SAP Professional B1 Support License Question

I wasn't sure where to post this question so I posted it in this forum.  We were wondering how other SAP professionals handle the case where if we need to login to a clients SAP B1 to support them and all of the licenses are in use is the onus on us to provide a support license to them during the sale or do you make the client buy an extra license for handling support issues?
Let me know.
Jason Grandmaison

This question should be posted on System Administration forum.

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    Hi Michael
    You are right, it is confusing...
    I think it will be better to contact sales to get this explained as opposed to technical support people that monitor this SCN Space.
    Sales ph: 866-681-3435, 1-800-677-7271
    Worldwide Office Locations | SAP
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow me on Twitter (#SAPLumira)
    Got Enhancement ideas? Use the SAP Idea Place 

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    Best Regards,
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    Microsoft does not provide support for the Crystal Reports products because Crystal Reports are SAP products, ( we're not familiar with the license issue of this
    product, I think you might need help in this SAP products support forum
    Thanks for your understanding.
    response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Many customers have purchased a Network support for personal use. If you purchase via the online store, you can use your own name as the company name.

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    Why don't you call Oracle sales? I guess they'll be happy to answer your question.
    Laurenz Albe

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    Here is the Content of that SAP Note.951816
    When trying to allocate licenses to users, the number of licenses available is less than the (number of total - number of licenses already assigned).
    (Menu Path: Administration -> License -> License Administration)
    Other terms
    license allocation, licenses available, license administration, SAP Business One, missing, less.
    Reason and Prerequisites
    A user with a license allocated to her/him has been deleted from the system without deallocating the license first, or a company with users assigned has been deleted without deallocating the licenses first.
    Each time a license is allocated/deallocated an entry is generated in an xml file "B1Upf.xml"
    (Path: C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\License\ B1Upf.xml).
    If a user/database is deleted without previous deallocation of a license that entry is not removed from the file thus taking up a license space.
    To resolve the issue follow these steps:
    1. Close all SAP Business One clients.
    2. Make a copy of the file (C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One ServerTools\License\B1Upf.xml) and save it with a different name or in a different folder.
    3. Delete the original file.
    4. Stop/Start the license server.
    5. Connect to SAP Business One and assign the licenses (Administration -> License -> License Administration). You will need to reassign licenses for all your users.
    Note: To access the Notes Portal you should have a Valid SUserId
    Edited by: Sridharan T on Apr 21, 2009 5:31 PM

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    Did you make some research in and and the find button on SDN ? Much of the answers for your questions are there waiting for you to read them !
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    Yes it is possible to filter IPs or IP-ranges. Check icm/HTTP/auth_xx parameter and
    For the implementation language, the release information for a web dispatcher 7.0 running on Windows 2003 tells me  :
    compiled on NT 5.0 2195 Service Pack 4 x86 MS VC++ 13.10 
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    2. The web server is also as from a BO XIR2 installation.
    3. The db server runs the data store and audit module is on in the db.
    4. The following report types are to be used by the end user
        4a. Crystal Reports
        4b. Web Intelligent reports (View, drill down etc)
        4c. Desktop Intelligence report (View, drill down etc)
    5. The development box is the same setup in which the 10 developers should have access to have access to these build the universes, crystal, webi and deski reports.
    6. The prod environment will be used by 50 users who should be able to access webi crystal and deski reports.
    7. These users should also be able to create custom webi reports
    Since the licensing for BO is a bit different, can someone please help understand all the different types of licenses required for this setup?

    BO licensing is pretty straight forward, but you should speak to a sales rep for particulars. Generally from the server we have 3 types CPU (in which case everything you stated would be supported), Named Users (in which case you would need 1 per user logging in) and concurrent users (which would require enough licenses to support the maximum of concurrently logged on users).
    The slow response is likely due to the US thanksgiving holiday, I'm sure more folks will be back next week.

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    Microsoft does not provide support for the Crystal Reports products because Crystal Reports are SAP products, ( we're not familiar with the license issue of this
    product, I think you might need help in this SAP products support forum
    Thanks for your understanding.
    response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Reg: SAP Professional Certification

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    I am a Certified consultant in SD and LE/WM with 5.5 yrs of  experience.As I have completed these 2 certifications I would like to  appear for the SAP Professional level certification.
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    Dear Ravi,
    Its always a benefit of doing an add on certification on your associate level. It will really add value as you will find very few Professional level certified consultant in the market.
    May be you know but still for the other members, there are three levels of certifications:
    which differs very heavily on the variety & toughness of the questions.
    Hope your concern is addressed. Pls get back in case of further query.
    Siddharth Kaul

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    Any kind of information will be helpful.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to get professional support from Microsoft.
    Microsoft Professional Support provides remote support to IT professionals involved in the development, deployment and management of Microsoft software solutions in commercial environments.
    More information are provided in the link below:
    Professional Support:
    You can get telephone support from the link below:
    Professional Support Options:
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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    AO 1.4 SP6
    BO 4.1 SP2
    What are the Non SAP data sources supported for Analysis workbooks?

    HANA is a data source (which could contain non-SAP data)
    For other Excel front-ends that may connect to "non-SAP" data look at Live Office or Power BI by Microsoft - see Excel and Power BI connectivity to SAP BusinessObjects Universes | Power BI


    Moderator: We should be thankful that you don't require to solve the exam for you

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