for performing Auger spectroscopy.  Part of the program acts as a lock-in amplifier for focusing on the the amplitude of an input waveform at a specified reference frequency and another part should act as a kind of sweep generator.  In the main execution loop of the program, I first want to set the sweep control, wait for an appropriate amount of "settling time," and then read the input waveform and perform the lock-in analysis.  At the beginning of each loop iteration, the sweep control should be incremented by a small amount.  I was able to complete a VI which performed all of these tasks successfully (with the help of a few topics I found here on the forums).
    Up to that point, I had been using an external function generator to create the reference waveform, which would be read in to the program so that its frequency could be measured for the lock-in section of the VI.  In an effort to conserve ADC resources for the primary input channel, I decided to try generating the reference with the second DAC on the NI PCI-6221 that I'm using.  After creating a second output task to which I assigned the other physical output channel, I set up a waveform buffer for generating the desired sine wave, and then I promptly started running into these pesky resource errors.  I understand now that setting up the outputs in this manner will not work since the first output task created will dominate all of the resources of the DAQ; the best solution to the problem I came across on the forums was to come up with a scheme of condensing the two outputs into a single task.
    The trouble with this approach is that my two outputs have very different requirements.  There is the reference signal, which should be written continuously for the duration of the VI's operation (i.e. as soon as the user specifies a frequency, this output should begin acting just like a function generator).  And then there is the sweep control, which should be re-written for every execution of the main loop with gradually increasing DC values.
    Is there any way that I can configure the output task so that I can treat these two channels as if they were independent?  At this point, it is starting to seem like my best bet might be keeping the reference signal as an external input, even though this would mean sacrificing a great deal of my ADC capabilities.
    P.S. - I am not including a copy of my VI since the block diagram is cluttered with the input methods (which work just fine).  My problem can essentially be reduced to that of generating a DC signal that increments with each iteration of a loop while simultaneously generating an unbroken sine wave.

    Let the analog generation rate and the number of samples per generation set your loop timing.  Don't add any additional wait functions.  Doing so will goof up your analog generation.
    The way the code in the picture is set up, the loop will iterate every second.  This is because I set the clock sample rate to 1kHz, and set the waveform generation number of samples to 1000.  It takes 1 second to generate 1000 samples, therefore that's the amount of time it will take the loop to execute.  Because the generation is performed in hardware, the analog generation is still continuous.
    If you want your loop to take longer to execute, adjust those numbers.  For instance, when you generate your waveform, if you set the number of samples to 2000 and leave everything else the same, the loop will take 2 seconds to execute.  If you were to set the number of samples to 500 and leave everything else the same, the loop would iterate every 0.5 seconds.
    Does that make sense?
    Also, be more specific than "the program stops working right".  That tells me absolutely nothing.  What, specifically, no longer works correctly?
    I've attached an example, which is basically the same thing I showed earlier, except that I've added some code that calculates the loop iteration time, so you can see for yourself how changing the number of samples in your waveform affects your loop speed.
    One other thing to keep in mind that's very important:  if you have other code in your loop which takes longer to run than your analog generation, you are going to run into problems with your analog generation.  The loop won't iterate until everything inside it has finished executing.  If your analog generation takes 1 second, but you have another subVI which takes 2 seconds to execute, your loop will take 2 seconds to execute, leading to analog generation buffering errors.
    You only want a single timing source in your loop.  When you're doing hardware-timed analog generation or acquisition, that should be your timing source.  Does that make sense?  From your original description, it sounds like you might want to consider a different architecture, something more like a producer/consumer.  If your analog generation needs to be continuous, you probably want it in a separate loop.  You can use queues and notifiers to communicate between loops.
    analog out ‏33 KB

  • Resource reservation times get automatically shorter every day

    Two conference rooms have weird behavior. Every morning 0815 all reservations for the current day and for yesterday get shorten to 15 minutes. This behavior is only true if the meeting reservation is before 1700 and if reservation is made trough
    users own calendar (Scheduling assistant). If direct booking is used the reservation times do not get changed.
    Disabling direct booking does not help.
    I've tested that this behavior occurs for reservation made with Outlook 2010/2013 and OWA.
    There are no scheduled tasks running at the Exchange servers that cause this.
    I cannot see any difference when looking at conference room that is functionin correctly and comparing it to a conference room with this weird behavior.
    Exchange version: 2010

    All the settings seem to be the same for all the rooms. I noticed though that Time Zone is set to Pacific standard time when FLE Standard time would be correct. Pacific time is -10 hours from our time zone.
    So if working hours are set to: 0800-2000, it really means: 2200-0600? It still would not explain why reservations after 1700 are not affected.
    I did check that the Time scale was 30 minutes in Outlook when viewing Room calendars.
    I'll double check what are the exact start/end -times for meeting requests that do get affected by this weird behavior.
    The changes happen 0815 so I'll have to wait the results until tomorrow.

  • TMS reserves current CTC's (Conductor's) resources for future conferences

    Hi All,
    Can anybody confirm the way CTC works with TMS concerning resource reservation and control? Also there are some questions long to be answered...
    From my experience, after creating a conference TMS is communicating it to CTC.  CTC checks for resources (log messages: "device.query"; "participant.enumerate") and reserves them (for a period of whole time: since creation time till the conference ends). That reservation period comes from problems we have with scheduling next conferences (not from any system logs or statistics).
    Is it possible to check the reserved resources on CTC? How to allow CTC to oversubscribe? How to make TMS-CTC reserve resources ONLY for the period of the scheduled conference time and not for the period from creation time till the end of the conference?
    I read in documentation, that if MCU is dedicated only for scheduled conferences, then resources are reserved ONLY for a scheduled conference time (not from the time it was created). Can anybody confirm?
    How to split MCUs for a group of 3 MCUs for scheduled conferences and one for Ad-hoc?
    Thanks inn advance for answers and hints!

    Something came to me this morning, and I just tested it, the reason you're seeing 65 for the max participants is because of a miss configuration of your conference template.  You need to change the number of cascades to 3.
    With it set to use 2 cascades, you can only cascade up to 3 conference bridges, across those conference bridges you'd have 72 total video ports (30+30+12).  Subtract 4 video ports for the cascade links created between conference bridges, as a single cascade will take 1 video port from each MCU.  Subtract 3 video ports for the cost of using content, 1 from each MCU, reference the API guide I linked to earlier for more details.  In the end, you're left with the 65 max participants that Conductor is reporting to TMS that can be scheduled using that conference alias.
    After you change the number of cascades to 3, Conductor should report to TMS that the max participants should be 92.  If you need help understanding the math, let me know, just remember: total video ports in conference bridge pool - video ports used for each cascade - cost of MCU content = max participants.

  • Resource class best practice

    I have created a reserved context with 20% min and max = to min in every resource
    including sticky.
    I also have the default resource class
    I have also created another resource with 20% sticky but left everything else at default 0-100%
    our network traffic doesnt carry a heavy load on the new loadbalancer..but what is a good rule of thumb?
    most of the traffic is http and at this point we will create about 2 contexts after the Admin

    This is a very pertinent question, however as many things in life there is no one size fits all here.
    We basically recommend, as best practice, to allocate for each specific context only the estimated needed resources. These values should always come from a previous study on the network patterns/load.
    To accomodate for growth and scalability it is strongly advised to initially keep as many resources reserved as possible and allocate the unused resources as needed. To accomplish this goal, you should created a reserved resource class, as you did already, with a guarantee of 20 to 40 percent of all ACE resources and configure a virtual context solely with the purpose of ensuring that these resources are reserved.
    As you might already know ACE protects resources in use, this means that when decreasing a context's resources, the resources must be unused before then can be reused by other context. Although it is possible to decrease the resource allocations in real time, it typically requires additional overhead to clear any used resources before reducing them.
    Based on the traffic patterns, number of connections, throughput, concurrent SSL connections , etc, for each of the sites you will be deploying you will have a better idea on what might be the estimated needed resources and then assign them to each of the contexts. Thus this is something that greatly depends on customer's network environment.
    Hope this helps to clarify your doubts.

  • Resource Bundles and Embedded fonts - best practice

    I am in digging into creating a localized app and I would
    like to use embedded fonts.
    Ideally, I would like to have two locales (for example), each
    with a different embedded font and/or unicode range.
    For example, how do I set up my localized app so that EN uses
    Arial (Latin Range), and JP uses Arial Unicode MS with Japanese
    Kanji unicode range ?
    Note that I do know how to embed fonts with different ranges,
    I just don't know how to properly embed them into resource bundles
    and access them easily in style sheets.

    This is a very pertinent question, however as many things in life there is no one size fits all here.
    We basically recommend, as best practice, to allocate for each specific context only the estimated needed resources. These values should always come from a previous study on the network patterns/load.
    To accomodate for growth and scalability it is strongly advised to initially keep as many resources reserved as possible and allocate the unused resources as needed. To accomplish this goal, you should created a reserved resource class, as you did already, with a guarantee of 20 to 40 percent of all ACE resources and configure a virtual context solely with the purpose of ensuring that these resources are reserved.
    As you might already know ACE protects resources in use, this means that when decreasing a context's resources, the resources must be unused before then can be reused by other context. Although it is possible to decrease the resource allocations in real time, it typically requires additional overhead to clear any used resources before reducing them.
    Based on the traffic patterns, number of connections, throughput, concurrent SSL connections , etc, for each of the sites you will be deploying you will have a better idea on what might be the estimated needed resources and then assign them to each of the contexts. Thus this is something that greatly depends on customer's network environment.
    Hope this helps to clarify your doubts.

  • Alarm not triggered: Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources

    Does this alarm only get triggered when an HA action fails?  I have a cluster of two ESXi 5.0 hosts, and since I am using way more than 50% of the available memory on each host, to me it looks like I cannot tolerate a single host failure.
    HA and DRS are enabled on the cluster, and in "Admission Control Policy" I have "Percent of cluster resources reserved as failover" set at 50%.
    So why no alarm?  My goal is to get an alert before we reach the state we're in now, where we apparently cannot tolerate a host failure.

    >Based on this, and the lack of the alarm, we can assume that if I brought down one of the hosts in this 2-host cluster, all the VMs would be able to start on the single remaining host, correct?
    Correct, if one of your hosts crashed or was reset all your VMs would have resources enough to start (no guarantee of performance, just starting/running)
    >And the alarm I refer to in this thread's title will only get triggered when that 98% goes to 50% or below, correct?
    There is no alarm. When your CPU or Memory failover capacity reaches 50% admission control will prevent you from powering on another VM
    >I am still concerned about that resource distribution chart for Memory, though. It looks like I could push it up to 100% on both hosts, and still not push memory failover capacity lower than 50%. I presume this is due to the fact that my VMs don't have reserved memory, so vSphere only counts the minimal amount of memory required to start the VM, and it will depend on swapping and ballooning if all the VMs actually start using all their memory.
    >So the alarm I'm looking for is one that replicates the resource distribution chart, and alerts when the total unutilized memory in the cluster is less than the total memory of a single host.  Make sense?
    I'm not aware of an alarm like this. You may be able to find something through google or create something yourself. What about creating reservations for your VMs? Or at least the important ones? That way you can make sure they'll get the resources when they restart. Or if you really wanted you could change the admission control to the dedicated failover host policy? (with what I know of your situation I don't think I'd recommend this, but it would give you what you are asking for).
    Have you looked at the vRAS fling? VM Resource and Availability Service – VMware Labs
    This Fling enables you to perform a what-if analysis for host failures on your infrastructure. You can simulate failure of one or more hosts from a cluster (in vSphere) and identify how many:
    VMs would be safely restarted on different hosts
    VMs would fail to be restarted on different hosts
    VMs would experience performance degradation after restarted on a different host
    With this information, you can better plan the placement and configuration of your infrastructure to reduce downtime of your VMs/Services in case of host failures.

  • Why Bandwidth is not reserved for incoming interfaces?

    When i put show mpls traffic-eng topology command i see reservation only on outgoing interfaces of the router. Why? Why not the incoming interfaces?
          link[0]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:12, gen:40
              frag_id 1, Intf Address:
              TE metric:1, IGP metric:1, attribute flags:0x0
              SRLGs: None
              physical_bw: 100000 (kbps), max_reservable_bw_global: 75000 (kbps)
              max_reservable_bw_sub: 0 (kbps)
                                     Global Pool       Sub Pool
                   Total Allocated   Reservable        Reservable
                   BW (kbps)         BW (kbps)         BW (kbps)
            bw[0]:            0            75000                0
            bw[1]:            0            75000                0
            bw[2]:            0            75000                0
            bw[3]:            0            75000                0
            bw[4]:            0            75000                0
            bw[5]:            0            75000                0
            bw[6]:            0            75000                0
            bw[7]:            0            75000                0
          link[1]: Broadcast, DR:, nbr_node_id:3, gen:40
              frag_id 2, Intf Address:
              TE metric:1, IGP metric:1, attribute flags:0x0
              SRLGs: None
              physical_bw: 100000 (kbps), max_reservable_bw_global: 75000 (kbps)
              max_reservable_bw_sub: 0 (kbps)
                                     Global Pool       Sub Pool
                   Total Allocated   Reservable        Reservable
                   BW (kbps)         BW (kbps)         BW (kbps)
            bw[0]:            0            75000                0
            bw[1]:            0            75000                0
            bw[2]:            0            75000                0
            bw[3]:            0            75000                0
            bw[4]:            0            75000                0
            bw[5]:            0            75000                0
            bw[6]:            0            75000                0
            bw[7]:        70000             5000                0
    Link 1 reservation is there but on link 0 NO RESERVATION. Why? Since link 0 is incoming interface and Link 1 is outgoing interface.of the tunnel.

    Hi Ankur,
    That is because MPLS TE Tunnels are unidirectional.
    So they are setup only in one direction from source to destination.
    Consequently the resources reserved for a particular tunnel are reserved in one direction only.
    So you might want to setup a tunnel in the opposite direction as well.

  • Training&Event : How to create "sub"-resources ?

    I have a question from a customer.  They use Training&Event (SAP R/3 4.6c) and they defined training rooms as resources (transaction PSVR).  Problem : They can divide some training rooms into 2 or 3 smaller rooms. For example: Room 1 (40 seats) can be divided into two smaller rooms : 1A (25 seats) and 1B (15 seats).  They also defined those smaller rooms as resources (same level).  Actually, If they reserve room 1A for a business event, room 1 remain available for another business event at the same date.
    Could someone explain me how to customize resources and relations to allow this room structure, and to avoid double resource reservation ?
    Many thanks for your help.

    Hello Sharon,
    Sorry for late reply.
    Thank you for your answer.  It was helpful.  It's now a part of my solution.
    To identify room and sub-room, I create a relationship (A/B230 - is part of/contains)
    between the resources.  With the user-exit SEMIN-RESOC, I implement a new function module to check the occupation.
    I.e. If one sub-room is not available (directly allocate to a business event), I create a new record in table 'occupation' for the main room.  I determine the main room with relations A/B230.
    It works fine.
    Kind regards,

  • Standard ABAP functions for assign resources?

    Hi all.
    I would like to share this with you all.
    After loosing three days looking for any kind of standard FM to assign resources (rooms or instructors) to an event (E), I request your help.
    Any of you have found or used those functions in SAP?
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    Hello Roberto:
      the FM we're using is HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE, not very creative , but we found nothing more appropriate, and we found it very flexible to work with events (unluckily flexible is a synonym of complex and hard work).
    Let's move into when and how we used it:
    regular courses are still created using SAPgui
    we needed something more agile to use when a room or resource was needed for unusual activities (meetings for example), and no instructors were needed. We went into a web app. The user will indicate date(s), start and end time and resource. We developed a FM+webservice which "receives" the data inserted by the user and ends executing HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE. (precondition: we have a generic module created with its correpsonding event type needed to execute HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE)
    a previous step to the event creation (on a separate FM+webservice) will check for conflicts in the proposed resource reservation, where the user will see a report of conflicts and make necessary changes before submitting the reservation.
    Would you like to see our codes? Part of it is in Spanish which'll help you read the code

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