Scan Expense receipts

Hi All
How the receipts for the expenses are handled in ESS Travel and Expense application?
Is there a way to scan and attach as a pdf document, or need to develop a custom application for this.
Thanks, Karan

receipts can be attached in PR05

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    Please refer to the note "1076144  ESS trips and expenses: Migration from WD Java to WD ABAP" to check your setting.

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    I 've a requirement to hide the "Receipts Missing" and "Request Information" buttons on the "Expense Receipts Overdue" notification. I 'am assuming that I need to customize the "Receipts Overdue Process" workflow process to add the HIDE_MOREINFO=Y attribute to hide the "Request Information" button. Please correct me if I 'am wrong.
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    Hi Ganpathi
    Can you please let me know how you hide the "Missing Receipts" button.I also have the same requirement .I have to hide the 'Already Sent Receipts' button.
    Please provide me some inputs.
    Thanks in advance

  • Regarding Expense Receipts never showing

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      please help me.i have configured regarding expense receipts and types.but No one expense receipts showing in the listbox in expense receipt in transaction trip.NO ONE RECEIPTS is showing there.expense receipt field is showing empty.please help me to show the expenses receipts there.
    thanx and regards,

    Have you created expenses receipt types, I think so you have not create the expenses receipt types.
    then create the travel expenses receipt types, and assign to your trip provision variant.
    Update this table V_T706B1.
    Travel Management
    Travel Expenses
    Master Data
    Travel Expense Types
    Create Travel Expense Types for Individual Receipts.
    Good luck

  • Table for link between Expense receipts and G/L account

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    Thank you in advance

    Hi Tarek,
    Thatu2019s correct what Nandagopal is saying, there is no table where you can see all G/L account associated to each expense.
    However you can see the all your expense type relation to Wage type in view V_T706B4 and then respective wage type relation to symbolic account in view V_T706K.
    Then you can check the link of symbolic account to particular GL account at below IMG Path.
    Financial Accounting / Travel Management / Travel Expenses / Transfer to Accounting
    Please note that the link happens in below manner and we cannot get any direct link between Expense type and GL account.
    Expense Type -> Wage type -> Symbolic Account -> GL Account
    Do let us know for any query.

  • BarCode Scanning - PO Receipts in Forms Interface

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    Need a clarification on whether the following scenario is available as standard functionality in a Forms Interface (NOT using MSCA Devices)
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    I am assuming this is a standard feature available when scanning with MSCA devices.Kindly correct me if i am mistaken.
    Karthi Sankar!

    I think you have covered it all.
    Just add PO_VENDORS and PO_VENDOR_SITES views to get the supplier and site name/codes.

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    Hi Guru,
    I have configurated the Credit Card Clearing in Travel Expense.
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    May I know what further configuration needs to be done? Thanks in Advance.
    I am using ECC6.0 Portal 7
    A SAP learner
    Edited by: King Wa Lee on Jul 10, 2009 11:57 AM

    Try these steps:
    In order to have credit card receipts available for a demo within the service My Credit Card Receipts (<# of available receipts>), you need to prepare the following steps:
    1.     Log on to the backend system in the language of your demo.
    2.     Go to transaction PA30.
    3.     Check which credit card company is stored for the employee you want to use for your demo (see Infotype 105 subtype 0011).
    4.     Go to transaction SE38.
    5.     Type in the report name RPRCCC_CREATE_TESTFILE and execute the report.
    6.     On the next screen enter the employee’s credit card company (e.g. “AX” for American Express), leave the default enterprise ID with “Test”) and enter the personnel number of the employee for whom you want to create credit card data:
    7.     Execute the program. The next screen shows you which test data has been created locally on your C: drive.
    8.     Go back to the start screen of transaction SE38.
    9.     Type in the report name RPRCCC00 and execute the report.
    10.     Enter “Test” as enterprise ID and de-activate the flag “Test run (no data transfer), then execute the report:
    11.     The system now asks you to select a file. The test file you had created with report RPRCCC_CREATE_TESTFILE was automatically stored on your C: drive with file name CCC_DEMO.CCD. Choose this file and click Open:
    12.     The system shows you which data has been imported for the employee. You can now show the service My Credit Card Receipts as well as mark and insert credit card receipts into your expense report once you have created a new expense report.
    BR, Abdul.
    <Reward points if info is useful>

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    Thanks in advance.

    Raja, I did it already and these are production scenarios...
    but if the trip doesn't have expenses in the Receipts tab, nothing is triggered when saving the trip. But if you select the Simulate button, there's per diem amounts (meals, accom...).
    The event is only triggered if you save the trip after entering an expense line in receipts.
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  • Automator for PDF merge with variable

    Hi - very new to automator, but now very motivated to find a solution to this annoying problem.
    I have to scan expense receipts each week and upload them 1 by 1 into a client time & expense system. I don't think Automator can help me with this one.
    A second system requires all the expense receipts to be merged into a PDF and a 3rd copy emailed to an approver.
    This is what I would like automator to do:
    From my Expenses folder, where all my individual PDF's are located
    I select all my distinct PDF's for a particular week
    Using an automator service, right click style
    Using 'Ask for Text', I would enter the "Week of"
    My selected PDF's are merged into 1 PDF, with the name = "Week of <VAR>"
    Mail starts (can't figure out how to use Gmail in a browser in Automator)
    Creates a message to the approver guy with the merged attachment from #5 above
    Sends the message
    Quits Mail
    I can get the automator to run without the variables trick...but it really would save a lot of time if I could just key it in once (instead of #filename, #email subject, #body of the message).
    I also tried looking up the UUID for the variable and inserting it into the email body and subject line - but it didn't take.
    Can anyone help with this?
    Many thanks

    Can't help you with automator, but you can create an app with the applescript below that will do what you want.
    1. Open the Applescript Editor by typing Apples in the spotlight search field and hitting 'return' on your keyboard.
    2. Copy the entire script below and paste it into the Editor window.
    3. Hit 'Command-K' on the keyboard and ensure there are no compiler errors. If there are, please look at the script and see if one part of it was highlighted. Report back what part of the script was highlighted and any error messages.
    If the compile didn't produce an error, then:
    4. Hit 'Command-S' on the keyboard, choose a snazzy name ("PDF merger" or something...) and a location to save it in (your Apps or Desktop folders).  Be sure to change the 'File Format:' to Application at the bottom of the Save screen before hitting 'Save'.
    5. The first time you run the app (you run it by double-clicking on it, like any other App), you'll be asked to put in the details manually. On subsequent runs, it will fill in the defaults for you. I haven't set up the default locations for looking and searching for the files as I'm not sure where they would be on your system. I can do that if you tell me the path from your 'home' or user directory.
    Also note, I've written the script so that it doesn't send the message until you've reviewed it. i.e., you might want to double check you've attached the correct file, or add a message. If you want it to send automatically without review change the following lines near the end of the script:
    change the line 'set visible to true' to 'set visible to false'
    change the line 'save' to 'send'
    property defaultFolder : ""
    property msgSubject : ""
    property theRecipient : ""
    property theWeeklyname : ""
    property outputFile : ""
    on getInfo()
              display dialog "Type the recipient's email address: " default answer theRecipient
              set theRecipient to the text returned of the result
              delay 0.25
              display dialog "Set the subject of the message: " default answer msgSubject
              set msgSubject to the text returned of the result
    end getInfo
    on mergePDFS()
              display dialog "Please choose the files to merge…" default button "OK"
              set inputFiles to choose file of type "PDF" with multiple selections allowed without invisibles
              delay 0.25
              display dialog "Please choose a folder to save the merged PDF…" default button "OK"
              set outputFolder to choose folder
              delay 0.25
              display dialog "Type the name of the combined pdf (without the .pdf extension): " default answer theWeeklyname
              set theWeeklyname to text returned of the result
              set outputFile to (outputFolder as text) & theWeeklyname & "(" & (count of inputFiles) & ").pdf"
              set pdfFiles to ""
              repeat with p in inputFiles
                        set pdfFiles to pdfFiles & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of p
              end repeat
              do shell script "/System/Library/Automator/Combine\\ PDF\\ Pages.action/Contents/Resources/ " & "-o " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFile & pdfFiles
              return outputFile as alias
    end mergePDFS
    on sendMail()
              tell application "Finder"
                        set theAttachment to outputFile as alias
              end tell
              tell application "Mail"
                        set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:msgSubject, content:"" & return & return}
                        tell newMessage
                                  set visible to true
      make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:theRecipient}
                                  tell content
      make new attachment with properties {file name:theAttachment} at after the last paragraph
                                  end tell
                        end tell
              end tell
    end sendMail

  • LaserJet software/driver issues. Print and Scan Doctor doesn't work on scanning function of MFP.

    Upon using the diagnostic utility HPPSdr. exe, only the select an action "Fix Printing" shows up and not the "Fix Scanning" option. Our printer is the LaserJet 3050 connected via usb running under Windows Vista32 on a HP dv8408us laptop. The scanning driver is HP imaging There have been numerous problems with this scanning software/driver package which have been well illustrated on the HP forums. An update is sorely needed. All that HP customers really expect when we buy a product is that we get the functionality that we paid for and that we get support for the software and hardware for a reasonable length of time, I think that 5-7 years after the final production date of the product, at least, is reasonable. In the case of the 3050, the scanning has never worked right since day 1 because the scans are too light with signatures and time stamps showing up poorly. With the pnp driver installed it it almost impossible to scan in receipts, etc. The communication software Toolbox FX is needed to use the scan button on the machine, and since there are so many problems with this package with respect to system resource usage and connectivity, we can't use it and we don't get the walk up use of the scan button that we paid for originally. As Microsoft has updated the Windows OS, HP has failed to keep pace and we lose functionality of our equipment over time.  The diagnostic utilities have supposedly been updated several times and the scanning portion of the MFP still doesn't show. Surely the wide base of installation of this product could justify the expense of some engineering time for an update to the software and drivers. If HP hopes to turn itself around, a commitment needs to be made towards engineering products that really work in the environments that its customers use them, or else HP will merely be regarded as marketing company that is only concerned with selling the next thing without respect to customer retention.

    Thank you for your response,
         There have been problems with the software and drivers for the LaserJet MFP/AIO machines which have been well illustrated by many users on here for several years. What is shocking is the unwillingness of HP to address these issues at an engineering and design level. This is the level in your organization that these problems need to be addressed at, not at the marketing and customer service level. The software/driver package has never really worked right ever since the 3050 - 3392 series was introduced back in 2006. The scanning drivers in the pnp drivers don't work, and never have, because of frequent communication problems. Someone never bothered to check if a blue ink signature would scan. I and several others have reported on these issues. What I have discoverd, through much trial and error, is that the full software package upon installation with only basic drivers installed using the check boxes in the menu, actually installs differently than the pnp driver. Who would have thought this? So now the machine scans OK. 
         My PC really appreciates not having the ToolboxFX installed. ToolBoxFX Error messages and crashes have been well documented on here. This is an application that puts an unnecessary drain on system resources. The only problem is that now the use of the Scan button on the machine is taken away so I don't get the walk up use of the scan button that we paid for in the original design. Why is the scan button function tied to the defective ToolboxFX software? 
         As far as printing goes, after carefully deleting the original print drivers, I use the PCL 5 and PCL6 UPD drivers. They work a lot better than the original print drivers ever did. But what about scanning? The scan driver on the 3050 dates all the way back to 7 2007. Scanning is an integral part of the functioning of most offices nowadays, but it is an afterthought at HP.  Why would a driver, software or diagnostic package only address half of the capabilities of a machine?
         When I went on the vacation recently, I tried to use my PCL 5 and PCL 6 drivers on my relatives 2009 OfficeJet 7310 and it wouldn't work at all. I had to spend 2 hours with multiple failed attempts to install the full 7310 package on my PC. Installation problems and repeated attempts are a constant theme with HP software. The very term Universal Print Driver is misleading because it won't work on many of the HP products out there. The product listing for the UPD, I only recently discovered on here, with help, because it was so buried on the UPD information page. 
         The LaserJet 3050 at $300 from Staples wasn't the most expensive printer out there, but it wasn't the least either. It is actually a pretty nice piece of hardware. I have invested over $1,500 in marked up toner since I've had this machine. HP needs to do better for us. 

  • Adding an attachment to expenses

    Hi all-
    We are implementing Travel and Expense in ECC 6.0 / EP 7 and have a requirement to attach a scanned image of an expense receipt to the expense report, which will land as an attachment in the ECC system when the expense report is approved through workflow.
    Does anybody have recemmend a good means of accomplishing this?

    Working sample code:
    --- Code starts here ---
    set {tTo, tSender, tSubject, tContent, tFile} to {"[email protected]", "Server <[email protected]>", "Testing", "text", "HD1:Users:a:Desktop:someFile.txt"}
    delay 5
    repeat until (number of paragraphs in (do shell script "ping -c 1; echo -n")) > 5
    end repeat
    delay 1
    tell application "Mail"
    set nMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {sender:tSender, subject:tSubject, content:(tContent & return & return)}
    tell nMessage
    make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {address:tTo}
    tell content to make new attachment with properties {file name:(tFile as alias)} at after last paragraph
    end tell
    send nMessage
    end tell
    --- Code ends here ---
    Also, entering 'attachment' into the 'Search Discussions' search field will produce links to additional code and / or suggestions.

  • Actual travel receipt handling

    Hello All,
    I would like to get some feedback from the users on this forum as to how your organization is handling actual travel receipts.  Weu2019re creating our specifications for our travel mgmt. project, and ideally we would want the traveler to scan the receipts and then attach them to the travel expense report via the portal.  Weu2019ve had a lot of discussion around the scanning specifications, so Iu2019m now wondering how other users are working this.  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and if you donu2019t mind please let me know what type of organization you are in. 
    Thank you.

    We are a global telecommunications company.  We have slightly different requirements for expense receipt handling in US vs outside the US.
    For the US, we require scanned receipts for any expense over a certain amount as specified by Accounts Payable personnel.  When the ee creates the expense report via web, he/she attaches the scanned receipts document as .pdf file using standard SAP attachment functionality on the 'General Data' screen or on the 'Overivew' screen.  We require that  the original receipt for any expense incurred outside of the US be attached to a printed copy of the expense report summary which is forwarded to Accounts Payable personnel.
    For non-US ees, we require submission of original receipts for all expenses attached to a printed copy of the expense report summary.  The ee may scan receipts and attach them to the expense report; but all original receipts must be sent to appropriate Accounts Payable personnel in locations outside of the US. 
    Both domestically and internationally, managers are responsible for initial audit of receipts against expenses on the ee's expense report summary.  Workflow facilitates approval/rejection of expense reports.  Final audit, approval, and processing for payment is the responsibility of Accounts Payable personnel.
    Hope this helps with your survey...
    Linda Hartmann

  • Updating expense report

    Hi - after an audit was done on my expense report, I had to recall it and update an expense receipt image.
    Once this has been completed, the reimbursement amount is wrong.  I submitted the expense report again with a comment that the amount is wrong, however I expect this will flow through completely with the wrong amount.
    How can I get the system to update and include the expense that required the receipt image again?

    Hi Larry,
    How did you attach the expense receipt? Did you send it via e-mail? Or do you use central receipt scanning?
    If you took a picture of the receipt and then uploaded it, it is possible that the smart receipt recognition did not work. You might find the Help Center document Claiming Expenses (HTML5), section "Task - Attaching Receipts" helpful.
    Kind regards,

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