
This is my second post on the RV320 router, first if you are looking to replace a existing router with this DO NOT replace it with the RV320.
Firmware v1.06
It does not support dual wan connections at the same time!  If it does thier is no supporting guide to configure it.
WAN 1 Static IP shows connected with no activity, WAN2 is connected but looses its lease and drops connection does not renew automatically
What I want WAN1 only on vlan 6 and WAN2 vlan4 and 5. 
I want an full guided to setup two wans one static and the other dynamic, with vlan 6 only accessing wan1 and vlan 4 and 5 accessing wan2

Check the "Content Filter" under Firewall also.. they perform like rules.

Similar Messages

  • Time-out problems with RV320 (after upgrade from RV042)

    dual wan
    WAN1: 4G router (DHCP) - approx 25Mbit/ 8Mbit
    WAN2: PPOE (DSL) - 1 Mbit/ 0.2 Mbit
    worked with a RV042 before and upgraded to a RV320 now.
    all other things are unchanged.
    3 problems - 2 solved/ not critical - one still open:
    a) not critical:  DHCP Status does not include all devices (changing view - but all-time problem)
    I would suspect a software bug.... DHCP itself works perfectly/ IPs are assigned (just not shown in status)
    b) solved (at least for now):  internet connection featured time-outs; after many tries, disabling the SPI in the firewall helped
    btw: this only happend for the WAN1 - WAN2 worked  (or is that slow that the additonal wait time did not matter ;-)
    c) very annoying: exchange connection (from Outlook client to external exchange) still has time-outs (mostly the whole mail client hangs/ ends to be restarted).
    As soon as I disable WAN1, it works!  But it´s not the LTE WAN itself - switching back to the RV042 does not show the same symptom.
    I tried: include IP into local DNS (in general I work with google DNS servers - but changing that does not help either), opening all traffic for teh realevant IPs and disabling the firewall completely.  no positive results....
    thanks for any hints....

    I agree with you on a, probably a bug of some sort.
    b is an issue I've seen before, and even on similar bandwidth (25/5) on my rv016.  What was able to figure out is that the carrier (ISP) is sending about 4k/sec of ICMP packets to the router, which in turn makes the router think it's under attack so it drops the connection.  As you can tell, disabling the SPI helps.  For me, putting another router in front of my rv016 (on 2 of 3 wans) was my only 'permanent' solution.
    c sounds like there's a protocol binding/static route in the rv042 that you need to add to the rv320.  I'd check that first.
    Huntsville's Premiere Car and Bike e-magazine: www.huntsvillecarscene.com

  • RV320 SSL VPN ActiveX and Virtual Passage driver on Windows 7 64-bit

    My company has just purchased a new RV320 router and only afterwards found out from the release notes that there are issues with the SSL VPN in this unit and other small business routers. Is there any news on when these issues will be fixed?
    1) ActiveX controls have expired certificate dated 24/9/14 - this prevents them from running unless without changing IE security settings to prompt or allow unsigned controls, which is a big security risk.
    2) ActiveX controls do not work on Windows 64-bit. Release notes state Windows 7 IE10 and Windows 8.1 IE11, however they also fail on Windows 7 IE11. Even adding router to Trusted Sites to force 32-bit mode results in error message stating that IE is required for the controls.
    3) Virtual Passage driver will not install - crashes IE10/IE11 with a BEX violation.  From a dig around the web it appears that the Netgear SRX5308 uses the same Cavium chipset and a Virtual Passage driver that works with Windows 7 64-bit, and installs fine using IE10/11 (and if you install the Netgear driver it works with the Cisco RV routers too, proving that the driver is fully compatible...) - if Netgear can get this working, why can't Cisco?
    I've only just started setting us this router and show stopper issues like this might end up with an RMA being requested as it appears to be unsuitable for purpose, already run into other issues with I've posted about. :(
    EDIT: Got (2) sort of working on IE11 - seems that the Cisco interface is specifically looking for old style IE user agent strings, so using developer tools to set the user agent to IE9, and changing security settings in Trusted Sites to prompt for unsigned controls (due to issue (1)), allows the controls to install and load. These issues are pretty simple to fix, requiring just a string check change and updated signed controls. Fingers crossed these are fixed in the new firmware due soon, awaiting response from Cisco support to my open ticket.
    Looks like (3) is prevented from working by (1), and also because the certificate has expired it is treated as software without a valid publisher which cannot be installed in Windows 7 without fiddling in the registry. Releasing an updated version with a certificate that isn't expired should solve that issue too.
    These are ridiculously simple fixes to push out, I can't believe a major hardware vendor like Cisco hasn't already solved these issues.

    I've had a reply from Cisco support regarding this issue, and it's a bleak outlook. This is a copy from the email I received:
    "Engineering has no plans to support SSL VPN on RV32x due to chipset limitations. Pretty much, it will work for old XP and Win7 32-bits."
    So Cisco are falsely advertising that the RV320 has SSL VPN capabilities when there are no plans to update it so that it works with 64-bit Windows (which is now the major install base for Windows as most new systems are 64-bit based), and as the certificates have expired in the SSL VPN components they are not even useable on 32-bit systems without overriding a number of security settings.

  • RV320 SSL VPN web service unable to connect port 56000 56001...

    I have recently installed a RV320 dual WAN small business router in order to use the SSL VPN functionality to allow secure access to our intranet pages which are hosted on a server inside our network. I have the latest firmware installed on the router.
    With the firewall feature of the RV320 disabled - After logging in to the router remotely via the HTTPS interface, I am able to use the web-based services such as SSH and NetworkPls. However, when using the HTTP and HTTPS services I receive a web browser unable to connect error on port 56000, 1, 2, 3 ... This is regardless of whether I enter a URL or IP address on the network behind the router or on the internet.
    Enabling the firewall feature of the RV320 gives a different result - when any IP or URL is entered into the box in the second image below, the router log-in page is loaded instead of the required site. I have pasted an extract from the log at the bottom of this post although it doesn't seem to contain any relevant information. As a separate issue, you will also notice that users connecting to the router brings up [HACK] SynFlooding Attack in error.
    Can anyone explain why this is happening? Alternatively, does anyone have a guide for setting up a IPSec VPN with this router? There seems to be very little literature available for this model.
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Log extract
    2013-11-02, 11:36:19
    Connection Accepted
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=54 ID=57573 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=54925 DPT=993 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:36:19
    [HACK] SynFlooding Attack
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=54 ID=57573 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=54925 DPT=993 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:31:53
    Connection Accepted
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=53 ID=50721 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=55634 DPT=993 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:31:53
    [HACK] SynFlooding Attack
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=53 ID=50721 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=55634 DPT=993 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:31:38
    User Log
    User cisco login success from
    2013-11-02, 11:31:38
    User Log
    User cisco login success from
    2013-11-02, 11:29:49
    kernel: upnp idx=83, ip=, eport=59725, iport=59725
    2013-11-02, 11:29:49
    kernel: wrong ip[0],not_list[0]
    2013-11-02, 11:29:43
    Connection Accepted
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=52 ID=44670 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=49423 DPT=143 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:29:43
    [HACK] SynFlooding Attack
    IN=eth1 OUT=eth0 SRC= DST=  DMAC=e0:2f:6d:75:35:7d SMAC=d4:ca:6d:98:3e:55 LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00  TTL=52 ID=44670 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=49423 DPT=143 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN  URGP=0
    2013-11-02, 11:29:12
    kernel: upnp idx=83, ip=, eport=59725, iport=59725
    2013-11-02, 11:29:12
    kernel: wrong ip[0],not_list[0]
    2013-11-02, 11:29:12
    SSL Log
    User ben login success from

    After lots of trial and error, I was able to eliminate this problem.  What I wound up doing is defining the XE service again in the listener.ora file:
      (SID_LIST =
        (SID_DESC =
          (SID_NAME = XE)
          (ORACLE_HOME = C:\ProgramData\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server)
    I know that typically you should not have to do this, especially since I already had defined DEFAULT_SERIVCE_LISTENER = (XE) at the bottom of the listener.ora file.  Explicitly defining the XE service in the listener.ora file allows the listener to find it while the system is running under the Cisco AnyConnect VPN.  The only hiccup I found by doing this is that the XE service is discovered twice by the listener when the system is NOT running under the Cisco AnyConnect VPN.  It still works OK.  The listener just seems to ignore the repeated definition of the XE service (see output below):
    C:\ProgramData\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin>lsnrctl service
    LSNRCTL for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 13-JUN-2013 10:03:15
    .......(omitted output).......
    Service "XE" has 2 instance(s).
      Instance "XE", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
             LOCAL SERVER
      Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
             LOCAL SERVER
    Service "XEXDB" has 1 instance(s).
      Instance "xe", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
          "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
             DISPATCHER <machine: DEV-M-137GF, pid: 5544>
    The command completed successfully
    If anyone has a cleaner solution for this problem, please let me know.  Otherwise, I am moving forward with what I did.

  • Load Balancing on RV320

    My Cisco RV320 router are not working like I want ...
    I get two ISP in France, same tech. specs., sames bandwidth, but 2 differents way to connect.
    The first WAN is connected in PPPoE with a ADSL2+ Modem
    The second WAN is connected in Static IP with a modem/router
    I set the load balancing Auto. but it seem that the WAN2 is more used than the WAN1...
    For example, I upload a big documents, like a video on youtube, witch take a long time and need the max Bandwidth. While I'm going to download a file with an internal software, who use a different port by the way. The most of the time, it only use the WAN2 ... so my download is flanged ! It only donwload @~450KB/S when it can max @ ~1,8MO/S, and the WAN1 is not blinking ... And sometimes the balancing is good ... I can't understand the RV320 logic ? But Maybe is there a bug ? Maybe I get a bad configuration ?
    Have a clue ?
    Please help me !

    So, you can hear the phone ringing and answer it? which means that SIP pakets are coming through WAN to LAN and well redirected to the phone IP, but you cannot hear after that, which means that there could be a problem with the RTP packets. 
    If you have problem only with the incoming calls and not the outgoing, than try enable/disable SIP ALG (Firewall). If that doesn't fix the issue, try to allow (or even forward) from WAN to LAN RDP -  UDP ports 16384-32767 to the phone IP.

  • PPTP Problems with RV320

    I just bought a new RV320 to replace my older RV082 in my local office network. I was able to get the RV320 set up and running, but had a problem with the PPTP settings. On the RV082 I have three gateway-to-gateway VPNs set up and when a user logs in using a PPTP VPN they are able to access resources on any of the gateway-togateway VPNs. I set up the RV320 the same way and had all of the gateway-to-gateway tunnels up and running and verified from my internal network that I can reach the servers on each tunnel. I set up a PPTP user and verified that I can reach the network from a remote computer, but when I try to reach a resource on one of the gateway-to-gateway tunnels it crashes the RV320 and I have to reconnect all of my gateway-to-gateway VPNs. I ensured that all of the pass throughs are enabled and haven't found any other settings that seem out of place. Can anyone think of anything else that I may need to set up to get this to work?
    I know a lot of people wouldn't use the PPTP with the other options available, but this is the best option to connect my Surface RT tablet to the network while I'm on the road since a client isn't availble for it.

    just found your post and it sounds similar to an issue I am experiencing with a client.
    Two sites, RV320 with latest firmware in the main office and a satellite office with a Netgear unit.  Both connected via a gateway to gateway IPSec vpn.   The link is very stable.  The satellite office initiates the connection.  The main office RV320 also has a number of users setup for PPTP remote access to company resources such as rdp/rdc.
    Our issue is when I vpn in with pptp to the main office, the RV320, the moment I try to access the satellite office subnet it triggers the IPSec gateway to gateway vpn to crash.  I then have to remote into the satellite office and manual restart the link.... then all is fine again.  Now, if I am physically at the main office, and ping or access the satellite office subnet, all is fine.
    My thought has been that either I do not have the gateway to gateway vpn setup properly or there is some access rule I am missing.  I need to do some more research and experiment with the connection.  It very well could be my setup as this was the first time I have setup IPSec...  Just as a note, the RV320 itself never crashes ... it just shows the IPSec vpn is down ... I need to isolate the issue to either the Netgear or Cisco side...
    I will follow this thread and see if you find out anything. 

  • RV320 problem with VPN connect (BUG)

    forgive for bad English
    Today I bought and I adjusted RV320, at once I saw some problems.
    Firmware last
    1. I adjusted two VPN tunnels between RV320 and two RV-082
    also I saw what not one tunnel in Web panel not connect.
    I many times pressed, the condition didn't change!
    Having made Ping on computers in a network I saw answers:
    it is simple a miracle or huge BUG.
    2 The second BUG, VPN tunel No. 2 doesn't work in general as don't kick. And before there was RV-042G and RV-82 and everything was OK
    From log:
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    [g2gips1]: cmd=down-client peer= peer_client= peer_client_net= peer_client_mask=
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    ip route del via dev eth1 metric 35
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -D vpn -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -D vpn -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -D vpn_postrouting -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:28
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -D vpn_postrouting -o eth0 -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:37
    VPN Log
    [g2gips1] #14: [Tunnel Established] sent MR3, ISAKMP SA established
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    [g2gips1]: cmd=up-client peer= peer_client= peer_client_net= peer_client_mask=
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    ip route add via dev eth1 metric 35
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -I vpn -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -I vpn -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -I vpn_postrouting -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    iptables -t nat -I vpn_postrouting -o eth0 -s -d -j ACCEPT
    2013-08-29, 21:47:38
    VPN Log
    [g2gips1] #15: [Tunnel Established] IPsec SA established {ESP=>0x102b2557 < 0xc23b7d0f}
    What problem i'm undersdund.
    3 The third BUG, adding or changing VPN tunnels, against for a second there is a form for addition of the new tunnel, why it? ? ?

    A little later...
    I solved reset all settings to default and to adjust from scratch, all work. 
    What is done? I don't understand.

  • Is it possible the RV320 block some external ip address only to some IP on my LAN ?

    i have been blocked in firewall rules some external IP address but it will applied for all computers on LAN.
    I would to know if is possible do it for only group of ip or vlan?
    Thank you,
    Raphael Guarita

    When you select the Source and Destination address you should be able to select Range. There is no option to select a VLAN.
    - Marty

  • RV320 DHCP and WAN questions

    Hello all,
    So far I love the RV320 its super fast and works really good (with 2 WAN connections).          
    I though have a few questions hoping someone could tell me:
    1) Under DHCP Server it gives the option of to use DNS from ISP or DNS Proxy, what is the main difference between those two options?
    Right now I have this set to DNS from ISP.
    2) What are the pros and cons of enabling IPV6 DHCP and what is the best setting for that (Yes both ISPs I have suppor IPV6)?
    3) What is the best option to set as client lease time for DHCP? (its set to 1440 default).
    4) On the System Summary page I see both WAN1 and WAN2 connected (i set it to
    Load Balance (Auto Mode) but for WAN2 i always see: Connected (Inactive)
    Why does it say inactive?
    Thank you!

    Found answers to most things now except for:
    4) On the System Summary page I see both WAN1 and WAN2 connected (i set it to
    Load Balance (Auto Mode) but for WAN2 i always see: Connected (Inactive)
    Why does it say inactive?

  • Bandwidth seems limited to 10M on Cisco RV320

    Just installed a RV320 to a 50Mb downstream 5Mb upstream switch. With previous wireless routers I can get 30-50MB downstream speed and 5M upstream. The same happens when I connect directly to the switch. However when I try to access with the same computer through the RV320 I am throttled it seems to very close to 10Mb bandwidth. Connection from router to switch is 1000Mb, connection to the computer is 100Mb so this shouldn't be the problem. Bandwidth management is set to 6000 upstream and 60000 downstream. Any suggestions? Thanks. (firmware upgraded to latest)

    It must be a configuration issue, or a faulty unit, as I'm getting 56Mbps down and 9Mbps with the RV320 here on my desk (should be put into production use later today) on a FTTC/VDSL line that we've had rated at 60Mbps down and 10Mbps up. I'm also running the latest firmware.

  • RV320 "Service name should be different"

    I purchased a Cisco RV320 last week and am trying to set up port forwarding on it.  I already have 5 rules enabled, and they all work.  However, whenever I try to add a new rule, I get the error "Service Name should be different!", which is undocumented anywhere.  If I try to delete an existing port forwarding rule, then I get the error "Critical failure.  Please contact support."  The router is running the latest firmware
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to get port forwarding working again?  I would prefer to avoid a reset to defaults at all costs because the router is located 200 miles away and the people who I would have to talk to on the site to reconfigure it have nearly zero experience with networking.
    Thanks for the help in advance.

    Could you share more details about the configuration of the device. Is it possible that you configured the device with the port forwarding rules and after that you made firmware upgrade?
    Also for the error message "Service Name should be different!", are you trying to use a service name which already exist? Because if it is the case, the name itself has a meaning only for the router itself, it is not shared over the network.

  • RV320 Bug - Service Management Table (Port Forwarding)

    I'm unable to add more than 16 entries for port forwarding.
    It's a RV320 on v1.1.1.06 (newest to date) and it doesn't accept more than 16 entries in the "Service Management Table" required for port forwarding. As soon as I try to enter number 17 and hit save the window closes like it always does but you can see for a short time it says "Critical failure. Please contact support." Everything else works, except for the entry in the Service Management Table. I'm also unable to use it in the port forwarding section, it just doesn't save the entry. I'm unable to add any services to the list unless I delete others but it only works again until number 16.
    Actually the "limit" is 37 because it comes with 21 services entered out of the box.
    I couldn't find any bug reporting website that I could use without a contract. So I seek for help here.
    Anybody else having this issue or is it just my device?

    10 days ago a post was made in https://supportforums.cisco.com/discussion/12353771/cannot-manage-service-list-all-waited-unacceptably-long-fix  indicating there is a new firmware in beta test, I've contacted support to try to get a copy.
    I'm moving off Draytek, have a 2830 with latest firmware and various weird issues that they've confirmed are bugs but cannot provide a due date for fix. DHCP randomly giving out wrong DNS server addresses, tagged VLAN support flaky and giving out DHCP details from wrong VLAN (worked around using 1 cable from switch per VLAN and using port based VLAN rather than tagged), App Enforcement for IM blocking causing SMTP and Live.com login issues. And that's just what cropped up last week with the unit at work here. Still using it for our live router as we can't put the RV320 in place until we can configure all the required ACLs which needs more than 16 service entries.

  • How to enable "Jumbo Frame" at RV320 LAN ports?

    I'm sorry about my silly question, where is the option to turn on the "Jumbo Frame" or allow to adjust MTU at the RV320 LAN ports?
    I can't found that in the Web management interface, will it just take the 9Kb MTU packet and no need to set?
    Looks like the MTU settings is only available at those internet ports or USB interface.

    You won't find any LAN side MTU settings on any of the small business routers.  The LAN ports are simply layer 2 switch ports, which means they will either forward or drop the larger packets. They have to be gigabit ports as well, Jumbo Frames do not work with anything less. Unfortunately I cannot find anything specific to this model, and I am unable to test it since I don't have any Jumbo capable NICs. 
    So your best bet is really to just give it a try.  The switch ports on the router will either forward or drop the packets, and anyone going out to the internet will either lower their packet size using MTU discovery, or the router will fragment the packets down to a size appropriate for the WAN link.
    I wish I could be more specific, but without being able to test it that is the most info I can give you right now.
    Let me know how it goes,
    Christopher Ebert

  • RV320 Dynamic DNS failing

    I have an RV320 I am testing in order to determine if it's suitable for use in the company I work for.  We have several remote offices, and will be using IPSEC tunnels, VPN for IT troubleshooting and other features.
    Dynamic DNS is returning
    "Authorization failed(username or password)." error, although I think it's properly configured and works on
    error, although I think it's properly configured and works on other firewall/router units.  I have reentered the user, password and domain several times, each time it returns the same error.
    Can anyone provide insight into the problem?
    I also notice the options do not seem to include any way to use a Custom DNS, that is instead of xxx.dyndns.org it would be myhost.TLD.  We have a bunch of xxx.dyndns.org, but do have a few myhost.tld.  I hope this is something that could be fixed.

    Hi Jeff,
    I think that the issue is that the PW is too long. I recall a case a while back where a customer had a passord over 20 characters and he had to shorten it. My recollection is not great, but I think that 18 was the limit. A feature request was made to lengthen the password field but no change was made due to hardware or maybe OS limitation. I think that the router was the RV042, which has similar code to the RV320. Sorry I can't be more specific. I would try changing the password at least temporarily to see if it works.
    If you would like to make a feature request, please call support and open a case.
    - Marty

  • RV320 Firewall rules, VLAN, and IP Aliasing

    I have purchased and RV320 to replace our SA520W Router.  I have 2 SBS servers that are on seperate VLANS.
    The RV 320 is set with WAN 1 IP of XX.XX.XX.43
    SBS1 has internal IP of XX.XX.16.2 on VLAN 1 port 1 on router
    SBS2 has internal IP of XX.XX.2.2 on VLAN 5 port 2 on router
    On the older SA520W I was able to setup an IP alias of XX.XX.XX.47 and XX.XX.XX.46 with firewall rules so 47 pointed to SBS1 and 46 pointed to SBS2 for their respective ports.
    How do I do that on the RV320 so I can have 2 IPs server from the isp than go through WAN1 to their respective VLANs?

    The feature you are looking for is called One-to-One NAT on most of the Cisco SMB routers. You can find it under Setup.
    - Marty

  • RV320 with NAT source from multiple subnets

    I want to buy a router that will do NAT for multiple subnets, such as in the following configuration from Cisco IOS:
    interface FastEthernet0/0
     ip address
     ip nat inside
    interface FastEthernet0/1
     ip address a.b.c.d/29
     ip nat outside
    ip nat pool dsl-pool a.b.c.e a.b.c.f prefix-length 29
    ip nat inside source list 20 pool dsl-pool overload
    access-list 20 permit
    access-list 20 permit
    It is possible on Cisco RV320 device?

    This should be no problem. It should work as you have thought.
    I tested the configurations on my own ASA
    object-group network REGIONAL-SOURCE
    object-group network REGIONAL-NAT
    Here at the results of the "packet-tracer" to show the translations
    ASA(config)# packet-tracer input LAN tcp 12345 80
    Phase: 4
    Type: NAT
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Static translate to
    ASA(config)# packet-tracer input LAN tcp 12345 80
    Phase: 4
    Type: NAT
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Static translate to
    ASA(config)# packet-tracer input LAN tcp 12345 80
    Phase: 4
    Type: NAT
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Static translate to
    As you can see, everything is fine
    Naturally take into consideration the fact that if you were to (for some reason) remove a "network-object" statement from some "object-group" then the operation of the "nat" would change even if you entered the removed "network-object" back. (unless you removed the last "network-object" inside the "object-group") This is because the order of the "network-object" inside the "object-group" would change. You would essentially have to recreate the "object-group" and "nat" configuration.
    Hope this helps
    Please do remember to mark a reply as the correct answer if it answered your question.
    Feel free to ask more if needed
    - Jouni

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