Same device multiple profiles

I have read with interest that my ipad cannot support multiple profiles for multiple users. What I am trying to do is to set up the iPad so that it has multiple profiles for the way that I work. Four example at some point over the weekend I want you to turn my work email off and all the work functions applications etc so I can really turn off. At the same time I want to have access to a few leisure programs and have access to my personal emails.
At present I am not aware how to do this looking at how the iPad works.
Any suggestions would be most welcome apart from having to buy device which is unrealistic.
I have achieved this on PC running windows 8 by setting up different profiles and this works wonderfully. If I can't find a way of working this with the iPad then next time I replace my tablet, I will fully go to Windows device.

Sorry, but the iPad does not have a 'user model'.  It doesn't have a login/logout screen, and it is set up with just one set of information with just one user's preferences.
It is not really appropriate to compare a cheap iPad (a small computer peripheral) with an expensive Windows computer (a real computer).  If you want a fair comparison compare a Macintosh with a Windows computer.  Macintoshes have the same ability to login and logout of many accounts you found on your Windows computer.
You will find, however, that you can set up multiple email accounts on your iPad, and turn on and off access to each one without having to put all the information back in again.  You will find the toggles to do this under each account in
Settings ... Mail, Contacts, Calendars

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    well i finally got my epson perfection v500 photo scanner working. i admit to having more problems then i should have heh.
    arch 86_64
    i installed iscan from aur
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    device `epkowa:interpreter:001:006' is a Epson Perfection V500 flatbed scanner
    device `epkowa:interpreter:001:006' is a Epson Perfection V500 flatbed scanner
    device `epkowa:interpreter:001:006' is a Epson Perfection V500 flatbed scanner
    device `epkowa:interpreter:001:006' is a Epson Perfection V500 flatbed scanner
    device `epkowa:interpreter:001:006' is a Epson Perfection V500 flatbed scanner
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    I've been burned by this
    do a
    iscan-registry -h
    then do a remove about 4 times, till you only have one instance.
    It's kinda like this-  iscan-registry --remove interpreter usb <vendor-id> <product-id> <plugin> [<firmware>]
    vender and product IDs from a lsusb
    I think plugin is in /usr/share/esci /
    I think fimware is in /usr/lib/esci/
    or it could be the other way around. You could look at the script in the RPM for the iscan-registry --add command and reference that.

  • Multiple profiles/users on the same device

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    Thanks for your help

    It would seem that unlike previous iOS devices the iPad and possibly AppleTV call for the ability to enable multiple profiles/users on the same device.
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    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for confirming this. We already have all the mailboxes that she wants on her main profile. The problem is that Outlook cant handle processing all of these at the same time and continuously crashes and hangs. As i said previously the .ost for her profile
    was 16GB, i have managed to reduce to 9GB but Microsoft themselves say that anything above 5GB needs extra hardware power for a good user experience. 
    Up to 5 gigabytes (GB): This file size should provide a good user experience on most hardware.
    Between 5 and 10 GB: This file size is typically hardware dependent. Therefore, if you have a fast hard disk and lots of RAM, your experience will be better. However, slower hard disk drives,
    such as drives that are typically found on portable computers or early-generation solid-state drives (SSDs), experience some application pauses when the drives respond. 
    More than 10 GB: When the .ost file reaches this size, short pauses begin to occur on most hardware.
    Very large (25 GB or larger): An .ost file of this size increases the frequency of short pauses, especially while you are downloading new email messages. However, you can use Send/Receive
    groups to manually sync your mail. For more information about Send/Receive groups, see the "Are you synchronizing many RSS feeds?" section.
    I find it surprising that you cant have multiple profiles with different mailboxes when you consider you can only have an .ost up 5GB to have a good user experience. Maybe this is something the developers can put into the next version of Outlook? Or release
    as a patch?

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    Oh, sorry, when you said you were using Mac Mail, I made an incorrect assumption. The mail program you're using on a computer has no bearing on this.
    Are you using a POP3 account? Or an IMAP account? They are fairly different. If you're using a POP3 account with no ability to set filters on the server, no there's not much you can do. If it's IMAP, are you sure your provider doesn't offer any web interface?
    Another option would be to set up another email account just for news letters and so forth. That way, you could just look at that account when you wanted to see the news letters buy your "regular" account would have a much less cluttered inbox.

  • Creating multiple profiles, using unified profile types, to store multiple values for same properties

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    I am trying to create multiple profiles, using unified profile types, to
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    values for a property). All the properties are stored in the same database
    maintained by Personalization server. Also, I am trying to use the same
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    The scenerio is,
    define unified profile types (Business, Vacation) using Personalization
    admin tools, using,,, for Profile Class, Home, Pk class,
    JNDI name respectively.
    Define Property set 'HotelCommerce' with property
    HotelProp as single, restricted, text (valid values Single, Double)
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    Question. is it the correct behavior? if yes, how can I achieve this
    if not, do you see any problem in my scripts?
    your answer asap is appreciated. we need to make decision on using
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    PS: I have tried 'Unified Profile Example' type too, but that did not work.

    I am trying to create multiple profiles, using unified profile types, to
    store multiple values for same properties. Here my intention of using
    'unified profile types' is to create multiple profiles (to store multiple
    values for a property). All the properties are stored in the same database
    maintained by Personalization server. Also, I am trying to use the same
    'USER' ejb as profile class/home/pk/jndi.Hello Rajesh,
    This is not the purpose of the UUP. The UUP is used to allow existing
    database schemas to be aggregated with the existing Weblogic Personalization
    Server database schema to provide a single, customized user profile with which
    to maintain the user properties ( )
    If you want to have properties that change value based on some "profile" or
    classification of a user, then you should use classifier rules to change the
    user from "OnVacation" to "AtWork" or "AtHome". You can use these classifier
    rules to select content for the user or conditionally execute logic ( )
    Ture Hoefner
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    1655 Walnut Street; suite 200
    Boulder, CO 80302

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    I am afraid I didn't get the clear picture of the issue mentioned in the post. Could you please elaborate a little bit? If you connect a device/computer wired and then later you connect it wirelessly. It is obvious that you would get to see two different MAC addresses for the same device, one for the LAN adaptor and other one for WLAN adaptor. If that is what you are referring to?
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  • Apple Configurator- Multiple Profiles on Multiple Devices

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    Right now it only gives you the options of installing multiple profiles on one device OR one profile on multiple devices.

    Hey Rookeydooks,
    Sounds like you have Apple Configurator set to automatically refresh when you connect iPads. To turn this off (in Apple Configurator 1.2.1), in the menu bar go to Apple Configurator -> Preferences. On the General tab, uncheck "Automatically refresh". This way, the iPad won't automatically revert back to the saved supervised backup.
    Once you make your changes, you should then create a new Supervised Backup. After that, you can go back to Apple Configurator -> Preferences, and check "Automatically refresh".
    Hope this answers your question!

  • Multiple users on the same device

    Can I have 2 or more users on the same device? I want to use a Kindle Fire HD when traveling with separate accounts for my wife and myself.

    You can; you just have to disable automatically signing one of you in (unless you want to constantly log the other one out)

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    How do I configure the VI to read two channels on the same device?
    Best regards
    /Crister Nilsson

    It seem by your explanation that you first configure your board with AI Channel 0 and then reconfigure the board to measure AI Channel 1. You should only use one AI config and in the channel input of that VI specify the channel(s) to measure. This tells the board which channels to measure.
    Hope this helps
    Regards/ Tony

  • Why does firefox makes multiple profiles

    My name is Mike from the helpdesk of YER.
    We have one user with the same problem over and over again.
    Our employees have a roaming profile with multiple browsers, but he uses Firefox wich is causing a problem.
    There is a datalimit on our user profiles. The problem is that Firefox uses all the space from the user profile.
    This causes a storage space error every two days.
    To solve it, I open Firefox profile manager, multiple profiles are visible. So I delete the non-used profiles. But this is temporarily, because within a few days, the user contacts us with the same problem.
    I also tried to move the profile to his documents with the profile manager to free space, also this didn't solve the problem because Firefox makes new profiles over and over again.
    This user is the only one with this problem, and we cannot find a solution.
    We thought maybe it has something to do with synchronisation between multiple devices, but he only uses his Firefox profile on his work computer.
    I hope you can help me solving this problem. Maybe you can explain why Firefox is creating multiple profiles, or maybe we can change the Firefox profile path, for all the profiles incl. new ones that are created.
    Thank you!

    I also have been having this problem for way to long to the point I have removed Firefox so many times and have even completely wiped my computer out and did a factory full restore (which I am still upset about) .. NOW again i delete FIREFOX ... I go thru the computer ..hidden files and all and totally delete any and every thing the is related to Mozilla and Firefox.. including the OLD Firefox file it creates even if you do a reset... Now I have two issues.. when you restore a system,, you are given a complete NEW user profile,,, thanks to Firefox pulling from what must be your records.. EVERY past user ID that this computer ever had is back on my system and has permissions on important files under UNKNOWN USER.. and firefox has created tons of dupt files.. example ...I ran to see why system again was slow CCleaner disk analyzer and wow there is over 85,000 files created by Firefox which include duplicating all program files and over (I stopped counting after a certain number) thousands of c:\users\Robie\AppData\local\mozilla\firefox\profile\...\cache2 files every 4 minutes for since i reloaded.. and all system files (only important ones) and links to the old profiles that were infected and/or corrupt over 84k of this ...these are just under the OTHER catagory.. WHY is this repeating over and over

  • Device Group Profile Drops after changes are saved

    Why do Device Group Profiles drops after applying a change? Some will get it no problem but some lose the profile thus losing network connectivity then requiring manual intervention.

    Thanks to all who replied, however..
    If the settings were stored int he CPL file ( which would be very odd but there it is ) I would expect that I could create a CPL file with the settings I want on one computer, and copy them to the same folder on another computer whose settings I want to standardize in the domain, however, this does not appear to be the case. I copied the entire ..\Program Files\Quicktime folder from one computer which had the settings I wanted, to another computer which didn't. The settings did not follow the copied Quictime folder and contents, so, with all respect and gratitude due to those who replied, I don't think settings are stored in the CPL file or any other file in the Quicktime folder.
    In any case, I don't really care where they are stored, I just need a way to propagate a single set of settings across multiple computers in a domain. I've never run across an application before that was so reistant to this type of thing...
    Thanks again

  • Can't enroll devices with Profile Manager - invalid key

    n my case I can install profiles on devices from Profile Manager page but I cannot enroll devices.
    The certificate I download to enroll is reject by my MacBook Pro Lion: Says Invalid blablabla at the end:
    Now I have done log research and I now exactly and understand why it doesn't work:
    the scep_helper daemon is supposed to listen to port 1640 TCP (which you should forward to your server by the way, if you want to be able to enroll devices) and provide the requsting client the root CA that signed the certificate. In my case, it can't find the root CAT to provide the client with so it can finalize the cert validation process.
    In my case, that's what I see in the log:
    Jul 29 02:12:44 teknologism scep_helper[1638]: SCEP_HELPER: /SourceCache/RemoteDeviceManagement/RemoteDeviceManagement-701.70/scep_helper/m ain.m:727 'status = SCEPGetCACert(session, NULL, 0)' = -25300
    Jul 29 02:12:44 teknologism scep_helper[1638]: SCEP_HELPER: /SourceCache/RemoteDeviceManagement/RemoteDeviceManagement-701.70/scep_helper/m ain.m:513 'SCEPGetCACert(session, NULL, 0)' = -25300
    Jul 29 02:12:44 teknologism scep_helper[1638]: SCEP_HELPER: /SourceCache/RemoteDeviceManagement/RemoteDeviceManagement-701.70/scep_helper/m ain.m:819 'challenge = GetChallengeFromSCEP(password, guid, hostURL)' is NULL
    Jul 29 02:12:44 teknologism ProfileManager[516]: Could not retrieve root certificate from open directory server.
    No , as for the bad news: I have no idea on how to fix. Have dug into scep_helper, googled etc. Not a single clue on how to check it's configuration or even why it can't find the root CA. By the way everyhting else (I really mean everything, ical,cardav,web,wiki etc.) work great. And profile manager too, it's just the enroll thingy that doesn't work. And the root CA cert is in /etc/certificates. My server a legit Class 1 SSL cert signed by a system trsuted CA (Startfiel to name it)
    I have tried with other certs etc... It's a no go.
    Can anyone help ??
    How can I add that missing CA Cert in opendirectory ?

    Here is some more infos...
    teknologism:root root# serveradmin settings devicemgr
    devicemgr:SSLAuthorityChain = "/etc/certificates/ 91FE.chain.pem"
    devicemgr:od_active = yes
    devicemgr:ssl_active = yes
    devicemgr:enableCodeSigning = yes
    devicemgr:updated_at = 2011-07-28 16:04:52 +0000
    devicemgr:email_delivery_method = ""
    devicemgr:CodeSigningPrivateKey = "/etc/certificates/ Code Signing Certificate.ED29CE4BD9D2926D64E60EF7A117EFDB2213F0CC.key.pem"
    devicemgr:apns_active = yes
    devicemgr:CodeSigningAuthorityChain = "/etc/certificates/ Code Signing Certificate.ED29CE4BD9D2926D64E60EF7A117EFDB2213F0CC.chain.pem"
    devicemgr:default_profile_created_at_least_once = yes = yes = yes = yes = yes = yes
    devicemgr:email_authentication = ""
    devicemgr:email_port = 25
    devicemgr:email_username = ""
    devicemgr:id = 1
    devicemgr:last_modified_guid = ""
    devicemgr:SSLPrivateKey = "/etc/certificates/ 91FE.key.pem"
    devicemgr:od_master = ""
    devicemgr:apns_topic = ""
    devicemgr:email_password = ""
    devicemgr:mdm_acl = 2047
    devicemgr:user_timeout = 43200
    devicemgr:server_organization = ""
    devicemgr:SSLCertificate = "/etc/certificates/ 91FE.cert.pem"
    devicemgr:created_at = 2011-07-24 11:47:33 +0000
    devicemgr:email_address = ""
    devicemgr:email_domain = ""
    devicemgr:CodeSigningCertificate = "/etc/certificates/ Code Signing Certificate.ED29CE4BD9D2926D64E60EF7A117EFDB2213F0CC.cert.pem"
    devicemgr:email_server_address = ""
    devicemgr:admin_session = ""
    The 3 CodeSigning certs/keys are in /etc/certificates and their permissions are correct.
    Also, don't ask me why but my ProfileManager pane in is working again. It shows all the config...but can't modify soon as I try to modify it spins the waiting whell forever... I guess it's the same error as command line serveradmin...

  • Is it problematic to use Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone() more than once on the same device?

    Here's an interesting little experiment: == Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone()).toString()); == Microphone.getMicrophone()).toString());
    They both show "false", even though the calls to getMicrophone() and getEnhancedMicrophone() always point to the same device.
    I'm making an R&D app right now, and this is a potential problem for me.  I've designed the app around it being able to refresh the list of available mics, and for the user to be able to go back and forth between different mics and be able to hear themselves, among other things.
    If they turn on loop back for a mic, then re-select the same mic, it'll create a different object for that same exact device, and after turning off loop back for the previous instance (and removing all references to that instance), it'll turn on loop back for the new instance.  The problem?  It's hard to tell for sure, but there appears to possibly be some sort of issue with the Flash Player taking a minute to garbage collect the old instance, and during that time, the Flash Player trying to read audio out of that device and loop it back twice, as opposed to once.
    It's hard to tell whether this is really happening, or whether the distortion I'm hearing is purely two-second transition from one instance to the other, but there are also questions in my mind about the viability of just trying to track each individual device in a Dictionary; if multiple devices have the same name and keep getting pulled out of one port and plugged into another, there seem to be problems in being able to keep track of indivdual devices very well in that case.
    So is this a really big issue for an app that's designed to let people keep switching mics back and forth, as well as letting them refresh the list of available mics over and over?  Or as long as setLoopBack(false); and setSilenceLevel(100); are called on every instance before its references are removed, will there not be any sort of disturbance in future instances' audio (or any other issue, aside from late GC)?  Thanks!

    You're creating a reference. The constructor that runs factorizes some other classes into your object such as Due to instantiating a "new" SoundTransform, it differs from the other mic references SoundTransform. Thus the object is not identical. The debug panel shows you easier:
    If you really just want to see if it's attached to the same device, simply compare the index value.
    if (mic1.index == mic2.index) {
         // same audio recording device

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