RV220W Crash/Reboot during two simultaneous transfers in reverse

I have purchased one last April the RV220W router. I was very happy until then.
It is in the center of my gigabit network, divided into three VLANs:
- one for my computers,
- one for my NAS,
- one for my servers.
But I discovered a serious problem that prevents me from using my equipment:
- When I start a transfer of 4Gbit from my PC A to my NAS (Vlan1 to Vlan2)
- And, in same time, I start another transfer from my NAS to my PC 1 (Vlan2 to Vlan1).
The router is crashing and not responding, I cannot access to the router, the network is broken, Internet and others vlans are unreachable.
After few minutes, Internet and Vlans are available again, but not my router, I must reboot it manually.
I tested several configurations, no change. The new firmware ( has not effects either.
Thanking you for your help
Best regards,
Richard Déloge.

Hi Richard,
Please call the support center and relay this issue to them.
Cindy Toy
Cisco Small Business Community Manager
for Cisco Small Business Products
twitter: CiscoSBsupport

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    Carrier: T-Mobile
    Curve 8320, v4.5.0.81 (platform
    File free: 14268148 (after recent battery out reboot)
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    Thank you,

    I have experienced this problem as well and it is intermittent to say the least. I have two other friends that have an i-phone as well, and when the phone crashed it stored a picture of the screen in the photo library of the phone. I thought that was a little odd as well. I have another friend that has not updated to 2.0 yet and does not seem to be having any problems at all. I would venture to guess that there is a problem with the update and that an update will be out sometime to correct the problem. If anyone knows of a way to correct the problem please post a fix for us.

  • MacBook Pro keeps Crashing/Rebooting when Typing

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    The problem is when I am typing a lot (e-mail, or a document) the computer will suddenly freeze momentarilly, then reboot giving me the grey screen with several different languages indicating there was a crash and I need to press any key to continue.  I have tried doing a clean re-install of OSX as one discussion thread here suggested to no avail. 
    THANK YOU for any help someone might be able to offer!
    Here is my most recent "panic" log:
    ue Jan 28 13:28:37 2014
    panic(cpu 3 caller 0xffffff80220dc19e): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7fa2c8192c, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x000038250c8b4885, CR3: 0x0000000024514000, CR4: 0x00000000000606e0
    RAX: 0x000038250c8b4865, RBX: 0xffffff8033589e00, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0x7fffffffffffffff
    RSP: 0xffffff80a1a238f0, RBP: 0xffffff80a1a23930, RSI: 0x0000000000000050, RDI: 0xffffff80220f36a0
    R8:  0x000000000000006f, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0x000000000012006f, R11: 0x0000000000070000
    R12: 0xffffff80220f36a0, R13: 0x000000000000001f, R14: 0x0000000080000000, R15: 0x000000000000000a
    RFL: 0x0000000000010286, RIP: 0xffffff7fa2c8192c, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0x000038250c8b4885, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x3
    Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff80a1a23580 : 0xffffff8022022f69
    0xffffff80a1a23600 : 0xffffff80220dc19e
    0xffffff80a1a237d0 : 0xffffff80220f3606
    0xffffff80a1a237f0 : 0xffffff7fa2c8192c
    0xffffff80a1a23930 : 0xffffff7fa2c7f1ae
    0xffffff80a1a23990 : 0xffffff7fa3ea83a5
    0xffffff80a1a23a00 : 0xffffff7fa2c86265
    0xffffff80a1a23a80 : 0xffffff7fa2c89289
    0xffffff80a1a23b00 : 0xffffff7fa2c88710
    0xffffff80a1a23b50 : 0xffffff7fa2c87c75
    0xffffff80a1a23b90 : 0xffffff7fa2c86900
    0xffffff80a1a23bd0 : 0xffffff7fa2c778a0
    0xffffff80a1a23c10 : 0xffffff7fa2c6d0fe
    0xffffff80a1a23c60 : 0xffffff7fa2c70d54
    0xffffff80a1a23cb0 : 0xffffff7fa2c6fa38
    0xffffff80a1a23e00 : 0xffffff7fa2c62176
    0xffffff80a1a23e90 : 0xffffff7fa2c60c8d
    0xffffff80a1a23ed0 : 0xffffff7fa2ce4b07
    0xffffff80a1a23f00 : 0xffffff7fa2ce287a
    0xffffff80a1a23f20 : 0xffffff802204a15a
    0xffffff80a1a23fb0 : 0xffffff80220d6aa7
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
             com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(2.0)[1185D338-98A5-345E-84F8-E59DF819A61B]@0xffffff 7fa2c5c000->0xffffff7fa2ccdfff
                dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleFDEKeyStore(28.30)[558B2575-5197-3C4C-BAD2-8CB465638FA8]@ 0xffffff7fa2c51000
             com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver(650.4.4)[B79A7E01-DD3F-3C1A-840A-879D262C69DE]@0 xffffff7fa2ce1000->0xffffff7fa2ce9fff
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(2.0.0)[1185D338-98A5-345E-84F8-E59DF819A61B]@0xffff ff7fa2c5c000
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily(650.4.4)[972D3024-AF9C-3E09-A9EC-D9AB2A559B38]@0xff ffff7fa2615000
             com.spsys.driver.IOKitDriver(1.0.1)[00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]@0xfff fff7fa3ea7000->0xffffff7fa3eaafff
                dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(2.0.0)[1185D338-98A5-345E-84F8-E59DF819A61B]@0xffff ff7fa2c5c000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS ver

    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider. You may have to leave the machine there for several days.
    Print the first page of the panic report and bring it with you.
    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional—ask if you need guidance.
    If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you have at least two complete, independent backups, and you know how to restore to an empty drive from any of them.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present.
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    Apple also recommends that you deauthorize a device in the iTunes Store before having it serviced.
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

  • Crashes/reboots/restarts while on sleep

    This thread is exclusive to people who have spontaneous crashes/reboots/restarts while their Mac is in sleep. (this is usually connected to having a USB external hard drive plugged in the computer while on sleep)
    In simple words, you are experiencing this problem:
    1) You put your Mac to sleep
    2) You return to it after some time and you find it on.
    3) On screen you find this error message "Your computer restarted because of a problem." or similar, and in the report of the error message the Event is "Sleep Wake Failure" or similar.
    If your Mac does not wake from sleep this is NOT the thread for you, please don’t write here.
    If your Mac is experiencing black screens and freezes while waking up from sleep this is NOT the thread for you, please don’t write here.
    This thread is a continuation to the “New rMBP sleep/wake failure crashes” thread.
    I’m trying to better understand this problem. Allow me to ask you some questions. After you answer the first 5 question, feel free to write freely in this thread. (as longs as you are pertinent to this issue)
    Please answer this questions carefully. If we get enough people to answer, I will personally slap this thread on the face of every Apple employee I can find, so they will have to stop saying  "we never heard of this issue" and we can get a quick fix or a quick replacement if this is indeed an hardware issue.
    I suggest you copy and paste the questions below in your reply, and replace the text ANSWER with your answer.
    1. Which Mac do you have? (If you have this issue with multiple machines, list them here)
    2. When did the problem start? If you had Mountain Lion installed on this machine, did the problem start when you updated to Mavericks?
    3. Did you have your Mac replaced from Apple because of this issue? If yes, does the new machine still have the problem?
    4. Does your machine crash/reboot while on sleep only if you have an external hard drive connected?
    5. Does your machine crash/reboot even if you uncheck "Enable Power Nap" in Preferences, Energy Saver? (before answering this, check that you have updated OS X to 10.9.1 and that you have unchecked Power Nap in both the Battery and Power Adapter tabs in Energy Saver)
    6. Do you have an external hard drive connected via USB? If yes, write the manufacturer name and model name of the drive. (example: Western Digital My Book)
    7. Do you have a network connected drive? (like Time Capsule or an external hard drive connected to an AirPort Extreme, or a NAS)
    8. Do you have Time Machine Enabled?
    9. Do you have Crashplan installed?
    10. How much time does it usually take for the first crash/reboot to happen, after you put the computer on sleep?
    11. If you have a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina, do you have discrete graphics in it? (In other words: do you have an NVIDIA GPU? If you don't know this, go into the menu bar, click the apple icon, click About This Mac, Click More Info, in Graphics you should find written “NVIDIA GeForce”.)
    Please forgive any mistakes in this text, unfortunately english is not my native language.
    <Email Edited by Host>

    1. Which Mac do you have? (If you have this issue with multiple machines, list them here)
    Macbook Pro Retina late 2013. 512Gb SSD, 16Gb RAM, 2.3Ghz core i7 with discrete GPU.
    2. When did the problem start? If you had Mountain Lion installed on this machine, did the problem start when you updated to Mavericks?
    I purchased a 4TB WD MyBook and split it into two partitions with one of them being used for Time Machine. After that, I received the reboots during sleep.
    The computer came preinstalled with Mavericks.
    3. Did you have your Mac replaced from Apple because of this issue? If yes, does the new machine still have the problem?
    No, I haven't had it replaced. I contacted Apple 4 days after the problem started. I had turned off PowerNap, but still had the problem. Apples asked me to disable Wake for Wi-Fi Network Access, and since doing that the problem has disappeared.
    4. Does your machine crash/reboot while on sleep only if you have an external hard drive connected?
    Yes (before I turned off PowerNap and Wake for Wi-Fi)
    5. Does your machine crash/reboot even if you uncheck "Enable Power Nap" in Preferences, Energy Saver? (before answering this, check that you have updated OS X to 10.9.1 and that you have unchecked Power Nap in both the Battery and Power Adapter tabs in Energy Saver)
    I have to have both PowerNap and Wake for WiFi disabled. If either is checked, the computer reboots. I've confirmed this with both 10.9 and 10.9.1.
    6. Do you have an external hard drive connected via USB? If yes, write the manufacturer name and model name of the drive. (example: Western Digital My Book)
    Yes. Western Digital My Book 4TB. Split into 2 partitions.
    7. Do you have a network connected drive? (like Time Capsule or an external hard drive connected to an AirPort Extreme, or a NAS)
    8. Do you have Time Machine Enabled?
    9. Do you have Crashplan installed?
    10. How much time does it usually take for the first crash/reboot to happen, after you put the computer on sleep?
    4 hours. Checking the console log, my computer wakes itself at 2 hours for Time Machine (even if PowerNap is turned off, which is why Wake for Wi-Fi needed to be disabled, even the drive wasn't connected over the network, which really makes no sense) and then on the second wake, it has the Sleep Wake failure. Then it proceeds to reboot every 2 hours after when it wakes for Time Machine.
    11. If you have a late 2013 MacBook Pro Retina, do you have discrete graphics in it? (In other words: do you have an NVIDIA GPU? If you don't know this, go into the menu bar, click the apple icon, click About This Mac, Click More Info, in Graphics you should find written “NVIDIA GeForce”.)

  • Windows XP hard crash reboot after login

    I've seen a few topics about this, but none of them with solid regression info yet so i'm starting this thread. I hope some of you out there can help out, but I fear the answer is that were all screwed.
    Windows XP will hard crash (reboot) just after login after loading the UI and during the loading of network components. This then results in the system rebooting into a black screen with no standard windows debug. (which can be forced by F8) Hard shut down is required to restart boot process. This problem can also occur from a waking from sleep, and very rarely occurs at random. When its caused during normal operation its usually spawned on by pressing a button on the keyboard. It will occur randomly at startup, and will occur with Starup Disc set or Option Select. Rarely it will boot into windows XP on the first try, more often (over time) it will require 3-5 reboots to get into XP successfully. This problem isn't caused by the install of any software, instead it progressively gets worse over time. I have experienced this problem with BootCamp 1.3, 1.4 and 2.0 on my MacBook Pro 2.16, but I have never experienced it with my Mac Pro ever which has the same OS and bootcamp installed.
    I'm convinced it has something to do with the network drivers and how they are loading. I've noticed that the times it fails to boot that the WiFi and Local Area network icons aren't loaded in the system tray, and the times I have success getting into XP that they are already present when the UI is loading. This same behavior occurs on my Mac Pro and other PC clones, but they dont hard crash when this occurs. On them, you just have to wait for the network to be available.
    0) MacBook Pro 2.16 17", Mac OS X 10.5.1, Bootcamp 2.0, Windows XP Pro SP2
    1) Power up
    2) Hold down Option (can set bootdrive as well)
    3) Select Windows
    4) Select a User (with password set)
    5) Enter password
    Hard crash reboot just after UI loads while network compoents begin to load into the system tray.
    Shoot dog
    Never occures on Mac Pro
    Occures with Bootcamp 1.3, 1.4 and 2.0
    P.S. I'm writing this in Bootcamp

    I've gone into msconfig and turned off everything and have been starting up just fine, so it seams one of these items is cuasing the problem. I see that some people say its the keyboard manager, and I wouldn't doubt it now. So i'm going to leave everything off for now, make sure its always booting and then slowing rool items back on. I'll keep this up to date.
    If you want to do this yourself, you can do it two ways.
    Built in:
    1) Click on the Start Button
    2) Select Run...
    3) type "msconfig" and hit OK
    4) Select the "Startup" tab
    5) Unselect everything you see there
    6) Close and reboot!
    3rd party (the way i prefer)
    1) Get Spybot (the new one is awesome)
    2) install Spybot
    3) Run Spybot
    4) Update, immulize and scan (optional, but you will be surprised)
    5) Select the "Mode" menu option
    6) Select "Advanced mode"
    7) Select 'tools" on the lower left hand side
    8) Select "System Startup"
    9) uncheck all options.
    10) close and reboot!
    Note: this appiaction is really great, and it will also install a device to watch for reg changes which is good for this sort of regression. Again, its not nessiary to install spybot, but i love it and have it on every PC i ever use and have never regretted it. IT WONT SLOW YOUR COMPUTER LIKE OTHER CRAPPY APPS. This is a very light and clean app.

  • KT4 Ultra crashing/rebooting problems

    Hi all, I've been having computer crashing/rebooting problems when I play 3d games since I got this board. It can happen between 1-40 minutes during a game session and when the computer crashes, the screen would garble up and reboot along with the garbled screen until I cold boot it. I thought it was a heat problem at first but the cpu heat displays at between 34C-39C. Also, when I tried switching out the video card with an older one, the computer works fine during gameplay, and my newer video card ran fine on a friend's computer. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?
    System specs are:
    Motherboard: MSI KT4 Ultra
    CPU: AMD AthlonXP 2400
    Power: 300watt
    Ram: PC 2700 333mhz DDR 256MB
    Video: Gainward Geforce4 Ti4200 Power Pack Plus! Ultra 650 64MB
    Sound: Onboard

    by the sound of it try a bigger psu,antec enermax over 400 watts
    make sure fan on cards not loose

  • PT880 Neo-FSR Reboot During Gameplay

    First, thanks to all who will read and hopefully reply to this post.  Your volunteer tech support is much appreciated.
    I recently build my first computer (specs in sig) and am currently having issues with my system rebooting during any gameplay that utilizes my graphics card.  After 4-5 minutes of gameplay my game will freeze for 10 seconds or so and then my monitor will lose signal and my system appears to reboot but never actually reboots.  In BIOS my cpu temp appears to be running in the low 50s C and case in the high 40s C though Motherboard Monitor shows a steady cpu temp of 44-48 C and a case temp of 34-37 C.  While this would appear high to me, I don't believe it is the culprit as I have used fairly cpu intensive apps in XP without any crashes or reboots.
    I've read numerous threads on this board and others offering several potential fixes for issues with ATI cards and I have tried the following: set AGP to 4x from 8x, disabled fastwrites, changed AGP frequency from 66.6 to other settings, upped AGP voltage to 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8v, upped DDR voltage to 2.7v, upped Northbridge voltage to 1.68, disabled and enabled hyperthreading, and tried various incarnations of the catalyst drivers.
    I also ran memtest86 for one pass tonight and returned 13,538 errors, though this is the same memory I was using in my previous system with this same card and a slower (P4 1.5 ghz) processor and I never received these reboots during games.
    I have not attempted to flash my bios to a more current version because as this is my first time building a computer I am not at all confident that I wouldn't screw something up in the process and end up with a dead board; not to mention in all the similar threads I've read, updating the bios hasn't fixed this problem.
    I've read that my +12v (16A) may be too low for a prescott 3.2; however, since my system seems to do fine with everything except for games, I'm inclined to believe that this is an ATI/MSI compatibility issue rather than a power supply issue.  That being said, I am very much a newbie at this and will take any and all advice given seriously, but would like to avoid shelling out $50-60 for a new PS after I just spent ~$300 for a new CPU/mobo.
    Thanks again for reading and responding and I'll do my best to answer any follow up questions to details I'm sure I missed.

    Well my problem is now officially more confusing now :(
    I installed my new memory and I'm still getting relatively the same number of errors in memtest test #7.  I tried numerous different configurations such as single vs. dual channel, 333mhz vs. 400mhz RAM speeds, voltages, etc. with no significant changes.  My gaming is a little more stable but it appears this is only true in multiplayer games.  Here's a breakdown of the games I tested:
    Halflife2 single player: Played for 10 minutes, no crash
    Halflife2 multiplayer: Played for 15 minutes, no crash
    Doom3 single player: played for 2-3 minutes, game froze and system became non-responsive
    Starwars Battlefront single player: crashed 30 seconds in, game froze and monitor signal was lost
    Starwars Battlefront multiplayer: played for 10-15 minutes, no crash
    Wolfenstein Enemy Territory multiplayer: played for 10-15 minutes, no crash
    I would say that my problem occurs whenever I play a game that taxes my system more since the multi settings are generally lower than single player; however, that doesn't explain why halflife 2 single player works.  Since my RAM is new I would say the problem is my vid card except I was using this same vid card on my last system with these same games and never got these kinds of crashes.
    The only other thing I can think of is that maybe my RAM slots are bad since my brand new RAM generated the same number of errors during the same test in memtest.
    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  • Reboot during lion installation

    Hi @all,
    i've downloaded lion from the App-Store.
    After the download the installer startet automaticly and reboot the System.
    The problem is, that the installer starts after the first reboot and failed with no error and shutdown the system.
    After restart the MacBook Pro, the system reboots during the installation anymore,
    what can i do ?


  • How should I debug a PVM that is crashing & rebooting too fast ?

    I have a newly created oel4u6 PVM that appears to be starting but then crashing & rebooting too fast and I don't know how to best debug it. The vm is a P2V'ed oel4u6 HP Blade that successfully boots as a HVM but I can't seem to get it to fully start as a PVM (I have several clones that I am working with to contrast/compare).
    I can't seem to get the console to start fast enough to show me anything useful as the crash is within seconds.
    I likely can flip the VM back to HVMPV mode or HVM and boot to the original kernel but if I boot to another kernel I am not sure what files in the VM (if any) may give any insight on the failed starts/crashed.*
    Anyone have any ideas/recommendations on how to debug this?*
    The message from xend.log is:
    [2013-03-31 07:45:32 3273] WARNING (XendDomainInfo:2131) Domain has crashed: name=0004fb0000060000b0d58463f621a2a3 id=37.
    [2013-03-31 07:45:32 3273] ERROR (XendDomainInfo:2265) VM 0004fb0000060000b0d58463f621a2a3 restarting too fast (Elapsed time: 1.654993 seconds). Refusing to restart to avoid loops.
    [2013-03-31 07:45:32 3273] ...
    More details as to the specific HVM kernel & PVM kernel & the process I used to get the PVM to at least get to load grub are in this thread looking for a good step-by-step guide on the recommended process:
    Good guide to convert oel4 hvm to pvm on OVM 3.2.1 ?

    Choose Utilities from the Finder's Go menu, open the AppleScript Editor, and run:
    do shell script "mv '/System/Library/oldname' '/System/Library/newname'" with administrator privileges

  • Only two contacts transfered to my new phone

    only two contacts transferred to my new phone from backup assistance and old phone is broke and wont turn on how can I get my contacts

    Were the contacts synced with your Gmail account instead?

  • ZTE Open C reboots during calls

    The phone reboots during calls. OS version 1.3, latest according to ZTE.
    Thing is, only when it is set to use 3G. But if I set to 2G the audio is absolutely terrible.
    Both when using 2G and 3G sometimes the calls get cut-off on the receiver phone. I can hear the other person talking but the other person doesn't hear anything. This is another issue.
    What can I do? The phone was bought from Ebay on September 2014.
    Problem didn't start now, ZTE Ebay support said the issue was a SIM one. I recently changed to 3G because the noises in 2G are almost unbearable.

    ''Ralph Daub [[#answer-713346|said]]''
    Hi Falconet,
    I understand you are experiencing rebooting and call quality issues on your ZTE Open C device.
    Since ZTE is responsible for the Firefox OS build specific to your device, I would suggest following their advice.
    You may be able to request a new SIM card for your device by contacting your carrier support.
    I hope this resolves your issue. Please let us know if you have any other questions about your Firefox OS device.
    - Ralph
    What ZTE meant was changing carriers not just sim card. I can't do that for another 1.5 years. The reason they said is because the phone seemed fine for a while when using another carrier. Sadly, the SIM is fine since another SIM card from the same carrier does the same. Both are working fine on Android Phones.

  • Unexpected reboot during simulation using multisim on AMD dual core processor

    We are using NI-multisim 10 in a classroom environment and are experiencing sudden reboots during simulation without giving any error or warning. This happens on multiple machines, all being Dell Optiplex 740 with AMD DC 2Ghz as processor. Since these problems happen so frequently, making  teaching quite impossible, we have shifted PC-room and are now using older machines. On these machines - Dell GX280 using intell P4HT-2,8 Ghz - we experience no more problems.
    Is this reboot problem related to the article :  Unexpected Errors with DAQ Device on AMD Dual Core Machine  (http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/9CE22FE099A​FB8BF862572FF007A5D45) and what do we have to do to fix this problem?

    Can you verify your driver versions? Make sure that you are running the latest versions of NI drivers to ensure proper compatibility. If possible, you might try upgrading to multisim 11. If this does not solve the issue, try the single processor workaround in outlined in the following KB:
    Altough it is surely decreasing the performance of the system, certain cases have shown that there is no other possible workaround unfortunately.
    Best Regards
    Applications Engineer
    NI Belgium

  • Latent OS Bugs in iPad OS 3.2?  - Crash/Reboot with Search & Photo Scroll

    I now have an issue with 'Search iPad' causing a crash & reboot on my ipad. It will also crash/reboot when scrolling through my Photos. What I have found is that once you install somewhere between 850-900 Apps that this starts failing and is first letter search term sensitive. (i.e. So far I found the key first letter to search which seems to provoke the crash is: F, P, S. Other search terms starting with other letters may work.) The Photo Scroll crash/reboot I have not tried to debug yet but I only have 383 photos loaded right now.
    Bottom line it looks like the same indexing bug in the iPhone OS 3.1.2 is also latent in in the iPad OS 3.2(7B367). Hopefully this, as well as the wifi & intermittent video playback crash problem will be fixed soon.
    Is there a beta test code patch/fix for this?

    Hey, all -
    Having the same problem, but there's a workaround. I know everybody wants an official fix, but you also probably want to see your photos in the meantime regardless.
    Note that I don't know what to do about the problem with searching when you have 800+ apps installed. I didn't even think you could install that many. As far as I know, then, this only works for Photos (better than nothing, right?).
    Here's what you do - it's actually really simple...
    1. Instead of scrolling down through your photos, select a photo - any photo - without scrolling.
    2. When the photo is loaded, look at the bottom of the screen. There should be what looks Ike a series of little boxes. These little boxes are your friend.
    3. Touch and drag along the strip of boxes. You'll notice that they're actually the universe's smallest thumbnails, and that they expand when you touch and drag (not unlike the OS X dock when you mouse over icons and they "magnify").
    4. Scroll along until you're getting to the photos you want to see. Then just let go. The Photo app will take you to that photo. Even if it's a photo you couldn't reach by scrolling down in the traditional fashion, you'll still be able to get to it.
    5. If you want to look at other "nearby" photos, you can use that thumbnail strip along the bottom again, OR you can just tap the back button to return to the album. Photos will return to the usual thumbnail view (the one that's crashing for some of us), but it will drop you off in the vicinity of the photo you just looked at. For example, if you followed the steps above and dragged your finger all the way to the right to load the last photo in your album, then the back button will return you to the normal thumbnail view, but you'll be looking at the last page of photos in your album.
    I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't, then just try the first four steps. It'll make sense to you after that.
    I've been able to view all my photos since learning this little trick.
    I've been meaning to plug my iPad in and use the app development tools to look at diagnostic information that'd help me understand why it's crashing. If I get around to it, I'll come back and post what I find. My guess is that, if you have enough photos, and if you're scrolling fast enough, the Photos app is using a lot of resources to load thumbnails without unloading the ones that have already scrolled off the screen. In other words, I think that quickly scrolling through a large library leads to the Photos app using too much memory, forcing a reboot (apps are supposed to be designed to respond to system warnings about low memory - if they don't respond to the warnings and continue to use up system resources, the system will sometimes reboot itself).
    Hope this helps

  • "Show Cover Page during Two-Up" from within a browser window?

    I frequently use the "Show Cover Page during Two-Up" option (from View menu->Page Display in Acrobat Pro 8.1).
    Is there a way to do this from Acrobat Reader within a browser window? I often find myself having to save a PDF to my desktop only to open it in the standalone version of Acrobat because I don't have any access to the View menu while in Adobe Reader within a browser.
    thanks in advance

    This is not a feature request, but a query on how Acrobat works. Please repost in the Acrobat forum.

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