Returning Back to UWL Iview

I am launching a WebDynpro Application fomr my UWL. After an Action is performed to exit the application, I want to take the user back to the UWL Iview. How do i achieve this ?

I Introduced this code to get back to the UWL Iview.
(String) null,
(String) null,
(String) null,
(String) null,
(String) null);
But it doesnt take me there. I shows some error messages.
I am referring to the UWL Iview Under:
Contents Provided By SAP > End User Content > Standard Portal Users > Iview > > Universal Worklist.
Can anyone Suggest me where I cud have gone wrong. I am not passing any parameters. So I have kept the Last paramater as Null.

Similar Messages

  • UWL iView UI Change

    Hi All,
    I have implemented the UWL iView and it is working fine. Now I have a requirement where in I have to remove the create Ad-hoc workflow and forward buttons that appear in the UWL iview.
    Is it possible ? If it is then please let me know how ?
    Jay Kapadia

    Hi Jay,
    here is the "Comment removing for Ad hoc Button" (commented 2 places in xml)in uwl.standard.xml.
    <u><b>I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS XML</b></u>, kindly make sure you have he back up of the original uwl.standard.xml.
    replace/addcomment to the uwl.standard.xml and let me know, I have done this in removing "new task" button, it works fine for me.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC  "-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN" "uwl_configuration.dtd" []>
         <DescriptionBundle name="blank" default=" ">
                   <Description Language="en" Description=""/>
    <b><!Comment for removing Ad hoc Button></b><!--
         <Action name="uwlTaskWizard"
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-1" />
                   <Property name="iview" value=""/>
                   <Property name="launchContext" value="UWL"/>
                   <Property name="appContext" value="${context.appContext}" />
                   <Property name="internalId" value="${item.internalId}" />
                   <Property name="externalObjectID" value="${item.externalObjectId}"/>
                   <Property name="subject" value="${item.subject}"/>
                   <Property name="dueDate" value="${item.dueDate}"/>
                   <Property name="action" value="subprocess" />
         <Action name="defaultGlobalWizard"
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-1" />
                   <Property name="iview" value=""/>
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="ignoreWorkIdParams" value="yes"/>
                   <Property name="appContext" value="${context.appContext}" />
                   <Property name="launchContext" value="UWL" />
         <Action name="viewDetail" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="view_detail">
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-2" />
                   <Property name="image" value="icon_detail.gif"/>
         <Action name="viewSimilar" handler="UIActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="view_all_of_same_type">
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-5" />
                   <Property name="image" value="icon_detail.gif"/>
         <Action name="markAsRead" handler="UWLActionHandler" referenceBundle="mark_as_read"/>
         <Action name="delete"  handler="ProviderActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="delete">
              <ConfirmDescriptions referenceBundle="delete_prompt"/>
         <Action name="accept" handler="UserDecisionHandler" groupAction="yes" referenceBundle="approve">
                   <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="display"/>
         <Action name="reject" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" groupAction="yes" referenceBundle="reject"/>
         <Action name="confirm" handler="UserDecisionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" groupAction="yes" referenceBundle="confirm">
                   <Property name="UserDecisionNote" value="display"/>
         <Action referenceBundle="submit" name="submitUserDecisions" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" handler="UIActionHandler">
              <ConfirmDescriptions referenceBundle="submit_prompt"/>
         <Action name="complete"  handler="ProviderActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="complete">
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="4" />
         <Action name="acknowledge"  handler="ProviderActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="acknowledge">
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="3" />
              <ConfirmDescriptions referenceBundle="acknowledge_prompt"/>
         <Action name="refresh" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="refresh">
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="onClick" value ="onForceRefresh"/>
         <Action name="uwlReturnToTable" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="return">
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="-15" />
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="onClick" value ="onCancel"/>
         <Action name="addToNavigation" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="add_to_navigation">
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="onClick" value ="onAddToNavigation"/>
         <Action name="removeFromNavigation" handler="UIActionHandler"  referenceBundle="remove_from_navigation">
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="onClick" value ="onRemoveFromNavigation"/>
          <Action name="personalize" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="personalize">
                   <Property name="type" value="button"/>
                   <Property name="onClick" value ="onPersonalize"/>
          <Action name="deleteItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="delete">
              <ConfirmDescriptions referenceBundle="delete_prompt"/>
            <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="OR">
                <Expression comparator="StartsWith" name="itemType" value="uwl.notassignedtome"/>
                <Expression comparator="Contains" name="trackBy" value="${context.userId}"/>
                   <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                       <Expression comparator="NotStartsWith" name="itemType" value="uwl.task.coll"/>
                       <Expression comparator="NotStartsWith" name="itemType" value="uwl.request.coll"/>
          <Action name="newItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                 <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>                    
              <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="OR">
                        <Expression name="itemSubtype" comparator="Equals" value="Q" />
                   <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.task.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.request.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.notassignedtome" />
          <Action name="inProgressItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                           <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>                    
              <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="OR">
                        <Expression name="itemSubtype" comparator="Equals" value="Q" />
                   <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.task.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.request.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.notassignedtome" />
          <Action name="completeItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                  <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>                    
              <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="OR">
                   <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                        <Expression name="noapprovalquicktask" comparator="NotEquals" value="true" />
                        <Expression name="itemSubtype" comparator="Equals" value="Q" />
                   <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                        <Expression name="noapprovalquicktask" comparator="NotEquals" value="true" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.task.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.request.coll" />
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.notassignedtome" />
          <Action name="claimItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank" />
          <Action name="unclaimItem" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank" />     
          <Action name="priorityLow" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                   <Property name="newValue" value="1"/>
                   <Property name="priority" value="Low"/>
                          <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>               
          <Action name="priorityNormal" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                   <Property name="newValue" value="2"/>
                   <Property name="priority" value="Normal"/>
                          <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>               
          <Action name="priorityHigh" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                   <Property name="newValue" value="3"/>
                   <Property name="priority" value="High"/>
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>
          <Action name="priorityVeryHigh" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="blank">
                   <Property name="newValue" value="4"/>
                   <Property name="priority" value="VeryHigh"/>
                          <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlExcludeFromPreviewDetail"/>               
              <CompoundExpression logicalOperation="AND">
                   <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.task.coll" />
                   <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.request.coll" />
                   <Expression name="itemType" comparator="NotStartsWith" value="uwl.notassignedtome" />
         <Action name="forwardToOneOrMoreUser" handler="ProviderActionHandler" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="forward">
                   <Property name="userIdList" value="$"/>
                   <Property name="display_order_priority" value="3" />
         <!-- For subprocess -->
         <Action name="cancelSubprocess"  returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" handler="ProviderActionHandler" referenceBundle="cancel_process">
                 <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlSubprocessRunningOnly"/>                    
              <ConfirmDescriptions referenceBundle="cancel_prompt"/>
         <Action name="viewSubProcess" handler="UIActionHandler" referenceBundle="view_subprocess">
                    <Property name="type" value="link"/>
                 <Property name="display_order_priority" value="uwlSubprocessRunningOnly"/>                    
         <!-- Action name="exclude" handler="uwlExcludeAction"/ -->
         <ItemType name="uwl" connector="*"      defaultView="DefaultView"     defaultAction="viewDetail"
              executionMode="default"     >
                   <Action reference="viewDetail"/>
                   <Action reference="viewSimilar"/>
                   <Action reference="uwlReturnToTable" />
                   <Action reference="markAsRead"/>
         <ItemType name="uwl.notification"     connector="*"     defaultView="NotificationsView">
                   <Action reference="complete"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.task"     connector="*"     defaultView="DefaultView">
    <b><!--Comment for  removing Ad Hoc button ></b><!               <Action reference="uwlTaskWizard"/>-->
                   <Action reference="priorityLow"/>
                   <Action reference="priorityNormal"/>
                   <Action reference="priorityHigh"/>
                   <Action reference="priorityVeryHigh"/>     
                   <Action reference="cancelSubprocess"/>
                   <Action reference="viewSubProcess"/>                               
         <ItemType     name="uwl.task.approval"     connector="*"     defaultView="WorkItemsApprovalView">
                   <Action reference="accept"/>
                   <Action reference="reject"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.task.confirmation"     connector="*"     defaultView="DefaultView">
                   <Action reference="confirm"/>
        <ItemType       name="uwl.task.guidedprocedures"  connector="*"     defaultView="DefaultView">
                   <Action name="launchGPUrl" handler="UrlLauncher" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" referenceBundle="launchXHanlder" >
                             <Property name="url" value="${item.executionUrl}"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.futuretask"     connector="*"     defaultView="FutureTaskView"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.request"     connector="*"     defaultView="WorkItemRequestsView">
                   <Action reference="cancelSubprocess"/>
                   <Action reference="viewSubProcess"/>     
         <ItemType     name="uwl.completedtask"     connector="*"     defaultView="WorkItemsCompletedView"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.forwardedtask"     connector="*"     defaultView="WorkItemsForwardedView">
              <Caching refreshPeriod="session"/>
         <ItemType     name="uwl.completedrequest"     connector="*"     defaultView="WorkItemsCompletedRequestView"     >
              <Caching refreshPeriod="session"/>
                   <Action reference="viewSubProcess"/>     
         <ItemType name="uwl.alert" connector="AlertConnector" defaultView="AlertsView" defaultAction="viewDetail" >
                   <Action reference="cancelSubprocess"/>
                   <Action reference="viewSubProcess"/>               
                   <Action reference="acknowledge"/>
                   <Action reference="forwardToOneOrMoreUser"/>
                   <Action handler="SAPAppLauncher" name="Alert Configuration" userDecision="no" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="no" referenceBundle="alertConfig">
                             <Property name="display_order_priority" value="1"/>     
                           <Property name="SAPIntegrator" value="ROLES://portal_content/"/>
                           <Property name="System" value="${item.systemId}"/>
                           <Property name="CustomerNamespace" value="sap"/>
                           <Property name="Namespace" value="sap"/>
                           <Property name="Application" value="ALERTPERSONALIZE_RULES"/>
                           <Property name="PageId" value="index.htm"/>
                    <MenuItem name="acknowledge" actionRef="acknowledge" referenceBundle="acknowledge" />
                    <MenuItem name="forwardToOneOrMoreUser" actionRef="forwardToOneOrMoreUser" referenceBundle="forward" />
         <View name="DefaultView"
              columnOrder="statusIcon, subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                   <DisplayAttribute name="priority" type ="user" width="10" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="priority">
                             <MenuItem name="Low" actionRef="priorityLow" referenceBundle="menu_priority_low" />
                             <MenuItem name="Normal" actionRef="priorityNormal" referenceBundle="menu_priority_normal" />
                             <MenuItem name="High" actionRef="priorityHigh" referenceBundle="menu_priority_high" />
                             <MenuItem name="VeryHigh" actionRef="priorityVeryHigh" referenceBundle="menu_priority_v_high" />                         
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="ConfirmationView"
              columnOrder="attachmentCount, detailIcon, subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, dueDate"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="WorkItemsApprovalView"
              supportedItemTypes="uwl.task.approval, uwl.task.coll.approval"
              columnOrder="subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon, approveCol, rejectCol"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                  <DisplayAttribute referenceBundle="reject" name="rejectCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="reject" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER">
                  <DisplayAttribute referenceBundle="approve" name="approveCol" type="checkbox" width="" actionRef="accept" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER">
                   <Action reference="submitUserDecisions"/>
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="NotificationsView"
              columnOrder="subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="createdDate:descend, priority:descend"
                   <Action reference="complete"/>
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
    <!-- Alert-Begin View -->     
         <View name="AlertsView"
              columnOrder="priority, subject, createdDate, recipients, alertcategory, attachmentCount"
              sortby="priority:descend, createdDate:descend"
                 <DisplayAttribute name="priority" type="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" referenceBundle="priority" headerVisible="no">
                        <ImageMapping default="High" >
                     <ImageMap value="VeryHigh" imageName="/irj/portalapps/" referenceBundle="menu_priority_v_High" />
                     <ImageMap value="High" imageName="1x1.gif" referenceBundle="menu_priority_high" />
                   <DisplayAttribute name="recipients" type ="people" width="" sortable="no" referenceBundle="recipients"/>
                   <DisplayAttribute name="alertcategory" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="alertcategory"/>
                   <DisplayAttribute name="createdDate" type ="datetime" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" hAlign="LEFT" referenceBundle="sent_date"/>
                   <DisplayAttribute name="expiryDate" type ="datetime" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" hAlign="LEFT" referenceBundle="expire_date"/>
                   <Action reference="acknowledge"/>
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>     
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>          
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>                
    <!-- Alert-End View -->     
    <!-- Alert Compact View -Begin -->
        <View name="MiniAlertsView"
                  columnOrder="priority, subject"
                  sortby="priority:descend, createdDate:descend"
          <Descriptions default="Alerts">
              <Description Language="en" Description="Alerts"/>
                 <DisplayAttribute name="priority" type="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" referenceBundle="priority" headerVisible="no">
                        <ImageMapping default="High" >
                     <ImageMap value="VeryHigh" imageName="/irj/portalapps/" referenceBundle="menu_priority_v_High" />
                     <ImageMap value="High" imageName="1x1.gif" referenceBundle="menu_priority_high" />
            <Action reference="refresh"/>
            <Action name="Extended" groupAction="no" handler="IViewLauncher" referenceBundle="expand" returnToDetailViewAllowed="no" launchInNewWindow="no">
                <Property name="display_order_priority" value="1"/>
                <!-- To pass parameter sap_uwl_viewname need to call the iView (Page call wont take it -->
                <Property name="iview" value="pcd:portal_content/"/>
                <Property name="sap_uwl_viewname" value="AlertsView" />
    <!-- Alert Compact View -End -->
         <View name="FutureTaskView"
              columnOrder="subject, createdDate, creatorId, futureDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="createdDate:descend, subject"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="futureDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" referenceBundle="future_date">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="ComboWorkItemRequestsView"
              supportedItemTypes="uwl.request, uwl.completedrequest"
              columnOrder="statusIcon, status, subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, processor, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="completedDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" referenceBundle="completed_date">
                      <DisplayAttribute name="decision" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="decision">
                      <DisplayAttribute name="processor" type ="people" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="processor">
                   <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_display_all" defaultViewFilter="yes">
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="StartsWith" value="uwl" />
                   <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_completed" >
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="StartsWith" value="uwl.completedrequest" />
                   <CompoundExpression referenceBundle="filter_uncompleted">
                        <Expression name="itemType" comparator="StartsWith" value="uwl.request" />
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="WorkItemRequestsView"
              columnOrder="statusIcon, subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, processor, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="processor" type ="people" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="processor">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="WorkItemsCompletedView"
              columnOrder="subject, priority, creatorId, createdDate, completedDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, completedDate:descend, createdDate:descend"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="completedDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" referenceBundle="completed_date">
                      <DisplayAttribute name="decision" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="decision">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="WorkItemsForwardedView"
              columnOrder="statusIcon, subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, processor, forwardedDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="processor" type ="people" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="processor">
                      <DisplayAttribute name="forwardedDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" referenceBundle="forwarded_date">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <View name="WorkItemsCompletedRequestView"
              columnOrder="subject, dueDate, priority, creatorId, createdDate, decision, completedDate, attachmentCount, detailIcon"
              sortby="priority:descend, dueDate:ascend, createdDate:descend"
                      <DisplayAttribute name="completedDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" referenceBundle="completed_date">
                      <DisplayAttribute name="decision" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="decision">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
         <GlobalAction ItemTypeRef="uwl.task.approval">
                   <Action reference="submitUserDecisions"/>
         <GlobalAction ItemTypeRef="uwl">
                   <Action reference="refresh"/>
                   <Action reference="defaultGlobalWizard"/>
                   <Action reference="addToNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="removeFromNavigation"/>
                   <Action reference="personalize"/>
    <!-- MKruse's mail Sep 3, 2004
         <DisplayAttribute name="internalId" referenceBundle="internal_item_id" type ="string" width="10" sortable="no"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="appContext" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="application_context"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="externalId" type ="string" width="10" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="work_item_id"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="systemId" type ="string" width="10" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="system_id"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="createdDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" hAlign="LEFT" referenceBundle="sent_date"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="creatorId" type ="people" width="" sortable="yes"  referenceBundle="from"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="dueDate" type ="date" width="" sortable="yes" format="medium" hAlign="LEFT" referenceBundle="due_date"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="priority" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="priority"/>
    <!-- MKruse's mail Sep 3, 2004
         <DisplayAttribute name="connectorId" type ="string" width="" sortable="no" referenceBundle="connector"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="statusIcon" type ="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" referenceBundle="status_image" headerVisible="no">
              <ImageMapping default="enum">
                   <ImageMap value="enum" imageName="ico16_task_new.gif" referenceBundle="new_task_status" />
                   <ImageMap value="c" imageName="ico16_task_new.gif" referenceBundle="new_task_status" />
                   <ImageMap value="a" imageName="ico16_task_start.gif" referenceBundle="start_task_status" />
                   <ImageMap value="d" imageName="ico16_task_reject.gif" referenceBundle="reject_task_status" />
                   <ImageMap value="f" imageName="ico16_task_confirmed.gif" referenceBundle="confirmed_task_status" />
                   <ImageMap value="e" imageName="ico16_task_complete.gif" referenceBundle="completed_task_status" />
         <DisplayAttribute name="status" type ="string" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="status" />
         <DisplayAttribute name="subject" type ="link" width="" sortable="yes" actionRef="viewDetail" referenceBundle="subject"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="itemType" type ="link" width="" sortable="yes" referenceBundle="item_type"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="detailIcon" type ="image" width="1" sortable="no" actionRef="viewDetail" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER" referenceBundle="view_detail" headerVisible="no"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="attachmentCount" type ="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER" referenceBundle="attachments" headerVisible="no"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="memoCount" type ="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER" referenceBundle="memo" headerVisible="no"/>
    <!-- MKruse's mail Sep 3, 2004
         <DisplayAttribute name="internalStatusFlag" type ="user" width="1" sortable="yes" vAlign="BASELINE" hAlign="CENTER" referenceBundle="emphasized"/>
         <DisplayAttribute name="actions" type ="link" width="" sortable="no" actionRef="viewDetail" referenceBundle="actions"/>
    <NavigationNode name="root" view="">
         <NavigationNode name="MainOldStyle" groupId="UWL_GLOBAL_NAV" global="yes">
              <NavigationNode name="task" view="DefaultView"  referenceBundle="tasks">
                   <NavigationNode name="taskApproval" view="WorkItemsApprovalView"  referenceBundle="task_approvals">
                   <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderTask" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
    <!-- Alert Navigation Mode -->          
    <!-- Uncomment if Alert Notification is needed.
              <NavigationNode name="alert" view="AlertsView"  referenceBundle="alerts">
                   <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderAlert" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
              <NavigationNode name="notification" view="NotificationsView"  referenceBundle="notifications">
                   <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderNotification" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
              <NavigationNode name="tracking" view="WorkItemRequestsView"  referenceBundle="task_requests">
                   <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderTracking" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
              <NavigationNode name="completed" view="WorkItemsCompletedView"            referenceBundle="completed_tasks">
                   <NavigationNode name="forwarded" view="WorkItemsForwardedView"            referenceBundle="forwarded_tasks">
                   <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderCompleted" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
              <NavigationNode name="completedrequest" view="WorkItemsCompletedRequestView"  referenceBundle="completed_task_requests">
                        <NavigationNode name="PersonalViewPlaceHolderCompleteRequest" referenceGroup="UWL_PERSONAL"/>
              <NavigationNode name="others" referenceGroup="OPEN_ITEMS" />
    <!--  No need for the lass access list to be shown now.  Maybe needed later.
              <NavigationNode name="LastAccessedPlaceHolder" referenceGroup="UWL_LASTACCESSED">

  • UWL iView disappears!

    Hi all,
    I have a delta copy of the SAP UWL iView which I have included in my own page, which is itself in my own workset, which is itself in my own role.
    Now when users are opening this page just after logging in the portal it works fine, but if they navigate to another tab (let's say ESS) and then come back to UWL, they see the page but the ivew is no longer there, just like if it had been removed from the page.
    Any idea of where this could be coming from?

    Hi all,
    I have a delta copy of the SAP UWL iView which I have included in my own page, which is itself in my own workset, which is itself in my own role.
    Now when users are opening this page just after logging in the portal it works fine, but if they navigate to another tab (let's say ESS) and then come back to UWL, they see the page but the ivew is no longer there, just like if it had been removed from the page.
    Any idea of where this could be coming from?

  • Back to uwl when BSP is finished

    Hello everybody,
    I configured uwl XML file so that I start a BSP when selecting a task. (This is working fine).
    My BSP assist the user to take the appropriate decision (Approve / Reject) (This is working fine).
    The BSP update the WF in the back-end system (This is working fine).
    What I want is that when the user take the decision (Approve / Reject), I leave the BSP, I go back to the UWL iview, that has been refreshed.
    The only "solution" that I do now have, is to click on the small "Back" button and then click on the refresh button of the UWL.
    This is doing 3 clicks instead of one ...
    I did also tryied to add in the BSP a "goto page" command to the url of the uwl iView, but then it opens a new portal window inside the current BSP Pageframe.
    What do I have to configure where (xml, BSP, ...) to go back ?
    Thank you for your help !

    I want to know how you configured the UWL XML file to start the BSP application.

  • Navigation back to UWL after completing the task.

    Hi All,
    I am new to the portal, I would like to know is there any way to navigate back to UWL after completing a task in UWL instead of seeing the action is completed screen?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hello Ravi,
    Open the UWL iView, there will be a parameter named 'Path to the UWL iViews' which needs to be set to 'portal_content/every_user/general/uwl'
    Please check and confirm.

  • Accidently deleted UWL iView

    Dear Expert,
    I accidently deleted the UWL iview and pages. Do anyone know how to create it back. I am on ECC 6.0 and i believe the UWL is an web dynpro application. Anyone know the exact application name and i could recreate back the webdynpro iview?

    UWL iview is not a WEbdynpro application instead it is based on the par file
    You can create an iView based on the component of this par file.
    Create New iView--> Baesd on portal Component-> --> Select UWL as the component which should act as UWL iview for you.
    Hope it helps

  • UWL iView

    In a standard workfolw UWL iView, can the owner send the content to another user for a feedback?
    Imagine, content approver sees a content in his task list, he/she needs some clarity about this content. so he needs a help from other portal user. so can he send this document to his tasks list? the other person can therefore send a feedback back to the user.
    Can this feature be enabled in UWL iView?
    Thanks in regards

    try to change the layout set for the Iview.
    PS: Questions aren´t replied more often u post it.

  • UWL Iview giving in proper data alignment

    Hi Friends,
    I have created new uwl iview that iview data coming form back end system.If we go to backend system and checking that woklist is giving the one proper alignment.That work list coming from the Portal side its given defferent data alignment its not look like back end system.So any body help me how trigger the same alignment in EP UWL also.

    Hi Sai,
    There have been some changes to the UWL in the workitem description in the newer versions.  This is just plain text now.
    Please see note number: 1416050
    6. In a previous release the textEdit Web Dynpro component was changed
    to FormattedTextEdit in UWL user interface in order to support formatted
    html texts. The change would affect all text that is sent to backend as
    scenarios do not expect html but plain text. This fix changes the
    FormattedTextEdit to textEdit for UWL configured to work with
    WebFlowConnector so that the text sent is plain text as expected. Note
    that memos entered prior to the fix  will not be affected. They will
    continue to be displayed along with the html tags at both backend and
    UWL side. A workaround is to recreate these memos. All text entered
    after the fix will be sent to backend in plain text and will be
    displayed in both backend and UWL user interface in plain text.
    In NW04 this was a text editor and supported html.  However this has changed in 700 and now only supports plain text.
    I'm sorry I don't have a more positive response for you.
    If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask.
    I look forward to awaiting your reply.
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant
    AGS Primary Support, Business Suite & Technology
    Please see the UWL Wiki @  ***

  • Help Needed: Returning Back to Windows 8 after downgrading to Windows 7

    Hi guys, im just new here.
    I have a MSI GE40 gaming laptop which I bought 2 months back.
    Within those 2 months of usage, I always encounter my laptop to be very slow in shutting down. It always take, maybe up to 10 minutes to fully shut down. The screen goes black but the power button stays on orange color, & as I said, it takes a long time  for the power button to be completely unlit. But for start up, its blazing fast.
    Thinking that windows 8 itself is the culprit of super slow shutting down, I searched the net on how to downgrade to windows 7.
    Of course I did make a back up first on a 16gb usb flash drive using the pre-installed recovery software from MSI which was completed successfully.
    Then I made some tweaks on the bios (ie select legacy & disable secure boot) & boot using windows 7 installation DVD, deleted all partitions (since the notebook comes with GPT partition) to be able to install windows 7. I installed all the drivers which I downloaded from MSI website specific to my notebook.
    But the problem is not solved, it is still very slow in shutting down, & now even boot up becomes very slow too.
    So I downloaded & execute the firmware & bios for windows 7 from msi website (again, specific to my model). But still the same, the notebook is still very slow both in shutting down & start up.
    So I decided to go back again to windows 8, I tried to boot from the flash drive (I adjusted from the bios & make the flash drive to be the first priority) but it did not boot from it. I tried F11 on start up & selected to boot from usb flash drive but again, to no avail.
    So the last one I did was downloaded windows 8, make a bootable flash drive out of it, boot from it and luckily, I succeed - I have now again a windows 8 msi ge40 laptop.
    But I wanted my laptop to be reinstated to factory setting, i.e, all preinstalled softwares are there, the bios is default for windows 8. So I tried to update the bios to the one for windows 8 again (since I downgraded the bios to the one for windows 7 when I downgraded the OS to windows 7). But I could not update the bios, the laptop is not booting from usb flash drive containing the bios.
    I tried also to recover using F3 on start up but the system does not recognize the flash drive (with system back up). I tried also on PC settings but to no avail.
    Now guys, I need your help.
    How can I return back my laptop to default factory settings?
    Thank you.
    (sorry for my not so good English)

    I think it's not only about the OS version, you need to return this back to your shop to repair with the slow shot down issue, because the OS should be shot down in 30 seconds, far from your GE40 times.

  • How to call an alv report from another program and return back

         Hello ,
    I am calling one abap program (Prgm B) from another program (Prgrm A).
    Here, Prgm B is an ALV report. I have fetch some data from Prgem B that gets stored in an internal table.
    Now, I am using below code in Prgrm A,
                          WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar
                          EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
                          AND RETURN.
    When Prgrm A executed, it lead me to selection screen of Prgrm B and when I click F8, it shows me the report output, In short, it doesnt return back to Prgrm A. It ends up showing me the alv report if Prgrm B even afetr using RETURN statement.
    I want to get back to Prgrm A by fetching some data from Prgrm B.
    Please let me know, if i am missing something.

    Hi Seema,
    Refer below code.
    DATA: v_matnr LIKE mara-matnr.
    DATA: t_listobject TYPE abaplist OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_ascilist OCCURS 0,
    DATA: END OF t_ascilist.
    data var(3) type c.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR v_matnr.
    var = '  3'.
       SUBMIT ztestaks1 WITH s_matnr IN s_matnr EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
       AND RETURN.
                 listobject = t_listobject
                 not_found  = 1
                 OTHERS     = 2.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
         MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                 WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    *     EXPORTING
    *       LIST_INDEX               = -1
    *       WITH_LINE_BREAK          = ' '
             listasci                 = t_ascilist
             listobject               = t_listobject
             empty_list               = 1
             list_index_invalid       = 2
             OTHERS                   = 3.
         IF sy-subrc <> 0.
           MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                   WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
           WRITE:/ 'Below are the lines from the submitted program.'.
           LOOP AT t_ascilist.
             WRITE:/ t_ascilist-line.
           SKIP 2.
    'Here is the output from the table exported from the submitted program.'
       LOOP AT t_mara.
         WRITE:/ t_mara-matnr.
    Submitted program
    DATA: v_matnr LIKE mara-matnr,
           v_maktx LIKE makt-maktx.
    DATA: BEGIN OF t_makt OCCURS 0,
             matnr LIKE makt-matnr.
    DATA: END OF t_makt.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR v_matnr,
                     s_maktx FOR v_maktx.
       SELECT matnr INTO TABLE t_makt
                    FROM makt
                   WHERE matnr IN s_matnr
                     AND maktx IN s_maktx.
    if not t_makt[] is initial.
       SELECT * FROM mara
                INTO TABLE t_mara FOR ALL ENTRIES IN t_makt
               WHERE matnr = t_makt-matnr.
       EXPORT t_mara TO MEMORY ID 'T_MARA'.
       WRITE:/ 'This list is from the submitted program'.
       SKIP 1.
       LOOP AT t_mara.
         WRITE:/ t_mara-mtart.
    Hopes this helps you.

  • Mdm uwl iview [(Item) Item is missing from the UWL persistent cache ]

    Hi All,
    we have a custom MDM repository, so I created the xml configuration file and uploaded into SAP system and clicked on "Register Item types" button and I am able to see that my items has been sucesfully registered.
    Now I am using the UWL iview and when I view the connection status, it says that it is sucessfull for the backend MDM system. but i couldnt get the task that i created in the backend system for my user id. I checked the Uwl Log file, The error in the log file is
    " (Item) Item is missing from the UWL persistent cache #"
    Also the views that I mentioned in the XML configuration are not appearing in the UWL.
    Could you please help me in resloving this issue.? any help?
    Thank You
    P.S: Posted this question already in Portal Implementation forum, but thought that the MDM experts might have already worked on this type of problem..
    Edited by: RKR on Jan 6, 2008 12:15 AM
    Edited by: RKR on Jan 7, 2008 8:27 PM

    I have the same problem, have you found any solution?
    Are you also running MDM 5.5 SP6?

  • Delete Attachment link and the launchWebdynpro button in the UWL iview

    Can anyone help me in deleting or hiding the Attachment link and the launchWebdynpro button in the UWL iview. I dont want to do it in the iview properties which would affect all the tasks. Is there a way I can do it in the backend.\
    I appreciate the help.

    Hi Surjith,
    I have the same problem. How can I remove the link? After I called the mentioned function module, the attachment was removed (content) but in the UWL the file name is still there:
    From UWL:
    myFile.pdf by WF-BATCH (94 kb)
    myDeletedFile.pdf   <-- I removed this one with the function module
                workitem_id     = me->mv_wf_instance_id
                att_id          = ls_att_id
                delete_document = abap_true
                return_code     = lv_return.
    Could you please help me?

  • Browser REFRESH button does not return to the same iView/Page

    In SDN site I have seen that in whichever menu i am in, if i use the browser refresh button i return to the same page. But this does not happen on my enterprise portal.
    Can you please let me know, how to set / configure the enterprise portal EP7 such that, if am in any iview and use the browser refresh, then i am returned to the same iview / page and not to the first page of the menu. Currently in my portal, when i hit the browser REFRESH button, it takes me to the first page/iview.

    Dear Romano,
    Thanks for your reply. With the help of the document link that you have provided, i have been able to achieve my target partially. Currently i am able to refer to the iView and Role directly using the QuickLink and when i access that particular iView & Role using the QuickLink and then do a refresh, the same screen appears. This part is working fine. But i have one issue.
    But generally a iView/Role is accessed not via the QuickLink on the browser but by clicking on the Role on Navigation Level 1. Even though this Role has a QuickLink, it is not visible in the address bar since the QuickLink URL was not used for reaching the Role. In such a situation, when we press the REFRESH button, the iView / Role is vanished and the browser returns to the first default page of the portal.
    Can we somehow make it such that whenever the Role is accessed in the Navigation Levels, it can be accessed via QuickLinks and the QuickLink URL is displayed on the address bar ? If this can be achieved, then i guess the problem will be solved.
    I hope i have been able to get across my point. Hoping to hear a positive reply from your side.
    Thanks in advance.
    Anirban Kundu.

  • Issue with Refresh link avaiable in standard UWL iView

    Hi All,
    We have added the custom column "Comment" in the Tasks tab of UWL iView.In the Tasks tab we can view some rows in the table.When we click on one row it is opening the ABAP ADOBe forms.In this Form when we change the text for the field Comment and click on save button in adobe form then we can see the new text in SWI1 tcode for the work item id. But in portal the new text is not appearing in the custom comment column.If we click on Refresh link (this link is the standard link available in UWL iview) also the new text is not appearing.
    After clearing UWL Cashe from System Admin role after that we can able to see the new text in the comment column.
    If in Adobe form after changing the text we click on Check and Send button then on portal UWL automatically new text is appearing in commnet column.In this case no UWL cacshe release is required.
    Please find the attched document
    Can you please provide me the inputs why refersh link is not working to show the updated /modifiedd text in the comment column?
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Rajesh ,
    you can implement using java script also
    check below thread
    Implementing iView auto-refresh in JSP DynPages
    Koti Reddy

  • While Accessing UWL iviews - Issues with PCD Paths.

    Hello All,
    We Are using EP 7.0 SP 18.
    I am trying to access the UWL  iview with two different paths.
    Path1 :--> http://xxxx:50xxx/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!2feu_core_role!!!!
    For Path1 UWL iview is opening in a new Window with out Portal Frame Work page(i.e with out TLN and DTN).But if click on any task , the respective task information popup is opening with Portal Frame work page , TLN,DTN. The Task information is Showing in Content Area Part.
    Path2 : --> http://xxx:50xxx/irj/portal?NavigationTarget=pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/eu_core_role/
    For Path2 UWL is opening in a new Window With Portal Frame Work Page(With TLN ,DTN), but if i click on any task , the respective task infomation popup is opening in Simple Task infomation Window With out any Portal FrameWork Page(No DTN,TLN)
    I wanted to know what is the Difference between these two portal paths? Which Property is Controlling the Portal Frame work page for these Popup's.
    And also How to give the path in the Portal-app.xml [ property name ="xxx" , value = "pcd:portal_content/----
    While we retrive with profile.getProperty(" xxx ").
    Please Specify any prefixes we need to mention in the Portal-app.xml Value attribute ????
    My Requirement is to task Information Popup Not to open with Portal FrameWork Pages (i.e wtih Masthead, TLN, DTN)
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi GLM ,
    Thanks for your response, but still i didn't get the answer for my query??
    If i open the UWL iview with path1 --> http://xxxxxx:50xxx/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!2feu_core_role!!!!
    In the UWL iview , if i click on any task , task information popup with portal framework page  is having the below path
    If i open the UWL iview with path2 ---> http://xxxx:50xxx/irj/portal? NavigationTarget=pcd:portal_content/every_user/general/eu_core_role/
    UWL Iview is Opening in Portal Framework page window, if  click on any task , task information popup(without framework page)
    is having the below path.
    If u clearly  observe both the paths, its different.
    Please Suggest me how both pcd paths are giving different views. I need to display my task information popup window with out any portal framework page.
    Thanks in Advance

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