Scanning computer for music

When I installed iTunes it prompted me to allow it to scan my hard drive for music. Not wanting EVERY sound bite I had imported into my iTunes Library, I declined.
After some organizing, I want iTunes to scan my computer for my music. Can someone help me figure out how to tell iTunes to perform this scan again?

EDIT: I found a way around it.

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    Yes, use the iTunes command File > Add Folder to Library, and point it to "My Music" or whatever high-level folder(s) contain your song files. iTunes will scan the folder and all its subfolders, and will add what it finds to the library.

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    For me all of my data and backups are done through iCloud, but it still lets me sync to iTunes no prob. I would turn off Music and anything else you want on the iCloud menu on the iPhone, and then when you plug in to iTunes instead of saying iCloud backup say Computer backup.

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    In itune 11,
    Type (ctrl + B), this will make the menu bar unhide.
    Then, go to File, SELECT "Add folder to Library"
    A new window will open, and you can drive down to the folder that contain all of the music.
    From that folder, hold SHIFT down and highlight all the folders of the music.
    Then select ok.
    Good luck

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    That's great that your friends have their own bands and send you their stuff.
    To do what you want, use File > Add Folder to Library. If it is a big folder, iTunes will go thru all the subfolders and add whatever songs it finds that are not already in the library. (When you say "all over the place," I assume it is all either in "My Music" or else in folders that you know where to find.)

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    [email protected]

    Hey luay0366
    Check out the following article for importing music that is already on your computer.
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Import music and video already on your computer
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    There's a couple of ways to get through to the authorisation controls in the 11.0.x versions.
    The control is still in the Store menu, but first (if you're using iTunes versions 11.0.x) you might need to bring up the menu bar to see the Store menu.
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    Then you'll find the control in the Store menu:
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    If you want to do this in a cost-effective way, you should delete some files you don't need from your macbook pro to make room for logic pro. Even though Logic Pro has around 50 GB of stuff, most of it comes from the Jam Packs, which I'm guessing you won't really need to use...So make room for Logic Pro on your laptop and install it there...then use the external hard drive to store and record your music to.
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    Option #3, you can always upgrade your internal hard drive...there are plenty of sites on the net that shows tutorials and offers hard drives that have plenty of storage, faster speed, and you won't even need to purchase an external if you upgrade to at least a 1 TB, 7200 rpm hard drive.

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    tx for jumping in.
    02:57 PM
    manta wrote:
    so step by step what you do:
    Yes, I
    Open Music Manager
    Scan PC for music files
    Define folder (the external hard drive) where music if scanned from
    02:57 PM
    manta wrote:
    What happens ? Any error messages ?
    What format is your music ?
    No error what so ever.
    Music manager immediatly shows:
    Scanning: Finished
    Found: 0 files
    music is mp3 (organised by iTunes)
    If I take any subset of that music, transfer it to my internal c: drive, and scan for it, music manager does find it.
    Also, if I define the location of "My Collection" to point at my external drive, Music Manager does see the mp3 tracks.
    (Yet I understand it is not recommended to do this ?)Message Edited by ody_noob on 27-Oct-2006
    03:19 PM

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    This is where I get confused, can anyone tell me of a way to scan my computer for music files that can be put in my library so I dont have to swim through all my folders?

    You simply do by adding folders to itunes music libray
    Go to file add folders one artist at a time or import your all folders by simply selecting my music click ok & it will add all your music folders to your itunes library

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    Not too much worry with Macs, but get an Ethernet Router, skip Wireless, use strong Passwords.
    How about if I had a bootable external hard drive for my work, with the Mac OS system on. Then when I'm working I could boot up from that drive (and use the computer off-line).
    Excellent idea, especially if the heavy Net user doesn't have Admin rights.
    One bootable drive for me and another bootable drive for my studio partner (and then only connect one hard drive at the time).
    Just about foolproof! Just need 2 more drives for backup. Not sure why you'd want to remove the internal HD though.
    No Viruses yet in OSX land, in fact the only Malware I know about requires you to install it for itself!
    You'll be OK, that separate drives idea is pure genius.:-)
    Most don't need it on Macs, but here ya go on the Mac side...
    ClamXAV, free Virus scanner...
    Little Snitch, stops/alerts outgoing stuff...
    HenWen/Snort combo, that is a free MAJOR Firewall...
    Then the venerable old Brickhoues/Flying Buttress Firewall...
    WaterRoof is a firewall management frontend with bandwidth tuning, NAT setup, port redirection, dynamic rules tracking, predefined rule sets, wizard, logs, statistics and other features.
    Monitor net usage... age-Monitor.shtml

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