SBO Abnormal Shutdown Handling

Is there a method to exit an add-on if SBO does not shut down properly?  The scenario is this:  A user launches SBO with an active add-on successfully.  A few minutes later SBO locks up, crashes, and exits abnormally without triggering the aet_ServerTerminition or aet_ShutDown events.  This leaves the add-on's process running in the background and unless the user knows to terminate it through the task manager, the add-on fails the next time SBO is launched because it is already in memory.  Has anyone experienced this and developed a work around?

I came up with a solution for this on my own, though I'm not sure its the most efficient way to go about it.  Below is the code for a VB.NET class file that operates off a timer.  You can add this class to your project and while your add-on is running it will perform a process check every 15 seconds to see if Business One is NOT running while your add-on IS running.  If this is true, it kills the process for your add-on.
Imports System.Diagnostics.Process
Friend Class ProcessCheck
    Private WithEvents tmrCheck As Timer
    Sub New()
       'start the timer
        tmrCheck = New Timer
        tmrCheck.Interval = 15000
        tmrCheck.Enabled = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrCheck_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrCheck.Tick
        Dim p As Process
        Dim SBO As Boolean
        Dim ProcessToKill As Boolean
       'set boolean switches for each process you want to check
        For Each p In p.GetProcesses
            Select Case p.ProcessName
                Case "SAP Business One"
                    SBO = True
                Case "ARAP5"
                    ProcessToKill = True
            End Select
        'kill your add-on's process if SBO is not running
        If SBO = False And ProcessToKill = True Then
            MsgBox("Business One exited abnormally.  The AR/AP Comparison add-on (ARAP5.exe) is now being shut down.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
            For Each p In p.GetProcesses
                Select Case p.ProcessName
                    Case "ARAP5"
                End Select
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

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    Hi mario,
    This issue can occurs when the primary and secondary Cisco ISE nodes' database are out of sync. For out of sync issues, which most likely are due to time changes or NTP sync issues, you must correct the system time and perform a manual sync up through the UI.
    •For certificate expiry issues, you must install a valid certificate and perform a manual sync up through the UI.
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    For more information regarding this issue, please go through this link:

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    Unix Platform: Sun Solaries 64bit
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    Hi Sandeep,
    The xcp files are in the application directory.
    I've raised SR in Metalink but the support request me to change the Essbase.cfg on the NETRETRY and NETRETRYCOUNT from 5000 and 3000 respectively to 1000 each and also the SERVERTHREAD from 200 change to 100.
    I've read from one of the reply in the forum saying that if the xcp files are in application directory then it does not really related to the Essbase.cfg unless it is from the server directory. So if in this case, should I still modify the config file?
    Hi John,
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    This occured to me also, but I'm still using kernel
    The problem seems to be elsewhere ...
    At first I didn't thought this was a bug, but now that I read your post, maybe we should file a bug-report.
    See also :
    Last edited by john_schaf (2009-10-02 08:14:09)


    HI All,
    We have an Planning application and when the user is trying to perform some activity and ti involves in running some calculation Scripts.
    At point the application is going down and this is causing real mess.
    There is no .xcp file created in the app folder. We are unable to find the root cause of the issue.
    the following are the fixes we tried but gave us no result.
    We tried to increase the Java Heep size
    <variable id="ESS_CSS_JVM_OPTION8" value="-Xms512m"/>
    <variable id="ESS_CSS_JVM_OPTION9" value="-Xmx1024m"/>
    But the issue still exists.
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    Connected from []
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/SMARTPln/gbeaton@CAL1/1127704896/Info(1020089)
    Ignoring span Hybrid Analysis option. Spanning into Hybrid Analysis Relational Source has been disabled. See the essbase.cfg file
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/SMARTPln/gbeaton@CAL1/1127704896/Info(1020055)
    Spreadsheet Extractor Elapsed Time : [0.01] seconds
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/SMARTPln/gbeaton@CAL1/1127704896/Info(1020082)
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    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln///1222445376/Info(1013210)
    User [hypadmin@Native Directory] set active on database [Wrkforce]
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln///1130862912/Info(1042059)
    Connected from []
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/Wrkforce/hypadmin@Native Directory/1130862912/Info(1013091)
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    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/Wrkforce/hypadmin@Native Directory/1130862912/Info(1260039)
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    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/Wrkforce/hypadmin@Native Directory/1132968256/Info(1013091)
    Received Command [MdxReport] from user [hypadmin@Native Directory]
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:32 2013]Local/SMARTPln/Wrkforce/hypadmin@Native Directory/1132968256/Info(1260039)
    MaxL DML Execution Elapsed Time : [0] seconds
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    Connected from []
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    Received Command [SetAlias] from user [gbeaton@CAL1]
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:35 2013]Local/SMARTPln///1135073600/Info(1042059)
    Connected from []
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:35 2013]Local/SMARTPln/SMARTPln/gbeaton@CAL1/1135073600/Info(1020089)
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    Spreadsheet Extractor Elapsed Time : [0] seconds
    [Mon Nov  4 11:24:35 2013]Local/SMARTPln/SMARTPln/gbeaton@CAL1/1135073600/Info(1020082)
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    Connected from []
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    Connected from []
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    Can you please help me out form this .

    Hi Mady,
    Thanks for the reply.
    We have increased the Heap size and restarted the services. But this issue still exists. And also restarted the entire system but the result is the same.
    We are unable to find the root cause which is causing this issue.
    Can any one suggest me....
    Thanks in Advance.

  • Finalizers + abnormal shutdown

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    2. Is it an implementation bug, or allowed by the VM spec / JLS? I have found this in the JLS:
    The Java programming language does not specify how soon a finalizer will be invoked, except to say that it will happen before the storage for the object is reused.
    Since storage for the object will certainly be re-used after termination of the VM, finalizers must be called before shutdown according to the JLS, right? Any pointer to contrary information would be nice.
    3. If finalizers are not guaranteed to be called, what is their use? The typical action of a finalizer would be to de-allocate some system resource (close a file or network connection, release the graphics or sound hardware, etc). No sane programmer would leave such important tasks to an unreliable mechanism. So if finalizers are unreliable, where are they useful?
    Thanks in advance.

    What do you mean by "abnormal shutdown of the JVM"?I do not mean killing the VM process at the OS level. It's something that comes from "inside the VM". But I don't know what it is exactly, as I was only pointed in that direction by posts in this forum. System.exit? Exceptions? Don't know what.

  • Abnormal Shutdown in App when conducting training

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    When your sever is dead, there isn't anything there to run and all the connections are lost.
    On the client side you will have to look for the disconnect, timeout, or some other exception so you know not to continue trying to connect to a dead server socket.

  • Abnormal Shutdown...

    My Server turned off abnormally last night, We have started it later, Now, I opened and checked the Alert.Log file, but I unable to find any shutdown Information, that happened last Night.
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    Server , Actually, System Admin Dept. called me and asked any information that has been stored in aler file regarding last night abnormal shutdown.
    I can find Only starting Information.
    THanks Adith for reply!!

  • Abnormal shutdown of database

    Hai All,
    This alert log content from my production database. what is the cause of the abnormal shutdown.After the shutdown, the database can startup normally.
    Tue Aug 7 04:59:23 2007
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1376
    Current log# 1 seq# 1376 mem# 0: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/dsoft/redo01.log
    Tue Aug 7 09:00:53 2007
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 1377
    Current log# 2 seq# 1377 mem# 0: /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/oradata/dsoft/redo02.log
    Tue Aug 7 11:46:29 2007
    Shutting down instance (abort)
    License high water mark = 132
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 28548
    Tue Aug 7 11:46:32 2007
    Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
    Picked latch-free SCN scheme 2
    Using LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_10 parameter default value as USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST
    Autotune of undo retention is turned on.
    ILAT =18
    SYS auditing is disabled
    Please help..

    Hi Dear,
    I feel this instance is terminated with shu abort command by
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 28548You should check who is this user who has sysdba privilages.........It can be really very dangerous.
    Amit Raghuvanshi

  • RAC abnormal shutdown

    Hello All,
    We are facing an unusual scenario.
    We are having a 3 nodes RAC on Oracle 2 node were shutdown abnormally. Can you please help in finding the rootcause of the problem?
    All the services has to be manually started
    Find below the messages in Background Trace Files :
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:36 2010
    Global Resource Directory frozen
    * dead instance detected - domain 0 invalid = TRUE
    Communication channels reestablished
    * domain 0 not valid according to instance 2
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:36 2010
    Master broadcasted resource hash value bitmaps
    Non-local Process blocks cleaned out
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:36 2010
    LMS 1: 63 GCS shadows cancelled, 2 closed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:36 2010
    LMS 0: 61 GCS shadows cancelled, 1 closed
    Set master node info
    Submitted all remote-enqueue requests
    Dwn-cvts replayed, VALBLKs dubious
    All grantable enqueues granted
    Post SMON to start 1st pass IR
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:38 2010
    Instance recovery: looking for dead threads
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:38 2010
    LMS 1: 23117 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:38 2010
    LMS 0: 23361 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 0: 23052 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:39 2010
    LMS 1: 23922 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:39 2010
    LMS 0: 23388 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:39 2010
    LMS 1: 23088 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 23268 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 23621 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 22885 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 23061 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 23046 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 24090 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    LMS 1: 23329 GCS shadows traversed, 4001 replayed
    Thu Dec 02 10:38:39 2010
    Beginning instance recovery of 1 threads

    user3601721 wrote:
    We are having a 3 nodes RAC on Oracle 2 node were shutdown abnormally. Can you please help in finding the rootcause of the problem? This requires more that a snippet of part of the alert log of a single instance.
    Why was the instances shutdown? Did they shutdown themselves, or were they simply killed? What does the kernel log say? What do the CRS and CSS logs say? Were there issues with the storage layer (what do you use as cluster storage layer)? Were there issues with the Interconnect (what do you use for the Interconnect)? Is ASM used? Etc. etc.
    Why the manual start-up? Did this include restarting CRS or just the RAC instances? Or were the servers rebooted? What did the manual start-up entail?

  • Abnormal Shutdown and roles missing

    Yesterday my database shutdown abnormally.. after opening the connect,dba ansd some other roles missing . and users cannot able to connect .later I give the create session privilage to all users then they can able to connect How it happened? please help
    How it happened?
    alert log file
    Thu Feb 15 09:02:13 2007
    ARC1: Completed archiving log 1 thread 1 sequence 4726
    Thu Feb 15 09:20:53 2007
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 4728
    Current log# 3 seq# 4728 mem# 0: /data/oradata/wg92/redo05.log
    Thu Feb 15 09:20:53 2007
    ARC0: Evaluating archive log 4 thread 1 sequence 4727
    ARC0: Beginning to archive log 4 thread 1 sequence 4727
    Creating archive destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1: '/oraarc/wg92/arch/1_4727.dbf'
    Thu Feb 15 09:21:37 2007
    ARC0: Completed archiving log 4 thread 1 sequence 4727
    Thu Feb 15 10:13:20 2007
    Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 4729
    Current log# 1 seq# 4729 mem# 0: /data/oradata/wg92/redo06.log
    Thu Feb 15 10:13:20 2007
    ARC1: Evaluating archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 4728
    ARC1: Beginning to archive log 3 thread 1 sequence 4728
    Creating archive destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1: '/oraarc/wg92/arch/1_4728.dbf'
    ARC1: Completed archiving log 3 thread 1 sequence 4728
    Thu Feb 15 13:51:38 2007
    Shutting down instance (abort)
    License high water mark = 135
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 7740
    Thu Feb 15 13:48:50 2007
    Starting ORACLE instance (normal)
    SCN scheme 3
    SYS auditing is disabled
    Starting up ORACLE RDBMS Version:
    System parameters with non-default values:
    processes = 150
    timed_statistics = TRUE
    shared_pool_size = 117440512
    large_pool_size = 16777216
    java_pool_size = 117440512
    control_files = /data1/oradata/wg92/control01.ctl, /data2/oradata/wg92/control02.ctl, /data3/oradata/wg92/control03.ctl
    db_block_size = 8192
    db_cache_size = 318767104
    compatible =
    log_archive_start = TRUE
    log_archive_dest = /oraarc/wg92/arch
    db_file_multiblock_read_count= 16
    fast_start_mttr_target = 300
    undo_management = AUTO
    undo_tablespace = UNDOTBS1
    undo_retention = 10800
    max_enabled_roles = 100
    remote_login_passwordfile= NONE
    db_domain =
    instance_name = wg92
    dispatchers = (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=wg92XDB)
    job_queue_processes = 10
    hash_join_enabled = TRUE
    background_dump_dest = /oracle/app/product/9.2.0/oracle9/admin/wg92/bdump
    user_dump_dest = /oracle/app/product/9.2.0/oracle9/admin/wg92/udump
    core_dump_dest = /oracle/app/product/9.2.0/oracle9/admin/wg92/cdump
    sort_area_size = 524288
    db_name = wg92
    open_cursors = 300
    star_transformation_enabled= FALSE
    query_rewrite_enabled = FALSE
    pga_aggregate_target = 25165824
    aq_tm_processes = 1
    PMON started with pid=2
    DBW0 started with pid=3
    LGWR started with pid=4
    Please help

    later I give the create session privilage to all users With what privilge do you logged on yourself to grant privileges?
    users cannot able to connect Which users cannot connect. Do you mean all users excluding sys?
    If you start your database in restricted mode then users with restricted session privilege can only connect. Is this your case?
    Message was edited by:
    Vishal V.

  • Abnormal shutdown of JVM cause server unreachable

    Hi all,
    My application is based on client-server and work fine in normal condition.When my server module shutdown abnormally (cause system shutdown or JVM abnormal termination)so my all clients hangs up due to server unreachable.
    I have a method for normal shutdown of my server module that cause all client module logout properly.And it work only when I shutdown my server module by given control (Like stop server button).If there is any event that fire at the time when JVM is shutdown by using it I will run my properly shutdown method.
    Thanks in advance

    When your sever is dead, there isn't anything there to run and all the connections are lost.
    On the client side you will have to look for the disconnect, timeout, or some other exception so you know not to continue trying to connect to a dead server socket.

  • What startup command should be writen after abnormal shutdown?

    Hi all
    I have a 10g DB instance on Unix server.
    The server was shutdown without first shutting down the DB and Listener.
    Now when I started the server, should I type:
    sqlplus: sys as sysdba
    in normal mode or nomount mode?
    Is there anything else to be done after startup?
    Please mention the reason!
    Thank you

    Well, yes all db files are autoextend
    When I typed the command you gave, it showed AUTO YESGood.
    But i'll have to work on making the size unlimited.Use this command:
    SQL> ALTER DATABASE DATAFILE '<FULL Path to Datafile>' AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;Note: 468096.1 - How To Check For Autoextensible Datafiles Set To Maxsize Unlimited

  • Application got locked when power failure(abnormal shutdown)

    hi all,,,
    I am developing swings application where user needs to login by giving valid Uname and password(only one user at a time,multiple users not allowed) and im storing this data(Uname and pwd) and status(looged in/not) in xml,my app is working fine when we closed the application normally,for this i had written an event when clicked on close button(by using boolean).
    My problem is when there is power failure/system crashes,the application is getting locked when user tries to login.
    can any help me in this..wat can i do to solve this?

    I found that problem
    i hope your application will be running in a network drive and only one user can login at a time.
    so u need to track the abrupt shutdown.

  • Runtime Error: abnormal shutdown of c:\program files\...\labview.exe

    Okay.  I've just upgraded to labview 8.0 last week and have been using it without error until the program hung when I opened it one day.  To remedy the situation and after waiting a while, I "ctrl+alt+del"ed it and forcebly closed the application.  From then on, the main lab view program will not function.  I get a runtime error saying that the program (c:\program files\...\labview.exe) was shutdown adnormally and to consult with the software manufacturer. Other NI applications function without error (ie: Measurement and Automation Explorer, Previous versions of labview, etc).
    I tried to reinstall the upgrade to no avail.  Leason learned:  ctrl+alt+del is evil.  If you have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate any input and I will relay the results.  Thanks in advance. 

    Hi Wiztrek,
    This does indeed sound like an odd error/situation. We'll do our best to get it sorted out for you though! A few questions for you:
    1. What kind of computer is this? Laptop, server, desktop, etc?
    2. What OS? Service Pack (if applicable)?
    3. When does it happen? You mentioned the splash screen -- is that as far as it gets?
    Something you could try (and this is a shot in the dark) is to rename or delete the LabVIEW.ini file (it's in the same directory as LabVIEW.exe). If that doesn't work, I think a reinstall is best to try to fix it. Remove LabVIEW 8.0 from your computer via Add/Remove Programs. Then completely delete the "LabVIEW 8.0" folder from "Program Files/National Instruments" on your harddrive.  
    When you run the installer again (after rebooting of course), make note of any errors you receive (if any). Try following the steps outlined in this KnowledgeBase -- we might get something useful out of the install log:
    How Do I Generate an Error Log File for a Software Installation?
    I hope this helps shed some light on the issue - let us know what you find out!
    Charlie S.
    Visit for step-by-step help in setting up your system

Maybe you are looking for