Rule Out the Oriental Mail

For some reason, I get much spam and junk messages in oriental languages (Chinese, Japanese). How would I write a rule to exclude those from getting into my Inbox ? I only work in the Latin-based alphabets.

Try to catch all the exceptions and if sy-subrc = 0, i guess we can safely assume that the mail has been sent successfully.
Also u can use the below parameters in RECEIVERS table,
If this flag is activated ('X'), the sender is notified as soon as the recipient has read the document. This flag should only be activated for external sending, since internal sending is synchronous. Read notification is only supported by a small number of mail systems, however. For example: X.400 and SAP SAP.
If this flag is activated ('X'), the recipient receives a message if the document could not be delivered to the recipient. This flag should only be activated for external sending, since internal sending is synchronous. The message is only supported by a small number of mail systems, however. For example: X.400 and SAP SAP
Shruthi R
Message was edited by: Moshe Naveh

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    Try to catch all the exceptions and if sy-subrc = 0, i guess we can safely assume that the mail has been sent successfully.
    Also u can use the below parameters in RECEIVERS table,
    If this flag is activated ('X'), the sender is notified as soon as the recipient has read the document. This flag should only be activated for external sending, since internal sending is synchronous. Read notification is only supported by a small number of mail systems, however. For example: X.400 and SAP SAP.
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    Shruthi R
    Message was edited by: Moshe Naveh

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    Thanks again for your suggestions. No, I don't get an
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    Hi Janice
    Fortunately, AOL keeps a copy of mail and folders on their server, so you can be reassured that the email is there, you just have to find a way to access it.
    There are three ways to read AOL mail on your Mac.
    - You can open a browser such as Safari, log into, and read mail there (ie "webmail");
    - You can install the AOL Desktop software, which is probably what you had on the PC. I don't tend to recommend this, as there's usually no need to install extra software, and I've found it very sluggish on a Mac. However, for people who are very used to it and dont want to change, the option is there;
    - You can read AOL email in the Apple Mail application.
    If you have added your AOL to Apple Mail, your mailboxes/folders should be available to you under a heading called "AOL" (you may have named your account differently). The mailboxes are on the left side - as mentioned above, you can hide and show the mailbox panel. (There's a "Show" button on the top left to reveal the mailboxes, which changes to "Hide" when you click it. If you already see "Hide", then you're fine.)
    The server mailbox heading will be at the bottom of the mailbox panel on the bottom left. If you move your cursor over it, and you see the word "Show" appear, click that word. That will reveal the mailboxes within that server account.
    In the example above, my server mail account is called "Google", but the principle is the same. Clicking "Show" will reveal all the mail folders held on the server. The same thing should work for your AOL account.
    Hope that helps.

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    If you are being prompted for her Apple ID password when updating apps it means that there are one or more apps on your phone that were purchased with her ID.  (Apps and their updates are permanently tied to the ID used to purchase them regardless of the settings on your phone.)  It's possible that you are inadvertently syncing her apps to your phone.  .  The only way to stop this is to delete these apps from your phone.  You may want to check which apps are checked on the Apps tab of your iTunes sync settings before syncing next time to be sure her apps aren't selected.
    To change the Apple ID used for purchasing, go to Settings>Store>Apple ID, tap the ID shown, sign out, sign back in using the ID you want to use.

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    Here is the entire error message I get in addition to what I typed above (I could NOT copy it - I had to write it down so I could send it to you).
    Then I have to hit OK and this comes up:
    prevent this page from creating additional dialogs
    This happens if I am in the middle of an e-mail, have to go elsewhere to find info to add to the e-mail and then when I come back, I cannot continue the e-mail. I have to copy the e-mail, save it and start all over.
    Can you HELP me? I use REAGAN.COM for my e-mails.
    P.S. This does NOT happen all the time - I would say one out of every 20 e-mails, but it is way too time consuming when it does happen that I have to start all over again.
    Many thanks.

    It sounds as though a script on the site, or an advertisement, is not working quite right...
    When you have a problem with one particular site, a good "first thing to try" is clearing your Firefox cache and deleting your saved cookies for the site.
    (1) Bypass Firefox's Cache
    Use Ctrl+Shift+r to reload the page fresh from the server.
    (You also can clear Firefox's cache completely using:
    orange Firefox button ''or'' Tools menu > Options > Advanced
    On the Network mini-tab > Cached Web Content : "Clear Now")
    (2) Remove the site's cookies using either of these. Save any pending work first.
    While viewing a page on the site:
    * right-click and choose View Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    * Alt+t (open the classic Tools menu) > Page Info > Security > "View Cookies"
    Then try reloading the page. Does that help?

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    Thanks again for the detailed instructions Srini!
    And I really hate to be a pest . . . but . . .
    Using your example and not modifying it, I get the e-mail form filled out correctly and the pdf attached, however, I'm not prompted to sign it.
    Any more clues?

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