Roto Brushing

I'm using the roto brush tool for the first time and I've found that it lags considerably when I'm trying to see what the roto brush tool is doing to nearby frames.  I have to wait way too long to see one frame.  Thing is, I think my boss might be willing to upgrade my computer or get me a new one but I need to know exactly what I need if I'm going to approach him about it.
Any thoughts/recomendations on what I should do?  I'm going to be using a lot of the roto brush tool for a project that will be ongoing for a while.

What 64 bit operating system? What kind of footage? Have you gone through the tutorials and the FAQ about Rotobrush? Do you know now to set span? What version of AE right down to the last decimal point?
I have no clue what may be causing this problem. It could be anything from the codec used in the original footage to the size of the footage, to the available ram, to your memory settings, to an out of date version of AE.

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    Just to let you know that you've posted in the Audition (audio) forum and may do better posting over in the Premier Pro forums.
    However, as one who works in both video and audio, I'd just comment that your choice of export format is affected big time by what you want to do with your edit.  Things like Youtube, DVD, Bluray, etc. all have their own formats that you have to adhere to.  Within those formats you often have choices you can make to balance bandwidth vs. quality but these only come into play once you've decided where your project has to end up.

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      First time posting in the forum, so I'll make this as painless as I can and hopefully I can get a hand in figuring this out.
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    - 16gb Ram
    - SSD HD
    - NVidia GeForce GT 650m 1024 mb.
    - OSX 10.8.3
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    It's hard to say what is causing the rotobrush show down but there may be an easy work around. Try something like this:
    I applied keylight to the footage, selected combined matte to give rotobrush a nice easy area to work in, then pre-composed the keyed footage and used RotoBrush on the layer to select the underside of the hat. I added a white solid behind the rotoed pre-comp and pre composed that to use as a track matte for the original footage. Keylight was also applied to the original footage but was only used to supress color. Here's the AEP. Maybe it will give you some ideas.

  • How can we improve the Roto Brush tool and Refine Matte effect?

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    Normally, we like to encourage feedback through the feature-request form, but in this case we'd like to get a more public conversation going.

    I've been using the Roto Brush and so far I am very impressed.  It is much more stable than I anticipated and gets me pretty far with much less work.  I'd say I can get my shots 85-90% of the way done with the Roto Brush tools, in a fraction of the time.  Bravo to Adobe for such a great tool.  I have however, hit one major snag.  I am part of a pipeline and I need to render out my mattes and pass them up the chain.  When I look at my Roto Brush precomp it is beautiful, the motion blur is perfect and the alpha looks identical when I check that out.  However when I render out my tiff sequence and pull it back in to check it, there is bleed in the motion blur.  I'm not sure this is a roto brush problem because when I look at the alpha of the roto brush layer and the rendered matte they appear identical.  Any suggestions on how to get the bleed out of the blur?

  • AE CS6 crashing on roto brush

    AE CS6
    MacBook Pro mid-2013
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    Sorry, I don't know what other information is relevant to you to help, so I'll start with this and we can go from there. I couldn't find this issue discussed anywhere. It's specifically being caused by the Roto Brush, seemingly.

    praguian wrote:
    Thanks Szalam. But MPEG is incompatible with Roto Brush, then? I must've missed that somehow.
    It's not that MPEG is incompatible with Roto Brush, it's just that eliminating any temporal codecs is a good troubleshooting step.
    H.264 is one of the most widely used video compression codecs right now. It is MPEG-4. It compresses video largely by not containing a full picture for every frame. There will be some key frames that contain data for every pixel, but for the rest of the frames, they are interpolating from previous frames and from motion data. It's super-interesting. Check out datamoshing videos to see what happens when you add the motion from one video to the picture of another or otherwise futzing around with a temporal codec.
    The problem is that After Effects (like Nuke and other pixel-based compositors) is that it works based off of uncompressed, full video on every frame. Now, since CS5, After Effects has improved significantly in how it handles video that uses such interframe compression. However, when you are experiencing weird issues, removing temporal, interframe compression codecs from the picture will often solve the problem. Intraframe compression is fine (QuckTime with Photo-JEPG, for example), but interframe may cause issues. Now, it shouldn't be a problem, but it's always worth checking.

  • What could cause no propagation using Roto Brush Tool?

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    Could the arrow colors be exacly the same as the gray of the background?
    I have gotten it to work on some other projects.

    Unlikely that you could tweak your UI brightness in such a way that it kills both grey tones at the same time, so this is a real issue of sorts. do you see any propagation status updated on teh info plaette? Please check that. If there is propagation, yet it does not show up in the viewer, it may be an issue with your footage. And no, you shouldn't use masks and RB at the same time. It may throw off RB completely. You would have to pre-compose or pre-render the RB layer and work based on that.

  • Can you copy roto brush?

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    It's a little bit of a pain, but you can move all of the Roto Brush strokes. I just tried it. I made two copies of a movie, with one offset 50 pixels to the left from the other. I did my Roto Brush work on one and then copied and pasted the entire instance of the Roto Brush effect onto the other. Of course, at this point the results on the offset layer were lousy. But I used the search field in the Timeline panel to filter for 'position', which exposed all of the Position properties for the individual Roto Brush strokes. I Ctrl-clicked them to select all of the strokes' Position properties, and then I dragged the x component of one of them to set it to 50 pixels less. All of the strokes moved left 50 pixels, and the result was good.
    Depending on what you're doing, you might have better luck freezing the Roto Brush matte on a duplicate of the original layer and using that as a track matte, and then just moving the whole matte layer.
    If you post screenshots, we can give you a better idea beyond my generalizations so far.

  • Trying to learn Roto Brush and am stumped.

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    Ok, just found a new cloud update and rebooted....suddenly its working.

  • New Roto Brush in CS5. Worth the upgrade?

    I'm sure everyone by now has seen presentations of the new AE CS5. Besides native support for 64-bit platforms, they introduced a very appealing feature called Roto Brush. Besides Adobe employees telling "how great it is", did anyone outside Adobe try it? What do you think, is it really that intuitive? And, is it worth $300 for an upgrade?

    As for my previous claim about Ps being on the forefront of Adobe's innovations, then take a look, there are so many things that Ps has that AE doesn't, for instance: range of (handy) selection tools, or cloning brushes, or layer grouping would be just a few off the top of my head. So, no offense, but Ps is way ahead of AE in that sense. (Again I understand that I cannot compare two side by side, since they both work with different media. I'm simply pointing out those nifty tools that Ps has, that would be very nice to have in AE.)
    So is it just me, or anyone else feels the same?
    I think you are getting yourself to worked up over this and not considering many quite specific things. Software engineering is a complex process (which you as a programmer should know) and doesn't mean just linking a few source files and compiling them. There are different APIs at work here and just the addition of time as a concept complicates matters a bazillion times. Or do you think PS selection tools would be of any use if the only produced jittery output because they did no temporal smoothing? Equally, "Groups" can mean a whole lot of differnt things and adding such a feature will have to be carefully weighed against things like rendering order and the whole concept of how AE structures projects. Would groups be just a meta structure to bundle existing property streams? A whole new way of working? Eliminate pre-comping? Please think about this. Blnaket statements as to one program being behind another are neither fair nor are the in any way correct after the fact. and last but not least, do not forget the human resource factor: Only so many people are working on any given program. Compared to a flagship app like Photoshop that keeps 300 people busy, AE with its 50 people (just do an Alt+click on the About to get a list), of which only a part are the actual programmers, has much less resources and I think it's still amazing, that they can manage to maintain the app on 2 platforms and handle of a bazillion media formats. Yes, AE has its flaws, but it's not that you cannot get anything done with it, is it? I also find such discussions insincere in that you are free to choose your tools and if you are unhappy with AE, you can always try Nuke, Fusion, toxik* or whatever.... Nobody is forcing you to work with Adobe programs.

  • Too hard to use Roto Brush in Tree Branches!

    Hi all!
    I'm having trouble roto brushing tree branches, it's too difficult, is there any alternative way or color selection option in Roto brush?
    Thanks in advance!

    Colorama is a plug-in that easily creates a track matte for things like trees against a sky. An additional junk mask and your work should be almost done. Just use the negative preset and then do some tweaking like this:

  • How to get roto brush back

    I'm very new to After Effects. I've been following a tutorial in using the Roto Brush to blur a TV screen in a video. After selecting the areas I wanted with the roto brush, I ran a gaussian blur effect.
    The tutorial had me create a duplicate layer and delete the roto brush effect from that duplicate.
    When I previewed what I had done, the effect wasn't blurred enough in parts, so I figured I had to go  back and refine the roto brush selection.
    So I used Edit>History to step back to before just before I created the duplicate layer, but after I created the roto brush selections.
    Except now I don't see the areas I selected with the roto brush tool outlined as they were, even when I've selected the roto brush tool.
    Am I missing something? Can I get my roto brush selections back, or do I have to do it all over again?

    It happened again, and this time, clicking the Toggle Alpha Boundary button isn't helping.
    I remained stepped back before I created the duplicate layer and I adjusted my roto brush selections in the entire clip.
    The tutorial I'm following said to duplicate the layer, which I did, then delete the roto brush instance from the bottom layer.
    Then it said to apply the effect I want (Gaussian blur in my case) to the top layer. I set it at 65 which worked great yesterday. But today, nothing blurred.
    So I tried to find my roto brush selection, but I can't get it to turn on again, even though I am on the correct layer, in the layer panel (not the composition panel), with the roto brush selected. And using the Toggle Alpha boundary button does nothing.

  • Paint and Roto Brush Not Working?

    Had a few problems since re-installing Windows and AE CS5. Mask tool works, can create masks in layer, but everytime I select Roto Brush or Paint Brush and click into a layer to do something, no luck. Absolutely nothign happens, settings for the brushes are fine, just not being applied to any layer, plain solid or a picture. I am not new to AE, been using it for a long time, but rarely use AE for these features. Any ideas on how I can actually start to paint in AE?

    Thanks mate, I realised with the change of workspace, I'm used to the Text workspace as a pose to the one which it was set on I was working in the wrong preview. Also it was auto locking my layer for some reasons, but now that's resolved too. Thanks, you definately helped.

  • Duplicate roto brush effects

    Hi to everyone.
    I'm here to ask you if there is any way to duplicate a roto brush effect.
    I found many threads with people asking how to copy a roto brush "layer" from a project to another, but I'm talking about duplicate it in the same project.
    Long story short, I already have a roto brush effect, made a new layer out of it, and now need to make a new layer with the "inverted selection", but keeping the original "effect layer" too (need to have each single effect layer at the end of the work).
    I'd "settle" for a copy/paste selection too.
    Thanks in advance!
    PS. Currently running After Effects CC on Windows 7 Ultimate.

    When you have a good pass at a roto then render either an alpha only (there is a preset in the render cue and it's very quick) or render the result and use that for your matte effects. You can then use the rendered footage as a track matte or inverted track matte. EZ as pie.

  • How do I reverse playback for automatic roto-brush propagation?

    Hey all,
    So I am just using the roto-brush in one of my projects. I've done propagation in the forward direction from the base frame, and I mainly did automatic propagation by pressing play and then stopping the playback when a mistake is made. However I want to do automatic propagation in the backwards direction, so is there some form of reverse playback I can use in order to go in reverse? Or will I have to go frame by frame backwards?
    As you can see in the image the entire right side has been done but unsure how to do it in reverse from the base from.
    (After Effects CC

    Nope, the best option you have is to split the layer at the 40s and start from the beginning.
    See these links from the Search field at the top right corner of After Effects searching "rotobrush":
    Search Rotobrush
    Use the Roto Brush | Adobe After Effects CC tutorials
    Roto Brush and Refine Matte | CS6
    Unfortunately most folks that start using Rotobrush don't understand how to use the tool. It's not very intuitive.

  • How do I freeze the roto brush?

    Well everyone, at risk of sounding like a complete idiot, I'm wondering how I can freeze the roto brush I've used to get my footage looking the way I want it. I read on Adobe Community that
    "When the View menu in the Layer panel is set to Roto Brush, a Freeze button appears in the lower-right corner of the Layer panel."
    How do I set the view menu to Roto Brush?
    Go easy on me fellas.

    The pop-up in the bottom right corner of the layer panel that determines the currently viewed effect/ mask/ path...

Maybe you are looking for