Save copy of emails to dvd

I wish to burn a copy of all my "documents" in my email on a dvd for back up. Can you tell me where to go on the hard drive to find the file they are located in?

Yes, if making a backup copy of all your mail is what you want, that folder is the only thing you need to care about. Note, however, that all your account settings are stored separately in the ~/Library/Preferences/ file, so you may want to back up that file as well.

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    -Dave Bartholomew

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    -Dave B
    ) Right-click on the email address
    ) Select “Filter by: …”  Doing this will change the view to show only entries that were sent from the selected email address.
    ) And it will display the Filter in the header of the form.
    ) Left-click on the email address displayed in the filtered results, in the header of the form.
    ) A new sub-form will appear, and the email address can be cut and pasted from this new sub-form.  Highlight the email address and hit “Ctrl C”, or right-click and select copy.
    ) Now you can paste the email address into a new email in Office 365. (Ctrl V) or right-click and select “Paste”
    ) Click the “Clear” button and then “OK” to exit the filtered view of the data.

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    As far as I'm aware, you can choose to either save a copy or not.
    This is set up in your Account Settings> copies & folders for the mail account.
    I'm not aware of any method that lets you preselect to not save a particular email. Other than changing the Account Settings prior to creating the email and then resetting them again after sending.
    The only option would be to save all as auto and delete what you do not want.

  • HT201272 can someone help me with this chat session.Font Size You are chatting with an Advisor now. This chat will be recorded. At the end of the session, you can print the transcript or request a copy via email. Privacy Policy Advisor [4:49 p.m.]: Hi, my

    Font Size
    You are chatting with an Advisor now. This chat will be recorded. At the end of the session, you can print the transcript or request a copy via email.
    Privacy Policy
    Advisor [4:49 p.m.]:
    Hi, my name is Jacob. It'll be just a moment while I review the comments you provided.
    Advisor [4:49 p.m.]:
    Hello Machelle, how may I assist you today?
    Customer [4:51 p.m.]:
    Can you please help me recover the new testament of the bible from media group. The have vanished.
    Customer [4:52 p.m.]:
    I need to recover the lost purchases I made from media group. I had all of the new testament.
    Advisor [4:53 p.m.]:
    Thank you for this information, I understand that you are missing some purchases. I do want to apologize for this inconvenience. I will be more then happy to look into  this for you.
    Advisor [4:53 p.m.]:
    Would you be able to provide your Apple ID? This is the email used to sign into the iTunes store.
    Customer [4:54 p.m.]:
    [email protected]
    Advisor [4:54 p.m.]:
    Thank you, one moment please.
    Advisor [4:56 p.m.]:
    Were these individual purchases? If so could you provide the name for each individual purchase?
    Customer [4:57 p.m.]:
    yes it the new testament books of the bible
    Customer [4:57 p.m.]:
    genesis etc...
    Advisor [4:58 p.m.]:
    I apologize, but I am not exactly familiar with the New Testament. Would you be able to provide these names for me so I can locate them on my end?
    Customer [4:59 p.m.]:
    Genisis Mark Matthew Luke John
    Customer [4:59 p.m.]:
    Exodus Levitus Numbers
    Advisor [5:00 p.m.]:
    Just a quick question, were these all audiobooks?
    Customer [5:00 p.m.]:
    Customer [5:00 p.m.]:
    Yes from media group
    Advisor [5:00 p.m.]:
    Okay, are you currently on a computer with iTunes installed?
    Customer [5:01 p.m.]:
    Advisor [5:02 p.m.]:
    Unfortunately, audiobooks and ringtones are the only items on the iTunes store unavailable for re-download through iTunes in the Cloud. What I can go ahead and do is try and re-add these audiobooks back to your download queue for re-download. Please note if they have been removed or modified on the iTunes store they may not be available for re-download. Would this be okay?
    Customer [5:03 p.m.]:
    yes thank you!
    Advisor [5:03 p.m.]:
    Excellent, one moment please.
    Advisor [5:05 p.m.]:
    I apologize but after reviewing your account, it looks like we have already issued 3 exceptions for you to re-download your audiobooks in the past. Back on 02/23/2013. I apologize but we will be unable to do another exception for you. 
    Customer [5:06 p.m.]:
    that down load did include the new books of the bible that I had.
    Customer [5:07 p.m.]:
    that down load did not have the new testament books of the bible that I had
    Advisor [5:07 p.m.]:
    While reviewing the notes, this was issued to add all available audiobooks bought on your account. I again apologize but I will be unable to issue another exception to you. As the previous advisor did inform you to make sure to back up your files.
    Customer [5:08 p.m.]:
    the other advisor did not down load the new testament books. The advisor did not restore all of the books that I had originally brought.
    Advisor [5:10 p.m.]:
    While looking closer, the books that you are missing are no longer available to be re-downloaded. This is the reason why they were not added back to your download queue when he issued them. Unfortunately, as we do not handle the content on the iTunes store you will need to get in contact with the publisher of the content as they were the ones two remove or modify these books on the iTunes store. If you would like I can provide a link to their support site.
    Customer [5:11 p.m.]:
    yes they are I saw them.
    Advisor [5:11 p.m.]:
    They may have been modified by the content owner. This will be the reason why they were not added. As Apple does not control 3rd party content on the iTunes store. You will need to get in contact with them as we are unable to re-add this content back to your download queue.
    Customer [5:12 p.m.]:
    it is I just looked at it in the itunes store
    Customer [5:13 p.m.]:
    the material is still the same. The store does have it.
    Advisor [5:13 p.m.]:
    Machelle, if the items have been modified since you bought them, they will be unavailable for us to issue them back to you. You will need to get in contact with the providers for these books as they are the content owners and we do not have access to issue these back to you.
    Customer [5:14 p.m.]:
    the are still the same bible books that I purchased at the store.
    Customer [5:14 p.m.]:
    The audio books are the same. When I buy it again nothing will be different.
    Advisor [5:14 p.m.]:
    Machelle, I understand this. This is what our records are showing. When the previous advisor tried to re-issue them to you they were unable to as they have been modified on the iTunes store.
    Advisor [5:15 p.m.]:
    In order to receive further support for this issue you will need to get in contact with Media Group as they are the content providers for these audiobooks.
    Customer [5:15 p.m.]:
    I will buy them from another source. Don't say they have changed. The books are the same books I brought. They are at the store.
    Advisor [5:16 p.m.]:
    Machelle, Apple does not handle the content for 3rd party publishers on the iTune

    MoonSwan wrote:I've never heard of a validating editor but I was recently wondering what exists that could help me.  Aside from emacs, what should I search for to find one of these validating editors?
    You can use whatever tool you prefer - for someone already using emacs, emacs is a natural choice. Simple, easy to use online tools exist e.g.
    Just upload the file in question ('Validate by file upload' option) and click 'Validate':
    The '=' character cannot be included in a name. (723:10)
    Googling 'xml validation' should give you some more tools / services if this one is not good enough.

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    Never mind. I figured out the 2.0 update. My system wasn't updating I-tunes...and the I-phone update option window was hidden behind some other system information. I figured it out. The download, install and re-synch took about an hour. Lots of horror stories out there about people trying to activate their new I-phones. Glad this worked for me!

  • Make copy of Snow Leopard DVD

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    The PC cannot read the HFS file system, so it only "sees" the
    boot camp (joliet) file system (SL DVD's contain a hybrid file system).
    I windows program such as isobuster can make a perfect iso file copy
    (provided the DVD is okay) of the SL hybrid install disk that can be
    used to burn a backup copy of your SL DVD, either in windows
    or Mac (with a good DVD Burner). SL DVD's are Dual Layer 8.3 GB
    DVD's, so you will need the equivalent blanks. 
    I suspect your  Mac's optical drive is either dirty or failing, causing the
    read problems on the Mac.
    You can get isobuster here:

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    Hello stoutstout,
    I imagine that forwarding the email does not function (since your account is closed), so I do not know what other options there would be.
    I know this is inconvenient (and unprofessional if you need those emails forwarded) but I would probably just screen shot all the important information I need from these emails.

  • How can I save a reply email to drafts folder when using hotmail on my ipad2 with safari ??

    It appears that the iPad mail app cannot push drafts so I can access them on a pc.     If there is a way to do this, I would like to know
    If the above is not possible, I'd like to know how to save a reply email to the drafts folder when accessing hotmail on my iPad from safari.   I can't seem to find a button on the hotmail pag, or any help instructions anywhere.     I hav done this for years using a pc with Firefox or explorer with no problem.  This has to be so easy that it will seem like I asked q stupid Ustinov when I get the answer!

    I am still waiting for an answer.    If you don't know the answer, but know who to ask or where to look to find an answer, I'd really appreciate it.

  • How do I copy multiple email addresses from one email sent TO me into a new message?

    How do I copy multiple email addresses from an email sent to me into a new message?

    Are they in the body of the mail?
    Hold your finger down in that mail until the little blue bubble pops up. One of the options should be to select all. Choose that and all will be hilighted. then a pop up comes up to copy, choose that, open your destination and hold your finger down to get the paste dialogue.

  • Copying hangs when copying large files from DVD

    I'm having trouble copying large files (>2GB) from DVDs to my built-in hard drive. When I drag the file icon from the DVD window to the desktop, the progress bar pops up almost immediately, and says "0 KB of 2.3 GB copied" and "Estimated time left: 1 minute" -- and then it just sits there, doing nothing. In some cases, after five minutes or so of inactivity, the copy finally begins... but most of the time it never does. Force-Quit doesn't help; the only way out is to do an emergency restart and try again.
    This problem began when I upgraded to Tiger, and several members of my office group have been experiencing the same problem on their own computers as well.
    I've poked around the forum looking for answers but the only thing I could find that looked related was a conflict between iSight and some third-party external hard drives... but none of us have iSight, and none of us are using third-party external drives, so clearly that's not the issue we'rehaving.
    Any help out there?
    iBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Michael, I occasionally notice anomolous behaviour when files get dragged between volumes. Mostly the copying window shows an accurate and immediate indication of what's going on, but other times it just looks like nothing's happening, the display never changes, yet, it is in fact copying the files over. Now, if you're copying 2gb files from DVD to HD, it's gonna take some time, more than 5 minutes, so I'm wondering how long you've left it before forcing it to quit?

  • How do I copy my email messages to my new ipad?

    Just got a new iPad, and I would like to transfer the email messages that are saved on the old ipad to the new one. I'm not bothered for the settings, as they are easy enough to do on the new one.
    I checked the articles about backing up and restoring, but then noticed this article that says (if I read it correctly) that whilst the account settings will be backed up, the saved messages won't. Well, that's the exact opposite of what I want. I'm not bothered about the account settings, but I specifically want the saved messages to be backed up, as I want to copy them across to the the new ipad.
    Anyone able to help? This all seems very complex for what should be a simple operation. Thanks

    I could not agree more with these statements!
    Anyone know how to copy saved emails from one ipad to another? This is about the mst obvious and important thing I can imagine anyone wanting to do when they get a new ipad, that I can't believe Apple have made it so hard.
    Were you ever able to find a way to get your cached/saved POP emails over to your new iPad?  How can there NOT be a way to do this?  I don't care that POP is old technology -- the iPad allows it to be used so it should provide sufficient functionality to make full use of it.  Mailbox export/import is a basic function of any mail application.

  • Error message: Could not save copy as "C:..." because the file is already in use or left open by another application

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    Without knowing exact technical details, nobody can say anything. From genuine issues with your storage devices like block errors or fragmentation to specific security stuff causing delays and blockages in writing files anything is imaginable. Your info is simply insufficient to make even a superficial diagnosis beyond those generics.

Maybe you are looking for