Root object in Object Stream in Encrypted file

I cannot find anywhere in the PDF Spec a prohibition on including the Root object in an Object Stream in a non-linearized encrypted file, but Acrobat products appear to assume such a restriction.
Encrypted files where the Root obj is in an Object Stream do not open with Acrobat 7, 8 or Reader 9, but do open with GhostView/Ghostscript, Foxit, and Adobe Digital Editions.
If the file is not encrypted there is no problem with the Root object appearing in an Object Stream, and if the Root object is a 'normal' encrypted object there is also no problem.
Anyone any ideas?
Matthew Fitzgerald

Hey praveen,
If you dont use ehp1, there is no any transaction to create root object. you can fallow this [wiki|] page.

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    It looks like this:
    <</Subtype/Image/Width 1740/Height 3002/ColorSpace/DeviceGray/BitsPerComponent 1/Decode[1 0]/Length 12268/Filter/JBIG2Decode>>
    I can easily extract the data, but how can I repair the header?
    Thank you.

    You will need to learn the JB2 file format and construct one based on the data in the ImageXObject dictionary.
    Don't forget that JB2 also supports a global data block in the PDF as well, you will need that too!

  • File I/O Using Object Streams

    My program is supposed to be a Driving instructor program that allows someone to enter a Name and Lesson Number, and it will pull up the Date, and Comments that the lesson took place. The information is saved in a file with the person's name, and saved as an array. We are required to use Object Streams for the file i/o. The only part of the program that I don't have working is the actual file i/o. The large commented section that I have in the datamanager class is the notes from the professor on the board and I haven't removed them yet. There are 4 classes for this file.
    The main class that creates the program and calls the other classes.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class main {
    /** Creates a new instance of main */
    public main() {
    * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args)
    guiLayout labelFrame = new guiLayout(); // creates LabelFrame
    labelFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
    labelFrame.setSize(600, 200);
    } The second class is the GUI class and event handler class.
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class guiLayout extends JFrame{
        private JPanel centertop;
        private JPanel centermiddle;
        private JPanel centerbottom;
        private JLabel dateLabel;
        private JLabel nameLabel;
        private JLabel lessonLabel;
        private JLabel commentsLabel;
        private JTextArea DateTextArea;
        private JTextArea NameTextArea;
        private JTextArea LessonTextArea;
        private JTextArea CommentsTextArea;
        private JButton Save;
        private JButton Retrieve;
        private String tempDay[];
        private DataManager DMO;
        /** Creates a new instance of guiLayout */
        public guiLayout()
            super("Drive Application");
            setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            dateLabel = new JLabel("Date (mm/dd/yy)");
            nameLabel = new JLabel("Name");
            lessonLabel = new JLabel("Lesson (1-10)");
            commentsLabel = new JLabel("Comments");
            DateTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 7);
            NameTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 15);
            LessonTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 2);
            CommentsTextArea = new JTextArea(6, 30);
            Save = new JButton( "Save");
            Retrieve = new JButton( "Retrieve");
            //insert into GUI
            centertop = new JPanel();
            centertop.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
            add(centertop, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            centermiddle = new JPanel();
            centermiddle.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
            add(centermiddle, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            centerbottom = new JPanel();
            centerbottom.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
            centerbottom.add (Save);
            add(centerbottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
            Save.addActionListener( handler);
        private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                String Namein = NameTextArea.getText();
                String Datein = DateTextArea.getText();
                String Commentsin = CommentsTextArea.getText();
                int Lessonin = Integer.parseInt(LessonTextArea.getText());
                   DMO.Save(Namein, Datein, Commentsin, Lessonin);
                    if(Lessonin >= 1 && Lessonin <= 10)
                       LessonRecord r = (DMO.Retrieve(Namein, Lessonin));
                        String errormess = "Lesson Number must be between 1 and 10!";
    }The third class is the DataManager class which handles the actual file i/o.
    import java.util.*;
    public class DataManager implements Serializable
        //private String Path = "P:\\D00766703\\CET431\\Assign5";
        private String Path = "C:\\Java";
        FileInputStream fin;
        FileOutputStream fout;
        ObjectInputStream oin;
        ObjectOutputStream oout;
        public String Retrieve(String name, int lesson)
            String itemFile = Path + name + ".ser";
            File f = new File(itemFile);
            if (f.exists() == true)
                    if(fin == null)
                        fin = new FileInputStream(itemFile);
                        oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                    LessonRecord r[] = oin.readObject();
                    if(fin.available() == 0)
                        return r[lesson - 1];
                catch(IOException ioe)
                LessonRecord LR = new LessonRecord();
       = " ";
                LR.comment = "File Not Found";
                return LR;
        /*create file object for Path\\Name
         *if file exists
         *  create fileinputstream
         *  create objectinputstream - oin
         *  read array of lesson records
         *  LessonRecord |r[] = oin.readObject();    need cast to array here
         *  close object input stream and file input stream
         *  return |r[lesson - 1];
         *else file does NOT EXIST
         *  LessonRecord LR = new LessonRecord();
         * = " ";
         *  LR.comment = error message;
         *  return LR;
        public void Save(String name, String date, String comment, int lesson)
            String itemFile = Path + name + ".ser";
            File f = new File(itemFile);
            LessonRecord |r[];
            if (f.exists() == true)
                    fin = new FileInputStream(itemFile);
                    oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                    LessonRecord r[] = oin.readObject();
                catch(IOException ioe)
                r = new LessonRecord[10];
            r[lesson - 1] = new LessonRecord(date, comment);
            fout = new FileOutputStream(itemFile, true);
            oout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
        /*create file object for Path\\Name
         *LessonRecord |r[];
         *if file exists
         *  create fileinputstream
         *  create objectinputstream - oin
         *  read array of lesson records
         *  LessonRecord |r[] = oin.readObject();    need cast to array here
         *  close object input stream and file input stream
         *  |r = new LessonRecord[10];
         *|r[lesson - 1] = new LessonRecord(date, comment);
         *createobjectoutputstream - oout
    }And the fourth class is the LessonRecord class which is serializable and has the date and comments variables.
    public class LessonRecord implements Serializable
        public String Date;
        public String Comment;
        /** Creates a new instance of LessonRecord */
        public LessonRecord()
            Date = "";
            Comment = "";
        public LessonRecord(String Datein, String Commentin)
            Date = Datein;
            Comment = Commentin;
    }I could have sworn that the professor said to make it |r for the account records variable names, but I always get errors when I do that, and I need to know how to cast to an array too.

    hi Friend,
    I have made some modification to your code. and try this...I think it will help you...
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    public class guiLayout extends JFrame{
        private JPanel centertop;
        private JPanel centermiddle;
        private JPanel centerbottom;
        private JLabel dateLabel;
        private JLabel nameLabel;
        private JLabel lessonLabel;
        private JLabel commentsLabel;
        private JTextArea DateTextArea;
        private JTextArea NameTextArea;
        private JTextArea LessonTextArea;
        private JTextArea CommentsTextArea;
        private JButton Save;
        private JButton Retrieve;
        private String tempDay[];
        private DataManager DMO;
        /** Creates a new instance of guiLayout */
        public guiLayout()
            super("Drive Application");
            DMO=new DataManager();
            setLayout(new FlowLayout());
            dateLabel = new JLabel("Date (mm/dd/yy)");
            nameLabel = new JLabel("Name");
            lessonLabel = new JLabel("Lesson (1-10)");
            commentsLabel = new JLabel("Comments");
            DateTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 7);
            NameTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 15);
            LessonTextArea = new JTextArea(1, 2);
            CommentsTextArea = new JTextArea(6, 30);
            Save = new JButton( "Save");
            Retrieve = new JButton( "Retrieve");
            //insert into GUI
            centertop = new JPanel();
            centertop.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,1));
            add(centertop, BorderLayout.NORTH);
            centermiddle = new JPanel();
            centermiddle.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1));
            add(centermiddle, BorderLayout.CENTER);
            centerbottom = new JPanel();
            centerbottom.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
            centerbottom.add (Save);
            add(centerbottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
            ButtonHandler handler = new ButtonHandler();
            Save.addActionListener( handler);
        private class ButtonHandler implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                String Namein = NameTextArea.getText();
                int Lessonin = Integer.parseInt(LessonTextArea.getText());
                    String Datein = DateTextArea.getText();
                     String Commentsin = CommentsTextArea.getText();
                   DMO.Save(Namein, Datein, Commentsin, Lessonin);
                    if(Lessonin >= 1 && Lessonin <= 10)
                       LessonRecord r = (DMO.Retrieve(Namein, Lessonin));
                       System.out.println("Retrieve:"+ r.Comment+":"+r.Date);
                        String errormess = "Lesson Number must be between 1 and 10!";
    import java.util.*;
    public class DataManager implements Serializable
        //private String Path = "P:\\D00766703\\CET431\\Assign5";
        private String Path = "C:/Java";
        FileInputStream fin;
        FileOutputStream fout;
        ObjectInputStream oin;
        ObjectOutputStream oout;
        public LessonRecord Retrieve(String name, int lesson)
            String itemFile = Path + name + ".ser";
            File f = new File(itemFile);
            LessonRecord[] r=null;
            if (f.exists() == true)
                    if(fin == null)
                        fin = new FileInputStream(itemFile);
                        oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                    r= (LessonRecord[])oin.readObject();
                catch(IOException ioe)
                  catch(ClassNotFoundException c){
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                LessonRecord LR = new LessonRecord();
                LR.Date = " ";
                LR.Comment = "File Not Found";
                return LR;
        /*create file object for Path\\Name
         *if file exists
         *  create fileinputstream
         *  create objectinputstream - oin
         *  read array of lesson records
         *  LessonRecord |r[] = oin.readObject();    need cast to array here
         *  close object input stream and file input stream
         *  return |r[lesson - 1];
         *else file does NOT EXIST
         *  LessonRecord LR = new LessonRecord();
         * = " ";
         *  LR.comment = error message;
         *  return LR;
      return r[lesson - 1];
        public void Save(String name, String date, String comment, int lesson)
            String itemFile = Path + name + ".ser";
            File f = new File(itemFile);
            LessonRecord r[]=new LessonRecord[10];
            if (f.exists() == true)
                    fin = new FileInputStream(itemFile);
                    oin = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
                     r = (LessonRecord[])oin.readObject();
                catch(IOException ioe)
                catch(ClassNotFoundException c){
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException ex) {
                r = new LessonRecord[10];
            r[lesson - 1] = new LessonRecord(date, comment);
            fout = new FileOutputStream(itemFile);
            oout = new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
       catch(IOException ioe)
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {
        /*create file object for Path\\Name
         *LessonRecord |r[];
         *if file exists
         *  create fileinputstream
         *  create objectinputstream - oin
         *  read array of lesson records
         *  LessonRecord |r[] = oin.readObject();    need cast to array here
         *  close object input stream and file input stream
         *  |r = new LessonRecord[10];
         *|r[lesson - 1] = new LessonRecord(date, comment);
         *createobjectoutputstream - oout
    } and does not have any changes so you use the old code....
    Edited by: rajaram on Sep 28, 2007 1:24 PM

  • Random access file with object stream

    Hi All,
    I have saved some objects in a file using object stream. While reading the sequential read is possible for me. I want to reduce the overhead of reading whole file for getting one specific object details. Is there any way in which we can implement RandomAccessFile with object stream? or is there any other alternative of reaching specific object in the file without seqential read?

    is there any
    other alternative of reaching specific object in the
    file without seqential read?Write the objects to a database.

  • Reading an object from a binary file

    i am writing objects into my binary file using printwriter class. i am able to write objects into the file but i am having problems reading the object from the file. is there any other way of going about it. i tried using the objectoutputstream and object input stream class. but i am getting run time errors coz of something to do with serialization
    i am storing records as a object into a binary file so that it is easy to seek my records

    Of course you have trouble reading objects after you wrote them with a PrintWriter.
    You should rather have fixed the Serialization errors: only objkects that implement Serializable correctly can be serialized.

  • Find object Names in a file and print all those objects Names

    Hi All,
    I am new to this forum.
    I want to know how to read only objects names in txt file. In the text file i have sql queries, package names, Function Name. I need to read all the objects and display out put. The file contains around 20000 Lines.
    Please suggest me.
    Thanks & Regards

    Gurram wrote:
    want to read .rex File. The file contains combination of SQL code with table Names, Packages,Functions,There are three basic ways to read an external file.
    You can use UTL_FILE and use standard/basic file I/O calls like fread() and fwrite() - common amongst most (if not all) programming languages.
    You can define an external table for the file, and SQL*Load the contents of the file dynamically via a SQL SELECT statement.
    You can load the file into a CLOB using DBMS_LOB and then process it - quite useful if the text file is XML as the XMLTYPE supports parsing a a CLOB containing XML.
    I want to pick Each object name put in a separate file line by line.That in turn will need to use UTL_FILE to create an external file.
    Keep in mind though that your in a database environment with PL/SQL. The very best place for data is inside the database in SQL tables. Not outside as external files. Thus you need to ask yourself whether dealing this way with external files is the best solution, and a robust and scalable one.
    Granted, many times from the database side we need to deal with external files. The optimal method usually is to load that file's data into a database table as structured data - data that can be accessed via SQL and sorted, filtered, aggregated and analysed.
    To provide a "file" as output - this should ideally be done directly from structured data (SQL tables). And can be done using HTTP (via a web enabled PL/SQL procedure that supplies the file content as a http Mime stream), using FTP (via <i>UTL_TCP</i>) or as a CLOB via a PL/SQL call interface. Using UTL_FILE is not necessarily the only option.

  • Writing objects with in zip files

    I am trying to write an object into a zip file :
    ZipOutputStream zout=new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("");
    ZipEntry ze=new ZipEntry("test.dat");
    ObjectOutputStream out=new ObjectOutputStream(zout);
    The above code is within a try-catch block.
    It is compiling correctly.
    But it is throwing an exception just after executing "zout.closeEntry()".
    The exception is " Stream Closed".
    I am using JDK 1.3.
    Can anyone help me.

    Hi Indra,
    I'm sorry it didn't work. I would try to simulate that problem but I really don't have time right now (but I will).
    What you can do is to try to create that zip file in 2 steps, first just serialize the objects in a ordinary file and then read from that file and create a zip file. Of course you'll have to do the same to get your objects out from the zip file.
    If the file is not too big you can use a ByteArrayOutputStream instead of a FileOutputStream for the first file.
    hope it will work,

  • Root object is missing or invalid

    Received the following message when attempting to open a pdf file in an email.  "There was an error opening this document.  The root object is missing or invalid."   I was using MS Outlook 2007.  Unknown what program the email sender was using to create the PDF file or to send the e-mail.  I can open other PDF files from other senders.

    Ask the sender to resend the file. Sometimes pdfs get corrupted in the mail. If it won't get blocked sending pdfs as zipped files generally prevents the issue. But some companies ban zipped attachments.

  • How to Edit/Save PDF without Object Stream Compression?

    Whenever I am removing/replacing a page in the PDF file, "Object Stream Compression" applied automatically. But in the original PDF there is no "Object Stream Compression" initially.
    I can remove this "Object Stream Compression" using the option "PDF OPTIMIZER->Cleanup->Remove->Compression" manually, but I want to remove/replace a page in the PDF file without "Page Has Object Stream Compression".
    Preflight Report for the Original PDF
    Preflight Report for the Edited PDF (One Page Removed)
    Could you advise anyone, how to solve the above mentioned issue?
    I hope your favorable response from the Acrobat experts.

    Thanks for the reply.
    I just want to remind you that I don't use any other workflow to retain/remove the "object stream compression".
    My question is "object stream compression" was not present in the original PDF  but after removing a page (Ex: Back cover) "object stream compression" applied automatically. Why?
    Note: I am using "Acrobat X pro" to remove a page (Ex: Back cover) from the original PDF and not using any other PDF tools for the above.
    Now i hope that you will understand the actual issue.
    Raja. S

  • "there was an error opening this document the root object is missing or invalid" adobe reader 9

    I get the following message every time I try an open some of my saved PDF files in Adobe Reader 9
    "there was an error opening this document. the root object is missing or invalid."
    these files are not down loaded from a website, they are files I greated some time back and I have not opened in a while.
    I am runing window XP and this dos not happen with all my PDF files.
    can you help.

    Sounds like the files are corrupt. Time to restore them from a good backup.

  • "New root object" menu not available

    I'm using SJS Directory Server 5.2patch3 on Solaris 9, installed silently through state file and all seems to work fine (even if I don't understand why I have to repeat the installation more than one time since the first one doesn't create the proper directory structure inside the installation directory).
    Through the Server Console, I created then a new subfix (o=people,dc=my) with its individual database under the userRoot (dc=my) and now I'm trying to create a new root object under the configuration panel (o=people which would reference to the dedicated database created in the previous step). That menu option is not available, which appears a bit strange since I'm logged in as cn=Directory Manager, which should have the proper rights to complete this operation.
    The only solution would be to initialize the database through an LDIF file but I don't have a clue about all the attributes I should assign to that organization, acis ecc. It would be simpler to use the console; at least, I'm curious WHY the console doesn't allow to accomplish that step.
    Any help greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks,

    The "New Root Object" task only appears if you created a new suffix.
    Have you done a right-click on the server or on the "dc=my" entry?
    Tested this for you some minutes ago with DS5.2Patch3 on Solaris9/SPARC and it worked out fine.

  • How can I write new objects to the existing file with already written objec

    I've got a problem in my app.
    Namely, my app stores data as objects written to the files. Everything is OK, when I write some data (objects of a class defined by me) to the file (by using writeObject method from ObjectOutputStream) and then I'm reading it sequencially by the corresponding readObject method (from ObjectInputStream).
    Problems start when I add new objects to the already existing file (to the end of this file). Then, when I'm trying to read newly written data, I get an exception:
    at Source)
    at Source)
    Is there any method to avoid corrupting the stream? Maybe it is a silly problem, but I really can't cope with it! How can I write new objects to the existing file with already written objects?
    If anyone of you know something about this issue, please help!

    Here is a piece of sample codes. You can save the bytes read from the object by invoking save(byte[] b), and load the last inserted object by invoking load.
    * Created on 2004-12-23
    package com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue;
    * @author elgs This is a very high performance implemention of Cache.
    public class StackCache implements Cache
        protected long             seed    = 0;
        protected RandomAccessFile raf;
        protected int              count;
        protected String           cacheDeviceName;
        protected Adapter          adapter;
        protected long             pointer = 0;
        protected File             f;
        public StackCache(String name) throws IOException
            cacheDeviceName = name;
            f = new File(Const.cacheHome + name);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
            if (raf.length() == 0)
         * Whne the cache file is getting large in size and may there be fragments,
         * we should do a shrink.
        public synchronized void shrink() throws IOException
            int BUF = 8192;
            long pointer = getPointer();
            long size = pointer + 4;
            File temp = new File(Const.cacheHome + getCacheDeviceName() + ".shrink");
            FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(temp);
            byte[] buf = new byte[BUF];
            long runs = size / BUF;
            int mode = (int) size % BUF;
            for (long l = 0; l < runs; ++l)
  , 0, mode);
            out.write(buf, 0, mode);
            raf = new RandomAccessFile(f, "rw");
        private synchronized long getPointer() throws IOException
            long l = raf.getFilePointer();
            long pointer = raf.readLong();
            return pointer < 8 ? 4 : pointer;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#load()
        public synchronized byte[] load() throws IOException
            pointer = getPointer();
            if (pointer < 8)
                return null;
            int length = raf.readInt();
            pointer = pointer - length - 4;
            byte[] b = new byte[length];
   + 4);
            return b;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#save(byte[])
        public synchronized void save(byte[] b) throws IOException
            pointer = getPointer();
            int length = b.length;
            pointer += 4;
            pointer = raf.getFilePointer() - 4;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#getCachedObjectsCount()
        public synchronized int getCachedObjectsCount()
            return count;
         * (non-Javadoc)
         * @see com.cpic.msgbus.monitor.util.cachequeue.Cache#getCacheDeviceName()
        public String getCacheDeviceName()
            return cacheDeviceName;

  • Saving An Object Array to a File

    Please Help,
    I am fairly new to Java. I am trying to write a program that inputs merchandise information (ItemName, Description, Price, etc�) to an object array. The program works internally with the array perfectly, but I can�t get it to save the array to a file so it can be read and reused the next time the program is run. The class the array is built on implements Serializable, but when it tries to save it to a file, it throws an exception message saying that my object is not serializable.
    Does anyone have some code to help me save information to an array (so it can be used within the program), save the array to a disk file, and read the file back into the program the next time the program opens?
    Thank you,

    Thank you for your help. The total code is quite lengthy so I�ve tried to pick the most relevant code to include here.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Class1 extends WindowAdapter implements ActionListener
    // Object Array Declaration.
    ItemInfo ItemArray[] = new ItemInfo[100];
    * This is the Inner Class that the Array is built on. I have two constructors in it because I
    * tried several different methods to make this write to the disk file
    public class ItemInfo implements Serializable
         int ItemNum;
         int DeptNum;
         String ItemName;
         String Model;
         String Description;
         float Price;
         int Units;
    // Constructors
         public ItemInfo() {};
         public ItemInfo(int inItemNum, int inDeptNum, String
                             inItemName, String inModel, String
                             inDescription, float inPrice, int inUnits)
              ItemNum = inItemNum;
              DeptNum = inDeptNum;
              ItemName = inItemName;
              Model = inModel;
              Description = inDescription;
              Price = inPrice;
              Units = inUnits;
    } // end class ItemInfo.
    * openOutputStream() *
         private void openOutputStream()
              // create file and output object streams
                   outputItemFile = new FileOutputStream("A:ItemFile.txt");
                   objSaveItems = new ObjectOutputStream(outputItemFile);
              } // end try
              catch (Exception error)
                   System.err.println("Error opening file");
              } // end catch
         } // end openOutputStream().
    * closeOutputStream() *
         private void closeOutputStream()
              catch (IOException error)
                   System.err.println("Error Closing File");
              } // end catch
         } // end closeOutputStream().
    * AddToItemArray() - This method just assigns the information to the Array elements *
         private void AddToItemArray()
              int ArrayNum = intItemFileSize - 1;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum] = new ItemInfo();
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].ItemNum = intNewItemNum;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].DeptNum = intDeptNum;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].ItemName = strItemName;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].Model = strModel;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].Description = strDescription;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].Price = fltPrice;
              ItemArray[ArrayNum].Units = intUnits;
         } // end AddToItemArray().
    * WriteToFile() - This is the latest effort to write to the file. The file gets opened, and
    * the first element gets printed, but after that nothing but error messages (printed * below).
         private void WriteToFile()
                   for (int a = 0; a <= intItemFileSize; a++)
              } // end try.
              catch (Exception error)
                   System.err.println("Error writing to file");
         } // end WriteToFile().
    This is what appears on the disk file after I run the program (three items entered):
    � sr Class1$ItemInfo�&q����B I DeptNumI ItemNumF PriceI UnitsL
    Descriptiont Ljava/lang/String;L ItemNamet Ljava/lang/String;L Modelt Ljava/lang/String;L this$0t LClass1;xp A��� t
    Claw Hammert Hammert CL550{sr �� 5   xr��k�9��   xr�sde%��   xr  java.lang.Exception��> ; �   xr  java.lang.Throwable��5'9w��   L
    detailMessaget  Ljava/lang/String;xpt  Class1

  • System code 1, error 43. English text was "Expected an object Stream"

    I have been working on the same form for several weeks (In Livecycle 8.0). Today when I went to open it, I get the error message "Library returned system code 1, error 43. English text was "Expected an object Stream" " and the only option I have is to say okay, and the windows closes.
    The Original Form was a MS Word Document that I converted to a pdf, and use Livecycle 8.0 to add drop down menus, fields etc. to it.
    We have been using the form in reader for days, (testing it) and it still works fine in adobe reader, we can still open it without any problems.
    However I needed to add more options to my drop down menu's and when I attempt to open the pdf file in Livecycle, all of sudden I get this error, system code 1, error 43.
    I have googled, it a didnt find any help, and I have looked / searched the knowledge base with no luck.
    Thank you for any assistance!

    I have not seen that error ...can you email it to [email protected] and I will have a look

  • Socket + GZip Stream + Object Stream problem

    I've been having a problem with my threaded networked application. I want to send GZipped Objects over a socket, but the ObjectInputStream constructor blocks. I understand that it is waiting for header information from the corresponding ObjectOutputStream. I am sure that the socket connection has been established, and the ObjectOutputStream is constructed before the ObjectInputStream on the other end. The header information never seems to get to the other end.
    If I remove the Gzip filter stream, everything works great. I'm thinking that the Gzip stream is buffering the 4 bytes of header info, waiting for more data before actually compressing anything. I've tried flushing everything, to no help. I've tried finish()ing the Gzip stream, but that means I can't send my object payload. I've checked the buffers of all the stream objects and see the Object Stream's header in its buffer, but never seems to get into the GZIPOutputStream's buffer.
    Has anyone successfully used Object Stream > GZIP Stream > Socket Stream before?
    I'm not interested in examples that use file streams, since I get the impression that Gzip works fine with those (and maybe even designed only for those, not for sockets).
    Thanks for any help.
    Dave C

    Thanks. I see what I'm doing differently now. I was trying to send multiple objects over the gzip stream, not 1 at a time, finish(), and construct a new Gzip and Object output stream.
    Seems to work with a ByteArrayOutput/InputStream, now to try with a socket..

Maybe you are looking for

  • BEA-001156 error repates with DR datasource in 10.3.2

    I am getting an below error with 10.3.2 DG statsource (listner is down ). we have same configuration in 10.3.1 and errors out first time and does not repeat unlike 10.3.2 . any help is appreciated. ####<Jan 31, 2011 10:05:47 AM PST> <Warning> <JDBC>

  • Client not running ?

    Hi Eventhough i included weblogic.jar in class path, the client program throws exception like this. I am using weblogic server 8.1 as standalone mode Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: PortfolioClient (wron g name: stateful/Po

  • No EJB-Module in NWDS

    Hi I have NWDS version 7.1 SP05 installed. I need to develop a adapter module but when creating a project under J2EE I do not have the opportunity to create a EJB module. How can this be? I can how ever create a EJB project under EJB. This looks almo

  • Which photoshop

    I have recently got a bridge camera and I'm thinking of getting photoshop. I want to merge and change my photo,s but don't know what to get.

  • Backing up imovie files?????

    I thought this would be as easy as dragging the imovie files into a burn folder but everytime I try and do this it will only create a "shortcut" of the file. I have some sizeable projects that I want to burn on dvd and be able to work with them later