Restore disk with disk utility

hi everybody,
until now i ran mac os x on a separate partition that recently has turned out to be too small -therfore i would like to move the whole sytem/apllication partition to another,larger disk using disk utility...
after haveing started the copy procedure for a while i always get an error message
An error (2) occurred while copying. (No such file or directory)
-what could this be about?
all help highly appreciated!

First prep the other drive properly:
1.  Boot from your Tiger DVD. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button, then select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu.
2. After DU loads select your hard drive (this is the entry with the mfgr.'s ID and size) from the left side list. Click on the Partition tab in the DU main window.
3. Set the number of partitions from the dropdown menu (use 1 partition unless you wish to make more.) Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Partition button and wait until the volume(s) mount on the Desktop.
4. Select the volume you just created (this is the sub-entry under the drive entry) from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
5. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Click on the Options button, check the button for Zero Data and click on OK to return to the Erase window.
6. Click on the Erase button. The format process will take 30 minutes to an hour or more depending upon the drive size.
Then clone the old system as follows:
1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder. 
2. Select the startup volume from the left side list. 
3. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window. 
4. Drag the startup volume to the Source entry field. 
5. Select the backup volume from the leftside list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
6. Check the box to Erase Destination.  Skip this step if you've already formatted the drive.
7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button. 

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    Get onto the integrated iOS + Mac OS and end support for "legacy" Mac 10.8 and earlier.
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    Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ServerFoundation.framework/Versions/A/ServerF oundation
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    I've tried restoring Disk Utility from time machine but it still won't work
    Any ideas?

    I solved it!
    I restored the PlatformHardwareManagement file from a Time Machine backup that I made a week ago to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PlatformHardwareManagement.framework/Versions /A/ and that fixed the problem. Disk Utility now opens again.
    Could their be any repercussions from this solution?

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    For some reason "asr" {Apple System Restore} (Disk Utility uses asr for backups), an8/asr.8.html
    did not transfer the ACL information back to your system installation.
    Unfortunately permission repair won't fix ACL problems, it will only tell you about them.
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    "What if I run SL without these ACL's?"
    Maybe nothing, maybe trouble, I don't really know. I do know they are part of SL's System design.
    If it were me, I would reinstall Snow leopard, you won't lose any data. Just startup from the
    Install DVD and install over the existing system (do NOT reformat), then later re-apply updates
    after you verify everything is working properly.

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    /Volumes/HOME_HD: Authentication error
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    Hi Lee, thank you for your answer, indeed I've just read carefully your article few hours ago, while I googled the net to find some hints on my issue. I think that I've followed exactly the right procedure to make the back up image, and can't find what is wrong. Actually Disk utility Repair disk successfully repaired the allocation bit (whatever that means) of the music files but that wasn't enough to let the creation of the disk image. Quite odd that the music files where recognized as messed up by Disk utility only booting from Tiger DVD and not while the Powerbook was connected to an iMac running Tiger too.
    I'll do further investigation during weekend.

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    Take a look at this support document regarding that error. iPod: Can't restore or update in iTunes with error 1415, 1417, 1418, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1436, or 1439 - Apple Support

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    Can I fix a disk with this message?
    Disk Utility can’t repair this disk. Back up as many of your files as possible, reformat the disk, and restore your backed-up files.

    Some problems can indeed be fixed this way. But working from Recovery_HD or Disk Warrior DVDs and working in the restricted environment those provide can be difficult. You can literally spend days working on this problem (while your regular work is unavailable) only to discover the old drive is unsalvageable.
    There is no way to know up front whether you are facing a major Hardware failure or a minor software glitch, or something in between. Often you are forced to work from the drive you no longer trust. I continue to recommend you do this work from a different, fully functioning Mac OS X booted from a different drive.
    If you have had the foresight to (as The hatter often recommends) clone your virgin install onto another drive for use in such situations, you will be able to recover from such problems in record time. If not, my previous recommendations stands:
    Buy a new Drive. Or  two. Install Mac OS X from scratch on a new drive, and get your Mac running again. Later, you can use the full power of Mac OS X to attempt to rescue your data, if needed. Then Zero the old drive, to see if it can hold data again reliably.
    If the old drive eventually provides some needed data, and is salvageable, Merry Christmas.

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    I have an iMac (using Time Machine) which contains much of what is on the damaged MacBook Pro but the laptop has music and photos that only exist there... So can I restore the laptop from the iMac's Time Machine backups?
    Just wanted some advice before I take the plunge...

    joefromthehill wrote:
    If I use FireWire target disk mode to copy the entire hard drive to another external drive can I then erase the damaged hard drive, reinstall Lion with it's handy recovery function and copy everything back as it was?
    Maybe.  But you'd be better off to make a "bootable clone," via CarbonCopyCloner, SuperDuper, or the Restore tab of Disk Utility.  Then you can start up from the clone (hold the Option key while starting and select it from the display you'll get after a few moments), and make sure everything's there (at least as well as on your internal HD).
    I'd then strongly recommend also making a second backup, on a separate HD, "just in case" something goes wrong with the first one before you get this fixed.  That doesn't happen often, but it does happen.
    But . . . are you sure you have to erase the HD?  If it's directory damage, you may be able to fix it.  See #6 in Using Disk Utility, start with the yellow box there.
    I have an iMac (using Time Machine) which contains much of what is on the damaged MacBook Pro but the laptop has music and photos that only exist there... So can I restore the laptop from the iMac's Time Machine backups?
    Yes, you can do that, by erasing the internal HD, installing OSX, then using Setup Assistant when it first starts up, to set it up just like the iMac.  See Using Setup Assistant on Lion.
    But try to fix the problem first;  if that doesn't work, try the "clone" method.  If it works, you won't lose the stuff on the MBP.
    I guess I don't need to remind you, once this is sorted out, to make regular backups of the MBP, do I?

  • Cant restore my macbook with Disk utility and my .dmg image

    My macbook would not boot anymore. Stuck on gray screen with apple logo, spinning wheel and a loading bar for a while after shutting off.
    I was able to get to Disk Utility in the recovery mode and, after a while, was able to make an image of my filesin an attempt to back them up.
    The .dmg was put on an external and i checked it on my imac, i could open the .dmg file and browse all my files from my macbook, so those are safe!
    After that i tried to wipe the SSD of my macbook and put the image back but that didn't work, also some resource is busy errors.
    After trying this a few times without succes i figured i'd try to do a clean install. This worked.
    My macbook air is working again but if Iuse Disk Utility in the recovery now and try and restore my image (.dmg file) it gives me Restore Failure; An error (-16) occured (resource busy) as well. I also tried to copy the dmg onto my macbook and run disc utility when booted into OSX. I open up the back up .dmg with Disk utility, then i go to my macbooks partition (Macontiosh HD) and use that as a destination and drag the mounted image as the source as shown on the image below. Am I doing something wrong here?
    Doing this i get an error as well: (-119,930,878) Resource busy as you can see.
    What can i do to get my image back on my macbook? Any 3rd party software?
    I considered just transferring the files after opening the .dmg file but this works only for documents and not for programs and settings of the default apps.
    I've looked all over the Internet and it seems more people have had this error but then with making the image, they also suggest unmounting the destination disk before trying to restore but my destination is Macintosh HD, i cant really unmount that can i?
    Thanks in advance!

    To make a clone, in the future you need to use a program like superduper or carbon copy cloner.
    Either program makes an identical clone while preserving certain system files and marking/indicating to OS X that the clone is bootable.
    Using Disk Utility to make a DMG was a good idea, but this will not yield a bootable image.
    If Disk Utility could do a 1:1 copy of everything, then people would be using it to rip/duplicate DVDs.
    But Disk Utility does not (it leaves out certain invisible/system files), hence it cannot duplicate/clone a hard drive or DVD.

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    I know my back up exists I can see it on disk utility but migration and disc utility wont work to restore my back up on my new hard drive it shows up with the message "this disk is already in use" i am so done. someone pls help me

    Otherwise software may be attempted to access the drive. The the computer up in Safe Mode by holding shift when you turn it on. Also be sure to power off and on the hard drive itself.

  • I cannot able able to start my macbook and then i started my mac in a recovery mode now mac os X utility window opens with 4 options 1. Restore From Time Machine Backup 2. Reinstall Mac OSX 3. Get Help Online 4. Disk Utility if i try to restore my mac wit

    i cannot able able to start my macbook and then i started my mac in a recovery mode now mac os X utility window opens with 4 options 1. Restore From Time Machine Backup 2. Reinstall Mac OSX 3. Get Help Online 4. Disk Utility if i try to restore my mac with time machine no option appears if i reinstall from Mac OSX error comes and cannot able to recover from disk utility please help how can i reinstall mac OSX

    your MacBook Pro has booted into its Recovery mode. From the OS X Utilities menu, select Disk Utility. On the left-hand side of the Disk Utility window, select your internal disk’s boot partition (typically called “Macintosh HD”). On the right-hand side, press the Verify Disk button if it’s not greyed out; if it is greyed out, or if it reports that errors were found, press the Repair Disk button. Once the verification/repair is completed, exit Disk Utility and select Restart from the Apple menu to restart in normal mode. Does it get to the login screen now?

  • Disk Utility "restore" fails with "no such file or directory"

    Some time back, perhaps a LONG time ago, I successfully used Disk Utility's "restore" function to "clone" my Mac OS X partition onto an external disk, before I upgraded the OS on my internal drive.
    This weekend I tried to do it again, and failed on every attempt.
    My first attempt was on my MacBook. At very end (the progress "bar" was all blue) it died saying that there was an error (2), "no such file or directory". I think the external drive probably isn't GUID, which would make it non-bootable, but I'd still think "restore" itself should work.
    Okay, let's try my Power Mac G5, which is where it worked several releases ago. Same thing.
    Okay, one more try... Booted into safe mode (in case background activity accounts for the missing file/directory), did the restore again, failed again.
    I realize that SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner or other tools may be "better", but since this worked once it seems like it still should.
    Any ideas?

    Did you:
    A. Repair the hard drive and permissions prior to cloning?
    B. Erase the destination drive before cloning?
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now shutdown the computer for a couple of minutes and then restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger) and/or TechTool Pro (4.5.2 for Tiger) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.
    How to Clone Using Restore Option of Disk Utility
    1. Open Disk Utility from the Utilities folder.
    2. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list.
    3. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (journaled, if available) and click on the Erase button. This step can be skipped if the destination has already been freshly erased.
    4. Click on the Restore tab in the DU main window.
    5. Select the backup or destination volume from the left side list and drag it to the Destination entry field.
    6. Select the startup or source volume from the left side list and drag it to the Source entry field.
    7. Double-check you got it right, then click on the Restore button.
    8. Select the destination drive on the Desktop and press COMMAND-I to open the Get Info window. At the bottom in the Ownership and Permissions section be sure the box labeled "Ignore Permissions on this Volume" is unchecked. Verify the settings for Ownership and Permissions as follows: Owner=system with read/write; Group=admin with read/write; Other with read-only. If they are not correct then reset them.
    For added precaution you can boot into safe mode before doing the clone.

  • Will Restore in Leopard Disk Utility reliably copy a drive with bootcamp?

    I have a drive partitioned part OS X and part Bootcamp (with Windows XP installed). If I use Apple's Disk Utility to 'Restore' the drive (to copy the drive to a larger drive) will this work reliably for bootcamp as well as the OS X content? Presumably this just clones the drive?

    Once you install MacFUSE you can not use the Startup Disk Utility anymore to boot into Windows, you need to hold the option key every time.
    As you stated, NTFS is owned by Microsoft, its their proprietary format and has many different versions of it. I don't think any company has the full right to format NTFS which basically comes down that you can not complain to any of the companies or MS about data loss.
    My idea with an image is that I can always read it, so in case the WinClone format or write fails I still have all my files (and not just parts of it). Since I am booted the most amount of time on Mac OS X anyway I don't care that a script creates an entire mirror image of my current Windows drive overnight.
    I actually have several basic images that I can always restore in case I want to clean up my drive.

  • Problems with Disk Utility backup & restore via DMG disk images

    I attempted to backup and restore a 2TB external raid storage device using the recommended Disk Utility procedure for 10.6.6. One of the HDDs in the raid enclosure had started to fail.
    First step was to create a new image from the 2TB device. I accepted the defaults of compressed image format and no encryption. The image took about 15 hours to create, and when complete, I was left with 2 files:
    OWC2TB.dmg (1.1TB)
    OWC2TB.002.dmgpart (486GB).
    To check the DMG I ran the Disk Utility "Verify Disk" on the DMG, and got the message "The volume OWC2TB appears to be OK". The DMG is described in DU as:
    Description: Apple UDIF read-only compressed (zlib)
    Connection Bus: Disk Image
    Total Capacity: 2 TB
    Disk Write Status: Read Only
    Partition Map Scheme: No partition map
    I then replaced the failing HDD in the enclosure, recreated a new 2TB filesystem on the device, and attempted to restore from the DMG image.
    The first attempt was to use Disk Utility "Restore" function. I specified the DMG as the source and the new device as the destination, and chose "Erase Destination". This failed immediately with the error "Restore failure. Could not find any scan information. The source images needs to be imagescanned before it can be restored".
    After researching this error I tried to correct it by selecting the DMG in Disk Utility and running Images => Scan Image for Restore. This failed immediately, complaining there was insufficient disk space. More research revealed it needed the same amount of spare space on the same disk to do an imagescan. So I had to free up an EXTRA 1.5TB of space in addition to the space the DMG consumed. Not very user friendly.
    The next attempt to imagescan the DMG got further than the "insufficient space" error. It displayed "Scanning image OWC2TB.dmg, Block Checksum Partition #1". This ran for about 10 hours. At the end, it displayed a new error message "Unable to scan OWC2TB.dmg (internal error)".
    Next I tried to mount the DMG and copy the files manually. My first attempt at this resulted in a "Verifying..." phase which looked like it will take about 10 hours, so I clicked "Skip". Soon after I got an error message "Unable to attach OWC2TB.dmg (no mountable file systems).". Now I am trying a mount with the Verify option...
    Can anyone suggest what I can try next to restore the DMG?
    I think the problem might be the fact the DMG is split in two parts, but the imagescan/restore software does not know how to read the second part? Is there a way to join these into a single DMG?

    I attempted to backup and restore a 2TB external raid storage device using the recommended Disk Utility procedure for 10.6.6. One of the HDDs in the raid enclosure had started to fail.
    First step was to create a new image from the 2TB device. I accepted the defaults of compressed image format and no encryption. The image took about 15 hours to create, and when complete, I was left with 2 files:
    OWC2TB.dmg (1.1TB)
    OWC2TB.002.dmgpart (486GB).
    To check the DMG I ran the Disk Utility "Verify Disk" on the DMG, and got the message "The volume OWC2TB appears to be OK". The DMG is described in DU as:
    Description: Apple UDIF read-only compressed (zlib)
    Connection Bus: Disk Image
    Total Capacity: 2 TB
    Disk Write Status: Read Only
    Partition Map Scheme: No partition map
    I then replaced the failing HDD in the enclosure, recreated a new 2TB filesystem on the device, and attempted to restore from the DMG image.
    The first attempt was to use Disk Utility "Restore" function. I specified the DMG as the source and the new device as the destination, and chose "Erase Destination". This failed immediately with the error "Restore failure. Could not find any scan information. The source images needs to be imagescanned before it can be restored".
    After researching this error I tried to correct it by selecting the DMG in Disk Utility and running Images => Scan Image for Restore. This failed immediately, complaining there was insufficient disk space. More research revealed it needed the same amount of spare space on the same disk to do an imagescan. So I had to free up an EXTRA 1.5TB of space in addition to the space the DMG consumed. Not very user friendly.
    The next attempt to imagescan the DMG got further than the "insufficient space" error. It displayed "Scanning image OWC2TB.dmg, Block Checksum Partition #1". This ran for about 10 hours. At the end, it displayed a new error message "Unable to scan OWC2TB.dmg (internal error)".
    Next I tried to mount the DMG and copy the files manually. My first attempt at this resulted in a "Verifying..." phase which looked like it will take about 10 hours, so I clicked "Skip". Soon after I got an error message "Unable to attach OWC2TB.dmg (no mountable file systems).". Now I am trying a mount with the Verify option...
    Can anyone suggest what I can try next to restore the DMG?
    I think the problem might be the fact the DMG is split in two parts, but the imagescan/restore software does not know how to read the second part? Is there a way to join these into a single DMG?

  • Restoring with disk utility

    I recently erased my 8gb ipod to use it for some large file transferring. Before I did this, I made a .dmg copy using disk utility.
    Now when I attempt to restore the ipod using this exact same .dmg file, disk utility tells me there's not enough space on the ipod! There was enough space before..... (and yes, I am trying to "erase and restore".)
    Any ideas?

    It's a 'gotcha.' You can't use Restore when booted from an Installer disc. You need to boot from the startup volume that you are going to clone if you use Disk Utility.
    Backup Utilities
    My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    1. Retrospect Desktop (Commercial - not yet universal binary)
    2. Synchronize! Pro X (Commercial)
    3. Synk (Backup, Standard, or Pro)
    4. Deja Vu (Shareware)
    5. PsynchX 2.1.1 and RsyncX 2.1 (Freeware)
    6. Carbon Copy Cloner (Donation Ware - 3.0 is a Universal Binary)
    7. SuperDuper! (Commercial)
    The following utilities can also be used for backup, but cannot create bootable clones:
    1. Backup (requires a .Mac account with Apple both to get the software and to use it.)
    2. Toast
    3. Impression
    4. arRSync
    Apple's Backup is a full backup tool capable of also backing up across multiple media such as CD/DVD. However, it cannot create bootable backups. It is primarily an "archiving" utility as are the other two.
    Impression and Toast are disk image based backups, only. Particularly useful if you need to backup to CD/DVD across multiple media.
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore. Also read How to Back Up and Restore Your Files.

  • Restore Multiple Partitions Through Disk Utility With AppleScript?

    I need an AppleScript to restore a bunch of partitions from a master drive to a stack of external target drives. I don't mind partitioning them 1st, if necessary.
    The master drive has 16 partitions, all equally sized, and I'd like a script to run that will have Disk Utility to just go down the list restoring each partition to the matching 16 partitions on one of the target drives.
    Anyone know of or have anything l could use for this? Any advice on making this script? I'm not an advanced AppleScripter. And finally, would there be any way to have the script partition the target drives as well?
    Thanks in advance!

    Camelot wrote:
    And can you explain why why the IDs in the repeat script end in s, as in disk1s?
    Sure - disk0 refers to the entire disk and all its partitions. The s denotes a slice (aka partition) on that disk.
    So disk0s4 refers to the fifth slice/partition on disk0 (slices are 0-based, so disk0s0 is the first partition).
    Note that the boot volume is commonly disk0s2 - the third partition since there's likely a partition map and a EFI boot partition before the actual boot volume. You'll need to look at the partition map of a sample disk to work out what the appropriate numbers are.
    10-4. Thanks! I figured that was the case from the info I'm viewing about my disks. Makes perfect sense!
    So I gave the script a whirl and here's the result I got in Apple Script Editor:
    Basically, it seems to be trying to restore part1 of source to slice1 (device) of target. Here are the results from Terminal shell:
    [1] 84221
    [2] 84222
    [3] 84223
    -bash:     : command not found
    -bash: part: command not found
    [4] 84224
    -bash:  --target disk2s: command not found
    -bash: part: command not found
    -bash:  --erase: command not found
    [1]   Exit 127                          do shell script "/usr/sbin/asr restore --source disk1s"
    [2]   Exit 127                part
    [3]-  Exit 127                " --target disk2s"
    [4]+  Exit 127                part
    I'm thinking I should change the script to specify the 1st partition on disk2 like this:
    do shell script "/usr/sbin/asr restore --source disk1s" & part & " --target disk2s2" & part & " --erase" with administrator privileges
    Make sene? Please lemme know whatcha think!
    And thanks!

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