Sampling in Logic 8

New to Logic. Is it possible to create a sample in Logic (i.e from a sound CD-rom), then turn it into an Apple Loop. If not can someone give me a solution.
Also what is the Drag and Drop Sample Kit in Logic. Is that where I place my newly created samples to access then. If so, I how do I get them in there. Thanks

Of course you can sample (LOL). Just import Audio files from CD, mp3 or record something with mics or outboard gear. Logic comes with an onboard sampler (EXS), drag and drop works fine with that, you can also use a lot of 3rd party sampler plugs like NI Kontakt or whatever. Your Audio regions (cut up Audio files) can easily be turned into Apple loops if you want to access your sounds via the loop browser. It´s all very easy an intuitive so no worries...

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    1)If u wanna use pllug ins u can edit the waht u wanna in "Real Time" And bounce...
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    Double click the region to get to the sample editor - there you can stretch the audio or make it shortet with the pitch and time tool - check it out - I would read about the sample editor in the logic manual as u go by and do it
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    3: open environment, in the environment parameter it shows AUDIO click hold it and select ALL OBJECT, then go to view and untick "BY TEXT"
    4: connect the GM DEVICE to the channel that has the Multitimbral Sampler on it'll ask Do you want to remove the channels port setting? click remove
    thats it
    Now go to the arrange window and you can use all the 16 midi channels to control one Multitimbral Sampler
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    When you say you are loading a sample, I presume you are not trying to load a sample using the EXS24?
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    Message was edited by: domchristian

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    eastcoastscott wrote:
    I was wondering the same fact, I think I may be missing some items. When you start a new project, there seems to be many choices as far a project templates. (according to some videos I saw). Under Collection I have 3 choices, Explore, Compose and Produce, each with only a couple options. I only have 1, Empty Project template as well. Shouldn't there be more than that?
    When you have a separate question from the one that has originally been posted, it's better to start a new topic with it and have people respond to that.

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    Message was edited by: emjay

    Presumably, this means running your soft sampler as a stand alone program, or in another host. Then all you have to do is route MIDI to it (using the IAC bus) and route the sampler's audio back into Logic (using Soundflower or equivalent).

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    i had always just assumed that i would be able to sample songs
    "Sample songs" - yes you can record audio into an audio track, or import audio files into audio tracks.
    and edit them
    Yes you can use Logic's sample editor for basic editing tools such as trimming, lopping, normalising, reversing and so on. For more advanced editing, you can use Soundtrack Pro.
    the sample editor didnt seem to offer to many options
    What options do you want?
    i havent been able to edit a sample yet, any help is appreciated
    What is it you are trying to do?

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    You need Logic 9 mate, all the stuffs been made real simple. You can chuck in a loop, cut it up and send it to the sampler all with a few clicks.

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