SAP TechEd Featured Lecture of the Week starting on Thursday, April 22

Watch SAP Data Migration from Kenneth Blair, Gerd Danner, and Oren Shatil to learn how to smoothly run your data migration projects.  This Featured Lecture of the Week will be published on Thursday, April 22.

Now another question is how to handle the first and last week of the year with this formating, with 01-Jan it must be inside the first week and with 31-Dec it must be 52nd week, is this possible with a combination of two formats?
with dates as (
    SELECT SYSDATE + 162 adate
      FROM dual
      FROM dual
      FROM dual
      FROM dual)
select trunc(adate) adate,
       to_char(adate,'ww') week_of_the_year,
       to_char(adate,'iw') iso_week_of_the_year,
       to_char(adate,'dy') day_of_the_week
  from dates
order by 1,2,3 ;
30-DEC-08     53     01     tue
30-DEC-09     52     53     wed
31-DEC-09     53     53     thu
01-JAN-10     01     53     fri

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  • Featured Lecture of the Week - Discussion Forum

    Please use this forum to discuss Web Dynpro for ABAP Overview the SAP TechEd Featured Lecture of the Week starting on Thursday April 15.

    nice to be featured i guess... all thanks goto Arch developers ofcourse, for making such a great distro. I only made it live...
    and ofcourse, thanks goto the great Archie team - developers and testers - for contributing so much to the project
    lately i got some projects (finally... a man gotta live...) so im busy with other stuff atm. I do try todo my best to work on Archie too, but for now im building a customized Archie for my congregation (hebrew supported, nice customization, featuring the bibletime software), and i try to squeeze some Archie work between here and there. Hopefully with dibble's and the rest of the team we'll be able to release 0.6 (xfce/kde/e17) shortly.

  • How to get the week start date from ISO week number

    I have a table with the following stucture
    Year    error    Week1     week2   week3 ......week53
    2012       error1     2           4         2             1
    2012       error2    3          0        1                 1I was hoping to get something like select year, error, week1||'Week start date which is a monday of that week' , week2||'Week start date,again monday',....week53 from table
    Any suggestions please?

    Hi, Sun,
    To see when week N started, add 7 * (N - 1) days to the beginning of the year. (By definition, the beginning of the ISO year is the start of week 1 of the ISO year.)
    To see when week 22 of the current year started:
    SELECT  TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'IYYY') + (7 * (22 - 1))
    FROM    dual
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using.
    See the forum FAQ {message:id=9360002}

  • TS4000 The Week Starts on a Monday Apple!!!

    Please tell me how to get the Calendar on my 4S to start the week on Monday as it always did prior to the recent iOS upgrade. Apart from the fact that it's wrong, it's also highly annoying!!!

    Hi, believe it or not I've checked that loads of times and the region is already correctly selected. It's so annoying to have your weekend split either side of the working week when you're trying to plan ahead using this calendar. You should be able to selct your preference - I'm fairly sure I used to be able to do so with Apple products... Come on Apple sort it out!!!

  • Virtual SAP Teched Lecture ABAP

    Hi all,
    Could anybody tell me what was the name of last weeks Virtual SAP Teched Lecture of the week and the lectuarer's name? It was about new enhancement in ABAP including demos.
    Could you tell me where can I download it from?
    It was online yesterday and now the link is pointing to a another free Operate and Manage SAP Systems on Virtual Server Technology lecture.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi again -
    Yes, SAP TechEd '07 Las Vegas and Munich registrants who purchased full-conference registration receive complimentary access to the <i><b>entire</b></i> Virtual SAP TechEd '07 program, not just the five free sessions.
    Virtual SAP TechEd '07 resides on the Content Subscriptions webpage at
    Use the same e-mail address to log in to SDN that you used when registering for the conference. 
    If you still do not see the complete Virtual SAP TechEd '07 offering on the Content Subscriptions webpage, it may be that the e-mail address you used to register for SAP TechEd ’07 does not match the e-mail address associated with your SDN or BPX account.
    To validate your SAP TechEd '07 registration and gain access to Virtual SAP TechEd '07, please send an email to the respective SAP TechEd Conference Team:
       SAP TechEd '07 Las Vegas
       [email protected]
       SAP TechEd '07 Munich
       [email protected]
    Kind regards,
    Diane Davis

  • Wrong starting day of the week printing calendar in month view

    I'm trying to print a month view calendar with the weeks starting from Monday.
    In "Preferences" -> "General tab" ->"Start week on:"  I've set Monday, and it is properly viewed in Calendar, but when I try to print it in the preview I see Tuesday as first day of the week.
    This happens on many MacBook that I've tried, all with Yosemite and Italian regional settings.
    The only way to resolve this issue is to open "System Preferences" ->"Language & Region" and change the "First day of the week:" on Sunday in all my "Preferred Languages" (both Italian and English), to have the printing preview of a calendar starting on Monday!
    Is there an other way?
    Is this a bug that should be submitted to Apple to get a "patch" on future releases of Mac OS X?
    I know, it is a tiny issue, but annoying.

    Re: Calendar printing problem

  • The calendar week view on my iphone 4s starts on a Sunday.  I am synching with outlook on my computer which starts the week view on a Monday which I prefer.  How do I change my iphone calendar view to start the week on a Monday?

    The calendar week view on my iphone 4s starts on a Sunday.  I am synching with outlook on my computer (pc)  which starts the week view on a Monday which I prefer.  How do I change my iphone calendar view to start the week on a Monday?  I am in Australia.
    I have just noticed the other discussion points - mine is set to Australia. 
    Dear Apple - as the day that the week starts on can depend on country and religion - how about making it an option that the user can change????

    I believe the week view on the iPhone is handled by the Region settings in the phone. I am not aware of any other manner to change it, as you can with Outlook.

  • After iOS 5 upgrade, my calendar starts on the wrong day of the week

    I've upgraded my iPhone to iOS 5. My region is still selected as Australia, but Sunday is showing up as the first day of the week now.
    I have not yet upgraded my iPad. It shows Australia as the region format and is correctly displaying Monday as the first day of the week. 
    So it appears that the iOS 5 update changes some details of the Australia region format.  Does anyone know of a way to manually select the first day of the week?  Thanks.

    I can confirm that the start day of the week is determined by the Region Format setting (insanely). My girlfriend is still on iOS 4.3.5 and has a Region Format of Australia, and has the week starting on Monday. Apple must have changed it to Sunday in iOS 5.
    The best workaround country I've found so far is Namibia!
    Tap on Settings > General > International. change Region Format to Namibia.
    Different regions affect different things. If you choose UK, you get the week starting on Monday, but the clock changes to 24 hr and the phone numbers format the UK way.
    The only downside of Namibia so far is that you no longer get ".au" as an option if you're typing a web address and you hold down the ".com" button on the keyboard.
    Apple needs to add a "First Day of Week" option in the Calender preferences, like they have in the iCloud Calendar preferences and iCal preferences (which are both ignored on the iPhone and iPad!).
    Even Americans are complaining about this. It must be the easiest fix in the world, yet they still haven't done it.

  • How to return the week number starting from Sunday as the first day

    Hi Friends,
    My application needs to have a report for the weekly totals and must have the Sunday as the first day for the week. For example, January of 2005 should be in the report for having six weeks, Jan 1 is Saturday, this is week 1, Week 2 is from 2 to 8, and the last week , week 6 has 30 and 31. Days need not be displayed, only the week number as follows:
    Week Number Total Sales
    =========== =========
    Week 1 8,525
    Week 2 8,168
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    The discoverer hierarchies function for week (eul_date_trunc(item_date, '"W"W')) seems to start the week from the first day of the month regardless of the day. Oracle function TO_CHAR(item_date, 'W') does the same thing, .As the result, the January of 2005 has only 5 weeks.
    Any help or advice for this issue will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much,

    Try this
    ---------------------------------------------actual formula---------------
    select ceil(
    ( to_number(to_char(to_date('1-'||to_char(sysdate,'MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY'),'D')) -1
    + to_number(to_char(sysdate,'DD'))
    ) / 7
    from dual
    e.g try different dates below by replacing 31-Jan-2005
    select ceil(
    ( to_number(to_char(to_date('1-'||to_char(to_date('31-JAN-2005'),'MON-YYYY'),'DD-MON-YYYY'),'D') ) -1
    + to_number(to_char(to_date('31-JAN-2005'),'DD'))
    ) / 7
    from dual
    How does it work
    week number is calculated by dividing the current day number by number of days
    so in your case if the week starts at a different day , you just add the offset and divide by 7
    In the first part, i am finding the week day number for the 1st day of the current month and this is used as offset.
    Hope this helps

  • How to have a week start on monday on the IPhone ???

    I jus want to know how can I make my week start on monay not on sunday. On ICal the week start on monday.
    Thanks in advance

    That's based on Settings > General > International > Region Format. If set to United States, the week starts on Sunday; UK week starts on Monday.

  • FM to find week start and end date on the basis of a given date

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a requirement in which I require the week start and end date  of any given date.
    For eg: The given date is Wednesday 24.03.2010, I need a function module to calculate the week start date ie. Monday 22.03.2010 and week end date ie. Sunday 28.03.2010 on the basis of that date.
    Any input to this query would be helpful.
    Nimisha Agarwal
    Edited by: Nimisha Agarwal on Jul 7, 2010 7:47 AM

    HI nimisha,
    many posts r there for this .
    Kindly check  before posting
    anyways this FM will serve u  r purpose.

  • How i can change te first day of the week?

    By default the week start in sunday and i want monday.
    In the siebelOnDemnad documentation i find some about one parameter named FIRST_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK in NQSConfig.INI but i don't know how to change it.

    I don't believe its possible to change the first day of the week.

  • Want to make Monday as the first day of the week in GregorianCalendar. how?

    I need to know what day is the first of the month is. for example the 1st of Nov 2004 is Moday and 1st of Dec 2004 is saturday.
    I am using the GregorianCalendar:
    1.  GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(2004,11,1);    //set date to 1st Nov 2004
    2.  int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);now firstDay is 2. This is because the week starts from Sunday, so Monday is the 2nd day.
    But I am in Uk and my Uk Calendar shows monday as the first day (even in Windows 2000 Calendar).
    I would like the GregorianCalendar to have Monday as the first day of the week, so that the
    int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    returns 1 in the above case.
    I also tried adding
    calendar.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); just between line 1 and line 2, but it did not help.
    This is because i don't want to manually subtract 1. If i manually subtract one, then the program might not work in other locale and timezones.
    Also if I subtract 1, then for 1 Feb 2004,
    int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    will return 1 as 1st Feb 2004 falls on Sunday. so if i subtract 1 it will be 0, so I have to do a extra checking for 0.
    Is there anyway to make the Calendar have Monday as the first day of the week??

    I need to know what day is the first of the month is.Why does this matter? Since we know that 1 == Sunday and 2 == Monday... Why do you need Monday to be == 1? and couldn't you just subtract 1 if it's so important?
    for example the 1st of Nov 2004 is Moday and 1st of
    Dec 2004 is saturday.
    I am using the GregorianCalendar:
    1.  GregorianCalendar calendar = new
    GregorianCalendar(2004,11,1);    //set date to 1st Nov
    2.  int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);now firstDay is 2. This is because the week starts
    from Sunday, so Monday is the 2nd day.
    But I am in Uk and my Uk Calendar shows monday as the
    first day (even in Windows 2000 Calendar).
    I would like the GregorianCalendar to have Monday as
    the first day of the week, so that the
    int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    returns 1 in the above case.
    I also tried adding
    ] just between line 1 and line 2, but it did not help.
    This is because i don't want to manually subtract 1.
    If i manually subtract one, then the program might not
    work in other locale and timezones.
    Also if I subtract 1, then for 1 Feb 2004,
    int firstDay = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
    will return 1 as 1st Feb 2004 falls on Sunday. so if i
    subtract 1 it will be 0, so I have to do a extra
    checking for 0.
    Is there anyway to make the Calendar have Monday as
    the first day of the week??

  • First day of the week in calendar

    In the UK (as in many countries) the week starts on Sunday and calendars normally reflect this. With iPhone the week starts on Monday (in UK) but in Ireland it starts on Sunday. I really can't use a calendar showing Monday as the first day of the week (it's too confusing when compared to printed calendars and iCal on the computer). If I set iPhone calendar to Ireland that's fine for a while but soon it reverts to UK and Monday. Is it possible to make this calendar show the correct day all the time?

    Yes, it's possible, by changing Settings > General > International > Region Format to something other than the UK. Setting it to the United States will give you a week starting on Sunday. But, that setting also controls the way dates and phone numbers are displayed, so those are affected as well. But, maybe that's already how you already "set iPhone calendar to Ireland," in which case, I'm not sure why it's reverting back, unless it's resulting from when you sync the phone to your computer.

  • How to get week starting with sunday date

    I have a date column "start_date", i need to create a report for all the weeks starting from sunday , for eg:
    i need to get week dates as :
    mm/dd/yy - 01/23/11 , 01/16/11 , 01/09/11 and so on...
    Please help

    To find the last Sunday before or equal to start_date:
    SELECT     TRUNC ( start_date + 1
               , 'IW'
               ) - 1          AS week_start_date
    ...You can use an expression like this in a GROUP BY clause, also.
    This does not depend on you NLS settings. ISO weeks always start on Monday. Your week starts 1 day earlier, so that's why the expression above has the +1 and -1.
    (Depending on you NLS settings,
    SELECT     TRUNC ( start_date
               , 'D'
               )          AS week_start_date
    ...might do the same thing, but I still rocommend using 'IW'; a few extra keystrokes isn;t much to pay for a guarantee that it will always work.)
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements) and the results you want from that data.

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