Save a midi file?

I found a midi file on the internet but I can't seem to save it on my Mac. ç
I found the same file with my PC and right clicked to "Save Target As" and saved it in my midi program and that was that.
How do I do that with Mac?

You may wanna try the Mac forum. This is the Windows forum. But, are you able to drag and drop the file to your desktop on the Mac?

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    Hi All
    I've recorded some piano in GB on my new laptop (MBPro) but need to edit it in Logic. Since I'm running LogicPro7 (on my iMac upstairs) it won't open' the file, as it says it's created by a newer version of Logic.
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    Interesting, would you know what type of I should search for?
    I have to say, it seems like  a pretty basic requirement.

  • Save as Midi file?

    I found a midi file on the internet but I can't seem to save it on my Mac.
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    It's a bit complicated, but it can be done. It's complicated because the genius who wrote that webpage thought that only Windows Internet Explorer users visit the page...
    Anyway, here's how to download that audio stream.
    1. Open your webpage with Safari and go to Window-->Activity-->View-->As source code; (press Apple + F keys) find your midi file (.mid, audio/mid, audio/m, audio/midi, audio/x-midi, application/x-midi). Copy it.
    2. Type the following command line -dumpstream into the freeware MPlayer X in the lower small blank space named "Additional Parameters" (see screenshot).
    3. In MPlayer X, go to File-->Open URL, paste there your "xxxxxx.mid" web address, and press OK. Now, MPlayer X will start recording your audio/video stream.
    4. A file named "stream.dump" will be saved on the desktop. Simply rename it by adding its orginal .mid (?, or .ra or whatever it was) extension and it's done.
    5. GarageBand can open and play those files.

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    Message was edited by: trobert225 - I accidentally posted before I finished the question.

    Well I think the problem is solved. There was a conflict between Logic and iLife 06. I bought a new computer this week and had to load everything into it. I decided not to put in iLife 06 yet including Garageband and all the jam packs. I loaded all the new .caf files off the Logic DVD
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  • Having problem importing midi files.

    Hello everyone,
    I am having trouble importing midi files in GB. Every time I do all I get is a single insrument, and not the whole midi file as it was when I downloaded it. I tried Dent du midi and cant even get that to work. It looks like it is working, but never seperates the tracks. I would really like to be able to pick apart midi files. Anyone have any ideas. This is my first Apple, but I have been a PC Tech for 8 years now. (I Hate PCs, I love the Mac)

    Welcome to the forum. Yes, sometimes these issues occur. Since I am the biggest importer of MIDI files to GB3, I will see what I can do for you.
    First, when you wish to import a MIDI, drag the file onto an empty area (ie no tracks) of the GarageBand window. Hold until you see a + sign. Drop, and you should see the tracks appear.
    How did you obtain the MIDI file? From the Net? How did you save it? What were the steps?
    Do you have Quicktime Pro? Sometimes the way you save a MIDI file will make a difference. You have a choice between "save as movie" or "save as source", and I believe the latter works best.
    Has it worked for other MIDI files? Or is one or two giving you issues? Perhaps if you can post a link to the MIDI file, I can have a look at it.

  • Trouble importing midi files

    please excuse this intrusion.
    you are probably all more experienced with this topic than the GB users
    I cannot get midi files that were created and exported from Cubase SL 1.04 3-5 years ago and initially worked in Garageband 2 to import.
    They will work with dent du midi but will not drag successfully into the GB interfase. These did come in weeks ago. I believe it might have something to do with QT 7.02
    I dont know. could it? I have checked everything. The files do not import. New files off the internet do import. i thought a midi file was a midi file was a midi file

    Welcome to the forum. Yes, sometimes these issues occur. Since I am the biggest importer of MIDI files to GB3, I will see what I can do for you.
    First, when you wish to import a MIDI, drag the file onto an empty area (ie no tracks) of the GarageBand window. Hold until you see a + sign. Drop, and you should see the tracks appear.
    How did you obtain the MIDI file? From the Net? How did you save it? What were the steps?
    Do you have Quicktime Pro? Sometimes the way you save a MIDI file will make a difference. You have a choice between "save as movie" or "save as source", and I believe the latter works best.
    Has it worked for other MIDI files? Or is one or two giving you issues? Perhaps if you can post a link to the MIDI file, I can have a look at it.

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    Thanks in advance

    Sorry, GB doesn't output any midi data, neither streaming nor as a file. You can open GB files in Logic and then export them as midi.

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    I understand that. The problem is the jump from GarageBand to Logic is way to broad. We have consumer titles and we have professional titles in both video and music production, but we do not have proper prosumer intermediates. You are either paying $25 for something limited, or upwards to $400 - $1,000.
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    what program uses the extension .smf? is it another music program?
    to use a logic midi track in another program you need to export it as a Standard Midi File (SMF) which has the .mid extension then you can import it into another music program. Logic does not convert midi tracks to any other extension except .mid

  • ITunes no longer recognizes midi files how can I play and convert them?

    iTunes 10.3 recognised midi files, I could "move" them to the iTunes library and select them. then click on "Advanced" and "Convert to AAC" (or to MP3 etc).
    iTunes 10.5 will not recognise midi files.
    I think an older version of GarageBand could also read and convert midi files, but this no longer appears to be the case either in the latest version.
    How can I now convet midi files? Has Apple decided to simply ignore them?

    Thanks to Limnos, I now have some further things to try, but in the meantime I found I had been maligning GarageBand 11. Indeed its built-in Help system doesn't seem to mention Midi files at all, but I found out how to insert them from Apple's on-line support system at and it works superbly well - one can even change the instruments on individual channels etc and then save the lot as an AAC (m4a) or mp3 etc file.
    I also loaded up an old version of iTunes, version 10.3, which still recognises Midi files and can convert them to AAC or mp3 but in so doing some volume seems to be lost.
    But the winner so far for me has been Audacity, free software. One needs to add a LAME encoder for mp3 output, I installed Soundflower and routed the playback of the midi file available in the Finder (in fact for the whole machine, while playing the midi file) and declared Soundflower as the input for Audacity. I could then use Audacity's effects menu to increase the volume throughout the track and save it. I then, using the Sound preferences of the machine, switched back to the inbuilt speakers and was able to listen to a higher volume version, playable in iTunes 10.5. More faithful to the original midi file than the GarageBand version.
    See instructions at and in particular one of the links tml
    This is for Windows but for Mac it's very similar/ - still Audacity. BUT the instructions in the last link don't seem to quite work, which is why I had to use Soundflower. I can import the midi file, I can select it, but then the export item on the file menu remains greyed out and unuseable, so I must presumably be missing some plug-in. Also Audacity keeps telling me it can't find various ffmpeg files even though I thought I had installed them correctly. I'm obviously missing something here, but at least I can now get my midi files into aac or mp3 format again at last.
    For Soundflower see and
    and there is a useful tutorial by Nowjobless on YouTube at
    Good luck to anyone else facing the same problems, it remains to be seen how to "convert" midi files to mp3 in Audacity without recourse to Soundflower.

  • How to save kontakt sample files in Logic Pro X project?

    I'm using Kontakt (Komplete, Native Instruments) as my samples for my midi in Logic Pro X, and my sample libraries are stored in an external hard drive which I bring around.
    I need to send my Logic file over to another computer which will not have my hard drive that contains my sample libraries.
    Is there a way to save my Kontakt Sample midi files together with Logic's folder, so when I open Logic without my ext Hard Drive, the midi can still be read?
    I tried clicking Save As --> Organize my project as a "Folder", and ticked EVERYTHING --- Audio Files, EXS instruments and samples, Ultrabeat samples, Space Designer impulse responses, Movie file, Include Apple Sound Library Content.
    But when I unplugged my external hard drive (which my sample files are stored), and clicked open that logic file which i saved, windows pop up saying it cannot locate my samples.
    Is this a bug in Logic Pro X, or am I doing something wrong?
    Or is it totally not possible to copy sample files over?

    skylurker wrote:
    I tried clicking Save As --> Organize my project as a "Folder", and ticked EVERYTHING --- Audio Files, EXS instruments and samples, Ultrabeat samples, Space Designer impulse responses, Movie file, Include Apple Sound Library Content.
    Or is it totally not possible to copy sample files over?
    Logic will not copy over any 3rd party samples etc. If you really need to, you would need to copy the appropriate libraries manually, though with Kontakt, some libraries would need to be re-authorised.

  • Export mide files

    I have a session whith Au instruments. I want export midi file. When I import again exported midi file logic place each regions which stand in one track to many tracks. I have many many tracks thith one region on them.
    I shood to glue all regions on tracks before export?
    I tryed to check "saves single reg./ to midi 0..." but I have same result

    Hi Sergey
    Save your session as
    Glue how you see fit
    Export. Nothing to lose this way.

  • Reading/editing/writing midi files

    does anyone experienced how to read, edit and write midi file back to the JAR file with J2ME /MIDP 2.0? All I can do is playing the file, that's not much and not what I need :-(

    There are no built in methods in MIDP to edit MIDI files. If you know the format well enough, you can read the file into a byte array (using Class.getResourceAsStream()) and edit it manually byte by byte. You won't be able to write it back to the jar, but you can save the edited MIDI in the RMS, or if you have one of the newest phones that support file connections then you can save it on the phone's file system.

  • Opening a MIDI file in Logic - a problem

    Is there a way to open a MIDI file in Logic without Logic automatically assigning instruments to each track?

    First of all many thanks to you and other contributors to this thread.
    Here's a summary of what I've learned so far:
    When you open a MIDI file, all the data concerning meter and tempo are retained.
    When you import a MIDI file data concerning meter and tempo are lost.
    In the unlikely event that you don't care about retaining meter and tempo data, the simplest thing is to drag the MIDI file into the Arrange page of your template. If this method gave you the option of retaining meter and tempo data, it would accomplish just what we'd all like - - a simple way of moving a MIDI file into a Logic template... I suggest writing to Apple with this suggestion. You can do this by going to the feedback page of the Apple website:
    If you want to retain meter and tempo data then you can open the MIDI file while holding the option key down. (Thanks Donald!!)
    This eliminates the loading of the EXS instruments Logic has decided are appropriate for your MIDI file.
    However, when you go to the mixer page, you discover that you cannot create "software instrument" Channel Strips because they are grayed-out on the channel strip menu.
    To fix this, you need to import the Mixer layer of the Logic template you've created for whatever virtual instrument plugins you intend to use. (In my case the multi channel Vienna Ensemble (VE) plugin and Kontakt. You do this by looking under the "import Environment" selection in the Options menu of the current environment.
    You then import the Mixer level of the Environment of your Logic template. (This template should have a multichannel channel MIDI instruments wired to Audio Instruments.)
    This will give you two mixer levels in the environment - - and the imported one will lack some important elements such as Output 1-2, Master, Click and PreListen.
    To move these to new Mixer page select them all, hold down the option key and switch to new Mixer page. They will move to the new mixer page. Return to the now empty original Mixer page and use the "delete layer" command available under the flip menu on the upper left corner of the window.
    Then you can reassign the tracks in the arrange page to the appropriate channels. (e.g VE 1 1, VE 1-2, etc.) However, the assignment menu does look a litle funky, since, in my experience, there are two VE 1-1s, VE1-2s etc.
    The advantage of using multi-channel virtual instrument which works as both plugin and standalone is that you can create a pre-existing template with all your instruments loaded in it and save it. Thus if you were working with a VE Standalone as the playback device for Finale or Sibelius and you save it, you can, after instantiating VE as a software instrument in Logic, open it and it will have all your settings.
    There are other alternatives - - you can open the Logic template you've made for working with multi-channel virtual instrument plugins and then - - without closing the template - - open the MIDI file. This will result in a dialog box asking if you want a new Environment or to copy the Environment of the file that is already open. If you do this you will get a result similar to what I've described above, but it will be a little weird in wholly different ways - - which you can clean up to a greater or lesser extent.
    If only things were more simple: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis, I guess.
    Again I suggest writing to Apple about this on their online feedback page. If enough people do this, things might be improved in this regard.

  • Why won't QuickTime Pro 7.0.4 open my MIDI files?

    Have QT Pro 7.0.4, OS 10.4.6, Safari 2.0.3 on eMac computer. Downloaded MIDI from Classical Music Archives but file won't open. When try to open it, get message on eMac screen "QT cannot open the file tmcpsolf.mid It is not a file that QT understands (-2048)". I could open MIDI files from any source easily in OS 9.0.4 with QT Pro.
    I checked MIME settings in QT preferences, and MIDI is checked as "on".
    Also can't open MIDI file in eMac of piano music I saved on floppy disk from my Yamaha digital piano MIDI recorder. Get same message as above.
    What can I do to get QT to open and play MIDI? Thank you.
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    Sorry for such a long message, but I want to make sure you have all the correct information. Issue #1 is still unsolved. Issue #2 I solved (see below).
    Issue #1: QuickTime Pro 7.0.4 won't open Midi files created by external Midi recorder. QT does not recognize Midi file.
    Just to clarify, I have a digital piano without USB, so I can't connect the piano to my new eMac to record my music with a suitable computer based Midi recorder/synthesizer and related program. This is my first attempt at recording Midi on an external, not computer based Midi recorder.
    I have never tried to use any Midi recording process with my old iMac, OS 9.0.4, QuickTime 5.x
    A few days ago I purchased an old (but new, never been used), Midi recorder which does not have USB but it connects to my piano to record as Midi what I play and save on its built in floppy disk. I use the in and out Midi portals on my piano and Midi recorder to send signals back and forth to the recorder, and play the music back in the piano so I can hear what I just played. That part works fine. The recorder is limited to only one Midi track per file for
    recording music.
    The floppy is MicroSoft DOS format which I initialized with the recorder before using it per the recorder's manual.
    After recording several Midi files in the floppy, I wanted to hear them in my eMac and e-mail them. I assumed the Midi format would be recognized by eMac, regardless of the MicroSoft DOS format of the floppy, and that QuickTime would open them. Isn't .mid a generic extension recognized by Mac and QT as a Midi file?
    The eMac displayed the Midi files (.mid) on the desktop (I used Imation SuperDisk external floppy drive to transfer the Midi files to eMac). When I double clicked on these files to open them, I got the message I quoted above in my first posting, that QuickTime did not recognize the Midi file.
    Perhaps my recorder has some sort of code it assigns to the Midi it records that the Mac and/or QuickTime can't recognize? Or QT won't recocgnize a one track Midi file?
    Do you have any guess as to why QT won't recognize my .mid files?
    Issue #2: QT won't open Midi music I download from
    This issue I solved a few hours ago - see below.
    In my old iMac, OS 9.0.4 I would double click and listen to Midi music files at or any other url via QuickTime Pro 5.x, no problems.
    I also downloaded, saved and opened them with QT 5.x
    In new eMac, when I double click the Midi file on web, QT automatically opens usual player window and I can listen to Midi OK.
    When I save file as "Source" from the above QT window, it is a Midi file (.mid) which QT will not open on the desktop, I get identical "not recognized" message I get with Midi recorder files.
    I found a solution to opening and hearing the downloaded file as follows:
    When I save Midi file via QT player window as "QuickTime Movie" (.mov), I can open it with QT and listen to it. So, Issue #2 is solved in order to listen to the Midi I download.
    Thank you for your time and trouble. Please advise re Issue #1 before we close this case as "unsolved".
    eMac   Mac OS X (10.4)   PowerBook 190 OS 7.5.5

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