Run DAQ 6009 in differents VIs at the same time

Hi, I need to use the DAQ 6009 in two or more differents subVIs at te same time.
I have a main VI that runs two subVIs in parallel. Both subVI reads two different channels. 
The problem is when a subVI "open" or inizializes the DAQ before others and It just read two channels.
Can I use the DAQ in subVIs at te same time?
Go to Solution.
Ejecucion en paralelo.jpg ‏39 KB
DAQ.jpg ‏49 KB

Hello rvenge,
As for your first question- you can look up errors via Help>>Explain error...  Some errors will have multiple listings, which means that different scenarios or toolkits may return the same error code for a different reason.  Refer to this KnowledgeBase for more information on common DAQmx errors:
KnowledgeBase 2XQEAPQJ: Common NI-DAQmx Error Codes and Solutions: Codes -50103 and -200000 to -200299
On to the queues- it's not clear what you're trying to do here- it looks like you're doing some operations on the two input channels and then enqueuing them as well as the output of the operation.  I think you should take a step back and look at why you need to operate on the data asynchronously to begin with- do you need to stream all of your data from each channel to separate VIs? Would it be possible to process the data and then send the final value on to its destination?  If you do need to do this sort of operation, then yes, you'll need one queue for each location you want to read in.  I would recommend creating an Action Engine Queue handler to isolate the data transfer mechanism from your acquisition code rather than wiring everything through as you have.
Tom L.

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    Hi there,
    So what I think you are doing wrong here is that you are overwriting the value in $Session everytime you executed code inside for loop. try the below:
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    Hope this helps
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    usa_swimming with ‏892 KB

    I took a look at your code and the problem is that you have both the data acquistion and the image acquistion in the same loop.  Have you tried using parellel loops?  There is more information about this in the labview tutorials that are available online if you are unsure how to do that.  The problem is that you are doing a lot of things in that loop (acquiring data, doing some analysis, and writing to file), so you can't acquire images very fast because it depends on the speed of the loop iteration.  I hope this helps.
    Have a great day,

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