RTTI vs Compiler Type Identification (Casting?)

Class Super and two subclasses of Super, SubOne and SubTwo.
Super has one method, doBeDooBeDoo()
SubOne has one method, doThis()
SubTwo has one method, doThat()
Super a = null;
if(foo) {
    a = new SubOne();
} else if(bar) {
    a = new SubTwo();
a.doBeeDoBeeDo();When I attempt to compile code like this, I receive a compiler error message indicating that class Super does not have a doThis method or a doThat method.
Conversely, when I run the following code...
Super a = null;
a = new SubOne();
a = new SubTwo();
System.out.println(a.getClass().getName());... I obtain the desired output of 'SubOne.class' and 'SubTwo.class'.
My confusion stems from the fact that when a = new SubOne() fires, object 'a' is an instance of SubOne, not an instance of Super. It appears that the compiler isn't picking up on this fact (understandable, since it only happens at runtime).
My questions:
1) Am I understanding the problem correctly or am I off-track?
1a) Am I misunderstanding the rules of casting in thinking that I can declare an object as being of one type and then instantiate it as a subtype?
2) Is there a way to force the compiler to recognize the casting that takes place when Super s = new SubOne()?

Thank you both for your replies - that helps to clear
up some of my confusion. I settled with...
Super a = null;
if(foo) {
a = new SubOne();
SubOne sub = (SubOne)a;
} else if(bar) {
a = new SubTwo();
SubTwo sub = (SubTwo)a;
a.doBeeDoBeeDo();...which seems equivalent to guifrei's response, but
somewhat more concise when the subclasses have a
number of unique methods.what is the point of having variable a in type of superclass, if you are not using it?
notiece that you are defining instances of your own subclass...
instead of a = new SubTwo();SubTwo sub = (SubTwo);sub.doThat(); you would most likely like to use the one with casting...
there is no point to assign value to a if you will end up using sub instead?!
ok, there is that a.doobidoobido fing outside if's... that maybe...
well.. actually i ment to write also about overloading your doBiDooBiDoo() method.
if you have in SubOne and SubTwo methods that do different thing, but have the same name as their superclass, then you can call a.doBiDooBiDoo() outside if and else-if and the result will depend on values of foo and bar.
and notiece that if you have line:
super a = null;
before these if statements, then in case foo and bar are false, you'll get nullpointerexception because a had no value...
so consider valuateing a with not-null value (super a = super();)
i hope i got some ideas from that, allthough i lost my point somewhere right before i started typing this...

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    I just ran with the example you had, but that probably included too many concepts and they got muddied up.
    Yes, Chevy, Ford etc. all share the characteristics of Auto, since they're all subclasses. But that's just inheritance, and has nothing to do with casting.
    A "reference type" can loosely be described as a variable that refers to an object. (Constrasted with "primitive types" which are int, char, float, etc. and don't refer to objects--they just hold values.)
    Casting just tells the compiler that even though as far as it knows you only have a reference to some superclass, the object that reference points to will in fact be an instance of a subclass, and so treat it as such (e.g., we can now call methods that the subclass has that the superclass lacks).
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    /**folks, I'm a web designer that has to learn Java
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    Q1: you can always cast between primitive types (numbers, not boolean). The only problem is you lose precision in certain directions. A long to float isn't necessarily going to change the value, but it really depends on the long value. If it's out of range of float, it'll basically be wrapped around to the negative side. (at least that's what long to int would do, not sure if float or double behave different in that regard).
    Q2: The value -100 converted to a char would probably be 65436, which prints as "?" because DOS can't print that character. Then when you cast back, 65436 is out of range for a byte, so it rolls back around to -100.
    Try this:
    byte b = 127;
    System.out.println((byte)0xFF); // 255 in hex
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    You can use Absolute Name to get the absolute type from the type descriptor.
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    DATA: lo_struct   TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
          lt_comp     TYPE cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table,
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    01                  01                        01                    4                               0                                     100 CM
    01                  01                        02                    4                               2                                     100 CM
    01                  01                        03                    4                               2                                     150 CM
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    100 CM -- B1                     Y            N
    100 CM -- B2                     Y            Y
    150 CM -- B3                     Y            Y
    Assignment storage unit type to Storage type (Assume your storage type is ST1  & Storage unit type is EP & IP)
       ST1  --- IP,EP(maintain value of all the storage unit type which can be stored in that bin)
    Storage unit type to storage bin type assignment this will take care that IP is not going to 1st level
    EP ----B1,B2,B3
    IP -----B2,B3

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    Hello Abhijeet,
    Here's what I think you're looking for -
    tables spfli.
    parameters     : p_test   like spfli-carrid.
    select-options : s_carrid for  spfli-connid.
      descr_ref TYPE ref to cl_abap_elemdescr.
      descr_ref ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( p_test ).
      WRITE: / 'Typename     :', descr_ref->absolute_name.
      WRITE: / 'Kind         :', descr_ref->type_kind.
      WRITE: / 'Length       :', descr_ref->length.
      WRITE: / 'Decimals     :', descr_ref->decimals.
      WRITE: / 'Output Length:', descr_ref->output_length.
      WRITE: / 'Help ID      :', descr_ref->help_id.
    Kind------> data type (C , I , etc.,)
    Help ID---> data element (usually).
    There are other classes in ABAP of the form CLABAPDESCR which can provide you with other information. These classes all belong to what is called RTTI (Run Time Type Identification). However, these are available only from 46c. You can explore the other classes, as I think they would be very interesting and useful in the future.
    Anand Mandalika.

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    best regards,
    Christoph Aschauer

    Hi Christoph
    Will it be useful to use <b>RTTI (Run-Time Type Identification)</b>? That is, the class <b>"CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR"</b> and its subclasses. One of its subclasses (<b>cl_abap_classdescr</b> as I remember) can be used to identify the type of an instantiated object.
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    in the following code:
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    var cat=root.getChildScreen(i);
    trace(cat.instanceName); //undefined
    trace(cat.label); //undefined
    trace(cat); //valid
    I know how to reference a screen by just doing
    parentScreen.childInstanceName, by I want to do it dynamically,
    hence the reason for the code above.
    please help!

    Hello Abhijeet,
    Here's what I think you're looking for -
    tables spfli.
    parameters     : p_test   like spfli-carrid.
    select-options : s_carrid for  spfli-connid.
      descr_ref TYPE ref to cl_abap_elemdescr.
      descr_ref ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( p_test ).
      WRITE: / 'Typename     :', descr_ref->absolute_name.
      WRITE: / 'Kind         :', descr_ref->type_kind.
      WRITE: / 'Length       :', descr_ref->length.
      WRITE: / 'Decimals     :', descr_ref->decimals.
      WRITE: / 'Output Length:', descr_ref->output_length.
      WRITE: / 'Help ID      :', descr_ref->help_id.
    Kind------> data type (C , I , etc.,)
    Help ID---> data element (usually).
    There are other classes in ABAP of the form CLABAPDESCR which can provide you with other information. These classes all belong to what is called RTTI (Run Time Type Identification). However, these are available only from 46c. You can explore the other classes, as I think they would be very interesting and useful in the future.
    Anand Mandalika.

  • Casting primitive wrap type variable to primitive

    We have this code:
    float f = 22.2f;
    Which prints out "22".
    Float f = 22.2f;
    When i changed the variabile type from float to Float, code throw up a compile a error, that Float type cannot be casted to int. Can somebody tell me what's going on? Isnt compiler supposed to do unboxing the variable to primitive float and then primitive float to be casted to an int?
    Isnt that what the compiler is supposed to do? Code which works perfectly fine.
    Thank for your help.

    Hello vcraescu,
    I think you are wondering why the compiler does not convert from Float to float (unboxing) and subsequently from float to short (your cast), so the bug report probably does not help you too much.
    Casts come into play when the compiler can not assure that the statement is semantically correct. The bytecode would be the same with or without the cast (if the compiler would accept omitting casts).
    Casting primitives:
    int i = 0;
    short s = (short)i;Purpose of the cast: The compiler has no idea whether the two higher bytes are relevant and you therefore need to specify that they are not.
    Casting reference types:
    With reference types there are two types of casts, the upcast and the downcast.
    class Exampe {
         public static void example(Object... objects) {
              for (Object object : objects) {
                   System.out.print(' ');
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Object[] objects = { "String", 123, 1.23 };
              example((Object) objects);
    }The purpose of this (up)cast is that you want the object to be treated as beeing of a more general type.
    org.w3c.dom.Node node;
    switch(node.getNodeType()) {
         case org.w3c.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
              org.w3c.dom.Element element = (org.w3c.dom.Element) node;
         case org.w3c.dom.Node.TEXT_NODE:
              org.w3c.dom.Text element = (org.w3c.dom.Text) node;
    }These casts tell the compiler that you are certain the object node is of a more specific type.
    My point is that all these casts have a distinct purpose. Your cast on the other hand does not. Looking at your code I see a conversion from a wrapper to a primitive, not necessarily the loss of precision connected with it and that is what this cast should be about.
    With kind regards
    Ben Schulz

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    The variable is like
    declare  t_comment tab.col%type; -- tab.col%type = varchar2(4)
    and in the PLSQL I would like to do concat a string and make sure it fits in my variable, just cut the right end if it is too long. I want it to be dynamic, so NOT
    t_comment := substr('1234567', 1, 4)
    CAST () works like a substring operator if casting to a smaller data type, but also leads to hardcoding.
    t_comment := cast ('1234567' as varchar2(4))
    But I want
    t_comment := cast ('1234567' as tab.col%type)
    But that gives me a
    PLS-00220: simple name required in this context.
    And when I define a subtype
    subtype comment_type is tab.col%type;
    t_comment := cast ('1234567' as comment_type)
    gives me a 
    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    The documentation is also clear:
    CAST converts one built-in datatype or collection-typed value into another built-in datatype or collection-typed value.
    But it would be so nice to prevent hardcoding, to the varchar2(4) datatype in this case.
    Any suggestions on how to make this flexible?

    you can read the column length from the data dictionary and then use it in your SUBSTR instead of the hard coded value:
    SELECT data_length
    INTO v_length
    FROM user_tab_cols
    WHERE table_name = 'TAB'
    AND column_name = 'COL';
    t_comment := SUBSTR('1234567', 1, v_length);
    Not as simple as a %TYPE, but just as flexible.

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