Retrieving only private variables that have getter

I want to list all variables that are readable outside a given class. None of the variables are public but the relevant ones have a getter.
The java.lang.reflection packages allow me to get all the fields but I only need the ones with a getter. I thought about retrieving the name, with that construct a String getFieldname and check if a public method with that name exist with no parameters and a correct return type.
Is there a more convenient way to achieve that functionality?

I want to list all variables that are readable
outside a given class. Outside? No.
If you have a class then it is simple enough to use reflection to do this.
That means you have to have to start with the class though. And in that case it has nothing to do with whether it is "outside" or not.

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    Edited by: user6677631 on Feb 25, 2013 9:52 AM
    Edited by: user6677631 on Feb 25, 2013 10:02 AM

    Selecting the XML schema for request type in a messaging proxy does not ensure the validation of incoming XML message against schema. Similarly if you create a WSDL based proxy the validation against WSDL definition will not happen automatically. Choosing XML as the type of message will only ensure that any malformed XMLs will be rejected before entering the message flow. For validating against schema you will need to explicitly add a validate action within the proxy message flow, if validation fails raise an error and roll back the message to the Queue or log the errored message and commit the message/publish to an error queue.

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    That would be the LastLogonTimeStamp Attribute for the computer account.
    Gerry Hampson | Blog: | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

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    You could do a simple check for null and increase a counting variable if there's a value in the field. Here's a sample:
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         goalCount = goalCount + 1;
    if (field2.rawValue != null){
         goalCount = goalCount + 1;
    if (field3.rawValue... etc.
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    Hello friend,
    Because I do not understand your requirement to capitalize from AuC to final asset only only those costs for goods/service that have been paid - I would like to give warning that you may not have the requirement correct.
    This would not be your fault, but the fault of the accounting users giving you the requirement is my guess.
    Receiving against PO may be MIGO, and then posting the vendor's invoice later on when it's received, is MIRO usually.
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    Recognizing that we owe the cost of the goods receipt MIGO, it is already fair and required to capitalize the costs to final assets and commence depreciation expense (assumption you have placed the capital fixed assets into service). 
    So, neither MIRO nor check cut should delay your capitalization from AuC to final completed assets unless your requirement is different that SAP basic scenario.   Regards

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    Any help would be most appreciated.

    works perfectly.
    In your message there was an extraneous comma but I don't know if it was available in your sheet or if it was just a typo.
    If you are running Numbers in English in a country whose decimal separator is comma, you will have to edit the formula like that:
    =SUMIF(G2:G20;TRUE;D2:D20) (semi-colon replacing comma).
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 19 juillet 2008 20:47:27)

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    If you download the 22MB OS9.2.2 update, and read the "read me" you'll see that it contains a lot more than just Classic Support for OSX. If you have TomeViewer, you ca actually check the OS9.2.2 Tome and see / extract the individual updates. There are also five or six updates that came out AFTER OS9.2.2 that will list it as a requirement, iTunes v2.0.4, QuickTime v6.0.3, Authoring Support v1.1.9 (and two/three more I can't remember just now). These updates have nothing to do with OSX.
    Then there's the question of support for OS9 applications, OS9.2.2 has been available for two and a half years (April 2003), OS9.2.1 was available for 20 months (August 2001). Any software released since April 2003 will have a min OS requirement of OS9.2.2.
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    It's your computer, so if you're happy with the way it works under OS9.2.1 we're not going to force you to upgrade, but most of us have.

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    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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    I hope this is not TMI.

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    Hi Ben,
    Please refer the doc:
    for EchoSign integration with Sharepoint.

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    My photos seem to be disappearing from photo stream.
    Where are they going and how do I get them back?

    That's correct. Photostream only stores the most recent 1000 photos for up to 30 days. You are supposed to download a permanent copy to your computer for arhival purposes within that time.

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    Now my question, it seems that Time Machine is doing a full restore of every file in the backup and not just the files it incrementally changed between its hourly backups. Why does it do this? My restore process should have just been a couple of minutes, restoring a couple hundred or so files at most. Restoring several hundred thousand files seems stupid when the I select a backup that is one hour old. Is there anyway to set it up so I can restore incrementally?
    Message was edited by: Scionwest
    A quick note, I performed the restore from within the Time Machine while booted into OS X; the restore did not take place in the special bootup tool available. Why it does not provide an option to simply restore the files changed over the last hour is mind boggling to me

    You are making this way too complicated. In Terminal, choose Shell > New Command…. In the text box that opens, enter bash --noprofile . A Terminal window will open that does not use your .bash_profile, so the bad $PATH will not be an issue. Now you can remove, move, or edit .bash_profile.

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    Once you successfully add you iTunes library to iTunes Match, you go to Settings>iTunes & App Store on your iOS device and turn on iTunes Match.  Your iTunes Match library will then appear on your iOS device.

  • Extract only records that have difference sum

    Hi all. I'm on oracle 10g.
    I have a question. I have two select statement, both with sum function.
    I want that from first select I must retrieve only records which have different sum.
    Here is the code:
    first select statement
    select a.codice_contratto codice_contratto, a.codice_qualifica codice_qualifica,
    a.codice_istituzione codice_istituzione, sum(a.nume_dip_tot) tot, sum(a.nume_dip_donne) donne
    from tn_bz_t_10 a
    where a.anno = 2006
    group by a.codice_contratto, a.codice_qualifica, a.codice_istituzione
    order by a.codice_contratto, a.codice_qualifica, a.codice_istituzione
    secon select statement
    select codice_contratto, codice_qualifica,
    sum(nume_dip_tot17) tot, sum(nume_dip_donne17) donne
    from tabella10
    where anno = 2006
    and versione = 'D'
    and nume_dip_tot17 <> 0
    group by codice_contratto, codice_qualifica, codice_istituzione
    order by codice_contratto,codice_qualifica,codice_istituzione
    My goal is that from first select I must retrieve only those records which have difference sum, tot or donne,
    from second select...
    How can I achieve that??
    Thanks all for collaboration,
    Fabrizio Delli Priscoli
    Edited by: Fabrizio Delli Priscoli on 23-set-2010 14.25

    Hi, Fabrizio,
    (1) an inner join, or
    (2) NOT IN
    are two ways that will probably be efficient.
    You've been using this forum for nearly 9 years, so you know that, to get a more detailed answer, you need to post a more detailed question.
    Post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.
    Format your code and results, and post them between \ tags to keep this site from removing the extra spaces.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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