Retrieving messages

I have an iPhone 4 and I would like to get my mesages and imessages onto my computer. What is the best program to use to do this?

Replies in another color...had to be sure I would remember what I needed to answer. I appreciate the help!  
Whats wrong with the volume of your device? Is it set to high?
i have the volume set to 25% and it still rings at full volume. i love my ringtones but they are so loud it startles me. I switch it to normal volume but it stays the same.
What happens when you go into your media files to delete the ringtones? are you getting an error message?
I originally downloaded several ringtones and transferred some from my old cell. Rather than name them as I did them, I kept the number as the title when they were saved. When I went to delete some that I figured I wouldnt use after all, it wouldnt delete. I tried to rename them but they wont even play. I dont get an error message either. I just get the prompt to delete or cancel and when I select delete, it does nothing.

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  • TS3899 In the past I have been able to retreive all messages not deleted in the inbox of my mailbox.  This week I have not been able to acces messages received prior to 9/10/13.  what can I do to retrieve messages eceived prior to 9/10/13.

    Until recently I have been able to retrieve all messages not deleted i m mailbox "inbox".  Today I can only retrieve messages from 9/10/13 to present.  How can i retreive all previously sent messages that were not deleted?

    Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Tap the account in question > Mail days to sync - increase the time to sync.

  • Preparing to retrieve messages... forever

    Sometimes I check my email connected with my mobilephone or a bad wireless connection. If I get disconnected when Mail is checking for new messages - in the middle of downloading a bigger email... it seems like the Mail app get serious problems. The account that was disconnected cannot check mail anymore, and hangs with the activity "Preparing to retrieve messages" forever. The only way I can get the specific account to work again is to check the pop-account and download the messages with an another email program. When the pop-server is empty it seems like the Mail app resets and it will allow me to check for new mail again.
    It's very frustrating!
    Please Apple! Is it something to do, other than having using my old Eudora program just to reset the account. And why is it possible to download messages with Eudora?
    Someone with the same problem?

    nothing changed on both ends, not just my computer but also the server. Another kicker is a fellow employee has had the same issue for months before I ever had it. And another colleague doesnt have the issue at all. I tried re-installing mail, deleting all preferences, all accounts and installed the app from disc and that did not work either.

  • Can't see msgs in UWC / reconstruct fails with cannot retrieve message uid

    I have restored several email accounts into a test email account. I'm trying to move some of the .msg files around so that they are easier to find. I have created some new folders and when I move the messages into the folder, I cannot see them in the web client. If I run reconstruct, I get
    ERROR: Inconsistent information: 0 idx records 41 messages 0 expunged
    cannot retrieve message uid 590
    cannot retrieve message uid 807
    cannot retrieve message uid 911
    cannot retrieve message uid 915
    cannot retrieve message uid 1198
    cannot retrieve message uid 1286
    etc where the number at the end is the name of the .msg file.
    # imsimta version
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-4.01 (built Aug 3 2007; 64bit) 6.3-4.01 (built 17:28:45, Aug 3 2007; 64bit)
    SunOS message1 5.10 Generic_127111-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V245
    Normally, after restoring email, I have to recreate the mail folders (either via mboxutil or manually via the UWC or a client), then run reconstruct. Even then, often the messages will show as 'deleted' until I either move them to a different folder or go into the UWC and mark them as undeleted. At this point, I can't see the recently restored messages at all in the UWC. They are on the server. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    In general, manually moving files around inside the store like this should be discouraged.
    reconstruct is telling you something is wrong:
    ERROR: Inconsistent information: 0 idx records   41 messages   0 expunged
    cannot retrieve message uid 590
    cannot retrieve message uid 807
    cannot retrieve message uid 911
    cannot retrieve message uid 915
    cannot retrieve message uid 1198
    cannot retrieve message uid 1286The first line is to be expected based on what you have done. The store.idx indicates there are no messages in the folder. But it found 41 .msg files. So it is going to rebuild store.idx to fix that.
    But then there is some problem with accessing the .msg files. Possibilities would include:
    - wrong ownership/permissions?
    - the .msg file being in the wrong NN subdir ??
    If those guesses do not lead to anything, try truss on the reconstruct command to see what happens when reconstruct tries to open those files.

  • TS2755 How can I retrieve messages that I accidentally cleared?

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    If it's on iMessage go to another iMessage device that's currently set up with your account and it might be there. If it's a normal text, go online or contact your provider to see your incomming and outgoing messages.

  • ** List of RFCs to retrieve messages from SXMB_MONI

    Hi friends,
    I found only one RFC 'SXMB_SELECT_MESSAGES'  to retrieve messages from SXMB_MONI. But, this RFC returns only message id.
    Could you kindly tell RFCs or classes other than this which will be usefull to retrieve XML Payload and other things ?
    Kind Regards,
    Jeg P.

    There is a function module SXMB_GET_MESSAGE_LIST through which you can get the messages in SXMB_MONI.
    Refer the below thread for more detail:
    In Which Database Table the Messages are Stored in XI
    Edited by: Chirag Gohil on Feb 15, 2008 6:13 PM

  • Retrieving messages from MQ Series

    We have the situation where we need to receive messages from our partner, who only can use MQ Series to send them. So we are looking into ways how to solve it on our end, which is on a Unix server. We will only read messages, and the other side will be a black box for us which will provide us with settings to connect to their manager.
    Do we need to install a client software (which IBM seems to provide for free) and on top of that use a Java API? Or do we use JMS on top of the client?
    Or if we use JMS, isn't the client needed?

    I am trying to read messages from the MQ using the following code.
    The queue used by this program is shared, msg is pushed other program and this progam fetch the msg and save it physically.
    I m facing a problem, say there are 15 messages, then 15 files should be created, some time it creates 15 files one for each message, while some times it creates less then 15 files.
    String messageType = null;
              String docId = null;
              String idocData = null;
              String fileName = null;
              String msgId = null;
              try {
                   // Create a queue manager object and access the queue
         // that will be used for getting the messages.
                   qMgr = new MQQueueManager(qManager, env);
                   //int openOptions = MQC.MQOO_INPUT_EXCLUSIVE | MQC.MQOO_BROWSE | MQC.MQOO_INQUIRE;
                   queue = qMgr.accessQueue(qName, openOptions, null, null, null);
                   MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions();
                   // Get the count of messages present into Queue.
                   int messageCnt = queue.getCurrentDepth();
         "Current Depth of MQ is : "+ messageCnt);
                   if (messageCnt > cnt && cnt != 0) {
                        messageCnt = cnt;
                   // If count is greater than Zero then get the message from Queue
                   // and creates the file under the target folder.               
                   if (messageCnt > 0) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < messageCnt; i++) {
                   "Depth of MQ Before reading : "+ queue.getCurrentDepth());
                             messageType = "";
                             docId = "";
                             idocData = "";
                             fileName = "";
                             msgId = "";
                             MQMessage message = new MQMessage();
                             queue.get(message, gmo);
                             byte[] data = new byte[message.getMessageLength()];
                             String msg = null;
                   "Getting File  : "+ (i+1));
                             try {
                                  msg = new String(data);
                                  messageType = msg.substring(147, 177).trim();
                                  docId = msg.substring(121, 137).trim();
                                  idocData = msg.substring(108, msg.length());                              
                                  msgId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
                                  // Getting inbox folder path                              
                                  if (messageType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("INVOIC01")) {
                                       targetFolder = BOCConfig.getProperty("invoice.inbox.folder");
                                  } else if (messageType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("DELVRY03")) {
                                       targetFolder = BOCConfig.getProperty("asn.inbox.folder");
                                  fileName = createFile(idocData, msgId, messageType, targetFolder);                              
                        "File Created no " + (i+1) +" with msgId " + msgId + " messageType " + messageType + " DocId " +docId);                              
                        "Depth of MQ After reading : "+ queue.getCurrentDepth());
                             } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
                                  String strMsg = "Edgeware got junk or null message from MQ which is not proceed by MQ Adapter.";
                                  fileName = createFile(idocData, msgId, messageType, failedFolder);
                                  raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, fileName, ne.getMessage());                              
                             } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException siobe) {
                                  String strMsg = "Edgeware got invalid message from MQ which is not handled by MQ Adapter.";
                                  fileName = createFile(idocData, msgId, messageType, failedFolder);
                                  raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, fileName, siobe.getMessage());                         
                             } catch (Exception e) {
                                  String strMsg = "Edgeware got error while creating idoc file or DB transction";
                                  fileName = createFile(idocData, msgId, messageType, failedFolder);
                                  raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, fileName, e.getMessage());
                   // closing the queue.
              } catch (MQException ex) {
                   String strMsg = "Edgeware got MQ Error while connecting/retrieving message from Queue";
                   String err = "MQ exception: CC = " + ex.completionCode + " RC = " + ex.reasonCode;               
                   raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, failedFolder, err);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                   String strMsg = "Edgeware got MQ Error while reading message from the Queue";               
                   raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, failedFolder, e.getMessage());               
              }catch (Throwable th) {
                   String strMsg = "Edgeware got Runtime Exception";               
                   raiseAlert(strMsg, messageType, docId, failedFolder, th.getMessage());               

  • Pop3 email account stuck 'preparing to retrieve messages'

    I've seen others with this issue, but so far none of the suggestions has worked for me. I have three accounts in Mail, two gmail ones, and one pop account. The latter hasn't been able to retrieve messages since the 6th of March. I've moved the messages downloaded plist, the envelope index files from the Library, I've run disk permissions and repaired the disc, I've trbuilt the mailbox, and reindexed Spotlight.
    The messages come through on my ipad and phone okay, just not on Mail on my Mac. Interestingly, last night I decided to try Thunderbird instead. I set up the account and nothing! The progress indicator at the bottom says 'Downloading message 1 of 87 ...' but nothing comes through.
    I'm waiting to hear from my ISP, but as emails comethrough to the ipad, etc, I doubt they'll have much to say.
    Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

    Hi again, and please forgive the bump. My ISP hasn't suggested anything, as expected. However, looking in the Console this morning for Mail entries came up with this:
    16/03/2014 08:51:30.000 syslogd[17]: Configuration Notice:
    ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
    Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
    16/03/2014 08:53:50.128 WindowServer[231]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Mail" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    16/03/2014 08:53:53.388 WindowServer[231]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Mail" after 4.26 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    16/03/2014 08:54:59.911 Mail[1259]: -[MFPOPConnection fetchMessages:totalBytes:] failed: Error Domain=MCMailErrorDomain Code=1029 "The attempt to send data to the server “(null)” failed." UserInfo=0x60000124a6b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The attempt to send data to the server “(null)” failed.}
    Is any of this helpful?

  • Mail hangs trying to retrieve messages

    I'm baffled by a recent problem.
    When retrieving messages (from my gmail account) all I get is the spinning icon - not the beach ball, the little grey circle thing. It just spins, and will do so forever. I then have to 'force quit' Mail in order to close the program.
    I have no trouble accessing new mail through the gmail webmail site, neither do I have any other connection problems. I ran Connection Doctor and it reported everything was fine.
    Sending mail seems to be working fine - it's just receiving that's the problem.
    Since reading a few other posts I have run the 'Rebuild Mailboxes', and repaired permissions. Neither of these did anything helpful.
    Any help will be most appreciated...
    Mac Book   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2GHz Intel Core Duo, 1 GB RAM

    Thanks to the discussion in the post 2 minutes earlier my problem is resolved - moved the MessageRules.plist and MessageRules.plist.backup to the Desktop and everything seemed to work.
    Too bad it didn't solve the earlier posters problem

  • Unknown sender. Failed to retrieve message. What does this mean?

    I have a message in my inbox from an unknown sender and the text reads 'failure to retrieve message' what does this mean? Thanks

    Hello, About a year ago I bought a Canon MX450 printer & scanner, and I don't think it's ever worked properly. I usually have to reinstall the drivers every couple of uses, and the wi-fi feature has never worked properly so it's always connected to my MacBook Air vis USB in order to print. Today, all of the sudden, the scanner tool started telling me to "Select Area To Scan", instead of actually, you know, scanning. Problem is, I can't find any item in Canon documentaiton (online or otherwise) telling me what the heck that means or what to do about it. Even a Google search is fruitless. Pretty frustrating when a printer/scanner will neither print nor scan properly. Anyone have any clue? 

  • Store and Retrieve Messages

    I have problem in storing and retrieving messages from Vector
    Following Issues:
    1. In SendMessage() method am i using correct way to store messages in vector
    2. If my ist step is right then how what should i do in retrieveMessage() method
    public void sendMessage(IChatClient client,String msg) throws RemoteException
    // Send the message to all clients //
    for(int i=0;i<clients.size();i++)
    String user=client.getName();
    System.out.println(user+"has been connected");
    ((IChatClient)clients.elementAt(i)).sendMessage(user+" : "+msg);
    public  void RetrieveMessage(String msgs) throws RemoteException
         }I am at the end of my complete ChatRoom if i get help will be really appreciated

    ((IChatClient)clients.elementAt(i)).sendMessage(user+" : "+msg);
    you should get a ClassCastException:
    What are you storing in the "clients" vector? it appear you have mix
    String and IChatClient in the vector;
    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); i++){
        Object obj = clients.get(i);
        if (obj instanceof IChatClient)
            IChatClient client = (IChatClient) obj;
        else if (obj instanceof String)
            String msg = (String) obj;
    }you should not mix type in a collection. it will just makes thing much difficult (read, write, maintain, etc..)

  • How do I retrieve messages?

    How do I retrieve messages from a person that I deleted on my iPhone?
    <Re-Titled By Host>

    If you have iTunes or iCloud backup files and the backups are up to date, restore with them. If the backup files are out of date, and you don’t want to lose the data generated after the backups, try to download an iPhone backup extractor to extract the text messages from the backup files. If you don’t have any backup files, you can still get the deleted text messages back with the help of an iPhone data recovery.
    This tutorial may be helpful:
    Retrieve Deleted Text Messages on iPhone

  • How do I retrieve messages, iMessages, emails in I icloud backup?

    How do I retrieve messages, iMessages, emails in I icloud backup?

    The only way to access text messages in the backup is by restoring the backup to your device.  This explains how to restore an iCloud backup:  The backup doesn't include email.  It does include your email account settings, but not the actual email.  Restoring a backup will not recover deleted email.

  • Mail won't retrieve messages from ISP

    Please tell me this is my ISP's problem, not my iMac's! I have 2 email accounts, one with my ISP and another with a spam-filtering service. As of yesterday, Mail no longer retrieves messages sent to my ISP email address, although it does retrieve from the other account. I know I have messages, because I can log in to webmail and read them there--but what a pain. My ISP, a small local outfit, seems overwhelmed, and I can't get through to support--so I'm guessing this is their problem.
    If not, any suggestions! Many thanks!

    Anything in the Deleted Messages box?
    First Quit Mail, then I'd backup these two Mail folders, by right clicking on them in the Finder, then choose Archive/Compress.
    Users/YourUserName/Library/Mail Downloads
    (Could be a different folder here if you chose such in Mail Prefs)
    Right click on that Mail folder, choose archive, you'll get everything in the folder, and the folder itself in a file called, move it to a safe place, same for the Mail Downloads folder... only the plist is separate.
    I'd get EasyFind...
    Search your whole drive for...
    Case Insensitive, Show Hidden, how many do we find? Sort by Date, when are the first & last?

  • Mail has stopped retrieving messages from Yahoo

    Mail has stopped retrieving messages from Yahoo email account.  I deleted the account, cleared Safari history and recreated the account.  Successfully retrieved all folders and contents of folders but no messages.  Watching the Activity, it appeared to be retrieving the messages but none appear.  Looking at the log, I can see FETCH error server.  Not sure where to go from here to resolve the issue.  Thanks for your help.

    Based on what I've read in the forum, Yahoo mail has been having some problems.
    Mail troubleshooting - Yosemite
    What does Mail/Window/Connection Doctor Show? If the server is red, select it and look at the Show Details box.
    Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Troubleshooting sending email messages
    SMTP servers keep going offline

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