RVS4000 disabling IPS kills DNS

Background: I recently bought a couple of RVS4000 routers set up a VPN between my home and office. Initial setup went great and I got the VPN working with Dynamic DNS at both ends quite easily. The only problem was that the performance sucked badly; my ISP gives me 45Mb/s and a frequently see this in both directions from both speed test sites and SFTP to other servers, and they are planning to upgrade our building to 100Mb/s next month. With the RVS4000 in place I typically get 12Mb/s download and 7Mb/s down. No problem, I thought. I've read that most of the performance problems come from the Intrusion Prevention System having to look at every packet. So I switched the IPS off...
Problem: The problem I am having is that if I switch the IPS off then DNS breaks on every computer on the network :-( Look-ups go so slowly that my web browsers frequently time out. If I access somewhere by IP address then everything is fine and the throughput of the router is acceptable (I've see 28Mb/s when I've actually managed to get resolve the address of a speed test server). Unfortuantely this doesn't do me much good if I have no DNS. I restored the factory configuration for one router and then ran tests after each step of the configuration. Everything was fine until I switch the IPS off. I then restored to factory state again, confirmed everything was fine and changed nothing else except the IPS; when I disabled IPS the DNS died again!
Question: Is there any work-around for this? I pay for 100M/s wiring between my home and office and with the IPS enabled I'm loosing 90% of the performance. If I disable the IPS the device is essentially useless. HELP! Any suggestions welcome. If I can't fix this soon the routers are going to have to go back for a refund.

Well, after some more investigation I have made a little progress on this, although it is still not actually resolved.
Having attached packet capture tools on both sides of the router and watched the DNS packets going through it seems that there is a bug in the RVS4000 firmware. With the IPS enabled, DNS packets pass through the device with just the source IP address changed (as you would expect due to NAT being enabled) and the checksum values in the IP and UDP headers updated (because the source IP address changed). In this situation everything works fine but the throughput is throttled by the IPS software.  If the IPS is disabled, the router not only changes the source IP address but also changes the source UDP port. Worse, it replaces the randomly chosen, non-privileged port number picked by the client with a sequentially chosen port number, starting at port zero. Thus with IPS disabled the outgoing DNS packets look exactly like the packets that would be used to bounce a DDoS attack off someone else's DNS server and my ISP is deciding that they look bogus and rejecting them.
It's also worth noting that replacing the randomly chosen, non-privileged port number with a sequentially chosen port number, starting at port zero, introduces a serious new security vulnerability. If an exploit is found for a bug in the DNS client software on PCs then the only thing stopping this being as dangerous as the recent bugs in the BIND DNS servers is that it's hard for attackers to know which port to attack. Unfortunately if the client machine is behind an RVS4000 then the attacker doesn't need to know which port is being used because he can just send exploit packets with the source address set the the victim's ISP's DNS server and low, sequentially numbered destination ports and the RVS will conveniently pass the exploit on to the correct port on the victim machine. Thus for this type of exploit, having an RVS with IPS disabled is actually less secure than not having the router there at all.
Re-mapping the source UDP port is unnecessary unless there is a port number collision, and the router manages just fine without re-mapping if IPS is enabled. If the port must be re-mapped it should be replaced with something that is randomly chosen and not a privileged port number, just like a good client would have picked. The current state on the RVS4000 1.2.11 firmware is broken and should be fixed.

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    Disabling recursion on OES is a matter of editing the /etc/named.conf. It isn't done on the network card. See the man page for the specifics.
    Where you point to is a matter of what you want to resolve. I ALWAYS point to my ISP, but if my server is handling specific zones, I also point to it.
    If you are disabling all recursion, then you disable forwarding. They will need to be able to query someone. I would add the my ISP's dns servers.
    You can allow recursion from some clients/subnets if you wish, you don't have to disable it for every one.

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              > Hi
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    try taking Thunderbird offline File menu (Alt+F) > offline > workoffline
    Close Thunderbird
    reboot your computer
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  • RVS4000 & IPS with a 100Mb/s connection

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    firmware v

    Same here on both of my WRVS4400Nv2 routers!  Already running the latest firmware: V2.0.0.8-ETSI.
    I don't need IPS so have disabled it. However, exactly 24 hours after disabling IPS (or rebooting for that matter), the speed always drops to IPS-like values and will keep at that level!  How strange is that?
    It doesn't seem to affect all types of traffic, for instance HTTP is affected but FTP still keeps working at the maximum speed.
    I would very much like to have it fixed!
    To Cisco: it must be easy to reproduce for you, could you please try this on a RVS4000 or WRVS4400N?
    By the way, no need to toggle the IPS function: you only have to press the Save button once on the IPS page to get the full speed back, but only for the next 24 hours!

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    count on so we would like to disable them completely. Please let
    me know which property can be set it if any to accomplish this.

    Don't we all ;)
    WL 5.1 sp3
    Sol 2.6
    J2 1.2.1_04
    Rich Nill wrote in message <[email protected]>...
    What version of Weblogic are you running? I want to make sure we don'tsuffer
    from the same problem.
    Paul Iter wrote:
    Would this patch have any impact on the problem I described in
    degradation PROBLEM"?
    Mark Griffith wrote:
    There is another issue here though, when we print out server ID's we
    java.net.InetAddress.toString() which ends up in a DNS call.
    Contact support they have a one-off patch.
    In article <[email protected]>, [email protected]
    Is there a property that can be set to disable the reverse DNS
    lookup for client requests? I read that if reverse lookups are
    no working then client requests can take an extra 15-30 seconds.
    In our environment reverse lookups are not something we can
    count on so we would like to disable them completely. Please let
    me know which property can be set it if any to accomplish this.
    NewsGroup Rant
    Rant 1.
    The less info you provide about your problem means
    the less we can help you. Try to look at the
    problem from an external perspective and provide
    all the data necessary to put your problem in

  • WAN port speed on RVS4000

    I have an RVS4000 with the following:
    Firmware Version:
    STAR 9202
    I believe it's a v1 of the RVS4000 as I've tried to put the 2.x.x firmware and I couldn't.
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    Download Speed 18498 kbps (2312.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed 19098 kbps (2387.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency 7 ms
    Client Time December 4, 2011 11:06 AM
    Server Time December 4, 2011 11:06 AM PST
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    Download Speed 45818 kbps (5727.3 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed 6240 kbps (780 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency 5 ms
    Client Time December 4, 2011 10:59 AM
    Server Time December 4, 2011 10:58 AM PST
    Clearly there's something wrong here, where I'm getting less than half the download speed through the RVS4000 than I do without it. From the datasheet, it states that the RVS4000's WAN port is a 10/100/1000 port, so I don't see why I should have the limitation on speed.
    Can someone help resolve this?

    Hello Abudef,
    I disabled IPS and verified that QOS is disabled. Now with the speed test, I get a large improvement, basically bringing me up to the speed without the RVS4000 involved:
    Download Speed 41811 kbps (5226.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Upload Speed 20550 kbps (2568.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
    Latency 5 ms
    Client Time December 4, 2011 07:47 PM
    Server Time December 4, 2011 07:46 PM PST
    Thank you so much for your help!

  • RVS4000 router reliability

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    When this happen the only possibility to make it working again is reset the power.
    Now after i wrote my issue I think I have to describe what has been done here.
    Before RVS4000 i had installed a WRT110 router as a gateway and wireless.
    Now i configured RVS4000 as DHCP server and as my pppoe gateway. The DHCP server on WRT 110 was disabled (I want to use it as a access point) and set a static ip which is also included in RVS 4000 reservations with the MAC address.
    I did all theese to make RVS 4000 to handle the IP's inside the cable network and also to the wireless network.
    I tryed what I believed it helps: disable IPS, set the router DHCP to allocate IP's only after the both routers IP's.
    I also tryed to reflash the router with the same firmware, but still, after one night of continuous traffic it hangs....
    Please give me an advice what should I do next! Thank you in advance!

    Hi Cristian,
    If you purchased this unit 3 weeks ago from a Cisco Partner, please call the SBSC (Small Business Support Center) for warranty support.
    Cindy Toy
    Cisco Small Business Community Manager
    for Cisco Small Business Products
    twitter: CiscoSBsupport

  • IPS V7 Global Correlation

    Dear all,
    IPS Correlation update will be done through the Management interface right? So I should confirm the ability of the IPS Management IP address to be able to access internet right?
    I did so, but still not able to have global correlation update, what I am having each time I enable global correlation is a boost of traffic generated from the IPS and directed to the outside that is consuming the total internet link bandwidth.
    What could be the reason behind this boost, and how may I troubleshoot the reason why the correlation is not being updated.

    I had the exact same problem that I solved to day.
    Full connectivity but still the error:
    # sh statistics global-correlation
    Network Participation:
          Total Connection Attempts = 0
          Total Connection Failures = 0
          Connection Failures Since Last Success = 0
       Connection History:
       Status Of Last Update Attempt = Failed
       Time Since Last Successful Update = 3826 minutes
          Update Failures Since Last Success = 764
          Total Update Attempts = 22747
          Total Update Failures = 806
       Update Interval In Seconds = 300
       Update Server = update-manifests.ironport.com
       Update Server Address =
       Current Versions:
          config = 1236210407
          drop = 1312830724
          ip = 1312830846
          rule = 1312744926
    # sh events error error warning past 12:00
    evError: eventId=1304592381890230981 severity=error vendor=Cisco
        hostId: xxxxxxxx
        appName: collaborationApp
        appInstanceId: 458
      time: 2011/08/11 00:38:28 2011/08/11 02:38:28 GMT+01:00
      errorMessage: name=errUnclassified A global correlation update failed: Failed download of ibrs/1.1/drop/default/1313021562 :
      URI does not contain a valid ip address
    Messages, like this one, in the category - Reputation update failure - were logged 49 times in the last 14699 seconds.
    I found a tip when searching that worked for me :
    Issue the: dns-secondary-server disable to flush DNS wait for GC to update again.
    Thanks to: http://doublef.org/archives/cisco-ips-global-correlation-update-failures 
    Edit: I see a difference in our output, you don't have the ip address in update server field:
    Update Server Address = Unknown
    Might not bee the same problem.

  • RVS4000 restricting high speed cable internet.

    I have a RVS 4000 with a Charter Internet That is 5 MB up and 60 MB Down. the RVS4000 seems to be restricting my speed on the up to 3.6 and down to around 21 MB.
    With a workstation directly connected my speeds are 4.5 and 46 MB respectively, but when i plug the router in I lose speed.
    I have the firewall turned off.
    Any ideas.

    Hi David,
    Thank you for posting. Try going to IPS -> Configuration and disable IPS Function. This should help with your internet speed.

  • RVS4000 V2 locks up every 1 - 2 days

    Hello everybody! My brand new RVS4000 V2 replaced old USR8003 router in the same home network. The USR8003 did not require any user intervention for years. Running RVS4000 in the same network and with the same LAN IP address ( requires power cycling every day or two. The router is connected to Motorola SB6120 cable modem. The local network includes a few PCs (WinXP SP3), two LinkSys APs, Roku, DirecTV receiver and a few WiFi devices. The router runs in Gateway mode with DHCP server enabled. Most of the devices have static IP addresses within DHCP address range. When the router locks up, it looks like a normal situation because the LEDs are lit the same way as usual indicationg ports activities. When it is locked, the RESET button has no effect as well as web and telnet interfaces. The only option is to power cycle the router, which restores the working condition until another lock up. The following actions have been taken:
    upgraded firmware to V2.0.3.2
    Restored factory defaults
    Disabled IPS, QoS, most of Firewall optional functions
    Moved statis IP addresses in the DHCP address range
    It does not look like a harware issue, but rather a software bug. Right now I am running the Syslog server to correlate lock ups with the modem reboots (Yes, it happens from time to time, but did not afect USR8003). I cannot find any information from Cisco documentation about static IP addreses on the LAN and if they have to be outside the DHCP adderss range. Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Tom,
    Thank you for your comments. I will move static clients out of the DHCP range and see what happens. So far, that was the biggest change I made since the last lock up. The RVS4000 ran for 2 days, 20:54:41 hours already. During this time there were three modem reboots, therefore, I do not think lock ups are related to the modem. When you said "upsteam", did you mean WAN or something else? The thing is that LinkSys WAPs have two MACs addresses associated with the same IP.address. Does this count as an IP conflict within the LAN? The WAPs have statis IP addresses.
    Thank you,

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