Hi everyone,
After i generated my XML Code with the IGS how can i using this in a BSP page?
I've watching a lot of examples using following tags:
Just for example, if i have the following XML code generate from IGS, what i have to do to show up this chart in a BSP page?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Category>1st quarter</Category>
<Category>2nd quarter</Category>
<Category>3rd quarter</Category>
<Category>4th quarter</Category>
<Series label="Coffee">
<Value type="y">94</Value>
<Value type="y">110</Value>
<Value type="y">139</Value>
<Value type="y">192</Value>
<Series label="Espresso">
<Value type="y">35</Value>
<Value type="y">39</Value>
<Value type="y">59</Value>
thank in advance,

check out these weblogs
IGS Charting; Altering the Customizing XML at Runtime

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    Hi, all
    I want to know the process for installation of SAP IGS 7.0 on HPUX
    what are the steps for installing the IGS in HPUX ?, I can not find a guide to get this information
    I already have downloaded files installations and support of the IGS but no more steps to follow
    I downloaded files SAP IGS 7.0 for HP-UX on IA64 64bits, and decompress and get these files:
    For installation
    ./SAPCAR -xvf igsexe_11-10003072.sar
    SAPCAR: processing archive igsexe_11-10003072.sar (version 2.01)
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    x igspw_mt
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    For help
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    SAPCAR: processing archive igshelper_1-10003072.sar (version 2.01)
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    x igs/data/fonts/ARIALUNI_K.TTF
    x igs/data/fonts/ARIALUNI_S.TTF
    x igs/data/fonts/ARIALUNI_T.TTF
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    x igs/data/gfwchart/22002.bmp
    x igs/data/gfwchart/22003.bmp
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    x igs/log
    SAPCAR: 33 file(s) extracted
    TKs for your answers

    Hello Dany,
    Check the link below for installation:
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to download SAP IGS setup.exe for IGS installation?

    For installing IGS, i tried to download SAP IGS setup.exe from
    "<a href=""></a>--> Support packages --> Entry for application group --> SAP IGS"
    I am able to get '<i><b>.SAR</b></i>' file and '<i><b>IGS installation guide</b></i>', however i could not find '<i><b>.exe</b></i>' file for installation.
    Can any one please guide me in this regard.
    Aparna .P

    Find SAR archiver sofware on SAP Service Marketplace. SAR is just kind of archive file.
    Valery Silaev
    EPAM Systems

  • SAP IGS: JCO.Server could not find server function 'PIGFARMDATA'

    dEAR ALL,
    Operating System: aix6.0
    Database: Oracle 11g
    IGS is not getting started.
    sigs-- IGS_RFC_DEST-- Error is generating " JCO.Server could not find server function 'PIGFARMDATA' ".
    Tried starting IGS USING the below command:
    /usr/sap/KBQ/DVEBMGS01/exe/igswd_mt -mode=profile pf=/usr/sap/KBQ/SYS/profile/KBL_DVEBMGS01_<Hostname>
    Startup using profile
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 1/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    kbqadm>  sapcontrol -nr 01 -function GetProcessList
    22.07.2014 16:36:48
    name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
    msg_server, MessageServer, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 22 16:33:57, 0:02:51, 8847548
    disp+work, Dispatcher, GREEN  Running, Message Server connection ok, Dialog Queue time: 0.00 sec, AS Java: ALL processes running, 2014 07 22 16:33:57, 0:02:51, 12976352
    rslgcoll, Central Syslog Collector, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 22 16:33:58, 0:02:50, 9175214
    rslgsend, Central Syslog Sender, GREEN, Running, 2014 07 22 16:33:58, 0:02:50, 8585278
    DVEBMGS01\exe\ig.sapKBQ_DVEBMGS01, , GRAY, Stopped, , , 13566036
    ps -ef | grep igs--all igs process are running
    HTTP://<HOSTNAME>:40180---sap igs IS RUNNING
    IGS Logs: ( /usr/sap/KBQ/DVEBMGS01/igs/log)
    trace File  pw_sapbwqa_1.trc
    [Portwatcher::Ping] Ping was unsuccessful 3 times
    [Portwatcher::Ping] Reconnect Portwatcher
    Tue Jul 22 16:54:11 2014
    [Portwatcher::Ping] Ping was unsuccessful 1 times
    Tue Jul 22 16:54:41 2014
    [Portwatcher::Ping] Ping was unsuccessful 2 times
    igs vERSION IS Internet Graphics Service 7200.0.7.0
    "mux_sapbwqa.trc---tRACE File
    Tue Jul 22 16:29:13 2014
    *** ERROR => [ListenerRfc::Loop] RfcListenAndDispatch() (IGS.KBQ sapbwqa sapgw01) returned error: RFC_INVALID_HANDLE [listenerrfc_ 1039]
    *** ERROR => [ListenerRfc::OpenRfc] RfcRegisterServer() returned RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE /
    ERROR       partner 'sapbwqa:sapgw01' not reached
    TIME        Tue Jul 22 16:29:13 2014
    RELEASE     720
    COMPONENT   NI (network interface)
    VERSION     40
    RC          -10
    MODULE      nixxi.cpp
    LINE        2896
    DETAIL      NiPConnect:
    SYSTEM CALL connect
    ERRNO       79
    ERRNO TEXT  Connection refused
    COUNTER     18
    [listenerrfc_ 948]
    *** ERROR => [ListenerRfc::Loop] OpenRfc() (IGS.KBQ sapbwqa sapgw01) returned RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE
    Still trying... [listenerrfc_ 1007]
    Tue Jul 22 16:30:13 2014
    *** ERROR => [ListenerRfc::Loop] RfcListenAndDispatch() (IGS.KBQ sapbwqa sapgw01) returned error: RFC_INVALID_HANDLE [listenerrfc_ 1039]
    trc file: "mux_sapbwqa.trc", trc level: 1, release: "720"
    Tue Jul 22 16:39:40 2014
    [IgsMux::Initialize] Internet Graphics Service 7200.0.7.1
    [IgsMux::Initialize] Platform: IBM RS/6000 with AIX (rs6000_64)
    [ListenerRfc::ListenerRfc] Constructed for R/3 NA
    [ListenerHttp::ListenerHttp] Constructed for port 40180
    *** ERROR => [ListenerHttp::Loop] NiListen on port 40180 failed [listenerhttp 703]
    [ListenerHttp::~ListenerHttp] Destroyed for port 40180
    *** ERROR => [ServerTcpIp::NiServerLoop] Caught a NetError: [NetError] [NiBufListen failed] [ServerTcpIp::NiServerLoop()] [-4]. [servertcpip_ 254]
    can you please tel the reason why the IGS is not working

    Hi Gayathri,
    Startup using profile
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 1/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (67: Address already in use) [nixxi.cpp 3735]
    *** ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 2/sock 5
        (SI_EPORT_INUSE/67; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp    3735]
    Just check the process which is using the port
    netstat -tupan|grep 40180
    With Regards

  • SAP IGS trace  reset

    Dear Guru's,
    I have a scenario in which our root file system of SAP instance (CI)  is above the threshold limit of 90%. In order to reduce it
    we performed housekeeping activities and found that IGS trace file (wd_<host>.trc) to be of large size.
    Could any one please let me know  is there a way to reset this trace file ?
    I tried with SIGS where such option is not observed and also I found that current trace level to be 1.
    Please help me out with the following questions.
    How to reset the trace file using SAP without restart? and What would be the default trace level is it 0?
    what is the (UNIX) command to restart Integrated IGS alone so that will it get automatically renamed wd_<host>.trc.old ?
    Already I tried the following command but resulted in error.
    $(DIR_EXECUTABLE)/igswd_mt -mode=ALL profile pf=$(DIR_PROFILE)/<SID>_<INSTANCE>_<HOST>
    Startup using config file
    Configuration file could not be read!
    Note: we are on NW 7.0 platform with LINUX x86 environment
    Appreciate your earliest response.
    Best Regards,
    Viswanathan Subramanian

    Hi Viswanathan,
    Actually you can restart the IGS without restarting the entire system:
    If available use the stopigs script. Note that this script must be run by the same user that started the IGS. If this script is not available run "kill -INT <pid of igswd_mt>" to stop the IGS.
    Use the startigs script to start the IGS. If this script is not available go to the executable directory and run: "igswd_mt -mode=profile pf=<path to the instance profile>"
    You should also check SAP note 896400 to use the latest IGS patch level (always recommended). SAP note  844669 will tell you more about the IGS parameters: igs/tracelevel  might be relevant for your problem.
    At last, but certainly not least, SAP note 514841 can help you in many IGS problems!
    Best regards,

  • SAP IGS 7.20_EXT': Requested instantiation '20007792' invisible

    this warning can be safely ignored. We have approached with SAP Development Support and they informed me that this warning
    will not have any impact in the XML file generation. Proceed with mopz  transaction.
    Best Regards,

    I don't know if it helps.
    Have you try to use the same kernel version as the homogeneus copy source ?
    Send us the log of dev_wpxx is probably that you can find more useful information.
    Best regards.

  • IGS Install with SAP WebAS J2EE 6.4 SP8 -

    I've just installed the latest SAP WebAS J2EE 6.4 SP8 which is supposed to install Internet Graphcis Server (SAP IGS). I can see that the IGS files are installed under \usr\sap\{sapsid}\jc00\igs
    How do I activate or what do I need to get it to run? I don't see any "SAP IGS" service under my Windows Services as suggested by other posts; but perhaps that only applies to the older version of IGS?
    Can't seem to locate any further information in the NetWeaver manuals on how IGS is activated. Pretty sure nothing is running as there's nothing listening on my "http://localhost:8030".
    Any ideas?

    There's no igswd.exe process running in the SAP MMC console as you described. I've checked that the configured HTTP port has been set to 40080 by default but nothing is listening on that port.
    I've checked the startup profile for my instance.
    There's 2 files in that directory one called
    the ".1" extension has an entry to tart IGS but the former doesn't.
    The entry in the ".1" looks like
    _IGS = igswd.exe
    Start_Program_03 = local $(DIR_INSTANCE)\igs\bin\$(_IGS) -dir=$(DIR_INSTANCE)\igs -mode=all -sysname=P01 -sysno=00
    Any idea what could be wrong? I've checked the logs.
    Also, there's nothing listening on port 40080.
    Thanks Ivanov

  • SAP GUI Logon does not have any anything to log on under systems

    Hi everyone!
    My friend installed SAP GUI 7.10 patched to 15 a few months back.
    She was able to log in during that time since there were many servers/groups under the systems tab.
    Right now, after her laptop has been recently cleared of a virus attack, she could no longer log on to any servers/groups because there were nothing there!!!
    She is worried for a few questions:
    FIRST: If she uninstall the program, will she lose her saved files that she worked on during those few months??
    SECOND: Where can the saved files be located?? So that backup can be done when uninstalling SAP GUI 7.10
    I really hope to get a reply soon!!! ( She needs to get her SAP up and running so she can continue on with her practicals since there is some kind of test related to SAP also... )
    Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really grateful if there is a reply...

    Please also be aware that there is the option to re-install the latest SAP GUI with latest patch.
    563161 - SAP GUI, SAP ITS & SAP IGS patches on Service Marketplace
    If you would like to be notified when one of the patches is released please subscribe to the following thread in SAP Developer Network: Notification service for news about SAP GUI for Windows
    1053737 - Expected release dates for SAP GUI for Windows & ITS patches

  • Printing QR-Code barcodes in SAP smartforms

    Is it possible to print QR-Code barcodes in SAP smartforms using system barcode font? Can anybody please let me know the font settings for QR-Code in SE73 font maintenance?
    A sample QR-Code lablel can be found [here|].

    Hi Milan,
    I'll blog in SDN about my research that I presented at TechEd during session CD119 (blog) but I'll begin sharing with you some ideas.
    Basically, without relay on any printer specific driver I would propose to follow the following steps:
    1.Generate the QR Code image file (.PNG) with one of the methods presented in the following pages
    2.Upload the image into the SAP system
    2.1 Convert the generated file (file.png) to TIFF using SAP IGS class CL_IGS_IMAGE_CONVERTER (see GRAPHICS_IGS_IMGCONV_DEMO)
    2.2.Upload. Use report RSTXLDMC to upload the image into SE78
    3.Include the image into the Form:
    If everything is clear, the missing point should now be the first one. To generate the PNG from ABAP I found some options if you like, the better I think is presented in my open source project called abap2qrcode published here
    I know it's not trivial and I'm curious to know what do you think about it.

  • IGS (Business Graphs) not working

    I want to create some business graphs in web dynpro java. for this I have configured IGS URL in Visual admin
    I went to Server>Services>Configuration Adapter>webdynpro>>tcwddispwda>PropertySheetdefault.
    than i clicked on IGSURL and added the following entry in the custom value field and I restarted the server, but even now its showing graphic rendering problem, graphs are not coming.
    Also when I run this url  ( ) in webbrowser its showing me   SAP IGS is running.
    Also, eveything is working fine in Portal Dev server with the above configuration, graphs are coming properly in Dev Portal server , but in Portal QA server graphs are not coming even after the above configuration.
    So what could be the problem in Portal Qa server when graphs are coming properly in piortal Dev server with the above configuration.
    please reply..

    Check the following link:

  • Error when calling up IGS(listenerrfc: unknown error)

    We have integrated IGS 640.2 running on os windows 2003 64 bit(BW 3.5) .When i call the IGS chart from the EP portal i am getting the following error messge
    Error when calling up IGS(listenerrfc: unknown error)
    When i run the report GRAPHICS_IGS_ADMIN i am getting a blank screen.
    This is in the case of production server.
    I am getting the graph when i run report GRAPHICS_IGS_ADMIN in my BW quality server ( with same version IGS 640.2 os windows 2003 32 bit).
    I have followed the below stpes for re-constructionin BW prod:
    Followed the Snote 458731
    1. Checked the Rfc destination 'GFW_ITS_RFC_DEST' amd 'IGS_RFC_DEST'
    2. I can see the monitoring page when i run http://IGSHOST:LISTENERHTTPPORT
    3. Program id and gateway is properly maintained
    4. It is not generating any dumps when i set the dump status to  "dump_on"
    but in BW quality - dump file is getting generated
    I can't switch on trace because it requires resatrt of teh server which is not possible in production.
    I can see service called SAP IGS in BW qualitybut it is missing BW production.
    Apart from that evrything looks similar in both quality and production server.
    Can anyone advice me on how to fix this issue.
    Appreciate your response.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check the following Note : 454042
    In rz20 you can find the IGS as the Internet Graphics Server in the monitor set SAP CCMS Monitors for Optional Components.
    When you double-click on this entry a hierarchy with performance values should be displayed. If no hierarchy is displayed, even though the IGS is running, call transaction se38 and execute the program graphics_igs_admin. Choose Environment  ® Switch on CCMS to activate the IGS display in rz20.

  • IGS Graphics Rendering Problem

    Hi experts,
    I have the following problem with the igs:
    I have 2 applications with business graphics technicaly the same.
    Both worked fine with the same igsURL, but lately one of them is showing "Graphics Rendering Problem"
    Can You tell me please where else can be the problem? The SAP IGS is running, and the URL is the same for both of my apps, obvious the problem is in the app but Idon`t have an idea where to look
    Thanks in advance

    This problem can also be caused when proper values for
    Series and category are not bound..
    Make sure you filled the dataNode with values..


    In Sap IGS demo there only data set for  Categories and Series , how to build a gantt chart use TimeValue or  NumericValue for a Point element ?  I try to use cl_gui_chart_engine class to show a gantt chart in GUI, the X-axis of chart like 'YYMMDD'. Can someone help me?

    What IGS version are you using?
    Are you using the Chart Designer to create the Gantt chart?
    [SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EHP 1 --> Chart Designer |]
    Correct the insertion of the Link
    Edited by: Oisin ONidh on Feb 14, 2011 10:13 PM

  • How to check IGS version and procedure for upgrading IGS patch level

    Hi all,
    We are on BIW 3.5 .Iam not clear about how to check the version of IGS and its patch level .I went through various notes but still iam confused with tracing it , can someone plz help out?
    Secondly want to upgrade IGS version  i went through note 454042 but still confused with doing that , Can someone plz refer other notes or detailed procedure for upgrading IGS.
    Our BIW Production and Test are on AIX and Development is on HP-Unix OS .
    Points guaranteed for the same. Requested to revert at earliest as this is urgent .

    Check this link which may help u:
    The installation/upgrade procedures for the integrated IGS are as follows:
    Integrated Version Installation
    The integrated IGS is automatically installed with the SAP Web Application Server.
    Integrated Version Upgrade
    You find the upgrade files for the integrated IGS version on the SAP Service Marketplace:  ®  Download  ®  Support Packages and Patches ®  Entry by ApplicationGroup  ®  SAP Frontend Components ®  SAP IGS  ®  SAP IGS .
    There, you find the IGS executables and libraries (igsexe_.sar) as well as the IGS folder structure (igshelper_.sar) containing among others font files.
    With the upgrade files of the executables and libraries, proceed exactly like you would with kernel patches (for example, extract the Archive to the same location). More information about kernel patches can be found in the related note 19466 in the section Copying and Installing a Patch.
    The upgrade files for the IGS folder structure must be extracted to the instance directory (DIR_INSTANCE). More information can be found in note 1028690.
    After a restart of the Web AS the new IGS is up and running.   
    Information about finding out your IGS patch level is provided in note 931900.                                                                               
    For an upgrade of an integrated IGS please also check note 896400.
    For more info check this SAP Help doc:
    Hope these helps u...

  • Restart portal integrated IGS?

    Does anyone know of some way of restarting the IGS that is built into the installation of EP6, not the standalone IGS?
    We're running EP6 SP9 and using the IGS server that is built into the installation instead of the standalone version.  But I can't seem to find any way to restart just that portion, the IGS server, without having to restart the whole Portal.

    Thanks for the info.  Could you expand on stopping the gateway service please?  I'm not seeing anything in that link that talks about this.  I remember in the stand-alone version of IGS, stopping the gateway service was easily done through the Windows Services panel.  But in the integrated version of IGS, this service is not running.  The processes that are running related to IGS on my system are:
    igsmux.exe (the igs multiplexer)
    igspw.exe (the igs portwatcher)
    igswd.exe (the igs watchdog)
    The only services I have running related to SAP are:
    SAP J2EE Engine Logviewer
    Here is part of what my IGS config file looks like:
    <?xml version = "1.0"?>
    <IGSCONFIGURATION version="1.0">
         <MUX ip="EPDF" port="40000">
              <LISTENERRFC programid="IGS.epdf" gwhost="bw21" gwservice="sapgw21" recontime="3600"/>
              <LISTENERHTTP port="40080"/>
         <PORTWATCHER port="40001" loadfactor="3">
         <PORTWATCHER port="40002" loadfactor="3">
    Also, I don't have a Start -> Programs -> SAP Frontend -> SAP IGS Configuration.  Since this is integrated, the only way I have of looking at IGS info is by navigating in a browser to http://epdf:40080 and specifying the port that IGS is running on.  Even then, the only things I have the ability to do are look at things.  There don't appear to be any admin functions.

Maybe you are looking for

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