RVS4000 - Country Block

Is there a way to block an entire country of IP addresses?  My client does not need any international traffic - but specifically would like to block China.  In reference to http://www.countryipblocks.net, they can generate a list.  Is there any way to import this into the RVS4000?
# Country: CHINA
# ISO Code: CN
# Total Networks: 4,036
# Total Subnets:  330,320,384
# LEGEND:  Cisco ACL
If this isn't possible, then is there a way to only allow a port forward based on a domain name? 

they need to also update the rsv4000 ip attack signatures and give us a way to block these ass holes im ready to black hole any and all ips from 3rd world countries for this reason alone dam ddos..

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    Hi Nicholas,
    Do you have Stealth set?
    What do you get in Terminal with...
    sudo ipfw  list
    While it looks like many have experienced that in logs, I don't see it here using Screen Sharing...
    If you're never in Russia or Ukraine, might deny those whole blocks in ipfw or hosts.

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    I would like to know the same thing.
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    Hi Haider,
    You have option to activate both the licenses.
    You have to enable the license for advanced-endpoint and ips module licenses...

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    The configuration is under Admin-Setup-BP-Address Format. Each country has a built-in format for address initially.

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    From Wikipedia:
    D-Block Records is a subsidiary of the American hip hop label Ruff Ryders.
    If you meant something else, you're going to have to clarify.
    If your phone is carrier locked, ONLY the carrier it is locked to can authorize unlocking it.

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    Go to Solution.

    I belive you can say .in as the filter, but will get some false positives.
    Some other email clients allow blocking by "country"

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    Hi DaYim,
    Sorry you are having problems.
    Try going to the [[Parental Controls]] article to double-check your Windows parental control settings. Next you can try using a browser other than Firefox to display those websites.
    If those websites are actually blocked by your internet service provider, I cannot offer any more assistance. Neither I, nor Mozilla, support circumventing the terms and conditions of other websites, or internet service providers.

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    When you say the iPhone was blocked, do you actually mean it is locked to a carrier, or do you really mean the iPhone is blocked from use?
    Thie is the second post from someone buying an iPhone in Dubai and then having problems with it and with support.
    If you cannot get the seller to respond, try contacting Apple support at the appropriate number from http://support.apple.com/kb/HE57 and see if they have any help to offer.
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  • Address del Documento no muestra el block cuando el country no es USA

    Saludos Amigos
    quisiera saber porque es que cuando al ship to address le asigno un Country que es diferente de USA, no muestra el Block en el Ship to del Documento es decir en el campo Address. ya sea un Sales Order o un Invoice etc.
    existe algun tipo de configuracion que me solucione este problema?

    Verifica en la definicion del formato de direccion del Paìs que estas utilizando, es probable que NO estè definido el campo requerido.
    Gestion/definicion/pais y formato direccion

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