Restoring the dock to default

I downloaded an application called "Dock Doctor" that can change the appearance of the dock.
After discovering I didn't really like it, i uninstalled it, however its left my dock looking a bit weird, there are some bad reflections.
Im wondering how i can possibly restore my dock to default. I think somewhere in the OS X library there is an image file that Dock Doctor used that needs deleting or something, some please help me!

You wouldn't normally have permission to access the "/System/Library/User Template" where this stuff resides, so this will get you a copy of that file on your Desktop:
Open the Terminal (from /Applications/Utilities) and copy and paste the following into the Terminal window, one line at a time, with a return after each line:
sudo cp "/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/" ~/Desktop/
sudo chown `id -u` ~/Desktop/
sudo chmod 600 ~/Desktop/
After the first command, you will be prompted for your password. This is not echoed back (not even asterisks) for security reasons: just type it and press return.
If you haven't used 'sudo' before, you will receive a little lecture before being prompted for the password. Read it and continue.
You won't need your password for subsequent commands. You can save this default file, and put a copy into your ~/Library. You may also wish to remove "~/Library/Preferences/", which should regenerate: there is no default for that, so to be on the safe side move it somewhere else rather than trash it.

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    If you prefer not to see snippets then you can set the <b>browser.aboutHomeSnippets.updateUrl</b> pref to an empty string on the <b>about:config</b> page.
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    Kenichi Watanabe wrote:
    Did you try moving the Mail preferences file to the Desktop (when Mail is NOT running), so that a new one gets created (by the Snow Leopard version of That preference files is here
    <user home folder>/Library/Preferences/
    I just did it myself, and it did not change anything related to your accounts or what's in your Inbox, but the Mail windows size went to the default size and look. It did says say my "Outbox" has been renamed "Delivered," which is odd because it did not do that before when using Mail in Snow Leopard. If you drag the preference file to the Desktop instead of trashing it, you can put it back if something important is changed in Mail that you want back.
    I just tried moving the Mail preferences file to the Desktop (I also got that odd Outbox/Delivered message), and the Dock indeed doesn't crash now.
    BUT, I did loose all my accounts, so I had to drag the original preference file back.
    Some extra info: The clean generated is only 8KB, while mine is 45KB.
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    I haven't tried this myself, but I'm guessing that the Dock writes its settings back to disk when it quits, overwriting what's in the restored files. There are two ways you might work around this:
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    How to install and configure Azure PowerShell
    Enable RDP or Reset Password with the VM Agent
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    I do not seeing anything in the Dock.plist that jumps out to modify this behavior beyond the GUI/system preferences.
    Maybe there is something meaningful buried in these refererence files:
    Message was edited by: leroydouglas

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    Go to your home folder -> Library -> Preferences. Locate the file and trash it. Then control-option-click Finder's Dock icon and select Relaunch. All Finder settings will now be back to the OS X defaults.

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    This is easy.
    Open up a Finder window and go to your Home directory (this is the one that bears your account name in the sidebar on the left of the Finder window.
    Locate the Downloads and the Documents folders.
    Now look at the Dock itself. Near the Trash you will find the Dock Divider Bar. Applications go on one side of that -- the side away from the Trash -- and folders and minimized windows go on the other side -- the side near the Trash.
    Now just click and drag each of these two folders, Downloads and Documents, into the portion of the Dock on the side of the divider bar near the Trash.
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    To remove an item from the Dock, click and drag it away from the Dock. The icon will go "poof" and vanish. The "real" item, the thing the Dock pointer pointed to, will not be altered.
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    If you use eabuds or headphones on occasion, try inserting and removing the earbuds/headphones several times in a row.
    An exchange under warranty remains under the same warranty period as the original purchase. If an exchange under warranty is provided within the last 90 days of the warranty period, the exchange includes a full 90 days of warranty coverage.

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    This weekend I had issues restoring my MacBook pro using Time Machine. I was left with question marks in the dock for the folloing apps in Bold, the others are not on the dock but they could not be found..
    1. Safari
    2. LaunchPad
    3. Missing Control
    4. Mail
    5. System Preferences
    6. Photo Booth
    7. Terminal
    8, Itunes
    9. Disk Utility
    10. iText Express
    11. Notes
    12. Maps
    13. XCode
    14. iPhoto
    15. Calendar
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    I ended up having to reinstall Mavericks via a VERY SLOW internet connection and hey presto, everything came back to normal.
    It was a very tense few hours as I thought I had lost the lot, photo's and itunes collections etc.
    Time Machine is sold to us by Apple as the perfect solution to keep your data safe and recoverable.... Really?
    I do like Apple products, but this has left me a little unsure about them now, its like the trust and confdence goes when you catch your child stealing and lying to you...The confidence will come back but I guess I will always be a little warey now..
    Apple, please do something about this - I have paid through the nose for a robust system that I can rely on, not one that has aged me by 10 years...

    It appears only the applications where missing. So your own data were safe all the time. However...
    There appears to be a bug in Time Machine that causes it to exclude items that aren't supposed to be excluded. To check if that is the case, you can find more information here:
    It appears the bug is very difficult to reproduce, mainly because in most cases it is only discovered when people try to restore an existing installation.

  • Restoring the default settings for Audition CS6

    Fortunately you don't have to uninstall and reinstall Audition to do this - although that's certainly an option. Bear in mind that doing this will only work if you choose to delete your preferences as part of the process.
    There are several other options though, and I suggest reading through all of them before deciding which to use. We'll start, though, with the other simple one. If you start Audition with the 'shift' key held down, this will achieve the same result - the preference files won't be read, and the default (aka 'vanilla') ones will be reinstated. Certainly with a Mac (and probably a PC as well) you have to hold the 'shift' key down at least until the splash screen appears, otherwise it might not work.
    From here on, it gets a little more complicated, but you get more options. The reason for this is that in order to get at the individual preference files, we have to consider three different operating systems, XP, Windows 7, and OS X. By default, in all of them, the location of these files is hidden, and you have to reveal it. When you have done this, the path and files will be revealed.
    Revealing hidden folders:
    XP: In a folder, go to Tools>Folder Options>View and scroll down to the hidden folders entry. Select the 'Show' option. The path to the Preferences folder is C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\Application Data\Adobe\Audition\5.0
    Windows 7: In a folder, go to Organise>Folders and Search Options>View, and then it's the same as XP. The path to the Preferences folder is c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Audition\5.0
    Mac OX: The Preferences are in a library folder, and are apparently stored twice. The locations of them are:
    There is a note about this at the end of this FAQ*.
    Anyway, there are, apparently, several ways to unhide them:
    1. The easiest way to get there without opening Terminal is to open Finder or click on your desktop, click Go in the menu bar, then hold down the OPTION/ALT key.  You should see Library appear in the menu as long as your holding that key and clicking the menu item will bring it up in Finder.
    2. Use Command+Shift+G from the Mac desktop (or Finder>Go>Go to Folder) and type in ~/Library to temporarily access the Library directory. When you have finished manipulating the relevant parts of it, close this window and the folder will no longer be visible.
    3. To make the Library folder visible permanently (like in OS 10.6 and earlier), open the Terminal application and use the following command: chflags nohidden ~/Library/
    What do you have to do when you've revealed the folder?
    The basic idea is that if Audition opens, and it doesn't find a particular file in the preferences folder, it recreates it. So, you can either delete all the files in it (the same as Shift+open), or you can be more selective. Primarily there are three .xml files that you are interested in, and if you are only having a problem with one of them, then that's the only one you need to delete.
    Application Settings - deleting this will restore most of the settings in the program itself back to defaults
    Effect Presets - deleting this will restore default settings, but if you have made any of your own presets, you will lose these too.
    Favorites - the same as Effect Presets, only for the Favorites list.
    There is also an .xml file for Machine-specific settings, but this only affects your sound device, and generally would be rewritten anyway if anything changed, so generally doesn't need to be touched. Mainly it's the three I mention above that are the ones you will be interested in.
    * A note from Durin about the Mac preferences files:
    "The directory path, ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/Audition/5.0/ is where we store all the preferences, presets, workspaces, log files, etc.  Anything and everything a user may need access to.  The .plist file is more of an application/OS level preferences - similar to an ini or registry entry in that it's less user-facing and more preferences for how the application works with the OS.  In Audition's case, this stores information such as the last directory accessed, File Open/Save dialog dimensions, and other mysterious prefs that are just random GUIDs that Audition and OS X understand. 
    In either case, if the directory or .plist is missing, it will be rebuilt on launch to the first-launch defaults."

    The success of setting the correct cassette will depend on the applications you use. If the apps are set to use any cassette, rather than call a particular cassette, then making cassette 2 the default will succeed. But if the app calls cassette 1, then no amount of driver default settings will help. So in this case, you will have more success if you create another preset for printing to cassette 2, then you can ensure you select this preset when you want to print on plain paper. And of course you can select the envelope preset when you want to do this.
    If you do want to look at modifying the printer defaults, this can be done via the CUPS web page.
    To access CUPS, open Safari and type
    This will open the CUPS Printer administration page and will show all the printers currently configured on the Mac. For the printer that you wish to change the defaults for, click its name in the Queue Name column.
    Clicking the printer name will open the printer administration page for that printer. Here you need to click on the Administration drop menu and then select Set Default Options.
    This will show a new page with four menu headings (links); Options Installed, General, Banners and Policies. Select General. Scroll down the list until you find an entry like "Paper Source" or something similar that shows the cassettes and select Cassette 2.
    With the option selected you then need to scroll down the list to the bottom of the page where you will see the ‘Set Default Options’ button. Click this button and you will then be presented with an authentication window. Enter the account name and password that has been set as the admin for this Mac. And then press the Log In button. You will then see another page stating that the information change is completed.
    Now you can open an application and select to print and then check the appropriate paper source menu to see if cassette 2 is the default.

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