Restrict copying all data to relationship while maintaing Contact Person.

Currently when maintaining the relationship of Contact Person to a Customer Account, Web UI automatically copies all communication data (phone, fax, email etc...) to the relationship.
I need to know, specifically, how we can restrict data copy/transfer to only Business Phone Number and Business Fax number only. upon relationship creation.
What are we restricting and what BAPI or code is being restricted?
Please be specific.

i see this so much on this site, users just posting solved and not giving details on how they fixed the problem, the SDN is meant to be for sharing!!
If you find a fix, share it or don't bother being a part of the SDN community.(so annoying)

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    I have updated my iphone4 and all  data have gone including photos contacts and notes .is there any solution?

    All data that was on your iPhone should be on your computer.
    All photos that were transferred to your iPhone from your computer should remain on your computer and can be retransferred. Photos/videos captured by the iPhone can and should be imported by your computer as with any other digital camera - especially before installing an iOS update. Re-transfer these photos from your computer as with any other photos available on your computer.
    Contacts and notes are designed to be synced with a supported application on your computer, and there are some free email accounts that support syncing contacts and notes over the air.

  • Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person

    Recently, our company consolidated the SAP platforms for two regions and it is single instance now. The data is migrated to the new system by SLO. After this we are facing an issue while deleting the contact person in customer master. When we select the contact person and delete, we get a message saying "Specify a valid person use (PERSON_REFERENCE)". When we press enter, another entry (above the intended entry) gets deleted.
    The performance assistant shows nothing but message no. AM057.
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched, I checked the table ADRVP entries and found two entries for that contact person. Both entries have the client number appearing in the field APPL_KEY.
    The first record is having old client number and the second record is having the new client number. I presume, we are seeing two records because the data was migrated by SLO. But what is confusing is, both are having same and marked as X for Owner (Flag: Adress owner object reference).
    Data in table ADRVP looks as under.
    Cl.     Person            Seq. No.      Table      Field           Application table key      pers.addr. Key      Addr. no.            Owner
    300   0200591046          1            KNVK     PRSNR      2000000093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    300   0200591046   45333695     KNVK     PRSNR      3000007093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    Can there be more than one entry with same addr. no. in table ADRVP for the same person number? Can someone share what is wrong with deleting the contact person in customer master?

    Dear Balaji
    You have asked same question In Different places
    Re: Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person in customer master

  • Error while creating contact person

    Hi While creating contact person in customer master data
    I am getting the message Partner XXXXXX is not assigned to a partner function?
    What might be the possible reason,
    Thanks in advance

    Hi jaigss,
    Please check the below threads,
    Getting a "Business partner not found with partner function type requester"://Re: Partner function not found
    Approver Can replaced by Requestor..
    Swamy H P

  • Best way to copy ALL DATA from song to song?

    Hello everyone,
    I'm in the middle of scoring a film and have ran into what seems to be a corrupted song, and want to attempt to transfer all data from this song into a new file.
    I'm running multiple global tracks with changes in tempos and time sigs all over, multiple audio tracks, and various Virtual instruments. I also have an extensive environment in which I use instrument tracks to access my exs instruments, as well as multi-instrument tracks for kontakt 2. Of course I have this saved as a template, but as you know as projects progress, the current song rarely looks like your autoload. So simply copying and pasting will not work, as I have many new instruments and audio files in different places in my arrange page. Thus when I try to copy and paste, logic sees that the current tracks are not "correct" and asks to "create new instruments" which seems to randomly throw all the instruments to the bottom of my arrange page, making it all out of whack!
    With some help from the audio config window and some manual editing of the arrange page, I was able to get my song pretty much back to normal, but for future reference, what is the best way to transfer all of my data to another song, while still keeping the look and functionality of the song intact?
    Thanks in advance for your help! If it helps to see what I'm talking about, I'm willing to post my song file for reference, just ask.

    I'd LOVE to somehow avoid #4 if possible. As I stated
    above, my projects always change from the templates
    due to extra audio tracks, audio instruments, etc, so
    a simple "copy and paste" does not seem to work.
    Is there something I'm missing?
    Yup, I was missing something really simple. If you choose NOT to copy instruments, it will ask you to keep the instrument or create a new track. If you keep the instrument (since my instruments names remained the same as the template) logic will connect the tracks with the instruments and only put the additional tracks (i.e. extra audio tracks etc) on the bottom. WAY COOL!
    Now my process is a little easier, however if you have any other tips so share please feel free to post.

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    Can someone please help...
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    Any help as to how to get these back?!

    Hi MorganClare990,
    Do you know if you have a backup on another comptuer or maybe iCloud?
    If you had Photo Stream on you might be able to get any photo that is less than 30 days old back from iCloud if you don't have a backup.
    Make sure you have a WIFI connection available and the correct password for that network before continuing with the next steps.
    The easiest way to find out if you have a backup without mixing your boyfreinds data into your iCloud account is to go to Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings.  You will need to be able to connect to the WIFI network to be able to restore your phone from any iCloud backup you have.  If no backup can be found then it will have you setup the iPhone as new and will walk you through the steps to make sure a backup gets created in the future.  If you have to setup as new it will also get photo stream setup and will retrieve any pictures it can.
    Hope this helps and you get your pictures and contacts back!

  • Error While Changing Contact Person in MSA

    When the users are trying to change the data of the already saved BP or CP it is giving out error "Value of Attribute Tile is Not Valid" This is happening only for some of the BP and CP not to all.
    We are not maintaing any entries in the "Title" Drop down box and all the cp,bp are saved without the Title.
    Does anyone has clue to the problem

    Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched,
    You should share the OSS note which you got from market place.
    Have you checked this note Note 445825 - Error message AM057 when deleting a contact person ?
    It has the reason and solution.

  • Problem  while creating  contact person using SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create a contact person to a customer using FM SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL.Following is the simple code that I am using.FM is not giving any exception.But the contact person is not getting created.can anyone help me regarding this.
          wa      type FKNVK.
    MOVE '0009011357' to wa-kunnr.
    MOVE 'Bose' TO wa-namev.
    MOVE 'Lalit' TO wa-name1.
    MOVE  '9980055557'   to wa-TELF1.
    *MOVE 'City' TO wa-ort01.
    *MOVE 'DE' TO wa-parla.
    *MOVE '' to watelf1.
    *MOVE 'U' to wa-kz.
    APPEND wa to I_FKNVK.
      I_KNA1                              =
      I_KNB1                              =
      I_KNVV                              =
      I_BAPIADDR1                         =
      I_BAPIADDR2                         =
      I_MAINTAIN_ADDRESS_BY_KNA1          = ' '
      I_KNB1_REFERENCE                    = ' '
      I_NO_BANK_MASTER_UPDATE             = ' '
      I_CUSTOMER_IS_CONSUMER              = ' '
      I_RAISE_NO_BTE                      = ' '
        PI_POSTFLAG                         = 'X'
      PI_CAM_CHANGED                      = ' '
      PI_ADD_ON_DATA                      =
      I_FROM_CUSTOMERMASTER               = ' '
      E_KUNNR                             =
      O_KNA1                              =
      E_SD_CUST_1321_DONE                 =
      T_XKNAS                             =
      T_XKNBK                             =
      T_XKNB5                             =
      T_XKNEX                             =
      T_XKNVA                             =
      T_XKNVD                             =
      T_XKNVI                             =
        T_XKNVK                             = I_FKNVK
      T_XKNVL                             =
      T_XKNVP                             =
      T_XKNZA                             =
      T_YKNAS                             =
      T_YKNBK                             =
      T_YKNB5                             =
      T_YKNEX                             =
      T_YKNVA                             =
      T_YKNVD                             =
      T_YKNVI                             =
      T_YKNVK                             =
      T_YKNVL                             =
      T_YKNVP                             =
      T_YKNZA                             =
      T_UPD_TXT                           =
       CLIENT_ERROR                        = 1
       KNA1_INCOMPLETE                     = 2
       KNB1_INCOMPLETE                     = 3
       KNB5_INCOMPLETE                     = 4
       KNVV_INCOMPLETE                     = 5
       KUNNR_NOT_UNIQUE                    = 6
       SALES_AREA_NOT_UNIQUE               = 7
       SALES_AREA_NOT_VALID                = 8
       INSERT_UPDATE_CONFLICT              = 9
       NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR             = 10
       NUMBER_NOT_IN_RANGE                 = 11
       NUMBER_RANGE_NOT_EXTERN             = 12
       NUMBER_RANGE_NOT_INTERN             = 13
       ACCOUNT_GROUP_NOT_VALID             = 14
       PARNR_INVALID                       = 15
       BANK_ADDRESS_INVALID                = 16
       TAX_DATA_NOT_VALID                  = 17
       NO_AUTHORITY                        = 18
       COMPANY_CODE_NOT_UNIQUE             = 19
       DUNNING_DATA_NOT_VALID              = 20
       KNB1_REFERENCE_INVALID              = 21
       CAM_ERROR                           = 22
       OTHERS                              = 23
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        WAIT          = 'X'
       RETURN        =

    i see this so much on this site, users just posting solved and not giving details on how they fixed the problem, the SDN is meant to be for sharing!!
    If you find a fix, share it or don't bother being a part of the SDN community.(so annoying)

  • Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person in customer master

    Recently, our company consolidated the SAP platforms for two regions and it is single instance now. The data is migrated to the new system by SLO. After this we are facing an issue while deleting the contact person in customer master. When we select the contact person and delete, we get a message saying "Specify a valid person use (PERSON_REFERENCE)". When we press enter, another entry (above the intended entry) gets deleted.
    The performance assistant shows nothing but message no. AM057.
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched, I checked the table ADRVP entries and found two entries for that contact person. Both entries have the client number appearing in the field APPL_KEY.
    The first record is having old client number and the second record is having the new client number. I presume, we are seeing two records because the data was migrated by SLO. But what is confusing is, both are having same and marked as X for Owner (Flag: Adress owner object reference).
    Data in table ADRVP looks as under.
    Cl.     Person            Seq. No.      Table      Field           Application table key      pers.addr. Key      Addr. no.            Owner
    300   0200591046          1            KNVK     PRSNR      2000000093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    300   0200591046   45333695     KNVK     PRSNR      3000007093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    Can there be more than one entry with same addr. no. in table ADRVP for the same person number? Can someone share what is wrong with deleting the contact person in customer master?

    Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched,
    You should share the OSS note which you got from market place.
    Have you checked this note Note 445825 - Error message AM057 when deleting a contact person ?
    It has the reason and solution.

  • How to get list of FMs while creating Contact Person from User Admin Link

    Hi Experts,
    We are implementing SAP ECommerce for my SAP ERP. In one of our requirements, we need to develop MASS UPLOAD program which will take input as Contact Person's first name, last name, address and authorization details and create new Contact Person as it is done through User admin link.
    To develop above tool, I want to trace all the Function Modules which are called while creating new Contact Person from User admin link.
    Please provide your inputs on how I can get the trace of FMs.

    Hi Keya,
    For a B2C eCommerce solution, you are looking at FMs BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1 and ISA_USER_CREATE and the table USAPPLREF which holds the reference to the customer and user.
    To get the FMs called, you would have to do a session trace during B2C user registration / B2B user creation from UME. You could search this forum on a 'how-to' for doing a session trace or lookup the development and extension guide that provides a lot of useful information.

  • Short Dump -Email on vendor Master data is same as of contact person(CRM_IC

    Hi Guru's
    I am working CRM IC Webclient, A short Dump is generated when the e-mail address ( Remittance) on the vendor Master record in the CRM is the same as on the contact partner
    1) An error occured during event processing in view BupasearchB2B.htm
    > CL_CRM_BOL_ENTITY>GET_PROPERTY has the invalid value BP_GUID
    steps for Reconstruction
    1) maintain the same email address on the vendor(remittance)master record is same as on the contact person
    2) When such email address is searched to identify the client in (IC Webclient)it dumps
    Could any one suggested me on this.
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: Ravipati on Sep 23, 2008 7:56 PM

    contact partners are a special feature of IS Retail.
    In the standard R/3 it is not possible to use the retail functionalities. See Note 309659
                                                                                    You have to maintain all your contact persons under different partner roles :o(
    But! Retail is a part of the standard R/3 system, with a modification it would be possible to activate the retail functionality.           This is in the function  'SYSTEM_SWITCH_GET'.
    This function will called in the program SAPMF02K -> form RETAIL_OR_STANDARD

  • Problems with my account. How to setup a new one and copy all data in it?

    I've had this Admin account called 'Alex' since my TiBook days. It was on a freshly installed Panther, but for some reason it had a few problems. Just within my own account, that is. My 'Alex' account happened to be the only Admin account; all the other accounts, three in number if I'm not mistaken, were Std accounts.
    Problems I had back then included certain installers not running, or rather starting to bounce and then quitting before doing anything at all. I remember I had to use another account to install Final Cut Express 1.01.
    When I got this new Powerbook I used Migration Assistant when first turning it on, and transfered my home folder using FW cable from the TiBook. Trouble is, the problems I had up to then got transferred, too! For example, now I cannot click on 'Burn' within iDVD5, or the whole thing will collapse (iDVD that is, not the OS!). Also, bought FaxSTF Pro X from Smith Micro, and I can't fax out anything! But, switch to another account on my Powerbook, things are smooth as silk.
    I am contemplating the solution of setting up a new account for me and transferring all my files to that account, then delete my current, problematic one. I want the new account to also be called 'Alex' for short, to have the same long name (my full name, just like my current Admin account). I also would like it if it was possible to copy my Dock configuration, instead of having to re-compose it from scratch. I've got used to using it over the months, and would like to keep it for GUI reasons.
    So, what would be the right order of doing things? Rename my current, bad, account, then create a fresh admin account, then change the ownership and privileges in everything in my home folder and move to the new account, then verify and finally delete my current account? Does all this make sense? Am I setting myself up for some sort of digital tragedy?
    Thanks, people.

    You know, I was thinking if I went ahead and just created a new account, then shipped all my Home folder under the new account and used chown to fix the ownership details, then most likely the problems of my current account would be transferred to the new one.
    How about skipping all .plist files and other preferences? What if I only transferred my actual work documents from all software that I use, plus emails and what have you? Would that tend to minimize the chances of problems re-manifesting themselves in the new environment?

  • Saving all data from a while loop

    I already asked a similar question but it might not be very clear and there were some concepts that I could not well understand.
    1. I have a key pad to generate DTMF stream signal (I call it stream because it contains multiple tones which make up of a complete phone number)
    2. I would like to save it as a wav file but I guess other format is okay and because the write to wav file does not support append so for this particular case, I use write to waveform instead of write to wav
    My approach is to have a queue structure so I can write each iteration result to a file.
    i)When I try to retrieve the data, there is nothing but 0.
    ii)my intention is to get 8000 sample per second (fs = 8,000) but it save the data so fast
    I attached the file so if there is way to solve the problems, please help me. 
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏52 KB

    I believe what is happening is that your producer loop is iterating even when there is no key press and sending blank or default data to the consumer and overwriting the test.wav file.  
    Easy way around this is to put an event structure in the producer that only enqueues data when there is a key press.   I can't see into the Mathscript node so I'm not sure what's going on there, but I suspect the default output (e.g all of the Booleans are false) is for zero-length arrays on f1 and f2 and this is getting enqueued and overwrites any real data that might have been in test.wav.
    It should be possible to append to a .wav.  I have attached a proposed method.  Caution that this in your consumer will take longer and longer as the file grows as it needs to read in the file every time.  
    Untitled ‏8 KB

  • Issue while saving contact person details in CRM 5.2

    This issue is in IC webclient CRM 5.2.
    Issue:We search for the product and then confirm it.Once its confirmed,it will display the list
    of partners(ex:Sold to party ) for that product.
    When I  select sold to party ,it will display the list of contact persons for that sold to party.
    Then I select one contact person and I change some details for the selected contact person like extension,email and save it.
    Its getting saved.
    After that I do cancel interaction and I repeat the same steps.After changing the contact person,when I click on save ,its not getting saved.
    Again If I click on Save,its getting saved.
    I found that in setter method,collection wrapper is getting refreshed for the second time.Because of that,its throwing an exception 'CS_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL'.
    Can you please tell why this collection wrapper is getting refreshed and what could be the problem.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards

    You can set a check to see whether the object is bound. Otherwise, try to find out why the method is called twice.

  • Copying transaction data between planning version - Not delete existing dat

    Hello all.
    I made copy from one version, like 000.
    The result is Version A1 and A2. I copied everything(Master Data and Transaction Data).
    For each version, i ran a MRP. But in differents periods. Like October and November.
    After MRP, i have a lot Planning Orders in A1 and A2. But in differents months.
    My question is: I want to merge A1 and A2 in another version(Merge only  Planning Orders). How i can do this?
    Using /SAPAPO/MVM or /SAPAPO/VERCOP i can copy all data from source to target. But always delete previous data.
    Best Regards.

    This isn't the answer you WANT to hear.   But there's no way to my knowledge to achieve your requirement using standard version copy functionality in APO.
    One way to preserve the data for alternate / merged versions that I've found useful is to use the /SAPAPO/REL_TO_OLTP transaction to send volume data to the ECC client.  If you are loading both inactive versions to BW, then you should be able to release that data from BW to ECC inactive/"long-term" simulation versions where it can be aggregated.  That is to say, you could send A1 and A2 separately and they will simply add to one another, not overwrites (delete and re-create).
    This being said, requirements using this transaction are sent as planned ind. requirements in ECC.  This may not be the desired outcome that you're looking for, so you might have to be careful which key figure you send to represent volumes.

Maybe you are looking for