Rollover Area top of timeline, but underneath text

Good Day (and Good Friday),
My Rollover Area is at the very top of the timeline, but there are Text Captions that are displaying over it (can see this in Captivate, and when running project). Attached is an image of this. I'm guessing I'm missing something simple, but I want the Rollover to display on top of everything else. Any ideas?

Hi Lilybiri,
That was it! Thanks for your help. I now realize that not just the "rollover area" can be Z-ordered (bring to front/back), but also the rollover text (highlighted in red in my image) can also be Z-ordered. But it looks like the rollover text does not show in the Timeline, which was the confusing part. Got it now.
Thanks again

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    I have a fix - or rather, a workaround.
    WARNING: It is lengthy, but still far better than starting a new project from scratch.
    I had this same issue and none of my transitions/clips were at custom speeds, nor did I have anything else weird going on. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do within iMovie to fix this, at least there wasn't for me. iMovie is BY FAR the buggiest software I have ever used and if you haven't already spent hours slaving away on a project, you are so much better off using just about anything else to edit your video.
    ...But let's assume you have already spent many hours working on your project and you don't want to start all over. Well then, you have at least one option.
    It's a pain in the neck, but it's infinitely better than restarting your project from scratch.
    This will require:
    A software called Soundflower (which is free) and some kind of audio editing software (I use Logic, but really any should work).
    1.) You're going to need to export your video with the messed up audio. Typically if you're audio is messing up, you're video is at least usually working just fine (at least it always does for me).
    2.) You're going to need to open that video in your audio software and import only the audio. If your software doesn't give you this option, then you're going to need to record the audio from your video using the audio software and Soundflower. You can find tutorials on how to do this, but it's honestly pretty straightforward once you start playing around with you Mac's audio I/O settings. Remember to have your computer's volume all the way up when doing this.
    3.) Watch/listen to your video and make notes of where the audio errors occur. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND writing down times too,  as they will be extremely helpful later.
    4.) Now were going to rip some working audio from the iMovie project itself. Go back into your iMovie project and only play back audio while in the edit window for this step. Do NOT play your project back in full screen.
    This part is key: if you try to play back your project from the beginning the audio will usually still mess up. So, what you're gonna have to do is go back on your edit window timeline right before these errors occur and play that specific clip back while recording this working audio with Soundflower and your audio software. Essentially we're only recording the parts of the audio where these errors occur, so try to do this in order if you can. Try to leave several seconds of audio in before the error - that way we can use it as reference when we construct our new audio track.
    5.) Now in your audio software you should have your original error-filled audio track and the new clips that we just captured. This part can be painstaking if you're not familiar with audio editing softwares, but as you'll learn, it's really not that hard.
    You're going to look at your original audio track and compare it to your new working audio clips. You should be able to notice where those new clips are supposed to go by looking at the identical (or close to identical) waveform shapes in your original audio track. The two should correspond with one another. If you don't understand what I mean right now, you will when you start playing around with the audio. This is why marking times is very important.
    Take your new clips and split them up if you haven't already, that way you can drag them around and edit them separately from one another. Essentially your going to line these new clips up with original and then replace the original parts with new ones.
    We need to get this as precise as possible, so start off by getting them as close as you can with your naked eye, and then use a zoom tool to zoom in as much as possible so that you can get them lined up PERFECTLY, or at least extremely close. In some softwares you can just drag these new clips on top of the old track, but most of the time you will need to actually cut out the old piece and replace it with the new one. In doing this, zoom in and make sure that you are NOT cutting out a bigger space than your new clip will fill - otherwise you will have small gaps in your audio.
    VERY IMPORTANT: Also make sure that this new audio track starts at the EXACT SAME time as your original - otherwise your new audio will be out of sync.
    I know this part can really suck if you're not used to audio editing, but at this point, there is little other choice.
    6.) Once you are done with this, export your newly pieced together audio track.
    7.) Now open iMovie and create a NEW project. Re-import the video that you exported earlier that has the messed up audio. This might take a while, so just be patient.
    8.) Then right click the clip and select "Detach Audio". This will do just that - allowing you to edit the audio separately from the video. Now delete this audio.
    9.) Now, import the new, perfect audio track that we just made and make sure that it starts at the start of the project. Make sure it's in sync and that everything works.
    Now just export your new video with the working audio and you should be done. Since we have given iMovie the audio with no editing actually being done in iMovie, it does not have to generate its own audio now and you should have absolutely no errors now - unless there is some that you forgot to take out earlier.
    I know this entire process *****, but if you're that far into your project, there is little else that you can do. Now you've learned your lesson:
    I hope this helped!

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    That's consistent with trouble with the Segoe UI fonts on your system.
    If you're using Windows XP or Windows Vista, try Vortical's technique from the following post:
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    Buy a cheap older Mac like an iMac.
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  • Multiple rollover areas on a slide, only one works

    Hi all,
    Long time reader, first time poster. I have been looking through all the forums and can't find a solution for this issue.
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    I have tried everything I can think of. Now I humbly turn to you. Shot of my timeline below. Thanks in advance!

    Are there any objects on earlier slides that are set to Rest of Project that might be overlapping your hit areas on this slide?
    For example, something that caused a similar issue once was having a widget on an earlier slide.  The widget in question (Adobe Course Companion) was set to Rest of Project and ended up obscuring the hit area of interactive objects on later slides.  Not sure if this helps, but if you were able to paste these Smart Shapes into a different single slide project and they still didn't work there, then my idea probably wouldn't be an issue either.  This might be one of those issues that only happens on a MAC.

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    I changed your mUp function to allow each movieclip to be placed on any target and to be reset to its original position if it is not on any target. I added the code for a button to position each movieclip to its correct target.
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    //Array to hold the target instances, the drop instances,
    //and the start positions of the drop instances.
    var hitArray:Array = new Array(hitTarget1,hitTarget2,hitTarget3);
    var dropArray:Array = new Array(drop1,drop2,drop3);
    var positionsArray:Array = new Array();
    //This adds the mouse down and up listener to the drop instances
    //and add the starting x and y positions of the drop instances
    //into the array.
    for (var i:int = 0; i < dropArray.length; i++)
              dropArray[i].buttonMode = true;
              dropArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mdown);
              dropArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mUp);
              positionsArray.push({xPos:dropArray[i].x, yPos:dropArray[i].y});
    //This drags the object that has been selected and moves it;
    //to the top of the display list. This means you can't drag
    //this object underneath anything.
    function mdown(e:MouseEvent):void
              setChildIndex(MovieClip(e.currentTarget), numChildren - 1);
    //This stops the dragging of the selected object when the mouse is
    //released. If the object is dropped on the corresponding target
    //then it get set to the x and y position of the target. Otherwise
    //it returns to the original position.
    function mUp(e:MouseEvent):void
              var dropIndex:int = dropArray.indexOf(e.currentTarget);
              var target:MovieClip = e.currentTarget as MovieClip;
              for (var i:String in hitArray)
                        if (target.hitTestObject(hitArray[i]))
                                  target.x = hitArray[i].x;
                                  target.y = hitArray[i].y;
              target.x = positionsArray[dropIndex].xPos;
              target.y = positionsArray[dropIndex].yPos;
    // setRight is the instance name of the new button to reposition each
    // moveable movieclip to the correct target clip
    // this function moves each movieclip to the correct target using a tween
    function reset(event:MouseEvent):void {
              for(var n:String in dropArray) {
              var myTweenX:Tween = new Tween(dropArray[n],"x",Strong.easeOut,dropArray[n].x,hitArray[n].x,3,true);
              var myTweenY:Tween = new Tween(dropArray[n],"y",Strong.easeOut,dropArray[n].y,hitArray[n].y,3,true);

  • Rollover buttons and rollover areas

    I created a button on Fireworks that changes from blue to purple on rollover and when I imported it into Captivate 5 it works perfectly. However when I added a rollover area the button no longer changes color. I would love some ideas on how to make that work.
    I tried placing the rollover area behind the button and it changes color but the rollover caption does not show up. I also tried not using a rollover area and instead changing the button properties to On Success: Show > Text Caption and that works ok except I don't want the slides to continue for there are still other buttons I would like the viewer to press before proceeding. I have a feeling there's some Advanced Actions that I could use but don't know how to set them up.
    Please help me, thanks a bundle in advance.

    You can get this to work by using the Event Handler widget:
    There's a post here where I describe how to us Event Handler widgets to have a rollover as well as a double click event and right click event all working off the same object on a Captivate slide:
    This isn't possible to do any other way.  I tried every other way I could think of first.

  • Thinner red line at top of timeline

    hi folks, have followed the thread on sequence settings and matching to source files...but, having a similar problem here and can't figure it out. My source footage is 1920x1080 24p (the source footage doesn't say whether it is progressive or interlaced -I assume it is "p" by the 24p). When I import the footage into FCP and check clip settings it says compressor Photo -JPEG. I create a sequence using HDTV 1080i (16:9) to get 1920x1080 frame, pixel aspect ratio Square and Compressor Photo -JPEG and editing timebase of 23.98. The frame looks perfect. I place the video on the timeline and I get a thinner red line at top of timeline (thinner that the usual Needs Rendering bar). I hit Option+R to render and the clip is instantaneously rendered (<1 sec) and plays fine on the timeline and in the Canvas. Is there something else to look for that might be causing the red line or is something incompatible somewhere else? Thank you.

    The frame looks perfect. I place the video on the timeline and I get a thinner red line at top of timeline (thinner that the usual Needs Rendering bar).< </div>
    Indicates the frames are duplicate, they've been used elsewhere in the sequence. You can turn off this indication in a pref settings someplace.

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    I have a pie chart that I would like to provide additional information to using rollovers. I thought I would be able to do this by using a polygon smart shape for each part of my pie chart and then use Convert to rollover Smart Shape. However, that appears to convert the smart shape into a text box and keeps the rollover rectangular. That seems rather backwards. Anyone have a clue as to how to shape the rollover area instead of the text area? Thanks.

    Indeed, it is the smart shape that is turned into a rollover shape as the tooltip mentioned, but the rollover area is always a rectangle.
    Do you need it to be a rollover, is a click not an alternative? If you can cope with clicks: create a shape with the wanted form and turn it into a button.
    If you really need rollovers, then you should buy the Eventhandler widget of InfoSemantics, it allows you to create rollover events.
    Another workaround is to use a rollover slidelet. For slidelets it is possible to 'Redraw' the rollover area.

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