Rotated Guide Line Issues

If I rotate a guide line within a CS5 Illustrator document and deselect from it...and then try to re-edit the guide, it is no longer accessible - cannot be transformed, of even deleted.
- I have not got the "lock guides" option on, so I am completely baffled.
Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm new to Illustrator.

Or what's behind door number two!
He may have accidentally hit the wrong keyboard short cut and locked the guide.
This sounds more probably as when hitting a combination of keys it is easy to make an error and in typing we oftn make the same error many times.
Then they hit the same combination and it unlocked the guides and they were now fine.

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    Action taken to date:
    Suggested Repair / resourcec:
    Please suggest how can I implement this requirement?
    Appreciate your help in advance.
    Moderator message : Duplicate post locked. Continue with original thread.
    Edited by: Vinod Kumar on Sep 14, 2011 11:29 AM

         Check the user exit :- QQMA0025 PM/SM: Default values when adding a notification
    For wiring into longtext i think u can update via WRITE_TEXT
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    Another 11/10 answer.
    Thank you so much to all who have given me answers and this forum is the best for quick correct answers.
    Thank You so much

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    > I can't adjust the SIZE of the drawing
    A partial screenshot posted here might also be helpful.
    When you have an image on a website (image.extension) on a website (yourdomain.topdomain), you can link to it by copying/writing this into your message (folders are optional, .extension may be .gif, .jpg, etc.):
    <a href="http://www.yourdomain.topdomain/folder1/folder2/.../imagename.extension"><img src="http://www.yourdomain.topdomain/folder1/folder2/.../imagename.extension" alt="" border="0"></a>
    To keep the forum format, please do not post images wider than 680px.
    If you do not have access to a website, you may upload the image to one of the free image hosting sites, such as,,

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    2. some tips on programming or/and code regarding topic is more than welcome

    download a wtk (sun or other)
    and search in

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    Kind regards,
    W. Brown

    Perhaps this is a solution to your problem? Worked perfeclty for me! :-)
    I had to align those numbers by the ruler on 500+ pages.
    Now we could flag this problem as "solved"?

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    Could you share the document with me? ^^

    As Rich said, there are no official naming conventions. Nonetheless, a few things have become quite popular, such as:
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    - adding m_ in front of member variables of controllers
    - adding s_ in front of supply methods and using the name of the node afterwards
    - adding lbl_ in front of labels and using the name of the labelled ui element afterwards like "lbl_customer" and "customer"
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    Regarding the names of components, there is one thing that you should not do: Start them with WD_ or WDR_ as both are somehow preserved. The same is true for entities within a component, although there checks in place that prevent you from doing that.
    Best regards,

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    Press H

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