RollOver handlers issue

I have stumbled across the following problem. In flex i have defined (mxml or actionscript, doesnt matter) a group which contains a rectangle kind shape (Spark Path) and a few buttons which are all instances of a self made button component. Note that the buttons are not children of the rectangle path inside the group but are, like the path itself, direct siblings of the group, in other words, the buttons and path are same level children nodes of the group. Visually speaking however, buttons are placed over the group so they overlap with it. The buttons have a rollover/rollout event handled in them which just displays/hides a label on bottom of the button.
The problem is... i also added a rollover/rollout handlers on the path (i ve also put the path additionally inside a skinnableContainer so it can handle events). The effect simply scales the path in x and y directions so it kind of inflates/deflates on rollover/rollout.
Now because the buttons are not children of this path, when i move the mouse over the path, it inflates, but when i move the cursor further inside the path and over a button the rollout for the path happens which i DONT want(and also rollover for the button, thats ok), the path should stay inflated while the user has the mouse anywhere inside its area.
I also cant simply make the buttons children of the path, because they will scale along with the path, also not acceptable. Im sure this is a pretty common problem, i stumbled across it even when using pure actionscript, but i always somehow redesigned my interface because i couldnt deal with it properly.
I also tried the hittesting functions and they arent much help in this situation, also event capture and bubbling as these are all separate events.
Thanks for any reply.

No, every button instance has its own handlers, and the skinnable container (holding the path) has the handlers, the group holding everything together doesnt have any. Looks something like this:
... some animate elements declarations
... some script
<s:SkinnableContainer id="holder" rollOver="onPathRollOver(event)" rollOut="onPathRollOut(event)">
     <s:Path id="dock" data="L 0 90 L 300 90 L 390 0 Z" x="-390" y="-20">
               <s:SolidColor color="0x000000" alpha="0.3" />
<com:MainMenuButton id="btnCamera" x="11" y="10" ImageURI="art/icons/48_camera.png" Label="Video"/>     <------ each of these handles rollovers inside of them
<com:MainMenuButton id="btnPhoto" x="53" y="10" ImageURI="art/icons/48_photo.png" Label="Panoramas"/>
<com:MainMenuButton id="btnMap" x="119" y="10" ImageURI="art/icons/48_map.png" Label="Mini map"/>
<com:MainMenuButton id="btnFullscreen" x="169" y="10" ImageURI="art/icons/48_fullscreen.png" Label="Full screen"/>
<com:MainMenuButton id="btnQuit" x="237" y="10" ImageURI="art/icons/48_quit.png" Label="Exit"/>
The path and buttons are not in a parent child relationship, but buttons sit on top of the path on stage.

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    here is a link to the site:
    I appreciate your help!

    It is most likely an inherited CSS rule. The suspect one is
    in second time your page attempts to pull in "Tworx_styles.css". It
    appears to be pulling in an error page that contains the following:
    A:link { color: red }
    I would suggest removing it altogether because the page
    already properly pulls it in from the head section <link
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    Try removing the following line...
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    type="text/css" />
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    <p class="news_body">

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    Does your button change sizes in its Up and Over states? If it does, it will flicker wildly. Here's why...
    Suppose your graphic is 100px wide in the Up state and 50px in the Over state. You put your mouse over pixel #60. The button goes "yay, I got moused over, better go into my over state!". It goes into the over state and resizes to be 50px. Now it thinks "the mouse is no longer over me. Better go back to my Up state!". It goes into the up state and resizes to be 100px. Now it thinks "yay, I got moused over..." infinitum.
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    It is most likely an inherited CSS rule. The suspect one is
    in second time your page attempts to pull in "Tworx_styles.css". It
    appears to be pulling in an error page that contains the following:
    A:link { color: red }
    I would suggest removing it altogether because the page
    already properly pulls it in from the head section <link
    href="../Tworx_styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />.
    Try removing the following line...
    <link href="Tworx_styles.css" rel="stylesheet"
    type="text/css" />
    It appears just above:
    <p class="news_body">

  • Weekly build notes listings

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    Here's the list.  Maybe this could become a common practice.
    Build 432, Fri May 15 2009
    Changes in build 437 (2009/05/22)
        * remove flashx.textLayout.edit.UndoManager and flashx.textLayout.IUndoManager
        * Fix 2330964 BackgroundColor Placed incorrectly from TextLineFactory. Actually was in 436.
        * Fix 2326588 TextContainerManager Does Not Support Background Color
        * Fix 2330946 Remove TextContainerManager.trunctationOptions property
        * Fix 2337918 Please expose the scrollToPosition() API in TextContainerManager
        * Fix 2336672 Preserve selection when switching editingMode in TextContainerManager
        * Setting editingMode to the current editingMode should do nothing in TextContainerManager
    Changes in build 436 (2009/05/22)
        * Fix 2331711 TextContainerManager now sends a DamageEvent from setText().
        * Fix 2326543 bug where selection wasn't being extended on mouse drag.
        * add [RichTextContent] metadata to SpanElement and FlowGroupElement mxmlChildren properties
        * Fix 2337740 Flex bug SDK-20964 TCM rcycling bug
        * Partial fix 2330964 background color placed incorrectly from TextLineFactory
        * Remove vestigal experiment with Tables code
        * Fix 2321538. On the Mac, the keyboard shortcuts for cmd-A,C,V,X were not working.
        * Fix 2326543, "drag select of scrolling flows doesn't expand selection".
        * Fix 2329527. Content bounds being reported was slightly different between the factory and TextFlow composer.
        * Fix 2328695 TextContainerManager Stops Receiving FocusIn Events. This is a complete fix - previously this bug was worked around
        * Added TextLineFactoryBase.isTruncated
        * Fix 2315119 - Graphic will be redrawn when link applied.
    Changes in build 434 (2009/05/22)
        * Fix 2323921: RichText truncation doesn't work in all cases
    Build 432, Fri May 15 2009
    Changes in build 432 (2009/05/14)
        * Fixed regression that broke truncation feature
        * Added TextLineFactoryBase.isTruncated
        * Changed text line factory behavior such that scrolling is turned off when truncation options are set
    Build 427, Fri May 8 2009
    Changes in build 427 (2009/05/07)
        * Fix bug - RTE in computeSelectinIndexInContainer
        * Namespace change -- mxml namespace for TLF was "library:adobe/flashx/textLayout". Now it is: library://".
        * Fix bug - Scrolled TextContainerManager Can be Difficult To Create Point Selection
    Changes in build 426 (2009/05/06)
        * Fix bug - TextFlow double-deletes text when pressing the backspace or delete key
    Build 422, Fri May 1 2009
    Changes in build 422 (2009/04/30)
        * API Changes: TextContainerManager now has a getContentBounds function, in place of individual getters for contentLeft, contentTop, etc. ContainerController also now has a getContentBounds function, in place of individual getters. Added functions to TextContainerManager to support custom classes for ISelectionManager and IEditManager (see createSelectionManager and createEditManager).
        * API changes for TextContainerManager:
              o getInteractionManager renamed to beginInteraction(), and added a new function endInteraction() which clients should use after beginInteraction() to signal that they are done with selecting/editing. This tells the TextContainerManager that it can go back to factory mode, which is more efficient.
              o invalidateInteractionManager() removed and replaced with two new functions, invalidateSelectionFormats() which clients should called when SelectionFormats have changed, and invalidateUndoManager which clients should call to change the undo manager.
        * API Changes for InputManager
              o InputManager renamed as TextContainerManager
              o IInputManagerClient removed, now you can subclass InputManager and override its methods
        * API Changes:
              o InputManager
                    + damaged property renamed to isDamaged() function
                    + focusSelectionFormat renamed to focusedSelectionFormat
                    + container retyped to Sprite
                    + compositionWidth and compositionHeight removed as constructor parameters, now you need to set the properties on the InputManager you create
              o ContainerController
                    + container retyped to Sprite
              o ISelectionManager
                    + focusSelectionFormat renamed to focusedSelectionFormat
              o IConfiguration & Configuration
                    + focusSelectionFormat renamed to focusedSelectionFormat
        * API Changes:
              o ISelectionManager
                    + setSelection deselects if negative numbers are passed in.
                    + selectAll removed, you can call ISelection.setSelection() to get the same behavior, if you need to redraw the selection, call ISelectionManager.textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers().
                    + flushPendingEvents moved to IInteractionHandler
                    + notifyInsertOrDelete moved to IInteractionHandler
              o IUndoManager
                    + clear renamed to clearAll().
                    + undoLastOperation renamed to undo()
                    + redoLastOperation renamed to redo()
        * API Change: SelectionEvent now contains a SelectionState, not an ElementRange; this is much cheaper for us to provide. ElementRange is now tlf_internal. ElementRange.firstLeafPosition renamed to absoluteStart, ElementRange.lastLeafPosition renamed to absoluteEnd.
        * API Change: TextScrap.copyTextScrap renamed to clone.
        * API Changes to InputManager. defaultInputManagerConfiguration renamed to defaultConfiguration. composeToController renamed to compose(), and updateToController renamed to updateContainer().
        * API Changes:
              o ISelectionManager:
                    + Event handling functions moved out of ISelectionManager into new interface, IInteractionHandler
                    + selectionFormat renamed to currentSelectionFormat
                    + selectionState renamed to function getSelectionState()
                    + setSelection now takes default parameters to select the entire flow
                    + noFocusSelectionFormat renamed to unfocusedSelectionFormat
              o SelectionFormat:
                    + blockAlpha reanmed to rangeAlpha
                    + blockBlendMode renamed to rangeBlendMode
                    + blockColor renamed to rangeColor
              o IEditManager:
                    + added get undoManager()
                    + added changeElementID()
                    + added changeElementStyleName()
              o SelectionManager:
                    + activeMark and anchorMark are now private
                    + selectionChanged is private
                    + setSelectionState is tlf_internal
              o EditManager:
                    + stage is private
                    + ChangeElementIdOperation renamed to ChangeElementIDOperation
    Changes in build 420 (2009/04/28)
        * API change: Removed the misleadingly named and superfluous TextFlowLine.textIndent. Documented and ensured consistent use of TextFlowLine.lineOffset as lhe line's offset in pixels from the appropriate container inset (as dictated by paragraph direction and container block progression), prior to alignment of lines in the paragraph.
        * API change: more changes to the factory classes. ITextLineCreator is now a property of the base class, so instead of passing it in the constructor you construct and then set the property in the factory. bounds property renamed to compositionBounds, and measuredBounds renamed to contentBounds. containerController property is now private.
        * API Change: moved ITextLineCreator interface from the elements package to the compose package.
        * PlainTextExporter is now public and has methods for controlling the paragraphSeparator and whether discretionary hyphens are included in the export. To use it, you can either construct it directly, or via the TextFilter class. Removed the newlineIndicator string from IConfiguration.
        * Fixed a bug where tabs in RTL text were being being offset by textIndent and marginRight values.
    Changes in build 419 (2009/04/24)
        * Once a mouseWheel event has been handled, mark with preventDefault so client applications don't also try to handle it.
        * Don't start compose if text is already composed. Optimization for callers of composeToPosition.
        * Always call resetContentTopLeft, to give more accurate top left positions, particularly for cases where the text is outdented and left aligned.
        * API CHANGE: TextLineFactory revised. It is now split into 3 classes, TextLineFactoryBase, StringTextLineFactory, and TextFlowTextLineFactory. Use StringTextLineFactory for creating TextLines from a String. Use TextFlowTextLineFactory for creating TextLines from a TextFlow. Static methods have been removed, so create a new factory in order to create lines. One factory may be reused many times, just resetting the values (text, bounds, truncation options, etc.) in between. See for a simple example of how this works for Strings, see for a simple example of it with TextFlows.
    Build 418, Fri Apr 24 2009
    Changes in build 418 (2009/04/23)
        * API CHANGE: TextLineFactory revised. It is now split into 3 classes, TextLineFactoryBase, StringTextLineFactory, and TextFlowTextLineFactory. Use StringTextLineFactory for creating TextLines from a String. Use TextFlowTextLineFactory for creating TextLines from a TextFlow. Static methods have been removed, so create a new factory in order to create lines. One factory may be reused many times, just resetting the values (text, bounds, truncation options, etc.) in between. See for a simple example of how this works for Strings, see for a simple example of it with TextFlows.
    Changes in build 417 (2009/04/22)
        * Fixed Vertical Justification behavior; it now increases the spacing between consecutive lines proportionally rather than spacing lines uniformly.
        * API Changes: Renamed DisplayObjectContainerController to ContainerController, and removed IContainerController and IInternalContainerController. Wherever you used to use "IContainerController" or "DisplayObjectContainerController" now just use "ContainerController".
              o Moved some functions that were public into the tlf_internal namespace: effectivePaddingLeft, effectivePaddingTop, effectivePaddingRight, and effectivePaddingBottom.
              o ColumnState.createColumnState removed. A ColumnState constructor now takes all the relevant values, so whereever you used to do this:
                    + var columnState:ColumnState = ColumnState.createColumnState(...your values here...);
              o you can now do this:
                    + var columnState:ColumnState = new ColumnState();
              o ColumnState.getColumnAtIndex(index) has been renamed to getColumnAt(index). So, once you have the columnState, you do, for instance:
                    + var columnRect:Rectangle = getColumnAt(0);
        * Fixed bug where spaces at end of a line would "overflow" into neighboring columns. New code keeps drawing of cursor at the column boundary and limits block selection drawing to the same bounds.
        * Enhancement to cursor navigation for Right to Left text systems. Previous code moved cursor according to logical order vs. visual order. Result was that a right arrow key press in Arabic, Hebrew or other RTL languages meant that the cursor actually moved left. New code moves cursor according to the visual order of the text based on the direction of the entire text flow. Note that changing the direction on a paragraph will not alter the behavior of the cursor, nor will the presence of LTR text within a RTL text flow. This means that if a TextFlow is set to Right to Left and a given paragraph is entirely in English and the paragraph is set to be Left to Right, the cursor will seem to move in the wrong direction. TLF does not support customization of cursor movement based on the locale or direction of anything except the parent TextFlow.
        * Fixed a bug that caused undoing an ApplyFormatToElementOperation to have no effect.
        * API Changes:
              o DisplayObjectContainer event handling functions renamed:
                    + processMouseOverEvent -> mouseOverHandler
                    + processMouseOutEvent -> mouseOutHandler
                    + processMouseWheelEvent -> mouseWheelHandler
                    + processMouseDownEvent -> mouseDownHandler
                    + processMouseUpEvent -> mouseUpHandler
                    + processMouseMoveEvent -> mouseMoveHandler
                    + processMouseDoubleClickEvent -> mouseDoubleClickHandler
                    + processFocusInEvent -> focusInHandler
                    + processFocusOutEvent -> focusOutHandler
                    + processActivateEvent -> activateHandler
                    + processDeactivateEvent -> deactivateHandler
                    + processKeyDownEvent -> keyDownHandler
                    + processKeyUpEvent -> keyUpHandler
                    + processTextInputEvent -> textInputHandler
                    + processContextMenuSelectHandler -> menuSelectHandler
                    + eventHandler -> editHandler
              o ISelectManager & SelectionManager & EditManager renamings:
                    + eventHandler -> editHandler
        * API Changes: renamed IContainerController.scrollLines to getScrollDelta, renamed InputManager.scrollLines to getScrollDelta, and removed constants for default container width and height.
    Changes in build 412 (2009/04/10)
        * API CHANGE: DisplayObjectContainerController methods processCopyEvent, processCutEvent, processPasteEvent, processSelectAllEvent collapsed into a single processEvent that handles all these basic events. Added to ISelectionManager a new function, processEvent for handling these same events in the SelectionManager, and removed processSelectAll, which is no longer used. cutTextScrap and pasteTextScrap moved from ISelectionManager to IEditManager, since these are editing operations.
    Build 411, Fri Apr 10 2009
    Changes in build 411 (2009/04/09)
        * Fixed a bug where noFocus selection format was not being set on re-activation
        * API CHANGES. These functions in IFlowComposer were renamed:
              o updateContainer -> updateToController
              o updateAllContainers -> updateControllers
              o composeContainer -> composeToController
              o composePosition -> composeToPosition
        * API CHANGE: Changing name of TextFlow.hostTextLayoutFormat to hostFormat
    Changes in build 410 (2009/04/08)
        * Fix bug where leading info used for composing the next line was being saved prematurely, causing incorrect layout if the current line needed to be composed in multiple passes.
    Build 409, Tue Apr 7 2009
    Changes in build 409 (2009/04/07)
        * Fix bug where clicking on container when height or width NaN doesn't work. When measuring, transparent hit detect region wasn't being redrawn to correct size after composition.
        * API CHANGE: Plain-text import/export changes. Newline indicators exported based on setting in IConfiguration.newLineIndicator. On import, LF/CR/CR+LF are all recognized as new line indicators.
        * Compose to container size with scrolling on -- previously was composing to double composer size. This may flush out some invalid line bugs.
        * Fixed a bug with blockProgression="rl" and compositionWidth=NaN, lines were getting improperly clipped out so that no text appeared.
        * API CHANGE: Renaming functions in IFormatResolver. invalidateAllTargets is now invalidateAll, and invalidateTarget is now invalidate. resolveTextLayoutFormat is now resolveFormat.
        * API CHANGE: eventMirror on FlowLeafElement and SubParagraphGroupElement is now tlf_internal.
        * API CHANGE: Moving TextRange from the edit package to the elements package.
    Changes in build 406 (2009/04/02)
        * API CHANGE: Renaming DamageEvent.damageStart to damageAbsoluteStart.
        * API Change: IConfiguration.includePartialLine renamed to overflowPolicy. Defined new class OverflowPolicy that describes the different policies that can be used to control whether lines that fall at the end of the container are included in the container, or not.
    Changes in build 405 (2009/04/01)
        * API CHANGE: IFlowComposer.firstDamagePosition renamed to damageStartPosition.
        * API CHANGE: Rename GeometryUtil.getRangeBounds to GeometryUtil.getHighlightBounds.
        * API CHANGE: ParagraphElement.getText now takes an additional optional parameter that specifies the terminator for the paragraph. By default, this is the Unicode paragraph terminator character (\u2029), but you can make it whatever you want, including a simple newline by passing a String for the paragraphTerminator. This change is backwards compatible for current callers of getText().
        * Fix clipping problem when text is placed above the container (6 lines aligned verticalAlign = bottom in a space that fits 4 lines).
    Changes in build 404 (2009/03/31)
        * Updating typgraphic case --Markup and API Change-- Now uses a new class TLFTypographicCase, and has different options. Support for "title" and "caps" dropped. Use TLFTypographicCase with TLF in preference to flash.text.engine.TypographicCase. "smallCaps" renamed to "capsToSmallCaps". "capsAndSmallCaps" renamed to "lowercaseToSmallCaps". Also made AUTO the default setting for kerning, which matches FXG spec.
    Changes in build 403 (2009/03/30)
        * format Markup Changes:
              o <TextLayoutFormat> now <format>
              o When referring to a format id, don't use brackets. So this:
                <TextLayoutFormat id="english" locale="en" fontFamily="Minion Pro"/>
                <p marginBottom="15" ><span format="{english}">This text is supposed to be in Minion Pro via a named character attribute</span></p>
                Is now this:
                <format id="english" locale="en" fontFamily="Minion Pro"/>
                <p marginBottom="15" ><span format="english">This text is supposed to be in Minion Pro via a named character attribute</span></p>
        * API Changes:
              o Rename FlowElement.textLayoutFormat -> format
              o Rename FlowElement.computedTextLayoutFormat -> computedFormat
              o Rename IContainerController.textLayoutFormat -> format
              o Rename IContainerController.textLayoutFormat -> computedFormat
              o Rename DisplayObjectContainerController.textLayoutFormat -> format
              o Rename DisplayObjectContainerController.textLayoutFormat -> computedFormat
    Changes in build 402 (2009/03/27)
        * verticalAlign of "middle" or "bottom" will now align to the compositionHeight (or compositionWidth in vertical text) even if the height of the text exceeds the compositionHeight. This means that lines that don't fit may be get pushed above the box, or (for middle) pushed both above and below. It also means that all lines will forced to compose to the end, so it will be quite slow to use verticalAlign in large text flows. Made some corresponding fixes to scrolling to make it work with text off the start of the container. Added some new test cases to exercise this functionality in all the different alignment settings.
        * Scrolling fixes for next/previous line with arrow keys. Fix a bug where the arrow key would move to the end of the line if the line required composition (e.g., the line was not previously in view). Also fixed a bug when scrolling up by a line where it would scroll down instead.
        * doOperation used to return an SelectionState, but with the exception of two places that were using it internally, all external callers only checked to see if it was null or not. null was being used to indicate failure, or nothing changed, which means that the operation is not placed on the undo stack. Now it returns a Boolean, true for success, false for failure. There may be further changes in this area to make FlowOperations simpler.
    Changes in build 397 (2009/03/20)
        * Made DisplayObjectContainerController's and FlowElement's TextLayoutFormat properties read/write (used to be write-only).
        * Merge ContainerControllerBase class into DisplayObjectContainerController.
        * Mark TextFlow class as final
    Changes in build 396 (2009/03/19)
        * Fix RTE in StandardFlowComposer.releaseLines
        * Fix possible source of the RTE on null reference from findFirstAndLastVisibleLines in ContainerControllerBase.
    Changes in build 394 (2009/03/17)
        * Fix issue with changes made in StatusChangeEvent to embedded graphics by blocking recursive composition. Bug 2298043
        * Add IFlowComposer.composeInProcess property.
        * Fixed problem where first part of a link could not be replaced by a new link. New code allows partial replacement of a link element with a selection which starts at the first character.
        * Fixed a problem where the cursor was getting set to the I-beam, and wouldn't set back.
    Changes in build 393 (2009/03/16)
        * Fix a bug where keyboard navigation with linked containers was causing a scroll because it was trying to scroll to a position not in the container.
    Changes in build 392 (2009/03/13)
        * Removed optimization that was preventing scrolling in the logical width direction if scrolling in the logical vertical direction was turned off.
        * Removed the container-level mouseMove and rollOver handlers which were changing the link state. These are now part of the LinkElement, and added only when they are needed.
    Changes in build 390 (2009/03/11)
        * Fix for application of attributes to a point selection where only the last attribute would be applied. New code applies all attributes applied to the point.
        * IContainerController.contentWidth (or contentHeight in vertical text) is now based on the actual text width, not the unjustified text width. This fixes some problems where scrolling wasn't working correctly because the reported width of the text was greater than the compositionWidth, but lines were wrapped. It does mean that to get the unjustified width you will have to set the textAlign to something other than "justify", recompose, and then get the resulting width.
        * Fix for unintended scroll when at the end of a TextFlow.
        * Fix for RTE when dragging over text generated from a factory, or non-TLF TextLines.
        * Changes for alignment and measurement. You can now set NaN for compositionWidth or compositionHeight, and TLF will compose and use the generated contentWidth or contentHeight for alignment, scrolling, etc. The composer now generates a topLeft for the bounds, so you can make a full "content bounds" using contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, and contentHeight.Note that this is logical bounds and not inked bounds, so there are some circumstances where ink will not fit in the content bounds.Fixed bugs in how the factory was doing vertical alignment that caused it to be a few pixels off.Fixed some incosistencies between how the standard flow composer worked and how the factory's simple composer works -- composition results should now be more uniform. Added a new test program, MeasurementGrid, for testing all this. It's still a work in progress.
    Changes in build 388 (2009/03/09)
        * Fixed issue where applying link or TCY to the last span of a paragraph caused a dangling span to remain with the para terminator.
        * Fixed issue where text would go into a link when it was the last element in a paragraph. Newly typed text now goes into a new span when the selection marker is at the last index.
    Changes in build 386 (2009/03/06)
        * Fixed issue with placement of underline and strikethrough on inline images.
        * Fixed placement of underline and strikethrough on text which has a baseline shift applied to it.
    Changes in build 385 (2009/03/04)
        * Combined SWC 'textLayout.swc' now included in the libs directory of the build. This includes everything from textLayout_core, textLayout_edit, and textLayout_conversion.
        * Combined RSLs now included in the rsl directory of the build. Both an unsigned SWF and signed SWZ are created. These include everything from textLayout_core, textLayout_edit, and textLayout_conversion.
    Changes in build 382 (2009/03/02)
        * Fix issue with composing a TextFlow containing just an empty ParagraphElement.
        * TextLineFactory will generate lines that included InlineGraphics whose source is a "class" - normally an embedded graphic.
        * Expose eventMirrors - use FlowElement.getEventMirror function to access the eventMirror.
    Changes in build 381 (2009/02/27)
        * Fixed issue with graphic assigned to ILG getting the wrong sizing.
        * Factory instance functions renamed to textLinesFromString and textLinesFromTextFlow. Static functions renamin unchanged.
    Changes in build 380 (2009/02/26)
        * Made backgroundColor work with TextLineFactory. This required an API change - the callback to the factory now must take a DisplayObject as its parameter, since it won't always be passed TextLines. Also, the background shapes themselves no longer include leading, so they do not exactly coincide with the selection bounds. This was another change to support calculating the shapes during composition as opposed to afterward. Also added a snapshot test as part of FactoryImportTest that uses backgroundColor, in addition to updating the existing unit tests.
    Changes in build 379 (2009/02/25)
        * Fixed for multiple containers ( we were getting incorrect textLength in the containers), as well as a fix that forces scrollToPosition to compose if the text isn't composed yet.
        * Fix so that we scroll to the active position of the selection after we extend the selection with a keyboard event. Also fixed some of the TextRangeUtil functions used for nextLine, etc. to make sure text is composed through selection before processing that depends on composition results.
        * Plain text import now consistently converts \r to space; previously it was converting only the first one. Still not clear what correct behavior should be.
    Changes in build 377 (2009/02/23)
        * Fix bug with importing trailing empty div elements.
    Changes in build 374 (2009/02/18)
        * Added support for TextField-style leading. A new leading model value allows lineHeight to be interpreted as the distance of line's ascent from the previous line's descent. Further, lineHeight can be negative. which specifies the criteria for truncation, the string used to indicate truncation and the format for this string.
    Changes in build 372 (2009/02/16)
        * Added "enableAccessibility" property to IConfiguration, defaults to false. Allows clients to avoid paying price for TextAccImpl objects unless needed.
        * Added support for truncation for text composed using TextLineFactory. The TextLineFactory methods now take a truncation options parameter, which specifies the criteria for truncation, the string used to indicate truncation and the format for this string.
    Changes in build 371 (2009/02/13)
        * Fixed a number of bugs relating to scrolling by line.
        * Measurement changes. Changed the way contentHeight and contentWidth are calculated, now they reflect the size of the text, regardless of alignment. Eliminated unjustifiedContentHeight and unjustifiedContentWidth; use contentHeight and contentWidth instead.
        * Fix RTE in damage when we try to damage back one line, for textFlow that doesn't have any leaf nodes.
        * Changed InlineGraphicElement so that GraphicElements (and the TextBlocks they are part of) don't get released. Fixes RTE on null pointer in places where we access the GraphicElement.
        * Fix bug deleting all of the last Span of a paragraph, plus some of the following paragraph.
    Changes in build 370 (2009/02/12)
        * Removed textFlow property from CompositionCompletionEvent. Use to get to the TextFlow.
    Changes in build 369 (2009/02/11)
        * Fix issues in usage of hostTextLayoutFormat
        * Fix FXG export to not export styles with value "inherit"
        * lineBreak property no longer inherits by default
    Changes in build 368 (2009/02/10)
        * Fix for RTE that happens after cancelling an operation (calling preventDefault on a FlowOperationEvent).
    Changes in build 367 (2009/02/09)
        * ported to Flex All SWCs now build with this SDK.
    Changes in build 366 (2009/02/06)
        * FlowGroupElement addChild, addChildAt and replaceChildren methods now automatically delete new elements from any existing parents. Previously the code would test for parent on new elements and throw.
        * mxmlChildren FlowElement property which is normally used for mxml compilation of TextFlow objects now always deletes existing children
        * Fix a memory leak issue with the TextLayoutFormat cache
        * Fix cascade bug with non-inheriting attributes getting inherited
    Changes in build 365 (2009/02/05)
        * Changed TextLayoutFormat.backgroundColor to allow setting value of "transparent" (now the default). Because of this new value for backgroundColor, backgroundAlpha now defaults to 1.
    Changes in build 364 (2009/02/04)
        * Performance improvement for handling of TextFlow.hostTextLayoutFormat. The code now assumes that once set by the client the supplied object won't be changed. This avoids a copy.
    Changes in build 363 (2009/02/03)
        * Performance work. Remove getCanonical from TextLayoutFormat.
        * Fix for RTE cancelling SplitParagraphOperation.
        * Fixing some float bugs.

    Try searching discussions--see:
    only caveat is link is dated-I googled for newer...
    MacBook Pro 17" Mac mini (Intel)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

  • Exception in two places of insert statment

    Hi All,
    I want to insert exception in two places in pl sql. I am getting the error.Is there a way to implement exception in two places in insert statement.
    V_Code Number;
    V_Errm Varchar2(64);
    V_Code1 Number;
    V_Errm1 Varchar2(64);
    Select Employee_Id, Salary*1.1 From Employees
    Where Commission_Pct > .2;
    When Others Then
    V_Code := Sqlcode;
    V_Errm := Substr(Sqlerrm, 1, 64);
    Dbms_Output.Put_Line ('Error code ' || V_Code || ': ' || V_Errm);
    Insert Into Scap_Fact_Loading_Errors Values (V_Code, V_Errm, Systimestamp);
    Select Employee_Id, Salary*1.1 From Employees
    Where Commission_Pct > .1;
    When Others Then V_Code1 := Sqlcode;
    V_Errm1 := Substr(Sqlerrm, 1, 64);
    Dbms_Output.Put_Line ('Error code ' || V_Code1 || ': ' || V_Errm1);
    INSERT INTO Scap_Fact_Loading_Errors VALUES (v_code1, v_errm1, SYSTIMESTAMP);
    Edited by: 929521 on Jan 7, 2013 10:15 AM

    I want to insert exception in two places in pl sql. I am getting the error.Is there a way to implement exception in two places in insert statement.
    Sure - use two different blocks. The code you posted doesn't have any BEGIN.
    The proper structure is:
    . . . put your first code here
    . . . put your first exception handling here
    . . . put your second code here
    . . . put your second exception handling here
    END;If you need your code to quit after an exception in one of the blocks issue a RAISE in the exception handler for that block.
    Depending on what each block does and what you want to save or rollback it is also common to use SAVEPOINTs for the blocks.
    See SAVEPOINT in the SQL Language doc.
    Specify the name of the savepoint to be created.
    Savepoint names must be distinct within a given transaction. If you create a second savepoint with the same identifier as an earlier savepoint, then the earlier savepoint is erased. After a savepoint has been created, you can either continue processing, commit your work, roll back the entire transaction, or roll back to the savepoint.
    Creating Savepoints: Example To update the salary for Banda and Greene in the sample table hr.employees, check that the total department salary does not exceed 314,000, then reenter the salary for Greene:
    UPDATE employees
    SET salary = 7000
    WHERE last_name = 'Banda';
    SAVEPOINT banda_sal;
    UPDATE employees
    SET salary = 12000
    WHERE last_name = 'Greene';
    SAVEPOINT greene_sal;
    SELECT SUM(salary) FROM employees;
    UPDATE employees
    SET salary = 11000
    WHERE last_name = 'Greene';
    For your use case you could create a SAVEPOINT before each of the blocks and then in the exception handlers issue a ROLLBACK to the appropriate SAVEPOINT before you exit the procedure.

  • Corrupt Dreamweaver CS3 files

    I've been working on a websites, my second one, for over a
    month now and I've really enjoyed getting to know Dreamweaver CS3.
    Unfortunately, the inevitable happened last night.
    I returned to my computer (Macbook Pro OSX 10.4.11) and
    opened my html and CSS files and both were corrupt. All the code
    was gone and some sort of jibberish was in it's place. This is the
    second time this has happened and I have not installed any
    There was no error message when I opened the file and I can
    only guess what the problem might be. I recently moved the files
    from my local folder to my desktop because I wasn't ready to
    publish yet. Dreamweaver, or my Mac, was also having trouble
    recognizing Jpeg files.
    I'm pretty disappointed but really don't know what to do.
    I've considered two resolutions, neither of which is very
    appealing. First, I could reinstall Dreamweaver and make sure all
    files are placed properly in the root folder, or second, I could
    reinstall the entire OS and all CS3 apps.
    I know recovering the files is not likely, and I have earlier
    versions saved, but more importantly, I want to make sure
    Dreamweaver works properly in the future so I can avoid having to
    redo weeks of work. If anyone has advice or has experienced
    something similar, I would sincerely appreciate your input.
    Many thanks.

    Thanks much for the reply.
    This isn't a live site so no FTP or remote server was
    involved. I wonder if moving the files to my desktop caused the
    problem? All files for the site were originally set up in the
    shared folder for publishing from the mac but they were always
    local. I moved them to the desktop to rebuild and test a rollover
    nav issue which I was able to resolve (a big step forward)
    But now, all files are corrupt.
    I'm seriously considering reinstalling the entire OS and
    apps. Backing up all my design files and the resources saved to
    bridge would be a pain, for sure, but the main goal is to have a
    stable environment for development moving forward as I'll be taking
    courses to incorporate mySQL and PHP this fall.
    This did happen one other time, so maybe it's an installation
    issue. I wish I could provide more info but I'm stumped.

  • Help with Enabled Buttons

    I am looking for a way to enable/disable all buttons in a
    swf. I found this searching here but I don't understand it, and am
    looking for some of the many ways, as mentioned. =1240137&highlight_key=y&keyword1=enabled
    I am messing with having things load in what I call "windows"
    and when you close a window, basically it just collapses the .swf.
    The problem I have is that the cursor reacts to roll overs and I
    can still rollover buttons in the swf even though its collapsed. To
    see this prob go to:
    and open the gallery, then drag the gallery to the middle of
    the screen, close the gallery, then move the mouse around the
    outside of the "title bar" and watch the mouse change colors even
    though there is nothing there. I put a trace in the rollover
    handlers so I know which buttons are causing this. I just would
    like a broad sweep disable all buttons while the window is closed.
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    OK, I lied to you. I meant to say I was setting the _height
    value of the swf to .1, not the y value. Any way the lie is that I
    was actually setting it to 0, which is what was causing my problem.
    I changed the resize value to .1 and the problem dissapeared. I am
    going to try out your suggestion though, for s&g. Thank you for
    the help.
    I am not gonna mark this answered cuz I am curious on the
    original question. Before your suggestion and me stumbling onto my
    own stupidity, I was trying out an array that stored button names
    and I would cycle through them enabling and diabling as I opened
    and closed. One thing I noticed was that my galleries contained 50+
    pics and the latency in my push loop may have become a problem.
    Thanks Again.

  • Transition script and button script don't work together

    I've been experiementing with actionscripting transitions
    between sections... this is the first site I have tried this with
    (last 3 had swf loaded in one after another rather than
    transitioned between). I used some code from which works
    for loading movies in and out, but I also have some code for my
    movie buttons. I can get one or the other working, but not
    together, so I guess I'm clashing code somewhere, I could do with
    some help please to find what I'm doing wrong...
    The transistion code and calling-up buttons is;
    Menubar.b1.onRelease = function() {
    if (_root.section != "about.swf") {
    _root.section = "about.swf";
    Menubar.b2.onRelease = function() {
    if (_root.section != "portfolio.swf") {
    _root.section = "portfolio.swf";
    Menubar.b3.onRelease = function() {
    if (_root.section != "contact.swf") {
    _root.section = "contact.swf";
    and the code I have on my movie buttons is;
    on (rollOver) {
    on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
    Is there a way to combine them???
    Thanks. Wayne.

    your on(rollover) handlers are applied to buttons that are
    children of a movieclip that has handlers defined. the parent
    movieclip (Menubar.b1 etc) is going to intercept those mouse
    to remedy move you on(rollover) etc handlers to your
    movieclip buttons b1, b2 and b3 on MovMenu's timeline.

  • Nested clip onRollover problems

    I'm setting up a gallery with XML, and I'm able to attach the
    clips but the onRollOver functions doesn't work. Is it because it's
    Here's the code:

    it's because your movieclips are loadMovie() targets. all
    mouse handlers applied to them are lost with each load update. to
    remedy, load into a childmovieclip and apply your rollOver handlers
    to the parent movieclips or wait until loading is complete before
    defining rollOver handlers.

  • Button rollover issue

    Download zipped
    If anyone is bored, I'm having a problem with a rollover
    issue in the above movie that I have been creating. It is an
    interactive, navigable map of city parks. Rollover of the
    individual dots marking park locations on the map works fine. But I
    am also trying to list all the parks' names on the right, where you
    see the "Bergen Park" button. This is so that the user can either
    mouse over the map locations and see the park name
    find where the park is located by mousing over the park name
    on the right. I want this "Bergen Park" button to cause a section
    of the movie clip that has an instance name of "bergen" to play,
    making the Bergen Park dot on the map enlarge when the "Bergen
    Park" button is moused over. I thought that this actionscript would
    do it:
    on (rollOver) {
    on (rollout) {
    But it is not working when the movie loads. Only if I mouse
    over the Bergen Golf Course dot on the map does the "Bergen Park"
    button start acting like a button. Otherwise it just gives me a
    text cursor when I mouse over the "Bergen Park" button. Any help
    would be much appreciated!

    had a look at your fla and didn't quite work out exactly what
    was "working fine" for you. a few comments on your code:
    1. don't you need a stop action on frame 92 ? otherwise it
    continues looping.
    2. flash is case sensitive - be careful of this - on
    (rollout) might work even though the correct syntax is on(rollOut),
    but this is because the on handler is ancient syntax (pre dot
    syntax). most flash syntax requires you to have the syntax
    3. Why is each of your dot clips inside a group? They were
    very difficult to find. I can't think of a reason for them to be
    inside groups, so I'd recommend selecting all of them and breaking
    the group apart so that you can see where they are!
    4. The way you've structured your flash file has redundancy
    and is going to be a nightmare to make changes to. Imagine if you
    or your client decides that they want the dot to pulse twice when
    you rollover it. You're going to have to make that small change 42
    times. Or even imagine if a URL changes for one of the buttons.
    There is a unique line of action-script to open that URL on every
    key-frame within the dot movie-clip. so changing a URL would
    require making that change on 6 keyframes, let alone the park name
    reference to it that you are building on the right. The minimum I
    would suggest you do is to have only one movieclip which contains
    the animation of the dot pulsing, and then for you to put the
    button event handlers on those movieclips, rather than inside those
    movieclips. There are even better ways you could go about this, (by
    storing the urls and titles in arrays, or even xml, and then
    placing the event handlers on the movieclips via their instance
    names on one frame of action-script), but this would at least
    remove your redundancy.
    5. but i digress... to return to your question - the text
    cursor appears not when you point to the bergen park button but
    when you point to the area between {2, 0} and {502, 20}, because
    this is where you created a dynamic text field:
    _root.ToolTip.createTextField("TipText", 2, 2, 0, 500, 20);
    _root.ToolTip.TipText.type = "dynamic";
    add this line after the above code:
    and your problem should be fixed...

  • Firefox 11 Issue with rollover buttons, or...?

    I've created a top-level navigation scheme in Muse, consisting of 4 tabs.
    Demand Generation | Marketing Automation | Marketing Operations | Blog
    The first tab's rollover functionality (Demand Generation) works fine, No matter where I move my mouse on this tab, the rollover works fine and the sub-menus display properly.
    The other 3 tabs seem to have gaps in the rollover hotspots. If you move your mouse across any of the text (Marketing Automation | Marketing Operations | Blog) you'll notice that the rollover functionality appears and then dissappears at different places along the text.The sub-menus also appear and dissapear at different spots as well.
    I've checked the 'Edit Together' box within the navigation, but can't figure out why only the first tab works and not the rest.
    BTW: This is only an issue in Firefox . It works fine in IE.
    Click here to see for yourself:
    Any idea what might be happening? Is it just a Firefox 11 issue or something else. I've checked each tab in Muse and they are all configured exactly the same. Its very odd that only the first tab works.
    4/23/12 Update: This issue is also occuring with Safari.

    I see the issue you're talking about, do you mind sending me your .muse file so I can take a look? Please send it to muse-support at, along with a link to this thread. Please put "Attn: Colby" in the subject.

  • Issues with rollover buttons in Indesign CS6

    Hi,  I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on a issue i'm currently having. 
    I've produced a interactive map in Indesign, with rollover buttons which triggers an animation - all the buttons and animations seem to be set up correctly and once I export as a SWF they seem to work fine initially, but after a couple of rollovers some of the buttons just stop working.  If I refresh the page or reopen the swf file it then starts working again for a period, but again after a few successful rollovers some stop working again.  I'm wondering if this is a bug of some sort?  Ive also tested the .swf on a different machine and I experience the same issue.
    Any help with this would be be much appreciated.

    We might be able to help you but you'll have to drop the attitude. We're not Adobe here, but users like you.
    You'll need to tell us exactly what you're doing and what's not working for you. By "rollovers," you could mean the change of appearance of a button. You could also be meaning what are sometimes called Show/Hide buttons where clicking a button causes another button to appear. Which is it?
    And what kind of output are you attempting? Interactive PDF? SWF (Flash)? DPS?

  • Fireworks Rollover Issues & Browser Compatability!!

    I am working on a beta site, and it has been looking great.... until last night. Now the fireworks html portion I inserted (the rollover image box) is a few pixels askew, and what's worse,while it looks good in Firefox, IE and Chrome, the entire site looks like garbage in Safari.  I'm not a HTML/CSS genious by any stretch and have spent a ton of time trying to get it to this point. PLEASE HELP!!
    (An excerpt of the rollover code on a new page all by itself works great, but embedded on the Total.html page, it gets all crazy)

    Well, your disjointed rollover looks borked in Firefox as well. In your stylesheet you have this:
    td {
    padding:6px 6px 6px 12px;
    I removed the text-indent, and the alignment issue went away. I'm not sure if that'll fix your Safari issue, but it corrected the Firefox bug.
    The bigger issue is how you're approaching that "What's included" box. There's no reason to use tables, or images for the text there. I'd recommend you setup a JavaScript slider or something to that effect.

  • RollOver hover timing issue

    I have 9 buttons on a Flash animation and when I hover over
    one of the buttons, a graphic is displayed. As I move the mouse off
    the button, the graphic is removed. I am using the following script
    to make the graphic display:
    service_desk.onRollOver = function () {
    service_desk.onRollOut = function () {
    monitoring.onRollOver = function () {
    monitoring.onRollOut = function () {
    The issue I am having is that if I move my mouse from one
    button to another too quickly, the first button does not perform
    the “_out” so I have to mouse back over the button to
    have the monitoring.gotoAndPlay("_out"); work. If I move my mouse
    slowly from button to button, everything seems to work just fine.
    Can someone please suggest a way to fix this? I am willing to
    use a different technique; I just need to get this working.

    This a problem with flash. The workaround is like this -
    Make a large invisible button behind all the 9 button. and
    code the Rollin for the large button to explicitly reset the
    smaller buttons
    LargeButton.onRollover = function() {
    Alternately u could use anonymous timer functions for each
    button to check the state of the rollover and call
    this.gotoAndPlay("_out) at a certain interval

Maybe you are looking for

  • Import animated GIF from Photoshop?

    I have a question... I am unable to create custom animated gif's in Photoshop 5/6 and import them into Captivate 7.  It just says "The GIF file contains errors".  I've tried exporting on multiple settings and still no luck, same with exporting from F

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  • Best practice for database migration in 11g

    Hello, Database migration is required due to OS change.  Here, I have two database instances say A and B in the old server where RDBMS_VERSION is They need to be migrated into a new OS where the oracle has been installed with version 11.2

  • User defined F4 help on a table control field

    hi            i m calling table maintenance view on click of a button on module pool screen . i have 1 column internal table which has the contents of help to be displayed on 1 of the fields in table control . how to code and where? i m using   CALL

  • Field settings in Usage Decicion - QA11

    Hi - I need to know where the field settings are configured for the document Item data fields in QA11 while doing UD. For each quantity posted like TO unrestrecited stock, TO Scrap etc we are have different document item data button , once we click t