Saving a file in iFS.

I am looking for confirmation that I am properly adding objects to our repository through a Java application that uses the iFS API.
We have an Oracle 8.17 database accessed by iFS 1.1. There is already a customization of the oracle.ifs.beans.Document, GraphicDocument, defined in iFS. I have a graphics file on the iFS server's file system, that I want to save as a GraphicDocument Object in the repository. I dont want to create a new (custom) type of object, just save data as an existing type of object.
The steps I follow are:
1. Create a new DocumentDefinition class
2. Get the GraphicDocument ClassObject
3. Set the DocumentDefinition Object Class
4. Set the DocumentDefinition name
5. Set the DocumentDefinition content stream to a stream of data from the file on the server.
6. Set the DocumentDefinition format based on the files extension.
7. Use the LibrarySession.createPublicObject(DocumentDefinition) method to add this object to the repository.
At this point I found out that you need to set Administrator Mode to true. To do this the user connected to the iFS server must be admin enabled. Is this correct? I was confused by the fact that I needed administrator authority to save data to the repository. Am I doing the right thing?
Thank you,

in wich folder are trying yo save this object?
maybe you don't have permission to create this object under this folder

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  • Opening .doc files from IFS

    I have a question about some functionality in the default web package with ifs. It is probably quite basic, but I am having difficulty with it. In the out of the box web ui, if I click on an uploaded .doc file, Microsoft Word gets loaded in my browser with the file openned.
    I am using the JAVA API, and I have uploaded and foldered a .doc file. When I click on it, href="//computer/path/file.doc" word opens, but I get the file was not found.Any ideas?? Thank you.

    The decision on which application the browser runs is taken by the browser based on information supplied in the HTTP response.
    Here's an updated version of the RenderContent method that gives you some degree of control over this process...
    // $Header$
    * Please complete these missing tags
    * @author
    * @rref
    * @copyright
    * @concurrency
    * @see
    import oracle.ifs.adk.http.HttpUtils;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Selector;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Format;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Locale;
    import java.lang.Class;
    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.ClassObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Document;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryObjectDefinition;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Attribute;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.FolderPathResolver;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibraryService;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.common.CleartextCredential;
    import oracle.ifs.common.ConnectOptions;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    public class JspHelper extends Object
    public static final String ACTION = "Action";
    public static final String OPERATION = "Operation";
    public static final String POLICY = "Policy";
    public static final String MIMETYPE = "MimeType";
    public static final String OPEN = "Open";
    public static final String DOWNLOAD = "Download";
    public static final String RENDER = "Render";
    public static final String WEBLOGON = "/Login";
    public static final String USERNAME = "username";
    public static final String PASSWORD = "password";
    public static final String SERVICE = "service";
    public static final String SCHEMA_PASSWORD = "schemapassword";
    public static final String IFSHTTPLOGIN = "IfsHttpLogin";
    public static final String IFSWEBROOT = "/ifs/webui";
    public static final String IFSTIMEOUT_URL = "/html/timeout.html";
    private static String m_ServletPath = null;
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private static final String OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG = "oracleifs/download";
    * Please complete the missing tags for JspHelper
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static Hashtable characterEncoding = new Hashtable();
    static {
    characterEncoding.put(" ","%20");
    private static String getServletPath()
    return m_ServletPath;
    public static String generateURL(Long id)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + (String) characterEncoding.get(":");
    url = url + id.toString();
    return url;
    public static String generateURL(String path)
    // Creates an Encoded URL from a Docid
    String url = "";
    if (getServletPath() != null) {
    url = getServletPath();
    if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
    url = url + "/";
    url = url + encodePath(path);
    return url;
    private static void setupServletPath(HttpServletRequest req)
    // If never initialized, get the servlet path and store
    // in the static
    if ( null == m_ServletPath )
    String contextPath = null;
    String servletPath = "";
    // Start with an empth string
    m_ServletPath = "";
    //let's figure out whether we're running under Servlet API 2.2
    //or an earlier version
    Class c = req.getClass();
    //getContextPath() is first defined in 2.2
    Method m = c.getMethod("getContextPath", null);
    contextPath = (String)m.invoke(req, null);
    catch (NoSuchMethodException e1)
    catch (InvocationTargetException e2)
    catch (IllegalAccessException e3)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): contextPath = " + contextPath);
    servletPath = req.getServletPath();
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): servletPath = " + servletPath);
    if ( null != contextPath )
    m_ServletPath = contextPath;
    if ( null != servletPath )
    m_ServletPath += servletPath;
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): not first time through.");
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.setupServletPath(): m_ServletPath = " + m_ServletPath);
    private static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    String result = null;
    String path = request.getParameter(DOCUMENT_PATH);
    if (null == path) {
    path = request.getParameter(ALTERNATIVE_PATH);
    return getReposPath(path);
    public static String getReposPath(String path)
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Initial Path = " + path);
    if (path != null) {
    if ( ( null != getServletPath() ) && path.startsWith(getServletPath())) {
    path = path.substring(getServletPath().length());
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Stripped Path = " + path);
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log ("JspHelper.getReposPath(request): Converted Path = " + path);
    if (DEBUG) {
    Alert.log("JspHelper.getReposPath(request) Final Path = " + path);
    return path;
    public static String encodePath(String path)
    // Substitute '%', then everything else
    path = replaceString(path,"%","%25");
    return doSubstitutions(path);
    public static String decodePath(String path)
    path = undoSubstitutions(path);
    return replaceString(path,"%25","%");
    public static String doSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,source,target);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String undoSubstitutions(String path)
    String encodedPath = path;
    Enumeration keys = characterEncoding.keys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String source = (String) keys.nextElement();
    String target = (String) characterEncoding.get(source);
    encodedPath = replaceString(encodedPath,target,source);
    return encodedPath;
    public static String getReposPath( HttpServletRequest request )
    return HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect(request);
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, Long id)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,":" + id.toString());
    public static String generateURL(HttpServletRequest request, String path)
    return HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath(request,path);
    public JspHelper()
    IfsException.setVerboseMessage( true );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( Object arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    return arg.toString();
    * Please complete the missing tags for getArgumentAsString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String getArgumentAsString( String formatMask, Date arg )
    if( null == arg )
    return "";
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( formatMask );
    return sdf.format( arg );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession getSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Entering Method." );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    LibrarySession ifsSession = null;
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( null != httpSession )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( null == ifsSession )
    // String timeoutPath = generateURL(request,getTimeOutURL());
    String timeoutPath = HttpUtils.getURLFromIfsPath( request, getTimeOutURL() );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getSession(request,response): Unable to get a valid Session = assuming Timeout problem. Redirecting to " + timeoutPath );
    response.sendRedirect( timeoutPath );
    catch( IOException ioe )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, ioe );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getObject
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static PublicObject getObject( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    // Will return null and set a Redirect to the Timeout Page if the Sesssion
    // is null.
    String path = null;
    PublicObject po = null;
    LibrarySession ifsSession = getSession( request, response );
    if( null != ifsSession )
    // path = getReposPath(request);
    path = HttpUtils.getIfsPathFromJSPRedirect( request );
    if( path.charAt( 1 ) == ':' )
    Long docId = new Long( path.substring( 2 ) );
    po = ifsSession.getPublicObject( docId );
    FolderPathResolver fpr = new FolderPathResolver( ifsSession );
    po = fpr.findPublicObjectByPath( path );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "getObject(request,response): Object is a " + po.getClassname() );
    po = po.getResolvedPublicObject();
    return po;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getExtendedAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getExtendedAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getExtendedClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getEffectiveAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getEffectiveAttributeValues( LibraryObject lo, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    // Returns a Library Object Definition containing the Attribute Values for each
    // Extended Attribute which appears as a parameter in the request obvject.
    ClassObject co = lo.getClassObject();
    Attribute [] attributes = co.getEffectiveClassAttributes();
    return getAttributeValues( attributes, request );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValues
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibraryObjectDefinition getAttributeValues( Attribute [] attributes, HttpServletRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    LibraryObjectDefinition def = new LibraryObjectDefinition();
    if( attributes != null )
    for( int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++ )
    AttributeValue av = getAttributeValue( attributes [ i ], request );
    if( av != null )
    def.setAttribute( av );
    return def;
    * Please complete the missing tags for getAttributeValue
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static AttributeValue getAttributeValue( Attribute attribute, HttpServl etRequest request )
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = null;
    String name = attribute.getName();
    String newValue = request.getParameter( name );
    if( newValue != null )
    if( newValue.equals( "" ) )
    av = AttributeValue.newNullAttributeValue( attribute.getDataType() );
    av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue( newValue );
    av.setName( name );
    return av;
    * Please complete the missing tags for downloadContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void downloadContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    boolean download = false;
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    if( download )
    response.setContentType( OPEN_SAVEAS_DIALOG );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentType( doc.getFormat().getMimeType() );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + doc.getName() );
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    InputStream is = doc.getContentStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpServletParameters
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpServletParameters( HttpServletRequest request )
    // setupServletPath(request);
    Enumeration parmList = request.getParameterNames();
    Alert.log( "Parameter List:" );
    while( parmList.hasMoreElements() )
    String parmName = ( String ) parmList.nextElement();
    Alert.log( " " + parmName );
    Alert.log( "Parameter Processing Completed." );
    * Please complete the missing tags for obtainSession
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static LibrarySession obtainSession( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "obtainSession(request,response): Servlet Parameters = " );
    dumpServletParameters( request );
    // setupServletPath(request);
    HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession( true );
    if( httpSession != null )
    IfsHttpLogin ifsLogin = ( IfsHttpLogin ) httpSession.getValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN );
    if( ifsLogin != null )
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsLogin.getSession();
    if( ifsSession != null )
    return ifsSession;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Unable to get Session. - Attempting to create new Session" );
    LibrarySession ifs = null;
    String username = "guest";
    String password = "welcome";
    String service = "IfsDefault";
    String schemaPassword = "manager";
    String suppliedUsername = request.getParameter( USERNAME );
    String suppliedPassword = request.getParameter( PASSWORD );
    String suppliedService = request.getParameter( SERVICE );
    String suppliedSchemaPassword = request.getParameter( SCHEMA_PASSWORD );
    if( suppliedUsername != null )
    username = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedPassword != null )
    password = suppliedUsername;
    if( suppliedService != null )
    service = suppliedService;
    if( suppliedSchemaPassword != null )
    schemaPassword = suppliedSchemaPassword;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Creating new Session." );
    Alert.log( " Username = " + username );
    Alert.log( " Password = " + password );
    Alert.log( " Service = " + service );
    Alert.log( " Schema Password = " + schemaPassword );
    LibraryService ifsService = new LibraryService();
    CleartextCredential me = new CleartextCredential( username, password );
    ConnectOptions connect = new ConnectOptions();
    connect.setLocale( Locale.getDefault() );
    connect.setServiceName( service );
    connect.setServicePassword( schemaPassword );
    LibrarySession ifsSession = ifsService.connect( me, connect );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Session Created." );
    JspLogin login = new JspLogin();
    login.setSession( ifsSession );
    httpSession.putValue( IFSHTTPLOGIN, login );
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.obtainSession: Login Object Saved." );
    return ifsSession;
    * Please complete the missing tags for replaceString
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static String replaceString( String string, String string1, String string2 )
    int offset = string.indexOf( string1 );
    switch( offset )
    case - 1 :
    return string;
    case 0 :
    return string2 + replaceString( string.substring( string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    return string.substring( 0, offset ) + string2 + replaceString( string.substring( offset + string1.length() ), string1, string2 );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printLink
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printLink( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String name,
    String url,
    String color )
    if( null != url )
    if( url.indexOf( "http://" ) != 0 )
    url = "http://" + url;
    out.println( "<BR><A HREF=\"" + url + "\"><FONT COLOR=\"" + color + "\"><B>" + name + "</B></FONT></A>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    String dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    out.println( "<FONT COLOR=\"" + titleColor + "\">" + titleValue + ": </FONT> <FONT COLOR=\"" + dataColor + "\"><B>" + dataValue + "</B></FONT><BR>" );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Integer dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Boolean dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for printItem
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void printItem( javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter out,
    String titleValue,
    Date dataValue,
    String titleColor,
    String dataColor )
    if( null != dataValue )
    printItem( out, titleValue, dataValue.toString(), titleColor, dataColor );
    * Please complete the missing tags for renderContent
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void renderContent( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
    throws IfsException
    Document doc = ( Document ) JspHelper.getObject( request, response );
    boolean download = false;
    boolean renderedOutput = false;
    String mimeType = null;
    // Determine if we are opening or Downloading Content based on Action
    String action = request.getParameter( ACTION );
    if( action != null )
    if( action.equals( DOWNLOAD ) )
    download = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Aler t.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): download = " + download );
    // Determine is we want Raw or Rendered Content. For Rendered Content both
    // Operation and Policy must be supplied.
    String operation = request.getParameter( OPERATION );
    String policy = request.getParameter( POLICY );
    if( ( null != operation ) && ( null != policy ) )
    renderedOutput = true;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): renderedOutput = " + renderedOutput );
    // Determine if contentType comes from Document or is supplied explicity.
    mimeType = request.getParameter( MIMETYPE );
    if( null == mimeType )
    mimeType = doc.getFormat().getMimeType();
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.downloadContent(): mimeType = " + mimeType );
    // Process as Requested.
    response.setContentType( mimeType );
    String filename = doc.getName();
    String fileExtension = filename.substring( filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 );
    filename = filename.substring( 0, filename.lastIndexOf( '.' ) - 1 );
    Selector mySelector = new Selector( getSession( request, response ) );
    mySelector.setSearchClassname( Format.CLASS_NAME );
    mySelector.setSearchSelection( Format.MIMETYPE_ATTRIBUTE + "='" + mimeType + "'" );
    if( mySelector.getItemCount() > 0 )
    Format f = ( Format ) mySelector.getItems( 0 );
    fileExtension = f.getExtension();
    filename = filename + '.' + fileExtension;
    if( DEBUG )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.RenderContent(): Filename = " + filename );
    if( download )
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + filename );
    response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + filename );
    InputStream is;
    if( renderedOutput )
    is = doc.renderAsStream( operation, policy, null );
    is = doc.getContentStream();
    response.setContentLength( ( int ) doc.getContentSize() );
    OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    byte [] bytesRead = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length );
    byteCount > 0;
    byteCount = bytesRead, 0, bytesRead.length ) )
    os.write( bytesRead, 0, byteCount );
    catch( Exception e )
    throw new IfsException( 9999, e );
    * Please complete the missing tags for dumpInputStream
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    public static void dumpInputStream( ServletInputStream sis )
    throws IOException
    FileOutputStream fos;
    if( File.separator.equals( "\\" ) )
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "C:\\temp\\request.txt" );
    fos = new FileOutputStream( "/tmp/request.txt" );
    byte [] bytes = new byte [ 1024 ];
    for( int bytesRead = sis.readLine( bytes, 0, bytes.length );
    bytesRead > 0;
    bytesRead = bytes, 0, bytes.length ) )
    Alert.log( "JspHelper.dumpInputStream() BytesRead = " + bytesRead );
    fos.write( bytes, 0, bytesRead );
    * Please complete the missing tags for getTimeOutURL
    * @param
    * @return
    * @throws
    * @pre
    * @post
    private static String getTimeOutURL()
    Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    String country = locale.getCountry();
    String language = locale.getLanguage().toLowerCase();
    String localizedFolder = language;
    if( country != null )
    if( ( ! language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) &#0124; &#0124;
    ( ( language.equalsIgnoreCase( "en" ) ) && ( ! country.equalsIgnoreCase( "US" ) ) ) )
    language = language + "_" + country.toUpperCase();
    return IFSWEBROOT + "/" + language + IFSTIMEOUT_URL;

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    Which operating system and version of photoshop cs6 are you using?
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    The subject header just about says it all. This is the first action I took with MAX - it is a fresh install. The file I wanted to save was still written and the FP seems to be working ok. However, I need to know what happened.
    I can't post the whole log file due to the amount of characters allowed on this post. I can cut and paste sections if there is a specific part of the file you need. Below is the first section and last section.
     Context where exception was caught:
    CmxAggregateItemUI::InvokeCommand Args: plugin=niFPui.mxx Item=0107EAB1
    cmdID.cmdId={4A36174B-EC0C-4D73-A23D-F15D164542DE} cmdID.index=0
    Application   : C:\Program Files\National Instruments\MAX\NIMax.exe
    User Name     : slaney
    OS Version    : 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 3)
    Exception Code: C000001E
    Exception Addr: 457BC448
    Return Address: 457BC448
    Function Name : nNIFPServer::tFpLinearScaleRange::`vftable'
    Module Name   : FieldPoint71
    Parameters    : F001008E 7800FDDD C5100DFC EC0107EA
    Source File   : (not available)
    Return Address: 481000C3
    Function Name : (not available)
    Module Name   : (not available)
    Parameters    : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    Source File   : (not available) 

    I did a research on your error message and it seems this problem was introduced with MAX 4.6. This version switched to a new error reporting mechanism and reports even errors that are which are not critical to your task.
    These errors typically show up as "unexpected" and if your error falls into this category have a look to this KB for further assistance.
    If it doesn't fall into this category, your could try to go back to the MAX 4.5 or 4.4.. Of course you would need to reinstall some components and might not be able to use newer drivers at all.
    Let me know.

  • How to set jpeg resolution when saving pdf file as jpeg

    I'm running Acrobat using interprocess api, I can invoke a script to save a pdf file as JPEG, but I need to be able to set the resolution of the saved jpeg file.
    Any clues as to how I can do that ?

    I am running a stand-alone version of Framemaket 10.I try to convert a documentation with a lot of screenshots in it. Regardless of the settings on the Reference pages of the first document of the book, Framemaker converts all graphic files to *.gif, and these are downsized so much that they become illegible. I would like to have them converted to JPG, with little resolution loss, so they are still readable.
    I think Robohelp is too expensive…
    Best regards
    Alexander Keller
    Tech Writer

  • Photoshop CS6 program error saving layered files

    I recently updated my adobe software and I am still getting issues with saving layered files. I keep gettting program error - only occasionally. Sometimes saving to my desktop works and other times it doesnt. Other coworkers are experiencing same thing ever since they updated. It happens when working on a layered file for any length of time and need to save it out as a layered photoshop file. We are forced to flatten and save as a tif and loose our layers. I think it has something to do with background task but not sure...

    Drag the file to your desktop, open the file there, do your edits, save, and then drag back.
    Let us know what you are working off. If server, what server software are you using. System preferences >> spotlight, uncheck all items.

  • On my new Imac, I had the trial version of Pages, and saved some files in it. Now I have purchased the full version from Apple via a download, but I cannot save or print the old files, please help!

    On my new Imac I saved some files on the free trial version of Pages, since downloading the full version from Apple, have been unable to save or print from old files saved when using the trial version. Any ideas? Thank you!

    My guess is the 30-day trial period has expired but you didn't remove the trial before installing the full version. The files to delete are the iWork ’09 folder from the main HD > Applications; the iWork ’09 folder in HD > Library > Application Support & the individual iWork application plist files found in HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences for each user.
    Yvan Koenig has written an AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his iDisk in For_iWork > iWork '09 > uninstall iWork '

  • Problem saving gif file over the net

    I am using a simple loop to save files using a URL Connection. It grabs html files fine and they look right but when I used to to download an animated gif it had an error. It saved the file but when I tried to open the image I got a "drawing failed" message.
    I compared it to the working image and the sizes were identical. I also compared the characters in notepad and the beginning and end characters were identical. I looked at the preview in "My Computer" when you select it and it drew only the first line or so. This makes me believe it is a problem with how it switches lines when saving. I checked the ends of the lines though and they also seem identicall. Any ideas? Here is the code. Thankyou.
    FileWriter fileName = new FileWriter(saveFileName);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(
    BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fileName);
    for (;;) {
    int data =;
    // Check for EOF
    if (data == -1) break;
    else {
    System.out.print ( (char) data);

    GIF files are binary files and can be corrupted if you use the Reader and Writer classes. Use the *Stream classes, like FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • The last few days I have been constantly saving my file. About an hour ago I opened my file and the most recent work wasn't saved even though I'm sure I saved it before closing. What can I do? Also, when I have tried to email it to myself as a backup, the

    The last few days I have been constantly saving my file. A couple of hours ago I renamed the file and then reopened my file a little while later, but the most recent work wasn't saved even though I'm sure I saved it before closing. What can I do? Also, when I have tried to email it to myself as a backup, the fields aren't populated when I open it up. Fyi, I have the free subscription.

    Hi Constance,
    As i understand your changes in the pdf were not saved...Are you still facing this issue?

  • When saving a File OS Is Creating Multiple Folders With The Same File Name

    Not sure what I changed but, now when I save a any file (ppt. word, Keynote,Pages e.g.,) to the desktop or any other location the OS will also create multiple file folders with the same file name as the file I'm saving. Inside the folders are what appears to be files locating the saved files. What can I do to fix this problem?
    I'm using the 10.7.2 version
    MacBook Pro

    Misio wrote:
    It looks like a finder bug. To replicate, I surf to any website, I right-click on a jpg image, select "Save Image As" and in the window that pops up I type in the filename "000.jpg", I select the folder Pictures, and click on Save.
    BTW, I don't know why, but the file was saved only as "000" without the file extension ".jpg". Does anybody know why?
    the extension is simply hidden. go to the get info panel for the file and uncheck the option to hide the extension.
    Then I surf to another image, and again I save it as "000.jpg" and now it asks me if I want to replace the existing filename, although the existing one is "000" and I try to save as "000.jpg", so I say yes, and then magically the file is saved with the full filename including the extension "000.jpg"
    When I did it a couple of times, always saving image as "000.jpg" from various sources, I ended up with two distinct files named "000" and both in the same folder Pictures.
    Please advise.
    it sounds to me like you saved one file as 000.jpg and the other and 000.jpg.jpg.
    check the info panels for the files for full names to verify if this is the case.

  • How do I prevent AE from saving .AEP files in the wrong folders?

    I've been using AE heavily for about 6 months, and it has this really pesky basic Windows UI problem that makes life quite frustrating. I work on lots of projects that I maintain sequentially numbered in their respective folders. Typically in Windows when you choose "Save As" windows defaults to the folder the current file resides in.  For some reason After Effects defaults to the last folder I saved a file in, which often times is not the folder I am in. So I end up with project files from projectA stored in the projectB folder.  This leads to version control problems when members of the team can't find the most recent version of projectA and so they start working on the previous version of ProjectA and later on ask me where all my changes are.  I want to believe that AE has a checkbox in preferences somewhere that says "make save-as feature operate like every other windows program" - but I haven't found it yet.  Does anyone have any advice on this topic?

    I want to believe that AE has a checkbox in preferences somewhere that says "make save-as feature operate like every other windows program" - but I haven't found it yet.  Does anyone have any advice on this topic?
    I think you are operating on wrong assumptions - a project is just a reference to other files plus some internal data, so it doesn't exactly make sense to maintain endless lists of absolute paths, given that you can import things back and forth in a million ways. What happens as soon as you import a project into another one? What, when you collect files? What happens when you re-import pre-rendered files? A "same origin" policy would be riddled with tons of issues to figure out the logic as to what the user actually wants to do and which path is the correct one.... I've never missed any such feature.

  • I can't create a new tag while saving a file in Yosemite.

    The title pretty much says it all :-) As I try to type in a new tag while saving a file, the curser just blinks, and doesn't respond.  I can't create a new tag. I can click on existing tags, and they get added to the file, but the support page on tags says:
    To add a tag:
    Click on a recent tag that appears in the menu to link it your document. You can even add multiple tags.
    Click “Show All…” to see the all of the tags you have created. Then, click on a tag to add it.
    You can also add tag by typing. As you type in the Tags field, you’ll see matching suggestions from your existing tags.
    To add a new tag, just type it in the field.
    New tags you create automatically appear in other locations where tags are visible, such as in the Finder sidebar.
    The fourth bullet is the one I'm referring to. I think this might be a bug, but I can't find a way to report it. If it's not a bug, I would really appreciate some guidance.
    Here's some system info:
    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 2.2 GHz
    Number of Processors: 1
    Total Number of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 6 MB
    Memory: 8 GB
    Boot ROM Version: MBP81.0047.B27
    SMC Version (system): 1.69f4
    Yosemite version:10.10 (14A389)
    Thank you very sincerely for your time,

    What sort of file(s) are you trying to tag while saving?
    Have you tried saving the file first, then tagging it/them afterwards?

  • Error in saving the file

    I have created one report in apex. I have dowload option to download the csv file from report.. i am able to download to download all files accept one report which is giving me the error while clicking on saving the file "Error: Unable to read source file or disk"...Please suggest why it is happening. Thanks in advance.

    Have you tried Save As…
    Where are you trying to save it to?
    Are you using iCloud?
    btw Your tag is out of date.

  • Grey background while saving pdf file as a ZIP in IE browser

    I am getting grey background while saving pdf file as a ZIP file in IE browser like below screen shot
    The pdf open properly but  when I click on save button on below screen it become grey.
    The file is getting saved properly.
    But the same thing working fine in firefox(I will not become grey while saving)
    we are using adobe 11 version.

    I am getting grey background while saving pdf file as a ZIP file in IE browser like below screen shot
    The pdf open properly but  when I click on save button on below screen it become grey.
    The file is getting saved properly.
    But the same thing working fine in firefox(I will not become grey while saving)
    we are using adobe 11 version.

Maybe you are looking for

  • I can't open anything with firefox no mater what i help me please

    عندما اقوم بفتح المتصفح واطلي اي صفحة يرفض فتحها حتى اضع بروكسي للمتصفح وبدون بروكسي لايفتح شيء

  • Kinoni Remote Desktop Pro purchase error

    I had recently purchased kinoni desktop remote pro(in app purchase through nokia store) but during the transaction, the phone hanged and force restart had to be undertaken. Upon restart, it was ascertained that the application had not been installed,

  • DB Insert failed through JDBC Adapter

    Hi all, My system is on the latest patches of XI3.0 SP9. I am trying to insert some records into a database through JDBC adapter. The XML arriving at JDBC adapter is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <ns:MaterialDataUpdate_Msg xmlns:ns="http:/

  • Camera not showing up on stage

    Hello. Its been a while since I've used my AE CS3. I took up a project recently and needed a virtual camera. I set the solid layer to 3D and added a new camera layer, default to 35mm. My camera isn't showing up on stage. I can use the orbit tool, and

  • Raw editor automatic crop/RESIZE upon open image how to turn ON/OFF?

    Win 7 professional, 64 bit OS. PSE 10, Camera raw 6.7, sony a-700 and a-65 raw images taken at 16:9 RAW setting. I use the setting: 17.8x10 @240 dpi for most of my images in the production of HD Blue Ray movies. Previously(OTHER EARLIER VERSIONS)  I