S_arch_all for archiving job

Hello all,
I'm having some issues with authorizations:
There is a user who has to run an archiving job for COPA. This job is cancelled because it is missing authorization for S_ARCHIVE / S_ARCH_ALL. I have added this to the user, but even now the job gives the same message. Are there any other solutions besides sap_all

are you able to run an su53 on the amended profile?
This link may help!
Also check these SAP Notes:
175901 – Insufficient authorization checks in the Archive Information System
156336 - Authorization object S_ARCHIVE for status management

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    DROP VIEW "/BI0/0302712378"                                                 
    SQL-END: 15.01.2007 12:09:29 00:00:00                                       
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    Please ask in the
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  • Lock NOT set for: Archiving the data from a data target

    Dear Expert,
    I try to archive one of my info cube, when i start to write the Archive file the Free Space in the Archive folder not enough and it make the process error.
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    Lock NOT set for: Archiving the data from a data target             
    InfoProvider ZICCPS810 could not be locked for an archiving session 
    Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE                  
    Please Help Me.
    Wawan S

    Hi Wawan,
    If the earlier archive session resulted in error, please try to invalidate the earlier session in archive management and try running archive job again.
    Hope this helps,

  • Schedule archiving jobs

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    I have been researching on your query lately and have put accross this question to some Archiving Experts at my end. Hopefully, will come up with a full-proof solution.
    But in the meantime, if you have a sandbox or if you can do a research, please do the following:
    1. In SARA, under the TECHNICAL SETTINGS tab go to the VERIFY ARCHIVE FILES box.
    2. There just click on the following, Before Deleting, Before Reading and Before Reloading.
    3. I think this BEFORE READING box could be a solution.
    4. And for deletion check the START AUTOMATICALLY option.
    Please try this and let us know. If solved, okay and if not then I will reply back after conveying from the experts.

  • Long runnning IDOC Archiving jobs

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    Parameter: IDOC ALL MONTH
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      "MANDT" = :A0 AND "DOCNUM" = :A1
      "MANDT" , "DOCNUM" , "COUNTER" , "PAGENO"#
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    Please suggest as to how the job runtime can be reduced.
    Awaiting for your reply.

    Since the variant used is fetching data for the entire month, you could try splitting the jobs and have multiple runs instead.
    You can also try to schedule the jobs when there is minimum system load, incase its not already done.
    As far as the program is concerned, if this is standard program, there is little scope for tuning.
    You can always check for related index quality and statements with high CPU costs to better understand why the job is running for such a long duration.

  • How archiving jobs (WRI) on specific server

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    Please help

    You have to maintain the server group in transaction SM61--> button "Job Servergruppen"   (nice english transalation !)

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    2. But after the jobs, we need to change the Spool paramaters,where in we will select the output device,Storage Mode as " Archive " only,     and Text same as which I used earlier in step .1.
    But how can we make this Text field to get the value from TVARVC or somewhere ? Sicne its Popo-up box.(This spool text will be the Archove File name ,which will be displayed when we are reading the Archives.)
    Can somebody help to advice what are ways to Automate the Archive jobs( so that users doenst need to run these 70 jobs manually every year by entering Text and spool text etc..?
    We are running on SAP 4.7 version.

    SARA is the tcode for archive objects

  • Scheduling of Archive jobs

    i really need to apologize here, but i did not found an appropriate forum to ask this, neither a forum for ADK archiving development kit nor a forum about XBP (intercepted jobs). If there is a froum for asking questions like this you can slap me for that
    The archiving object is configured to schedule the ARVSTO jobs automatically which we want to keep to spread the load over a certain time and not to have a bunch of archiving jobs always running at a specific time.
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    So does anyone have an idea to solve this? Even if it is a modification, or en enhancement, a BADI or en exit, i dont care.
    Thanks in advance.

    Create one procedure and write all your logic which you want to schedure.
    Please execute the below block to set the job.
    Please change ### with Your PROCEDURE NAME WITH PARAMETER.
    'SYSDATE+1/1440' = Indicate that your job execute every minute..
    ( job => X
    ,what => '###'
    ,next_date => to_date('17/02/2010 12:54:32','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    ,interval => 'SYSDATE+1/1440 '
    ,no_parse => TRUE
    SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(x));
    Edited by: user10594896 on Feb 16, 2010 11:28 PM

  • Archive jobs / Delete job

    I have some questions regarding Archiving / Deleting..
    1) What are the implication of not setting 'DELETION' category parameters in 'Specific configuration'.
    2) How do I delete the messages that are archived? Will 'Delete job' handle this also?
    3) Also I had archived some messages using Archiving job.. When try to lookup this message using 'Archived XML Messages (Search using Archive), I get a list of Archived messages. When I click on any of this messages, I get "Could not find message in archive" message.

    - did you activate SAP_BC_XMB info structure?
    - did you do all the configuration?
    you can also fill activated information structure retrospectively for already existing archives:
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions">XI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</a>

  • Performance of Archive Jobs Since Switching Partitions

    Since MIMIX switching from one partition to another  , the run time for archive write jobs on EC_PCA_ITM archiving object has increased from 9 minutes to several hours and for delete jobs from less than an hour to up to 8 hours. This is for GLPCA file which has 7 indexes which I believe are maintained across the mirror by the journal delete entry to the target.
    The partitions have the same amount of resource memory/CPU/disk following a switch. We have stopped SAP and deleted SQL packs as part of switch. The only action I performed was to switch off journaling on what was the target system and is now the primary system on file GLPCA to try to speed up the MIMIX apply backlog but I don't see this caused the problem ; 200million records were deleted during this time.  I have not performed any re-orgs on this file as yet  ( it will take 2 weeks and I was leaving it until all data deleted) but this should not be the difference ?
    Any advice which may correct my understanding  or action to identify the problem would be appreciated.

    Hi David,
    I am thinking from Archiving functionality that is causing this performance when MIMIX switching from one partition to another.
    During writing of archive file by write program, it will call for functional module ARCHIVE_PUT_RECORD & ARCHIVE_SAVE_OBJECT, in this area I think system is taking long time because of switiching partition. you can debug.
    Where are Delete program will first read archive file sequentially and then delete data from database... here also i feel that due to switching it might be taking more time.
    Performance issue is only with EC_PCA_ITM or other archiving objects also?
    Edited by: Ajay Kumar on Feb 23, 2010 2:51 PM
    Edited by: Ajay Kumar on Feb 23, 2010 3:11 PM

  • During writing for archiving object FI_MKKDOC, file is not getting created

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to archiving concept & have one archiving object FI_MKKDOC which i have to complete as soon as possible.
    In this i have done all the basic settings & when i am excuting the transaction after putting production variant & scheduling it as immediate with LP01 printer.Job is finished successfully but in the log there is no message for any file creation. I have checked AL11 transaction also, no file is getting generated. Please help, we have configured the logical file ARCHIVE_GLOBAL_PATH and ARCHIVE_DATA_FILE.

    dont you have a spool file for this archiving job? This should usually list errors that prevented an item from beeing archived, and if nothing was archived, then no file exists.
    When you define a variant for the write step, then select full detailed log in the lower part of the selection screen, especially if it is the first time that you archive with this object.
    Further, please read the docu behind the blue info button in the selection screen. This tells you the sequence you have to use for the archiving as well as other important details.

  • Archiving job setup in XI

    we are frequently facing issue that the tables getting filled and need to extend the table space/delete data in tables.We have't schedulled any archival and deletion jobs in XI and want to schedulle them ASAP.
    I have read the following document on archiving and gone through various sdn forum links.
    But the limitations mentioned in the document says that the procedure can be followed only if the company wants to archive messages from day one of go-live.But this is not the scenario in my case.
    Please advice me.. how should I proceed on this...
    Edited by: nagarjuna _s on Apr 13, 2009 10:38 AM

    hi Nagarjuna,
    There are no such limitations as such. What you need is a will and you would have a way
    I am giving you a link to the step by step guide for archiving messages

  • Problem while Scheduling Archive Jobs from SXMB_ADM

    Dear all,
    I am using this blog to delete and archive messages.
    I have configured Retention periods from SXMB_ADM and there by scheduled Archive Jobs through SXMB_ADM itself.
    Now when i check in SM37, after Archive jobs scheduled , i am not able to see 2 jobs as described in this Blog.
    i am able to see only one Job with name "SAP_BC_XMB_ARCHIVE200"
    Please assist me what might be the problem

    Hi Ganesh,
    Thank you for replying. Once this SAP_BC_XMB_ARCHIVE200 is finished, one more job has been generated
    ARV_BC_XMB_WRP20100602112115. But this is not for deletion . it is doing archiving
    When i check the log, SAP_BC_XMB_ARCHIVE200 contains the program as RSXMB_ARCHIVE_PLAN
    and ARV_BC_XMB_WRP20100602112115 job contains the program as RSXMB_ARCHIVE_MESSAGES
    There is no job generated for deletion of Archived ones.
    >>Deletion job starts automatically if in archiving setting u have selected START AUTOMATICALLY option for deletion .
    Could you please let me know where this should be done while doing Archiving jobs??

  • Archive Job error

    Hi friends,
    I have done Archive configuration setup. In Define interfaces for archiving given 1 interface (which i want to do archive) and retention period as 1 day under asynchronous XML msgs. Scheduled a archiving job on the same day. After all these, I triggered one successful msg. The job ARV_BC_XMB_WRP* gets cancelled with error msg "Error when accessing the archive data". But I am not able to see the archive file in the physical path given in the configuration.
    whr this msg gets archived?
    Could any one help me wht is the problem and how to correct this?

    Hi Sumit,
    Thanx for ur reply.
    Got the msg ID from table and that cancelled msg in Moni and that gets archived whn job ran today.
    Cancelled msgs are getting archived only If I maintain the below entry
    category            Parameters                                         Current value
    in Integration Engine Configuration ---> Specific Configuration.
    But in this case, every cancelled msg getting archived irrespective of the Interfaces given in Define Interfaces for Archiving. But i need to archive the cancelled msgs only for the interfaces defined.
    To do this, I selected the "Manually cancelled Msgs" check box for the interface given in Define Interfaces for Archiving, but not working.
    Again help me out on this.
    Message was edited by:
            ms kumar

  • XI Archiving: Restarting a terminated archived job.

    Hi All,
    Due to some constraints, our PI server (devt) has only 9.5 GB of disk space for the archive directory. We have 300,000 messages that is flagged for archiving and it seems that the archiving job will terminate with a dataset_write_error which we assume is caused because there is not enough disk space in the archive folders.
    After moving the previous archive files out of the directory to reclaim the disk space, we restarted the archive job.Will restarting the archive job allow the archive job to pick up from where it was terminated or will it "restart" from beginning?
    Anyone experienced something similar before?

    Dear Lugman,
    the behaviour of the new archiving job depends on the configuration of archiving object BC_XMB (transaction AOBJ). If the option "Do Not Before End of Write Phase" is set (default), then the next archiving job will start from the very beginning. In this case all archive file written by the previous job can be deleted. If the option is de-selected the new archiving job will start with the last archiving file. All files that were written sucessfully before the error ocurred are safe.
    In general you might also want to increase the retention period temporarily. This way you reduce the number of messages to be archived in one single blow and you have better control on the data volume that is written to file.
    Best regards,
    Harald Keimer
    XI Development Support
    SAP AG, Walldorf

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