Ripping Dual Disk CD's to Mp

(I did a search and didn't find anything on this topic)?Does anyone know a way to rip Dual Disc cd's (cd on one side/usually video stuff on the other) to Mp3's so I can load them on my Micro? I tried the 'usual' method of converting my cd's but it doesn't seem to work. Thanx for any and all help!

I know it could be done because I did rip a dual CD, but I remember having trouble doing it, and I don't recall how I ended up doing it, but I did rip it. Just play around with your settings and it might happen for you too

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    No, it's not legal to use a single license in two different PCs at the same time. A product key is considered as a license. Even though two disk are provided, only a single product key will be provided, meaning, only one license but can be used with different
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    It IS easy - if you have the proper tools!
    I use Roxio's Toast Titanium - it's not free, but if you are going to be doing a lot of work with ripping, editing and burning DVDs, it's a VERY valuable took that many of us here use.
    You can also try Googling for other options; there are several.

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    Hi @TheSeeker99 ,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    It is a great  place to find answers and tips!
    For you to have the best experience in the HP forum I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide Learn How to Post and More
    I understand you are having an issue with ripping music with the Windows media player.  As this is a Microsoft program HP does not support it directly.
    I would suggest you try uninstalling the Windows Media Player  and then download and reinstall the program.
    Here is a link to  Get Windows Media Player from the website.  It does states that for Windows 8.1 you should have Windows Media Player 12.
    Good Luck!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom right to say “Thanks” for helping!

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    ML Server.
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    I see what you mean about live verification.
    But didn't realize that the common sensical approach of separating the OS data from non-OS (user) data was an unusual config. Figured, it couldn't have any downside to it or atleast the least drawbacks.... had considered striping etc. but coulnd't see THAT much of a benefit in striping given my particular use / scenario. I have the system backed up to an external Time Machine drive (and will be doing an offsite / online backup of mostly user folders in the near future).
    It would be interesting to see the results of fsck check though, like John said.
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    That is common and in my sleep tips;
    "USB devices and hubs often cause Macs to not sleep or wake quickly from sleep (notably HP printers and scanners, HP all in ones, and Cannon scanners). Disconnect all USB except for keyboard and mouse and try. If it sleeps, add one back at a time testing after each one to find the culprit."
     DALE

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    Anyway, this distribution seems just amazing to me! Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by enigmatichus (2011-12-27 02:05:14)

    It worked!!! Actually I don't know what changed, I proceeded removing the first disk (arch) WITHOUT, this time, changing the position of the windows disk. I used windows 7 DVD to repair the second disk. It tooks several attempts since it failed without specifying the problem. Eventually, I was able to boot windows 7, everything worked. Then, I plugged the primary linux hard drive and booted into arch, where I used "grub-install /dev/sda" as root. It executed without errors, but when I checked menu.lst file, surprisingly I discovered that it was not changed at all by grub-install.
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    It was a weird situation, but anyway it worked well!! Thank you for the support, I really appreciate!

  • Problems ripping with an external DVD Burner

    Hello Everyone,
    Recently I purchased a Liteon External DVD Burner off of newegg ( -- It's a Liteon SHW-1635SX -- I bought this because the DVD-ROM drive thats in my tower natively is REALLY slow and I wanted to get a new one that I could use with a laptop that I`m going to purchase in the future. Whenever I try to rip a CD into iTunes using the burner, It says that it's ripping the disk, however it doesn't spin up the cd and it takes about 2 seconds to "rip" all the songs. I know this drive is soposed to be faster than my old one, But two seconds is a little TOO fast. Plus, I know that it's not copying the songs because when I try to listen to them in my library, the song won't play. (Under time it says "789:54..." for all the songs on the cd, in my library) However, the burner rips perfectly in Windows Media Player... Is this perhaps some kind of glitch with iTunes??? Basicly, the only way I can rip a CD into iTunes is to use my old DVDROM drive, but that defeats the purpose... below is the CD Diagnostic log that I got from iTunes::::::::
    Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    HP Pavilion 05 P9859A-ABA 533w
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    LowerFilters: PxHelp20 (, AFS2K (, DRVMCDB (, SSCDBHK5 (, PFC (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    Video Driver: Intel(R) 82845G/GL Graphics Controller\Intel(R) 82845G/GL Graphics Controller
    IDE\DiskMaxtor4R060J0_________________________RAMB1TU0, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    IDE\DiskST34323A_______________________________3.02___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [1,0]
    IDE\CdRomCOMBIRW16x10/DVD_______________________H1.0___, Bus Type ATA, Bus Address [0,0]
    If you have multiple drives on the same IDE or SCSI bus, these drives may interfere with each other.
    Some computers need an update to the ATA or IDE bus driver, or Intel chipset. If iTunes has problems recognizing CDs or hanging or crashing while importing or burning CDs, check the support site for the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
    Check the Windows Update website to verify that you have the latest service packs and patches for your OS. Service packs affect the performance of USB and firewire CD / DVD drives.
    Current user is administrator.
    E: COMBI RW16x10/DVD, Rev H1.0
    Drive is empty.
    F: LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-1635S, Rev YS0Y
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 9 songs on CD, playing time 42:13 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:30:07
    Track 3, start time 08:44:33
    Track 4, start time 12:03:74
    Track 5, start time 17:55:53
    Track 6, start time 22:14:31
    Track 7, start time 25:32:60
    Track 8, start time 30:13:01
    Track 9, start time 35:59:06
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are: 8 16 24 32 40 48.
    The drive CDRW speeds are: 8.
    The drive DVDR speeds are: 8.
    The drive DVDRW speeds are: 8.
    The last failed audio CD burn had error code -128(0xffffff80). It happened on drive E: COMBI RW16x10/DVD on -128(0xffffff80) media at speed 0X.
    Your replies are greatly appretiated!

    hi Aric!
    hmmm. we'd better check on the usual suspects with that. (the incredibly long song times can also be associated with these sorts of causes.)
    You can't import or play music from an audio CD in iTunes for Windows
    ... and the following resources might be helpful with that. (check on firmware and drivers even though it's a brand new unit.)
    Using CD Diagnostics in iTunes for Windows to troubleshoot CD/DVD drive issues
    iTunes for Windows: Updating the firmware on your CD or DVD drive
    Updating the drivers on your Windows PC
    Where to find firmware for your CD/DVD drive
    love, b

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    I also cannot find a guide to error messages for Disk Utility.

    Yes, you're right. I did mean DVD player. Good catch. DVD2One (always an adventure!) does compress to 4.33 GB so the file fits on a standard DVD RW. Since you mention it, the problem started when I opened a new pack of DVDs, Memorex in this case. But some worked fine. I just put in a new blank disk and Disk Utility is saying capacity is 0 bytes, write ability is read only. Does that indicate a bad disk? If so, I have a lot of them. I've heard good things about Toast, but I was avoiding the $100 cost, since DVD2one is supposed to burn, and I already spent about $60 for that. Wish I hadn't. Thanks for the insight, Glenn. Anything else that comes to mind, I'd appreciate hearing.

  • Drives Burn, but won't read newly burned disk

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    I can see the data burned into the disk, so I know there's something on the disk, but what's going on with my drives? It's both drives, so that leads me to believe that it's a software issue, not a bad drive.

    I have posted on another section, but here are my comments repeated.
    My dual disk drive fails to read some of my backup DVDs, which is a irritating. I have used a DVD cleaner, by the way. They were burnt on the machine originally and have been read in the past by both drives. I fitted 2 drives for just this sort of eventuality – and to do 2 backups at the same time, so I don't believe it is drive failure. I can restart the machine and occasionally they will read, but often not. I reduced the speed of burn from x16 down to x12 to see if it made a difference, but that is fairly inconcusive. The disks are stored 2-up in individual crystal cases, so scratching from sleeves shouldn't be a problem.
    The disks fortunately CAN be read on my wife's old iMac, so I can network the data across.
    Interestingly, some of the DVDs used are unbranded (plain white for printing), but some are 'Imation' brand. I would note that 'Tesco' (supermarket brand) DVD+R disks appear to be satisfactory at recalling data, for the time being.
    The conclusion I draw is that it is down to the quality of the disks that are used. Don't necessarily go for bargain spindles of unbranded disks for valuable backups, although I cannot definitely say that branded ('Imation' in my case) disks will guarantee your backup security.
    Judging by the lack of input on this message board on this subject, this may not be a widespread problem, but I would be interested to know if there is a definitive fix out there or if anyone can comment.
    MacPro Mac OS X (10.4.11)

  • RAID disk as Airport Disk

    I wanted to buy one of the new Western Digital My Book Pro II (2 x 1TB Dual Disks) which come with a RAID Manager for RAID 1 Mirroring.
    While it will obviously work ok if I attach it directly to my Mac, will this still work if I use it as an Airport Disk? Does the RAID Manager software have to be running the whole time to keep the mirroring happening?

    Does the RAID Manager software have to be running the whole time to keep the mirroring happening?
    If this an "embedded" RAID, you have no control of that.

  • 2011 MacBook Pro shuts down while working with blu ray disks

    I am trying to backup my blu ray disks to digital formats in the event that a disk is damaged. I am using an early 2011 MacBook Pro with OSX 10.8.5 with a Samsung SE-506 external blu ray writer. I have been using handbrake to rip DVD's, but downloaded Make MKV to handle blu rays. I successfully ripped one blu ray disk last night. Once before that, and four times after, the computer shut down after failing to read the disk. When it restarts, a gray screen reports that the computer experienced and error and had to shut down. I believe this has something to do with the fact that OSX does not natively support blu ray disks. The disk drive is plugged into one of two USB slots in the computer. The other slot has a USB hub with two external hard drives and some other devices connected to it.
    So far, the computer has failed to recognize the disk, and nothing comes up in Make MKV. The last time I tried, the computer recognized the disk, Make MKV read it and showed the titles. When I tried to rip the disk, the process failed. After another attempt, the computer shut down. This has never happened while using the original disk drive, or while using DVD's in the external drive.
    I spoke with Samsung support, and they have no record of this being a problem. So, where do I go from here? I have quite a few disks to rip, so I am hoping this issue can be resolved. I have searched around, but cannot find any information on this problem happening to someone else.

    Hi lilliputian apple,
    If you are having issues with your Mac spontaneously shutting down, especially with externally connected hardware, you may find the following article helpful:
    OS X: When your computer spontaneously restarts or displays "Your computer restarted because of a problem."
    - Brenden

  • Deleting Items on Apple TV and Ripping Videos for iTunes

    I have two questions that if answered would take care of the only problems that I have had with my Apple TV and they are really not problems, just questions.
    First, Apple suggests that if you have a slower wireless system it is better to sync and move copies of items to the Apple TV rather than stream. No problem. I moved my audio library to my Apple TV and it works great. It also said when syncing that it would removal those items that will fill up the Apple TV disk in an order of preference. My music library took up about 1/4 the space on the disk. I do not want any of my music removed if and when the disk starts to fill. I will watch movies that I have ripped from disks or other sources through my Apple TV but as I view those, I will either selectively manage them or want to delete them from the Apple TV disk.
    My first question, is how do you selectively delete items from the Apple TV disk.
    My second question is that as I convert video from what ever format they are in into Apple TV compatible format (H264 or MPEG4, I can get them on my desktop or actually onto the drive that holds all of my ITunes music. But how do I get them into the iTunes movie folder so I can sync them to my Apple TV since they were not downloaded through iTunes?
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    My first question, is how do you selectively delete items from the Apple TV disk.By deselecting them in the iTunes > Device > Category > Item listing. Like a DotMac account or the iPod, TV sychronizes files by "mirroring" your selections in the "host" iTunes application. When you modify your settings there, the changes will, with time, be reflected on the TV device drive.
    But how do I get them into the iTunes movie folder so I can sync them to my Apple TV since they were not downloaded through iTunes?Assuming you are using the default "automatic" management system for iTunes, you simply open iTunes and either use the "Add to Library" File menu option to navigate to the file you wish to add to iTunes or "drag 'n drop" the file to the opened iTunes Library list. By default, unmodified video conversions will be classified in the "Movies" category and you should find them in that category of the library once the file is either copied to the iTunes Library or the path is copied to the iTunes Library database. (I prefer keeping all my files physically in my iTunes Library which is located on a dedicated external hard drive and deleting the original files from all other locations.)

  • Time machine disk keeps working

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    It is a WD dual disk in mirrored Raid mode.
    Any suggestions as I have erased the backup once and started from scratch with no difference.

    Look at this extract from the definitive Time Machine website:

Maybe you are looking for