Restoring Custom Templates

Business Catalyst:  I was working on a template in Site Manage/Module Templates/Online Shop Templates/ and wanted to cancel my changes so I clicked "Restore to Default".  This wiped out all of our custom templates.  Does anyone know how to restore them?  I am taking over where someone left off and am new at this.  Please help and thank you.

Hitting "Restore to Default" should only restore the layout or template you are on, not everything.  Did you do this multiple times?
Did you ever download a copy of the site from BC via FTP or Dreamweaver?  If so, you've got copies of those layouts in your local project directory. If you have a local download of your site, then goto /Layouts/OnlineShop/ and you should see all your layouts that you downloaded. Upload these files back to BC in DW or by SFTP.
If you didn't download the files locally from your site you might not have any recourses to restore those layouts.  There's no versioning system to restore those layouts for most modules.  You can do it for Pages and Page Templates but not for module layouts like Online Shop...
In the future, you should definitely consider downloading your site first to a local directory on your computer for just this type of incident.  Create a backup of your site before you start making changes on BC so you can restore layouts or pages that are irrevocably lost. 
If you have DW you can use the Business Catalyst feature to login and download your site with DW's site manager or you can use any old FTP program to connect and download your files. Follow the directions outlined here:

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    You would need to either copy and paste content, using existing styles, or apply the styles to the converted Word document.
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    Second post down.
    I build out themes all the time that are about 70/30 standard templates to custom templates and following that procedure makes the switches fairly easy.

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    Hi Angela,
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    PLD Check-Stub-Stub
    PLD Check
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    I was kind of put off by seeing a collection of stuff there when I took a quick look on onedrive.
    Are you sure you want this thing to be a custom control rather than just a window that has a template?
    Custom controls ought to be the choice of last resort.
    If you explain what you're trying to do, maybe I/we can suggest an alternative route.
    Like what extra functionality?
    You can add eventhandlers, dependencyproperties and whatnot in a base class.
    For example:
    public class BaseFancyWindow : Window
    public BaseFancyWindow()
    CloseCommand = new RelayCommand(CloseExecute);
    public RelayCommand CloseCommand { get; set; }
    private void CloseExecute()
    and use that
    <local:BaseFancyWindow x:Class="wpf_WindowChrome.Window6"
    Title="Finished Fancy Window" Height="300" Width="300"
    Style="{StaticResource FinishedWindow}"
    <TextBlock Text="This is some content in the window"/>
    And I have a template which is just in a resource dictionary which makes that window look
    Hope that helps.
    Technet articles: Uneventful MVVM;
    All my Technet Articles

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    In the Template Chooser for Pages ’09, there is a category heading named “My Templates,” and by default, there is a physical folder in the following location called My Templates. You are permitted to create arbitrary folder(s) in this location through File > Save As Template… for perceived organization. However, the Template Chooser, unlike the Finder, does not show these sub-folders in its left-hand navigation panel. Instead, it shows all templates (including sub-folder contents) in one view — thus subverting your practical organizational goal.
    <login directory>/Library/Application Support/iWork/Pages/Templates/My Templates
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    2. Creating an Excel file and uploading it as a template
    3. Allowing custom types for document list
    4. Adding the type to my document list as default
    Site Wokflow:
    1. Create Action: Create list item with the created document type and Name "test"
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    These steps were performed in several tutorials with older SP Versions. So what happened in SP 2013?
    Thank you for help

    Hi Victoria Xia,
    I checked them again, the Template is specified in the content type of the document library, the workflow is creating a document using that content type, and will bring all the metadata as mapped in the workflow.
    but when I open the document created by the workflow it will be blank document, and the content type name is the correct content type (my custom content type) it is like its not using the template specified.
    when I click new document inside the library itself directly, it is opening a new document with the specified template.
    where could be the issue here?

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    I have a custom template I have setup and working fine, but the problem i have is that I cannot link to the detail layout of the webapp, keep getting page not found. This is my code:
        <li><a href="{{item_url}}">{{}}</a></li>
        <li><a href="{{item_url}}">{{item.CompName}}</a></li>

    Hi there,
    Are you running as a collection? Because you have and item.CompName
    If that is the case then those are fine, if not then just use name and CompName
    If your NOT running a collection the liquid element for url is {{url}} and if you are running a collection {{item.url}}
    If you called your custom field CompName because you did not know how to output a custom field with spaces in it, the liquid output for that sort of thing is...
    {{item.['My Custom Field']}} Be it collection or not.

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