Hi; I am using the package PL_FPDF to save PDF rapport in DB. I create a procedure to do it and it work when I do it for one record .
but when I use a loop to save the PDF in lob for more one record. it work without image in PDF, but with image it just save the first PDF of the loop process, and the other record it create an empty PDF in the lob table. when I compile the PL_FPDF it work for the second. etc. so if I want to save 10 record one after other, I must compile for each time the PL_FPDF not my procedure . I think that the BLOB used in the package was the problem. I change this instructions into all the package
dbms_lob.createtemporary(vlob, true,dbms_lob.session);
dbms_lob.createtemporary(chunk_content, true, ); but without result.
I need a solution for it do this task with loop. I hope you understand my question. thanks for your suggestions.
best regard.

No; I means I create a procedure with PL_FPDF that generate a PDF who contain image, (logo for example )after generating , I save this file in blob field from my Table(using update). it work fine. I have 2000 record I want to generalize this procedure to put for eatch record the PDF corresponding, with some parameter (of course it is not the same PDF in eatch record). It work fine when My PDF have note image.
But when there was an image in the PDF. this procedure does not work. I Have the update in the 2000 record but only the first one have a full PDF, the rest there is an empty PDF.
So I think in the package PL_FPDF. there is some thing to modify for image process.
I hope it is more clear.
thanks for responding.
Best regard.

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  • How to save pdf file in database

    Dear All,
    my application is forms 6i and database is 8i,requirement is that how to save pdf file in database and users can view through forms

    I'll apologize up front for the length of this post. I have a few database procedures I created that write a file to a BLOB column in a table as well as retrieve the BLOB from the column after it stored there. I have successfully stored many different types of binary file to the database using these procedures - including PDF files. I have not used these procedures in a Form so I can confirm that they will work, but theoretically they should work. I'm including the code for each procedure in this posting - hence the apology for the long post! :-)
    Also, since these procedures reside on the database you will need to use Forms TEXT_IO built-in package to write your file to the server before you can use these procedures to store and retrieve the file from the database.
    These procedures reads and writes a binary file to a table called "LOB_TABLE." You will need to modify the procedure to write to your table.
    -- Author :  Craig J. Butts (CJB)
    -- Name   :  load_file_to_blob.sql
    --        :  This procedure uses an Oracle Directory called "IN_FILE_LOC".  If you
    --           already have a directory defined in the database or would prefer to use
    --           a different Directory name, make sure you modify line 21 to reflect the
    --           new Directory name.
    -- ==================================================================================
    -- History
    -- DATE        WHO         DESCRIPTION
    -- 12/11/07    CJB         Created.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE load_file_to_blob (p_filename IN VARCHAR2) IS
       out_blob    BLOB;
       in_file     BFILE;
       blob_length INTEGER;
       vErrMsg     VARCHAR2(2000);
       -- set the in_file
       in_file := BFILENAME('IN_FILE_LOC',p_filename);
       -- Get the size of the file
       dbms_lob.fileopen(in_file, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
       blob_length := dbms_lob.getlength(in_file);
       -- Insert a new Record into the tabel containing the
       -- filename specified in P_FILENAME and a LOB_LOCATOR.
       -- Return the LOB_LOCATOR and assign it to out_blob.
       INSERT INTO lob_table (filename, blobdata)
          VALUES (p_filename, EMPTY_BLOB())
          RETURNING blobdata INTO out_blob;
       -- Load the file into the database as a blob., dbms_lob.lob_readonly);, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
       dbms_lob.loadfromfile(out_blob, in_file, blob_length);
       -- Close handles to blob and file
       -- Confirm insert by querying the database
       -- for Lob Length information and output results
       blob_length := 0;
          SELECT dbms_lob.getlength(blobdata) into blob_length
            FROM lob_table
           WHERE filename = p_filename;
          vErrMsg := 'No data Found';
       vErrMsg := 'Successfully inserted BLOB '''||p_filename||''' of size '||blob_length||' bytes.';
    -- Author   :  Craig J. Butts (CJB)
    -- Name     :  write_blob_to_file.sql
    -- Descrip  :  This procedure takes a BLOB object from a database table and writes it
    --             to the file system
    -- ==================================================================================
    -- History
    -- DATE        WHO         DESCRIPTION
    -- 12/11/07    CJB         Created.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE write_blob_to_file ( p_filename IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
       v_blob      BLOB;
       blob_length INTEGER;
       out_file    UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
       v_buffer    RAW(32767);
       chunk_size  BINARY_INTEGER := 32767;
       blob_position INTEGER := 1;
       vErrMsg     VARCHAR2(2000);
       -- Retrieve the BLOB for reading
          SELECT blobdata
            INTO v_blob
            FROM lob_table
           WHERE filename = p_filename;
          vErrMsg := 'No data found';
       -- Retrieve the SIZE of the BLOB
       blob_length := DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(v_blob);
       -- Open a handle to the location where you are going to write the blob
       -- Note:  The 'WB' parameter means "Write in Byte Mode" and is only
       --          available in the UTL_FILE pkg with Oracle 10g or later.
       --        USE 'W' instead for pre Oracle 10q databases.
       out_file := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('OUT_FILE_LOC',p_filename, 'wb', chunk_size);
       -- Write the BLOB to the file in chunks
       WHILE blob_position <= blob_length LOOP
          IF ( ( blob_position + chunk_size - 1 ) > blob_length ) THEN
             chunk_size := blob_length - blob_position + 1;
          END IF;
, chunk_size, blob_position, v_buffer );
          UTL_FILE.put_raw ( out_file, v_buffer, TRUE);
          blob_position := blob_position + chunk_size;     
       END LOOP;  
    END;Hope this helps.
    -- If my response or the response of another is helpful or answers your question please mark the response accordingly. Thanks!

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    Best to keep the replies in the other post, but I wanted to comment on something you said "I was told that Adobe X is a 32 bit program and that could be why it's running slow." Yes, it's a 32 bit program. No, it's complete nonsense to say that 32 bit programs run slow. There seems to be a general belief that 64 bit is better because, well, because, um, because it's a bigger number so it must be, right? Sorry, I'm not mocking you, but there is such nonsense about this, that I think software makers are having to put a lot of effort into making 64 bit software for no good reason at all.

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    ' Put the output filename where Acrobat could find it
    bSetRegValue HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _
                     "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\PrinterJobControl", _
                     Find_Exe_Name("application", "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE"), _
                     sOutputFolder & "\\" & sPDFName

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    2. Retrieve previously stored PDF in the BLOB column and display using either
    OLE automation or ActiveX (OCX) control.
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    get this to work. We have Acrobat Reader 4.0. Here are some issues from the
    tests that I did:
    1. To load the PDF file the program code that uses BFILE and LOADFROMFILE does
    not work since the database is on a remote server and the PDF file is on a
    local file server. The DIRECTORY created on the database is unable to find the
    PDF file.
    2. Though I want the loading of the file to be programmatic, I tried
    right-click on the OLE container and inserted object from file. This loaded the
    file into the container (Icon on the container appeared) however I was not able
    to view the document by double-clicking. An error in Adobe occured: 'There was
    an error opening this document. A file read error occured'. My guess is the
    'Insert Object' did not insert the file properly into the BLOB.
    3. When trying to display the PDF file stored in file server (in case storing
    into BLOB does not work), I used an OCX control, right-clicked and Insert
    Object and select Adobe Control for ActiveX. The problem here is when I run the
    form, the OCX control shows up empty and I have to 'Insert Object' again in
    runtime. Once I manually insert object from runtime the GET_INTERFACE POINTER &
    SET_PROPERTY works fine is displaying the document. Is there any way to
    maintain the control property of the OCX when the form is run?
    4. Are there any workarounds and better solution to store PDFs into BLOBs and
    retrieve and display in OLE/OCX controls? Using temporary file into local drive
    is not an issue.
    5. Would I be able to make use of 'PDF.PdfCtrl.1' OLE class?
    6. Does OLE automation work for Acrobat Reader 4.0.?
    I would appreciate all the help.

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    Dansyacht wrote:
    If the previous Safari suggestion doesn't work try the following:
    In Finder, go to Macintosh HD/Library/Internet Plug-ins and move AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin to the Disabled Plug-ins Folder.  Restart Safari.  If this works you may just want to delete that FUBAR plug-in.
    Thanks.  This was the solution for me.
    Message was edited by: tvdowntown

  • Unable to save PDF's that have editable fields

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    I am running windows xp, and started with reader 10.1.4 having this issue, now i upgraded to 11 and same results. My co workers can save the same form and i have over 80 gb of free space on my hard drive which is where i am saving it to. I have tried saving it to other locations on my hard drive but get the same message. I can however save pdf files that have no fillable forms in them just fine.
    I could really use some help.

    Figured out prtected mode was set to enabled on startup. Turned that off and no more problems.

  • Unable to save PDF's from Internet Explorer. Error "The document could not be saved. The disk you were saving to or the disk used for temporary files is full. Free some space on this disk and try again, or save to a different disk."

    We are currently in a published desktop environment in Citrix XenApp 6.5.  Server is running on Windows 2008 R2.  Users are not able to save PDF's into the redirected folders (ie Desktop or My Documents).  Exactly same issue described in "The disk you were saving to or the disk used for temporary file is full...."  Anyone has any suggestion??

    Same problem here. Any ideas?
    Saving with Shortcut "CRTL+SHIFT+S" works just fine.
    Using IE 11.0.9600.17728 and Adobe Reader 11.0.10

  • My Adobe Acrobat will no longer let me save PDF documents

    I own the Adobe Creative Suite 4 that comes with Adobe Acrobat, which for years has allowed me to save PDF documents. Last month I decided to test Adobe Acrobat Pro for 30 days to see how well it converted PDF documents, and have since decided against it. I did not subscribe or buy a license for it and would like to be able to use my old version of Adobe Acrobat to save PDF documents, but it no longer allows me to do so. I re-installed it from the disk but it still won't let me save PDF files. I do not want to purchase a program that I already have just to be able to save PDF documents and would like to know how to get mine to work again. I work on a Mac.
    Thank you to anyone that can help me.

    Hi Sara,
    the Suite comes with Adobe Acrobat, and I've had it for a few years, I paid full price for the suite. However, it seems that after I downloaded the new Acrobat Reader the old one no longer shows up for me to show you the issue. The new one works. And I think it is very odd that it did that as well. My guess is that the trial version of Pro that I downloaded to test out messed with the old version I had, and it refused to let me use it for a while, then I was able to force it to come up but the "Save" option was just NOT highlighted as an option. I was even having a difficult time downloading the regular version of Adobe Acrobat up until today, after I posted on this website. Every time I tried it said it couldn't because I already had a version in my computer. But today it allowed me. Very bizarre. A definite glitch I think. Anyhow, I don't think we can proceed because I can't get my old version up, the new one probably wrote over the old one. So...thank you again for your interest, I really appreciate it.

  • I have just upgraded to OSX 10.6.8 and now I cannot open or save PDF files from the internet. I get a dialogue box saying the QuickTime plugin has failed. I have tried to download the latest plugin but this doesn't work. Can anyone help?

    I have just upgraded to OSX 10.6.8 and now I cannot open or save PDF files from the internet using either Safari or Firefox. I get a dialogue box saying the QuickTime plugin has failed. Can anyone help?

    Is this what you downloaded: iTunes 10.7?
    When the update fails what if any error report do you get, specifically? Please do this before trying again:
    Repair the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your Snow Leopard Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior and/or Tech Tool Pro to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.

  • Save as PDF and Save PDF as PostScript options in the Printer dialog are not supported.

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    Its the first time Im using print booklet option to save my file. I have the same problem when trying to save as pdf and get the
    "The Save as PDF and Save PDF as PostScript options in the Printer dialog are not supported."
    I'm trying to save a .pdf of a booklet of a facing pages document of A4 size each facing page for a whole size A3, then hope to let the pages be correctly arranged by inDesing, then print and staple.
    Meaning pages will be like this - Page #60 left side [of the A3] - page #1 right side [of the A3] , page # 2 right side[of the A3] - page #59 left side[of the A3] etc...
    I CANT DO IT. I tried to follow Melvin Thompson , but when I choose save .ps and open it in preview all I see is independent a4 pages and just the left ones , .. How can I save my file as .pdf ready to be printed in a3 ?
    I really appreciate any help.

  • Avoiding the 'Save PDF File As' dialog when printing to the adobe PDF printer from a service

    Hello, can someone please help.
    I have Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro installed.
    I have an in house application which (among many other things) effectively monitors a directory and prints the file to the default printer. It works fine when run as an application.
    I have set the defaults on the Adobe PDF printer to put the output PDF file into a directory and not to open it so it works silently without prompts.
    When I run my application as a service, it brings up the 'Save PDF File As' dialog and I would like to avoid this. My impression is that if I put the right registry key in then it will work.
    I do not want to do any scripting if I can avoid it.
    Thanks for all constructive help given.

    Thank for your help Bill, but changing settings in the distiller did not seem to work. As my application prints directly to the default application without using anything specific to Acrobat, I was hoping there was a simple way forward. A colleague suggested copying registry entries from the account I logged on as to the S-1-5-18 entry, then rebooting. This had no effect as the prompt still comes up.
    Aandi, I don't have the Acrobat SDK or any experience of it.
    Also I'm not sure where any code/script would sit since the application is stable and so I would rather not change it.
    If it amounts to a few lines of javascript sitting outside the application then that would be of interest.

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