Return string

I am trying to return a string from a method in a class called information. I am having no joy at all
Here is a snippet of code:
//class I am calling the method in
final String[] name=new String[10];
import java.util.*;
public class Information
String[] name=new String[20];
   public String[] ComponentName()
      return name;

This is what your code does:
final String[] name=new String[10];
- This declares a variable called 'name', which is an array of strings, and you allocate a new array containing 10 strings.
- This calls ComponentName() in object x. This will probably give you a compiler error, because 'name' is final (which means you cannot assign another value to it).
public class Information {
String[] name = new String[20];
- Here you start a new class with a member variable called 'name', which is initialised with a new array of length 20. Note that this is not the same variable as the one you used above.
public String[] ComponentName() {
return name;
- Here you have the method ComponentName(). The first line of the method body, where you assign "Test" to the 21st (note!) element of the array, will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. The array contains only 20 elements (name[0] to name[19]). You return a reference to the member variable in class Information.

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  • Returning strings from OLE2 Word object (Forms 4.5)

    Below is an example of how to return string and numeric values from OLE2 objects. In this example the OLE2 object is a MS Word document, and I want to fetch all the bookmarks in the Document into a Forms 4.5 Varchar2. To do this I first need to get the count of bookmarks.
    Getting a string property from an OLE2 object is a common OLE2 requirement but is poorly documented. This is the ONLY way it can be done, as OLE2.INVOKE_CHAR returns a single character not a string. Use OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ, then OLE2.GET_CHAR_PROPERTY which does return a string, as shown below, to return a string from an OLE object (or OLE property).
    Also note how you can only get the child object from its parent, not the grandchild (etc) object, so multiple (cascading) GET_OBJ_PROPERTY calls are required.
    /* by: Marcus Anderson (Anderson Digital) ( */
    /* name: Get_Bookmarks */
    /* desc: Returns a double quoted CSV string containing the document*/
    /* bookmarks. CSV string will always contain a trailing comma*/
    /* EG: "Bookmark1","Bookmark2",Bookmark3",Bookmark4", */
    /*               NB: This requires that Bookmarks cannot contain " chr */
    PROCEDURE Get_Bookmarks (pout_text OUT VARCHAR2)
    v_text           VARCHAR2(80);
    v_num                         NUMBER(3);
         v_arglist OLE2.LIST_TYPE;
         v_Application     OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    v_ActiveDoc      OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    v_Bookmarks          OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    v_Item                    OLE2.OBJ_TYPE;
    v_i                              NUMBER(3);
              v_Application     := LDWord.MyApplication; -- Word doc opened elsewhere
                   /* Set v_num = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Count */
    v_ActiveDoc := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY (v_Application, 'ActiveDocument');
    v_Bookmarks := OLE2.GET_OBJ_PROPERTY (v_ActiveDoc , 'Bookmarks');
    v_num := OLE2.GET_NUM_PROPERTY (v_Bookmarks, 'Count'); -- NB: Returns numeric property
                   /* Build the output string, pout_text. */
    FOR v_i in 1..v_num LOOP
                        /* Set v_item = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Item(v_i) */
    v_arglist := OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST;
    OLE2.ADD_ARG (v_arglist, v_i);
    v_Item := OLE2.INVOKE_OBJ (v_Bookmarks, 'Item', v_arglist); -- NB: returns parent object (array element)
    OLE2.DESTROY_ARGLIST (v_arglist);
                        /* Set v_text = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks.Item(v_i).Name */
    v_text := OLE2.GET_CHAR_PROPERTY (v_Item, 'Name');                    -- NB: Returns string/varchar2 property
    pout_text := pout_text || '"' || v_text || '",' ;

    Please repost in the Forms discussion forum.
    - OTN

  • Returning String data through argument

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    int myFunc(char *buf, int code);
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    I assume this is a common issue, is there a recommended solution?

    Sorry I didn't reply earlier- never really came back to this thread - the solution I suggested in my first message worked great for me.
    Here's what it looks like (the relevant bits at least):
    * Class: com_nmss_ms_log_hsLogger
    * Method: lgGetText
    * Signature: (Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;Ljava/lang/String;I)I
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nmss_ms_log_hsLogger_lgGetText
    (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject stringBuf, jstring id, jint msgId, jchar ss_id)
    char buff[501];
    int result, i;
    jstring retString;
    jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, stringBuf);
    jmethodID mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "append", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer;");
    result = logGetText(log_handle, msgId, buff, 500);
    retString = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, buff);
    (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, stringBuf, mid, retString);
    return result;

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    This is why I wanted to see some code. I wanted to see how you are trying to move the array from one class to another.
    This should work... provided that the array is initialised correctly in ClassA. If you are doing it like this, please post some code and I'll help you fix it.
    class ClassA{
    public String[] getMyArray(){
    return myArray;
    class ClassB{
    public void myMethod(){
    ClassA myA = new ClassA();
    String[] newArray = myA.getMyArray();

  • Why returning string from java stored function failed ?  HELP ME, PLEASE

    Hi everybody,
    I created java stored function: it's doing http post, parsing xml from http reply, and returning string result.
    Sometimes, it doesn't return any value. What can be a reason ?
    The high level procedure, has following form:
    class SBE {
    public static String call(String arg0) {
    SBE sbe=new SBE("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log");
    String result=SBEParser.go(sbe.sendRequest(arg0, ""), sbe.logger);
    sbe.logger.log("Finish SBE intetraction");
    return result;
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    create or replace package PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 in varchar2) return varchar2;
    create or replace package body PG_SBE as
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    In log file ("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log"), I can find message :
    "Finish SBE intetraction"
    but query:
    select"any argument") from dual;
    doesn't finish.
    What can be a reason ? What can I do to trace stage of convertion java string to varchar ?
    Please help me...
    Best regards

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stefan Fdgersten ([email protected]):
    Maybe your call is wrong... Shouldn't there be a "?" instead of "1"?
    Your code:
    String myquery = "begin :1 := jspTest; end;";
    I provide my (working) call from java as an example. Maybe it is of any help... :)
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    public Vector getAllHosts() throws SQLException {
    //return getHosts(false, -1);
    Connection conn = null;
    CallableStatement cs = null;
    Vector hostV = new Vector();
    try {
    conn = getConnection();
    String query = "{ ? = call curTestPkg.curTestFunc}";
    cs = conn.prepareCall(query);
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
    ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)cs).getCursor(1);
    while ( {
    Host host = new Host(
    , rs.getString("name")
    , rs.getString("descr")
    , rs.getString("os"));
    return hostV;
    } finally {
    close(conn, cs);
    hi Stefan thanx.....even after changing the call statement i get the same error. i changed query string as...
    String myquery = "{ ? = call jspTest}";
    CallableStatement cst = con.prepareCall(myquery);
    Can u please check out my call sepc that i have written in pl/sql and plz let me know it there is any error in that.

  • Why returning string from java stored function failed ?

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    Sometimes, it doesn't return any value. What can be a reason ?
    The high level procedure, has following form:
    class SBE {
    public static String call(String arg0) {
    SBE sbe=new SBE("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log");
    String result=SBEParser.go(sbe.sendRequest(arg0, ""), sbe.logger);
    sbe.logger.log("Finish SBE intetraction");
    return result;
    PLSQL wrapper has a simple form:
    create or replace package PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 in varchar2) return varchar2;
    create or replace package body PG_SBE as
    function CALL(arg0 varchar2) return varchar2 as language java name ' return java.lang.String';
    In log file ("d:\\oracle\\ora81\\network\\log\\SBE.log"), I can find message :
    "Finish SBE intetraction"
    but query:
    select"any argument") from dual;
    doesn't finish.
    What can be a reason ? What can I do to trace stage of convertion java string to varchar ?
    Please help me...

    This comes up periodically. It just isn't possible using that type of approach. Probably the best you could do is the create an ADT (containing collections) and use that to pass a 'batch' of information.
    Hopefully this will get addressed in the next release of the database.

  • LKM getinfo returned string not visible in IKM

    We are staging a number of tables using DB links and I have created an Oracle to Oracle LKM that has a single step to capture the source table name and DB Link so that it can be referenced by the IKM;
       <% v_src_table=odiRef.getSrcTablesList(0, "", "[SCHEMA].[TABLE_NAME]", ", ", "") + "@" + odiRef.getInfo("SRC_DSERV_NAME"); %>
    The IKM has a single step with an Oracle Insert that references the variable that was defined in the LKM;
       from <%=v_src_table%>
    The returned string is complete when referenced in a subsequent step within the LKM, however, only the schema name, table name and the '@' are returned to the IKM query. The DB link name is not. I have tried a number of different technologies and variables but I cannot pass the DB link name to the IKM.
    Does anyone know of a way to pass the string returned from getinfo  in an LKM to an IKM?

    I was able to force the LKM to evaluate SRC_DSERV_NAME by adding a step for substring. This solution does not require getFrom and is used for loading single tables across a DB Link. Views are not required.
         String v_src_table=odiRef.getSrcTablesList(0, "", "[SCHEMA].[TABLE_NAME]", ", ", "") ;
          v_src_dserv= odiRef.getInfo("SRC_DSERV_NAME");
          v_src_dserv = v_src_dserv.substring(0);
       from    <%=v_src_table%>@<?=v_src_dserv?>_<%=odiRef.getInfo("DEST_DSERV_NAME")%>_extract
    Our DB Link naming convention is <src_dserv_name>_<dest_dserv_name>_EXTRACT, making the solution context aware.

  • External java function that should return String array

    Hi everyone,
    I have a split function in plsql that takes 10 times longer a java tokenizer function that i was written. So, i want to use java external function to split my plsql strings into pieces.
    I can write a java external procedure that returns types like int, float and String types. I have no problem about it.
    My problem is returning an array of strings. I found a book that has an example about how can we get directory list in plsql with java external procedure.
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.*;
    public class JFile {
    public static oracle.sql.ARRAY dirlist (String dir)
    throws java.sql.SQLException
    Connection conn = new OracleDriver().defaultConnection( );
    ArrayDescriptor arraydesc =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor ("DIRLIST_T", conn);
    File myDir = new File (dir);
    String[] filesList = myDir.list( );
    ARRAY dirArray = new ARRAY(arraydesc, conn, filesList);
    return dirArray;
    RETURN dirlist_t
    NAME 'myFile.dirlist(java.lang.String) return oracle.sql.ARRARY';
    I could compile this source file in localhost but not remotehost. There are jar files ( import oracle.sql.*; import oracle.jdbc.*; ) that should be added to remote classpath. ( others have already added java classpath ). But, which classpath i should add? Oracle has own JVM and Classpath, probably i should upload these jar files to oracle classpath. Am i wrong? How can i do? Can you explain in detail? How can i return string array from java external function in Oracle ?
    I am using Oracle on Solaris Sparc Machine.

    What do you mean "compile in remote host"
    Aren't you using the loadjava tool? - that should be enough, the RDBMS already "has" the jars needed.
    [A must read|]

  • Sxmb_moni shows the returning string as a big string of letter 'A'

    Hello Friends
    I am using the following scenario
    An outside application sends a huge variable string of data via XI using SOAP adapter.  XI inturn using RFC and a ZBAPI writes this into a table.
    On the table side I am using the datatype 'VARILRAW' and it gets saved successfully without any error. However, because of the property, I can not go and see if the data in the table is correctly saved.
    So I have written another ZBAPI to send the data back to the appliation, where I can check to see if the data string is the same that I sent.
    However, instead of sending the same string back, it is sending a huge string of 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...',
    I went and checked the sxmb_moni and it shows the string that is coming in as correct string as expected. But the returning string is a huge string of letter As. (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa).
    Can some one please show me where I am going wrong? I would really appreciate it.

    hi ram,
    even we faced the same problem.
    we used to get the data from .NET application and we found that ascill values are not the same.
    for example if they are sending letter "X" it's being taken as some other letter which is not equivalent to letter "X".
    in SXMB_MONI it shows the same letter "X" but while processing it takes something diff.
    for us the solution worked when we changed the case of the letter as it was coming as small "x" we made it as CAPITAL "X".
    then the processing was correct.
    really speaking dont know how the character conversions takes place behind the screen.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Rama Krishna

  • Methods returning String

    Do Methods returning String create a String object in memeory and pass back the reference to the calling Method?

    hmm, i'll take a shot at answering your query - hope this meets your requirement ... Java does manipulate objects by reference, and all object variables are references. So when a method returns a String object (this object would be created within the scope of the method) the object reference is returned to the caller.
    Now the point of confusion usually happens since, Java doesn't pass method arguments by reference; it passes them by value. Java passes object references by value as well. What this means is the references passed to the method are actually copies of the original references.Java copies and passes the reference by value, not the object. Thus, method manipulations on the object reference will alter the objects, since the references point to the original objects. But since the references are copies, swaps will fail.
    Hope the above helps.
    John Morrison

  • The TableModel.getColumnClass() always return String class

    Hi, anybody here has ever encountered and problem like mine? Please help if you do.
    I have an JTable and the table model derived from AbstractTableModel, I use TableSorter from the tutorial to sort the table(I have also implemented my own sorting method, but the result is the same), but whatever the data type of the table column, the getColumnClass() method always return String type, so the table is always sorted by String type.
    My implementation of this method is as following:
    return getValueAt(0, columnIndex).getClass();
    What is possibly wrong?
    Please help, thank you so much!

    Presumably the data in your first cell is a String object... therefore your code in getColumnClass() will always return String.class.

  • ADF pivot table HeaderCellContext always returns String

    I am creating a pivot table using my own array of a custom class: PivotCell[][].
    Everything works fine and I am able to render data and cell wise colors etc.
    When I try to fetch value from headerCellContext, it returns string.
    It works with DataCellContext where I get my custom object.
    private class MyHeaderCellFormat extends CellFormat {
    public MyHeaderCellFormat(HeaderCellContext headerCellContext) {
    _headerCellContext = headerCellContext;
    Object value = _headerCellContext.getValue();
    Please help.

    according to the documentation, this should not be the case. As you can see, the documentation explicitly calls toString() for the string representation: . You can narrow down the problem by using the default cell format and see what this returns

  • How to remove the "int len" of my return string on the DLLS header when building a DLL on LabVIEW 8.5

    Hi all.
    I'm building a DLL on LabVIEW and I choose a string as an output on the terminals connectors.
    But LabVIEW creates another output, the lenght of the return string.
    This is a problem because I have other DLLs and I need them to be compatible.
    How do I remove this length from the header? What is the difference between Pascal String and C string and String Handle Pointer?
    String Handle Pointer removes the length from the header but I don't know the difference between this data types.
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Daniel Coelho
    Daniel Coelho
    VISToolkit - - Your Real Virtual Instrument Solution
    Controlar - Electronica Industrial e Sistemas, Lda

    Daniel Coelho wrote:
    Hi all.
    I'm building a DLL on LabVIEW and I choose a string as an output on the terminals connectors.
    But LabVIEW creates another output, the lenght of the return string.
    This is a problem because I have other DLLs and I need them to be compatible.
    How do I remove this length from the header? What is the difference between Pascal String and C string and String Handle Pointer?
    String Handle Pointer removes the length from the header but I don't know the difference between this data types.
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Daniel Coelho
    C string pointer is a pointer to a memory location whose string information is terminated by a 0 byte. Pascal String Pointer is a pointer to a memory location where the first byte specifies the number of bytes to follow. This obviously allows only for strings up to 255 character length.
    LabVIEW String Handle is a pointer to a pointer to a memory location where the first 4 bytes are an int32 value indicating the number of characters to follow. You can read such a String handle in a function without many problems, but you can only create, resize and delete such a handle by using LabVIEW memory manager functions. So this makes only sense if the caller of such a DLL is LabVIEW too as another caller would have to go through several hoops and tricks in order to gain access to the correct LabVIEW kernel that could provide the memory manager functions to deal with such handles.
    Last but not least output strings whose allocated length is not passed to the funciton as additional parameter are a huge secerity risk (talk about buffer overrun errors). LabVIEW DLL Builder does not support the creation of DLLs with output string (or array parameters)  without the explicit passing of an additional parameter telling the DLL function how large the allocated size is (so that the DLL function can make sure to never write over the end of the buffer).
    The additional length parameter only disappears for String Handles because LabVIEW will simply resize them to whatever length is necessary and that is also the reason why those handles need to be allocated by the same memory manager instance that is also going to execute the DLL function.
    Resizing of memory pointers is non-standardized and in normal circumstances not suited for passed function parameters at all.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 06-13-2008 12:28 PM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • NX-OS snmp-trap strdata does not return string sent from device to object server

    NX-OS snmp-trap strdata does not return string sent from device to object server
    Applet was created:
        event manage applet TEST_VPC
        description "%ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_ADMIN_DOWN"
        event syslog occurs 1 priority 4 pattern "%ETHPORT-5-IF_DOWN_ADMIN_DOWN"
        action 1.0 snmp-trap strdata "Loopback0 is admin down"
    after event is generated (link admin down), trap is sent to snmp server, but string does not appear in received messages:
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-P_M-105-000: 1 trap in queue
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-P_M-105-000: V2/V3 trap/inform received
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Information: I-P_M-104-000: Number of items in the trap queue is 0
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReqId: 1427018637
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] community: xxxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] IPaddress: x.x.x.x
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] PeerIPaddress: x.x.x.x
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReceivedPort: 162
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] ReceivedTime: 1395044966
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Protocol: UDP
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] SNMP_Version: 2
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] UpTime: 1166940388
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Uptime: 1:30:03.88
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . (1166940388) 135 days, 1:30:03.88
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] notify: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] OID1: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_raw: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_text: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 1_hex: (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . (1166939868) 135 days, 1:29:58.68
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] OID2: .
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_raw: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_text: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] 2_hex: 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] . 4
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Node: xxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] PeerAddress: xxxx
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] EventCount: 360
    2014-03-17T04:29:26: Debug: D-UNK-000-000: [Event Processor] Processing alert {0 remaining} 
    please help figure this out

    This is a CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB trap, not an EEM trap.  I don't think your EEM applet is being triggered since you have that priority argument in there.  Try removing that and leave the syslog pattern alone.  You will see the string as a varbind in the trap.

  • F5 Big IP 4000 Send /Return String for Exchange 2013

    I need to Implement F5 Big IP 4000 and need to set send / return string for Exchange 2013 server for OWA monitoring... Can anyone help me with Exact output String.

    In the Send String box enter in GET /owa/healthcheck.htm.  In the
    Receive String box, enter in 200 OK.
    Here is a related article for your reference.
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Hope this is helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can one Java app return String[] to other Java app ?

    I writed 2 applications.
    One can trigger another to run ( System.exec(...) )
    After finish, the second app needs return String[].
    How I return the value ?
    Any suggestion is welcome.

    What are you trying to do?
    Streaming data output as piping? OR
    Two running apps communication? OR
    One app calling another? OR .....

Maybe you are looking for