School teaches Tai hybrid cars to ensure 100% pass percentage

I'm the manager website aims to help students get a driver's license as required. So I want to register Emal kinds of facilities management microsoft for students

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    Good day!
    This is a user to user Forum, so you are not really addressing Adobe here, even though some Adobe employees thankfully have been dropping by. (edit: Actually they are more likely to frequent the regular Photoshop Forum.)

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    Dragging the hard-drive to the trashcan should have no effect by itself (try it on a newly reimaged machine).
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    I notice the original post is marked as "Assumed Answered". I read that the original poster can confirm or deny this. If this is not answered (as I assume it's not) can you please mark it as such so that it gets the appropriate priority with Sony Support?
    ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Assumed Answered' explained - how us SE Answers members work
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    Some of you have noticed your threads get marked as 'assumed answered' even though there might not be a solution/answer provided. Keep reading if you want to know why.
    Me and my colleagues in the Sony Xperia support team get a list several times a day. This list is called "Email Alert for Unanswered Discussion Questions".
    As the name might hint, it contains a list with threads that are unanswered.
    All threads that are marked as a question when created ends up in this list if not already answered within 10 hours.
    In order for us to get a good overview of the Support Forum we click on 'Assumed Answered' as soon as we have posted a comment, even if it's not really answered. The creator of the thread can then either keep it that way, confirm or deny it.
    Either way, we automatically subscribe to all threads we post in, meaning we will get a notification for each new post in every single thread we attend so no post should be missed.
    We can also choose to subscribe manually to a thread after marking it as assumed answered (we do this if good answers have been provided by other users already).
    by Markus (07-Jun-2012)

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    SharmFarm wrote:
    Good ev Ning Mario49    firstly I would like to say a great thank you for your attention to trying to help me,,,,,    i have looked at the links and will try everything stated first thing…
    Hi Mario,,,,
    I tried everything in your reply,,, thank you again,, I had done that once before and all was working great,,
    I have just now tried the Reinstall via iTunes, about 20 into the download, the iTunes logo on the phone disappeared, and the Apple Logo appeared again,,, I waited until the iTunes stated that the download had finished, and the install was in progress,,,
    Nothing happened, still the Apple Logo was visual on the screen, iTunes never recognised the phone which it was on my iTunes account previously,,,
    Still just a bunch of lines, maybe 5 or 6 so small writing,, I personally can not read what it is telling me, someone said it reads, incorrect shutdown,,,????????
    Please advise,???
    I am now at a loss,,, I really became excited when I saw the iTunes icon after putting the phone into restore,,,???
    Thank you again

  • Any way to stop battery charging at under 100%?

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    Is there any way to control the maximum charge level, so that the battery stops charging after a certain point (say, 40%, or 75%). Thanks.

    Lyssa wrote:
    Do you have a link for the article you read that has this info? I'd love to read it!
    Like the above poster said, you can't control how long the battery charges--unless you unplug the cord yourself.
    I would like to mention something for you. My battery is 11 months old, and has maintained 98% of its original capacity. Within the next 4 weeks, it will hit the one-year mark, and I don't anticipate it failing on me before it has reached the typical lifespan of ~300 charge cycles. I wouldn't be surprised if it hangs on for another 100! It currently has 264 to its credit. I think my battery is doing pretty well--and I run off it for a few hours nearly ever day
    Of course that's an expected outcome with most lithium rechargeable batteries. However - they do have their drawbacks including an inherent loss of total capacity from the aging process.
    The best thing for your battery is to USE it, even if you're sitting at your desk much of the time. Unhook the power charger for 30 minutes, or an hour, then reattach it. If it doesn't seem to be working properly, calibrate it.
    It all depends. Using a battery and charging it to near maximum by definition cut capacity because of some loss of the electrolyte solvent when it gets vented. In NiMH batteries, the solvent is water. It's a non-water solvent for lithium rechargeables. If it's not vented, it could potentially explode. Using a battery every day will result in noticeable loss of capacity. There's a balance to overuse and underuse of a lithium rechargeable battery. Apple recommends that a battery be partially drained at least once a month. My MacBook is set up with an iCal reminder to use battery power once a month.
    The 40% you mentioned from the article is something I've heard before, but I believe it was mentioned in relation to storing your computer for an extended period of time(ie several weeks). If you wanted your battery to be healthy when you returned, you wanted to store it after you'd partially discharged the battery.
    I've brought up the extreme case of first generation hybrid car batteries. They employ a different strategy for charging that takes advantage of an always present charging source (the internal combustion engine and generator). They take advantage of the extreme case where the battery is intentionally kept between 40-65% of charge nearly all of the time. Going a little bit under or over this isn't a big deal. This keeps it from the extremes of near max charge and near min charge; both tend to reduce battery capacity for different reasons. The electrical output is only a supplementary power source used during peak demand periods. I've heard of some original batteries from Toyota Prius taxis that have survived 400K miles of service; that probably meant 100,000-200,000 of the shallow charge-discharge cycles. The fact that only a small range is needed means that they can continue this use for a long time. It probably would have been noticeably degraded after maybe 1000-2000 20-100% deep discharge cycles. The total amount of energy drawn over the lifespan is many times with the small discharges compared to deep discharges. You're typically using 25% of the charge hundreds of thousands of times rather than 80% of the charge a few thousand times.

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    mattkennedy1 wrote:
    If I purchase creative cloud as a high school teacher discounted price, am I only able to install and use it on one computer?
    No. You can install it on a maximum of two computers at the same time.
    Have you read something online which suggests something different?

  • Help with Creating a Jeopardy Game for Classroom Teacher

    I am a middle school teacher and would like to create a Flash Jeopardy game for the teachers at our school to use on our school website.  I would like a game similar to the game on
    I have been able to successfully create a flash jeopardy game that uses a xml file.  My problem is that I have to have a swf file and an xml file for every game we create.  I want to be able to have one swf file that will load many different Jeopardy games. 
    I am using Flash CS3, Dreamweaver CS3, and MySQL.  The files I have created are here:
    There is also a zip file:
    If anyone has time to help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Mary Lynne

    I've had a look at your zip files, and with the best will in the world what your asking for is way beyond what one individual here is willing to invest.
    First of all, this is AS2.0 on the Timeline, most Coders don't do this anymore. It's AS3.0 and Classes now.
    If your able to invest a little time and patient in learning AS3 the rewards are far greater.
    I'm sorry this might not be the answer you where looking for, but it's best you find out now than waiting indefinitely and getting no further with your project.
    Best Regards
    The Feldkircher

  • How to connect to itunes from school computer

    I am a primary school teacher trying to copy the apps from iPad to computer. However it wont connect to itunes store and therefore says i do not have permision, I assume that this is problably due to the proxy server. Has anyone got any ideas on how to solve this issue? Cheers  Dan

    I can not upgrade and get a message that filr itunes .msi.exe is missing
    Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility from the following page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    To install the utility, doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file you downloaded.
    Now run the utility ("Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up"). In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Terp10 experience at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

    The TERP10 certification was held at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University on Friday, 29th of May 2009. The associated boot-camp was conducted in the days preceding the certification. The class achieved a 100% pass rate.
    I attempt to share my overall experience w.r.t the certification in this thread:
    The boot-camp is fairly intensive as the class lasts the entire day. Given the amount of information to be absorbed, it is important to learn in the class, alongside the lecture rather than allocate a separate post-class study time.  Nevertheless, 2-3 hours of study time for revision outside of the class is useful.
    A few tips:
    1. In order to perform well in the certification, it is important to gain a sound understanding of every topic. Alongside, one must also keep the exam's format in mind while preparing. Since the test consists of mostly multiple choice questions, the need to memorize vital bits of information is reduced, but not eliminated. A solid understanding of the concepts, coupled with some amount of memorization is necessary to perform well.
    2. It is important to understand how each module fits into the larger scheme of things.You're expected to know how the modules interact with each other.
    3. While not absolutely essential, it is useful to prepare a set of notes that can be referred to.
    Given the breadth of topics covered, the TERP10 exam is challenging. However, with a sound study plan the complexity is reduced, and the entire process becomes a lot more enjoyable!
    Edited by: anpai on Jun 3, 2009 2:19 AM

    Hello Anpai,
    Many thanks for the informative post. And very well done with the pass rate! I would have to agree with you on the need to have some understanding of every topic. That and remembering to answer absolutely every question. The tree network and ability to jump between branches makes it very easuty to forget. I asked my students to open up the tree at the very end of the exam to its maximum extent just to see if there were any buttons unchecked. It's rare but it does happen that sometimes students have forgotten a question in one section - often one they thought they would go back to.
    I think it is also important to have a study plan - the material can be overwhelming to begin with and a clear navigational aid can be invaluable. In fact I tell my students that the best thing to do before starting the course is remove any section headers, blank pages, note pages and so on from their course books - anything which doesn't add anything. This can reduce the volume of the materials considerably and gives an important psychological boost! Combined with a clear navigatinal aid and practice questions the students know exactly what they need to do and don't feel lost.
    I also agree with Timothy on the need to express to the students that they will need to commit to the topic. The TERP10 course certainly isn't a walkover and students need to know that this is not a 'basic' SAP course - it is an SAP course and all of the courses are designed to be taxing in order to make them valuable in the marketplace. Once they understand that - and note how valuable it is - they are prepared to commit to it. 2-3 hours is I think more of a minimum time to spend on reading - depending on your ability to absorb information - but my best students (and indeed faculty) are thosew that spent until 11pm / midnight each night studying and making notes.
    I think finally the most significant thing to take away would be that the stduents both need to understand how the modules interact. There are specific comments within the reading materials and of course questions that ask deliberately how module A interacts with module B. But the course title is something of a giveaway and the students who gain the clearest understanding of how the system extends beyond inidivudal rooes not on ly does better at the exam - they have taken the key learning away from the course!
    Martin Gollogly
    Director, University Alliances
    United Kingdom and Ireland

  • Sharing a PPT - using Skype for teaching

    I have an online teaching school, teaching kids in China with teachers in the UK.
    I currently use Cisco Webex as its functionality for teaching is great, giving me PPT sharing ability and tools to draw and highlight on the PPT slides which is useful. BUT, the connection can be a little bad with Cisco, so I want to try Skype.
    I want to know is there a way I can use Skype for the same functions as above ? I will only have up to 4 students per lesson. The most important functionality is to share the PPT.

    Greetings, Fellow Teachers,
    I am a former teacher myself.  I was hoping other Community contributors would join this conversation before I did! 
    The Skype client software does not provide a white board or writing tools per se.  What I propose is Skype's screen share facility, which for a group call up to ten (10) particants would require a Premium subscription.  The reason for this is that Skype considers the screen share to be a video feed, so a call with two people using their webcams + screen share = "group call" in Skype.   To take this explanation from a different angle, an audio call to single student, where you as the teacher would use screen sharing, would not require a Premium subscription.
    Another note to consider if you choose to use screen sharing: the facility does not work like a corporate group document sharing platform.  Only one person (call participant) could share their screens at a time.
    Here is a link to the libary of FAQ articles related to screen sharing so you can make an informed decision:​NG/
    I still recommend testing this prior to actually using for a teaching session.  by purchasing a Skype Premium "Day Pass" before purchasing a Premium subscription.  (Please note, the "Day Pass" is valid for 24 hours from the time of purchase.)
    Update: Skype no longer requires a subscription for video chat up to ten (10) participants.  Therefore, the outdated portions of my post appear like this.
    Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
    Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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