Scared about Zen micro

ok, just bought a new zen micro 4gb at work now, and "he" is actually at home charging at my home pc.....
st: is it bad that he?s at home (alone, snif snif) charging for 0 hours?
2nd: Everyone on this forum apparently have problems with the player, so....i guess i made a bad choice? low batery life......etc etc etc...
sinf snif snif...(but he?s very beautifull!)

You should of bought a Zen MicroPhoto instead of the old model, it fixed the few things that were bad about the Zen Micro and you have double memory! Not all the Micros are defecti've though, you might be the lucky owner of a perfect one. GL !

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    To Whom It May Concern:
    ??Two weeks ago, I bought a Creative ZEN Micro (5GB) mp3 player from PChome online shop. After one week, the battery can not charge normally and I believe it was broken. I don?t know it cause by your company bad quality control or PChome?s selling bad product. I report PChome this issue, they said they will contact vendor and understand this issue. I also told Creative Taiwan branch. Your customer service tells me, maybe the battery is old and he want me mail mp3 player back. I am not happy about this shopping experience. I think Creative is such as a good brand in music machine area before, but I doubt it now. Your customer service is not good. I am working in office hours and I have no time to mail my mp3 player. It is not fair for me to take responsibility for none mp3 to used during the mailing process. In Taiwan, if you don?t provide a good service contact window, maybe you can provide some retail stores that customers send their Creative products to fix.
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    Best Regards,

    Wow. I actually wish that happened to me (some tracks I would really like to have music only and no vocals). Lucky.
    BUT, did you try to load them without all those programs running? How about trying to go into recovery mode and doing a disk clean up? Let us know! Good luck!

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    The Micro and all the current 4, 5 and 6 gig players (including iPOD mini use " hard dri'ves.
    These are about the same dri'ves as used in CF type micro-dri'ves.
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    I think they are .8" diameter disks.

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    I have installed the version 2 firmware on several players and have yet to have run into any problems. I know there are people who have experienced them, but I think that the probability of this is low. Here are some suggestions on making sure it will work:
    ) Disable your antivirus before running the update. This really applies to all dri've/firmware updates.
    2) Turn off all of your player related software.
    3) Make sure you have Windows Media Player 0 and SP or higher installed
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    That would normally be paid by credit card. Just get back in touch with Customer Support and they will be able to arrange it for you.

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    Here is a link to the product:
    Thanks!Message Edited by terryjohnson6 on 07-03-2005 09:2 AM

    terryjohnson6 wrote:
    Only Creative knows why...... I dont think anything has been said formally by Creative about the delay, just a few online sources are saying that there is a delay.

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    I did not post "rulezbecca" just replied to it. I have the same problem though.
    I posted this to get the attention of, maybe, a Creative tech who might be reading some of the posts.
    I have upgraded most of the computer software, firmware, hardware, and other periferals at some time or another with out this much trouble.
    The main problem is that after part of the firmware has been loaded the micro hangs and the computer wants me to install a driver so it can communicate with the micro via the USB port, that same port it was using just prior to do the firmware download. Now the micro can not connect via the USB port in this computer or any other computer I try.
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    Hi Catherina - thx 4 the reply but yr answer implies that the old Zen Micro can be seen in windows explorer directly as an additonal dri've and this contradicts all the reviews i have read about that in order to transfer non-media files to the player, i have 2 either use the bundled program "Zen Media Explorer" or the firmware itself (in case i am not allowed 2 install software on some computer i wanna transfer files from or to) but i was speaking about plugging the player simply in the USB to be detected by XP, assigned to it a dri've letter and then i can start copying files from/to it right away without any additional extra software installed or anything i must configure on the player itself. IMHO, this is how the MP3 players should behave 4 extra simplicity and ease of use
    SUGGESTION: can u plz make video clips showing how 2 use the player in all aspects. I have seen that with the iri'ver players where some people (i am not sure if those people are the guys @ iri'ver themselves or just some fans) have posted numerous video clips showing the iri'ver player in all aspects so the end user like me feel like he is using the player in his hands even if he/she hasn't purchased it yet - something that will be very effecti've on people's decision purchase. Wish to see video clips showing all aspects of the Zen Micro player and may be other players
    Here is the site i was talking about: www.misticri'
    Message Edited by magoood on 0-04-2005 2:9 PM

  • [Zen Micro]Questions about the Firmw

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    Thanks for answers

    I don't have the 2.x firmware, but I think I'm correct in saying this :
    with the 2.x firmware, your Micro becomes an MTP compatible device, which can be recognized on PCs having an MTP compatible OS (operating system). For the moment, the only OS that fits the bill to my knowledge, is Win XP with Windows Media Player 0. In this combination of MTP device + MTP OS, you don't need to install other drivers, and you can do drag and drop
    BUT ! The 2.x firmware doesn't make your device a "removable disc" in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn't become a file system, like a USB memory stick.
    I hope I was clear enough to see the difference :-)Message Edited by fred_be9300 on 04-03-2005 02:52 AM

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    thanks everyone.

    There are several designs out there including... the flexi-skin (at as well as eBay), Noreve's, Krussell's?and Vaja. It really comes down to what you want from a case. I've gone for a flexi-skin as I want easy access to the controls, and I kept my screen protector (but screen protectors are easy enough to buy).

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    0x alot for any help.

    Are they different? I thought it was just Asia that had different frequencies, at least those are the two regions I remember seeing on the Micro, which you *can* change.

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    I have just successfully installed the Creative Zen Micro Firmware .02.05 on my 5GB Zen Micro but I have a question regarding Windows Media Player. The Set up Sync button and some of the properties still appeared greyed out. I thought the upgrade would solve that problem.
    Any thoughts?

    As per the?BEFORE you post, READ THIS FIRST (FAQ) post, all downloads can be found at downloads.

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    The Zen MicroPhoto uses more power than the Zen Micro would, so it has a better battery. But you can use this battery with the Zen Micro and it should last longer than your original battery.

  • Some questions about the correct way to recharge the zen micro batt

    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges), question--
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    I know this is a long post but can someone tell me the correct way of charging?

    immunophilic wrote:
    Ok..i don't think this is convered in the FAQs.
    I copied this from the FAQ----At the present moment, the only possible way to avoid the standby loss is removing the battery after you finish listening to music. Gi'ven the wear and tear resulting, this is not really an option. It will help, though, if you prime your battery correctly, recharge it often (topping it up, not only resorting to full recharges),
    This is from JazzMC's FAQ right? (I added a link to this a day or two ago from the main FAQ post) I hadn't spotted this before and I don't agree with most of this. The wear and tear is minimal, but it's more a case of practicality that removing the battery is a pain. Also priming is not really that important with Lithium Ion, and topping up won't make any difference to the battery drain.
    ) to preserve battery life span, shouldn't we wait for the player to die off complete, for example when it starts to display "low battery" before we recharge it's Does this post mean that we shouldn't actually wait for the battery to be complete;y drained off before a recharge? Does it mean we should always recharge, say when there's one bar left?
    Look in my Nomad Primer, which is essentially a distilled version of the information from BatteryUni' Top-up charges prolong the life of a Lithium Ion battery. These are all reference in the FAQ.
    2) Before doing any music transfer using the computer, should we always make sure the zen micro was fully charged first before the transfer since USB port also serves as a charger. I tried using a completely drained player before music transfer and the player stops charging after 3 hours, which shouldn't be the case because USB always take a longer time to charge (i was told twice as much) and true enough, after deplugging from the USB port, the player starts charging again. Note that this always happen, meaning i can never get a complete 5 hours charge using the USB. What is wrong? And after such charge from USB, i noticed that the battery life the next day is like one third of what it usually last when i charged it through a charger...
    Because of the Micro's design there will always be a difference in the amount of power it can pull via USB vs. the drain when copying files to it. USB is slower to charge than the mains adapter, but it should charge fully given time (which could be twice as much as using the mains adapter).
    There is a known issue with the battery draining on the Micro, but you should know this having read JazzMC's page. This is the reason the battery is so low the next day.

  • 2 questions about the Zen Micro.. (firmwire & when 6gb ones come o

    Hey guys! i oredered my zen micro monday (from creative 0-o) and its supposed to be here in like 4 days -_- (i could of got it from freaking newegg for 30$ less but i didint look)
    any ways! i was wondering...
    . when i get my zen micro im going to update the firmwire but i dont know what version to get....
    the 2.00.2 version that has microsoft playforsure or that .0.03 that fixes the sensitivity and battery issues...
    does the 2.00.2 firmware already have the fixes that the older one has? or do i need to install the older one with the fixes fist and than the 2.00.2 that has microsoft playforsure thing..
    2. Any clue when the 6gb zen micros are coming out? because if they come out this month im wondering if i can not open my zen micro when it gets here and send it back to creative (unopen) and pay the extra $$ that cost to get the 6gb version one

    . It has the fixes, but a lot of Users have reported issues with the 2.00.2 firmware. If you are absolutely sure you want driverless support and to use WMP0 you could try it, your choice.
    2. I'm guessing very soon for the 6Gb, as it was stated they would be released in January.

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