SCOM 2012R2 Powershell Widget - Server Uptime Days

Hi all,
I wanted to get a better UPTime Widget than the uptime performance counter as it is
displayed in seconds. I thought I might be able to use the new PowerShell
Sorry thisis a very basic script and i'm sure has lots of room for improvement:
$comp = Get-SCOMGroup -DisplayName test | Get-SCOMClassInstance | foreach { $_.NAME}
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName win32_operatingsystem |
select -first 10 csname, @{N="Uptime";E={(Get-Date) - $_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastBootUpTime)}}
Now I guess the question is: if I add this script to the PowerShell widget do i need to put
in some logic to check at an interval or should the widget refresh on its own interval and then re-run the script.
Also please let me know if anyone has any better options. I just want a dashboard showing
the top 10 servers with the highest uptime and show the server name and the uptime value.

If add this script to the PowerShell widget should refresh on its own interval and then re-run the script
Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"
Mai Ali | My blog: Technical | Twitter:
Mai Ali

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    Environment:  SCOM 2007 r2
    Server in question:  Running Windows 2003 Std. (yes I know this sounds crazy)
    Why do I need this:  I noticed at the console level we have had server unexpected shutdown events which are not generating email notifications. 
    Source shows: Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition
    Alert Rule:  Windows Shutdown Unexpectedly
    From what I see these are all windows 2003 server Std edition systems.  I did a track and trace using our exchange tracking system which confirmed the alerts were not being emailed. Not sure if there is a better approach for this, but not being a sql
    expert (however I do have someone I can leverage) I am trying to see if I can somehow extract this information using powershell.
    Secondary general question:  How can I find out the current size of our scom 2007 database and the number of objkects\servers being monitored? This is prep work for a migration over to 2012.
    Thanks in advance for the help!

    1. what scom group a specific server belongs to
    function Get-GroupNames {
     $containmentRel = Get-RelationshipClass -name:’Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroupContainsEntities’
    $computerClass = Get-MonitoringClass -name:”Microsoft.Windows.Computer”
    $criteria = [string]::Format(“PrincipalName = ‘{0}’”,$computerFQDN)
     try {
     $computer = Get-MonitoringObject -monitoringClass:$computerClass -criteria:$criteria
     $relatedObjects = $computer.GetMonitoringRelationshipObjectsWhereTarget($containmentRel,[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.DerivedClassTraversalDepth]::Recursive,[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.TraversalDepth]::Recursive)
     catch {
     write-host “An error occurred while querying groups of $computerFQDN”
    foreach($group in $relatedObjects)
     [array]$Groups = $groups + $group.SourceMonitoringObject.DisplayName
     if($groups) {
     return $groups
     } else {
     write-host “No groups available for $computerFQDN”
     Get-GroupName -ComputerFQDN myserver1
    for detail, pls. refer to

  • Server Uptime Availability Reports in SCOM

    Hi Friends,
    Whenever i am running the Availability Report for an server by adding the computer object, it is calculating all the monitors present inside the server and giving us the average/aggregate report as the server Uptime.
    Because of that we are getting wrong server availability information. We need to submit our Server availability report to our client and we commited to give 99.5% uptime.
    We have used Uptime.exe tool to take up the exact uptime and it is showing the exact downtime.. The only advantage and the reason we opted to take the reports in SCOM is, scom has the ability to exclude the planned maintenance from the total as downtime.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Dinesh Sundaram
    Please help me to take the exact report which suffice my requirement. I think we can do that with the help of SQL Reporting Services. If yes, kindly guide me to take the steps to do thatThanks & Regards,
    Dinesh Sundaram

    Hi Dinesh
    This is by design - "Whenever i am running the Availability Report for an server by adding the computer object, it is calculating all the monitors present inside the server and giving us the average/aggregate report as the server Uptime."
    What you need to do is Add the health service watcher object rather than the computer object.
    So in the availability report, when you select add object, type in a server name and search and you'll see the search results include a number of items. One of those has an icon of a pair of glasses (watcher!) - class health service watcher.
    This will give you availability of the agent which is (I think) the metric that you want.
    View OpsMgr tips and tricks at

  • Can't seem to get sort-object working in powershell widget

    I'm experiencing a bit of exasperation with the powershell widget in SCOM 2012 - go easy on me though, this is my first time posting and I'm a bit of a newbie with powershell.
    Because of the issues with the logical disk space performance widget and multiple disks (if you have 3 disks attached you get 9 results back) I've been trying to adapt a script somebody else wrote (
    as I want something slightly different.
    My objective is to list the 10 servers with lowest free GB space. The script I've been trying to adapt just lists all disks on all servers.
    Here is my modified version of the script
    $disklist = @()
    $disks = Get-SCOMClass -Name "Microsoft.Windows.Server.LogicalDisk" | Get-SCOMClassInstance
    foreach ($disk in $disks)
    $query = GET-WMIOBJECT –query "SELECT * from win32_logicaldisk where DeviceID = '$disk'" -ComputerName $disk.Path | Select-Object Size, FreeSpace
    $size = $query.Size
    $free = $query.FreeSpace
    $percent = $free / $size
    $pervalue = "{0:P0}" -f $percent
    $sizeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $freeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $diskobject = $ScriptContext.CreateFromObject($disk, "Id=Id", $null)
    $diskobject["Server"] = $disk.Path
    $diskobject["Drive"] = $disk.Displayname
    $diskobject["FreeG"] = $freeGB
    $diskobject["FreeP"] = $pervalue
    $diskobject["FreeTotal"] = ($freeGB + " / " + $sizeGB)
    $disklist += $diskobject
    $GBdisklist = $disklist | Sort-Object -Property {[float]($_.FreeG)} | select -first 10
    foreach($thing in $GBdisklist) {
    My thinking was to put all the info into one big collection, then sort that by free disk space and select the top 10, then pipe those back into the scriptcontext collection for displaying. It's slightly unwieldy, granted, but works fine in standard powershell
    (after changing the scriptcontext bits), just not the widget!
    It all seems to work, and brings back data, except the data that comes back has clearly not been sorted before having the top 10 selected. It's as if the sort command is completely ignored. I've tried quite a few variations on the script sort/sort-object
    with or without -property in desperation as I seem to be so close, but yet so far.
    Any help would be appreciated!
    Incidentally, this is the script that works perfectly in standard powershell:
    $disklist = @()
    $disks = Get-SCOMClass -Name "Microsoft.Windows.Server.LogicalDisk" | Get-SCOMClassInstance
    foreach ($disk in $disks)
    $query = GET-WMIOBJECT –query "SELECT * from win32_logicaldisk where DeviceID = '$disk'" -ComputerName $disk.Path | Select-Object Size, FreeSpace
    $size = $query.Size
    $free = $query.FreeSpace
    $percent = $free / $size
    $pervalue = "{0:P0}" -f $percent
    $sizeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $freeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $diskobject = New-Object System.Object
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Id" -Value $disk.ID
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Server" -Value $disk.Path
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Drive" -Value $disk.Displayname
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FreeP" -Value "$pervalue"
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FreeG" -Value $freeGB
    $diskobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "FreeTotal" -Value ($freeGB + " / " + $sizeGB)
    $disklist += $diskobject
    $GBdisklist = $disklist | Sort-Object -Property {[float]($_.FreeG)} | select -first 10
    $GBdisklist | ft

    After hacking the code around massively I've managed to solve the issue with it and made it a lot neater in the process. Still unsure what the issue was, but I think it helps to sort the output of the diskinfo first before starting with any of the info processing
    / scriptcontext adding
    $disklist = @()
    $rawdisks = Get-SCOMClass -Name "Microsoft.Windows.Server.LogicalDisk" | Get-SCOMClassInstance
    foreach ($disk in $rawdisks)
    $diskdetails = GET-WMIOBJECT –query "SELECT * from win32_logicaldisk where DeviceID = '$disk'" -ComputerName $disk.Path | Select-Object PSComputerName, DeviceID, FreeSpace, Size
    $disklist += $diskdetails
    $top10disks = $disklist | Sort-Object -Property FreeSpace | select -first 10
    foreach ($object in $top10disks) {
    $size = $object.Size
    $free = $object.FreeSpace
    $percent = $free / $size
    $pervalue = "{0:P0}" -f $percent
    $sizeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($size / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $freeGB = "{0:N1}" -f ($free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
    $dataObject = $ScriptContext.CreateInstance("xsd://foo!bar/baz")
    $dataObject["Id"] = (($object.PSComputerName).ToString() + ($object.DeviceID).ToString())
    $dataObject["Server"] = ($object.PSComputerName).ToString()
    $dataObject["Drive"] = $object.DeviceID
    #$dataObject["Free GB"] = ($freeGB).ToString("0000.00")
    $dataObject["Free GB"] = ($freeGB).ToString()
    $dataObject["FreeTotal"] = (($freeGB).ToString() + " / " + ($sizeGB).ToString())

  • Powershell to check uptime of servers

    I am newbie for powershell. I got a script to check server uptime but I don't know
    1) how to output the result?
    2) how to change the path of computer.txt==foreach ($computer in Get-Content "computers.txt")?
    Function Get-HostUptime {
        param ([string]$ComputerName)
        $Uptime = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName
        $LastBootUpTime = $Uptime.ConvertToDateTime($Uptime.LastBootUpTime)
        $Time = (Get-Date) - $LastBootUpTime
        Return '{0:00} Days, {1:00} Hours, {2:00} Minutes, {3:00} Seconds' -f $Time.Days, $Time.Hours, $Time.Minutes, $Time.Seconds
    foreach ($computer in Get-Content "computers.txt")
    $c = Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -f "Address='$computer'"
    if($c.StatusCode -eq 0)  
    $sysuptime = Get-HostUptime -ComputerName $computer
    write-host "$computer" "$sysuptime"
    write-host "$computer is not reachable"

    This will read an input file (servers.txt) and spit out a CSV file with the results:
    Get-Content .\servers.txt | ForEach {
    $computerName = $_
    If (Test-Connection -ComputerName $computerName -Count 1 -Quiet) {
    $uptime = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $computerName
    $bootTime = $uptime.ConvertToDateTime($uptime.LastBootUpTime)
    $elapsedTime = (Get-Date) - $bootTime
    $props = @{
    ComputerName = $computerName
    BootTime = $bootTime
    ElapsedTime = '{0:00} Days, {1:00} Hours, {2:00} Minutes, {3:00} Seconds' -f $elapsedTime.Days, $elapsedTime.Hours, $elapsedTime.Minutes, $elapsedTime.Seconds
    New-Object PsObject -Property $props
    } Else {
    $props = @{
    ComputerName = $computerName
    BootTime = 'ERROR - Did not reply to ping'
    ElapsedTime = 'N/A'
    New-Object PsObject -Property $props
    } | Sort ComputerName | Select ComputerName,BootTime,ElapsedTime | Export-Csv .\uptimes.csv -NoTypeInformation
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 12,830+ strong and growing)

  • SCOM 2012R2 - Alerts Not Generating, Must Restart SCOM to Resolve

    Hi TechNet,
    I am having an issue with my SCOM 2012R2 where the system goes into a state where alerts are not generated.  We start to see events like the one below leading up to the point where this happens. This is resolved by restarting our SCOM MS. Is there another
    solution besides having to restart our SCOM MS every day?
    A Bind Data Source in Management Group has posted items to the workflow, but has not received a response in 36720 seconds.  This indicates a performance or functional problem with the workflow.
    Workflow Id : Microsoft.SystemCenter.CollectPerformanceData
    Instance    : SCOM01.xxxxx.LOCAL
    Instance Id : {1189BAF9-AFDC-ADA0-196D-D749A369A350}
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
    <Provider Name="HealthService" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="32768">2115</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-02-02T11:28:11.000000000Z" />
    <Channel>Operations Manager</Channel>
    <Security />
    - <EventData>
    <Data>Concerto Systems Management</Data>

    Please refer to the Kevin's reply in the thread below:
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • SNMP SCOM 2012R2 Troubleshooting...... Any Tips?

    Hi all,
    So I'm trying to get my UPS trap alerts in SCOM 2012R2 to work. They work in my SCOM 2007R2 environment but I get nothing in SCOM 2012R2. In SCOM 2012R2 I have also been able to receive traps from our Bluecoat so the rule looks to be working.
    Device has been configured to point to the SCOM 2012R2 MS used to manage Network devices
    I have discovered the device and it is Healthy
    I have created a Rule targeted to Node and no OID specified and Rule Cat: Alert
    So i really need to know how I can see why the UPS traps are ignored in SCOM 2012R2. I have also used Wireshark to confirm the trap is reaching the server.
    SCOM is just not processing the trap. I think it has to do with the targeting but I need to know what to target. I also tried creating a rule targeted to Host and still no luck.
    Between SCOM 2012R2 and SCOM 2007R2 the targeting has changed so I can't even replicate the existing setup.
    How can i best see why SCOM is failing to alert on these traps?
    Just some additional information the UPS is listed as certified in SCOM 2012R2. Sadly the Bluecoat is not certified and its the only one working.

    Thanks Roger,
    The SNMP traps are are working for the Bluecoat, so SNMP traps are being received and generating alerts but the traps for the UPS fail to generate alerts on the rule I created. The device was discovered as a SNMP V2 device and Wireshark shows the traps are
    delivered to the MS as SNMP v2 traps.
    Reading this blog, they use a different method and suggest using an collection based SNMP trap Event. So I guess the SNMP service generates an event on the MS and this rule alerts on that event. Is this correct?
    I find it strange that the bluecoat will generate an alert but the UPS won't. The only thing I could see that was different was if I checked the members of the SNMP group the Bluecoat type is listed as a Node and the UPS type is listed as a Host. 
    I was really hoping to find a way to check a log file or run a trace or something to see why the Rule is not alerting when a SNMP trap is received to the MS.
    Thanks for the reply

  • Migration from SCOM 2007R2 to SCOM 2012R2

       Hello to all. I have a SCOM 2007R2 environment with 3 servers:
       1- SRV #1 has RMS and WebConsole roles.
       2- SRV #2 has Gateway role.
       3- SRV #3 is Shared SQL Server with SCOM DB + Reporting roles.
       This deplyoment monitors ~600 and I´m planning to take it to SCOM 2012 R2.
       Question 1:
       I already read several articles but for me is not clear if I can just insert SCOM 2012 R2 Management Server and Gateway on a existing 2007R2 Management Group (of course that it already has a RMS), begin migrating agents to it
    and at the end  decomission SCOM 2007 R2 Servers. All articles that I read mention just two options:
    a) Side-by-Side migration (install SCOM 2012R2 on a NEW Management Group and begin agent migration to this NEW Management Group) and
    b) Upgrade (run in-place upgrade to SCOM 2012 R2 if current SCOM 2007R2 attend SCOM 2012 R2 requirements - if not, install new SCOM 2007R2 servers with supported requirements and run upgrade in-place). Considering this info.,
    is it possible to run SCOM 2007 R2 --> 2012 R2 migration as I previously mentioned?
       Question 2:
       Does SCOM 2007R2 agent reports to SCOM 2012R2 Management Servers?
       Question 3:
       Is it possible to run direct migration (not pass through SCOM 2012 - withouy R2) using the path SCOM 2007 R2 --> SCOM 2012 R2 path?
       Regards, EEOC.

    It is suggested to do side by side migration, and for upgrading from System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2, please refer to the below link:
    You can multi-home the clients to both SCOM 2007R2 & 2012, but 2007 agent can’t communicate with a SCOM2012 MS.
    If we use side by side migration, then we don't need to pass through SCOM 2012, but if we use in-place-upgrade, then we must follow the below path:
    SCOM 2007R2 CU4+ >
    SCOM 2012 RTM > SCOM 2012 SP1 > SCOM 2012 R2
    More details:
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

  • REST API call in SCOM 2012R2

    We are planning monitoring our cluster using SCOM 2102R2 server. REST API developed for our cluster. How to call these REST API calls in SCOM 2012R2 server? I searched, I am not able to find. Please help me with any steps or documents or with links. I am
    struct here. I am new to SCOM 2012 server. 

    You can refer below links
    Please remember, if you see a post that helped you please click "Vote As Helpful" and if it answered your question, please click "Mark As Answer"
    Mai Ali | My blog: Technical | Twitter:
    Mai Ali

  • SCOM 2012 R2 Report Server component install to SQL 2012 Sp1 error?

    Hi All
    Im having issues installing SCOM 2012 R2 Report Server component to a SQL 2012 Sp1 Server (which is a Windows 2012 R2 Standard server).  Im trying to install to the SQL Default server instance, note that the server also has a named instance
    which hosts the SCOM databases.  SQL Reporting Services is up and running fine (can access the web urls etc).  Im also using the SCOM install account wich has full SQL and SCOM Server admin rights for the install.  Ive checked that the Firewall
    is off locally on the SQL Server, Ive also checked that the existing SCOM components are all in a Healthy state in the SCOM console.
    The installed version of SQL Server could not be verified or is not supported. Verify that the computer and the installed version of SQL Server meet the minimum requirements for installation, and that the firewall settings are correct. See the Supported
    Configurations document for further information.
    Ive attempted the install on a standalone SQL Server away from the SQL Server hosting the SCOM databases, but encounter the same error.  The full SCOM MSI Installer log details are below, line that appears most relevant is below but unsure why
    this would be the case (same account that I used for SQL install etc).  Any help much appreciated! : )
    Error: :getSQLInstanceVersion:  Unable to find the SRS Instance Key: MSSQLSERVER
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :CheckPrerequisites:  IsComputerNameValidTitle: Passed
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :**************************************************
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :**************************************************
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :<![CDATA[CheckPrerequisites:   Logic Type:and AvicodeAgentInstalled-x86: 0CheckPrerequisites:   Logic Type:and AvicodeAgentInstalled-x64: 0]]>
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :CheckPrerequisites:  AVIcodeAgentCheck: Passed
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :
    [11:51:46]: Debug: :**************************************************
    [11:51:46]: Always: :CheckPrerequisites: Return Value 0
    [11:51:46]: Always: :Entering Page: AdditionalPrerequisitesPage
    [11:51:48]: Always: :Entering Page: ShortEulaPage
    [11:51:48]: Always: :Displaying localized EULA for localization: en
    [11:51:48]: Always: :Displaying Eula: C:\Users\opsmgr\AppData\Local\SCOM\Setup\en\eula_en_notice.rtf
    [11:51:49]: Info: :Info:User has agreed to EULA.
    [11:51:50]: Always: :Entering Page: SelectManagementServerForReporting
    [11:52:08]: Info: :Info:Management Server matches the current version of setup.
    [11:52:08]: Always: :Entering Page: SelectReportingInstance
    [11:52:08]: Always: :SQL Server SRS Instance (escaped name) RS_MSSQLSERVER
    [11:52:08]: Info: :Attempting to get the SSRS version from:
    [11:52:08]: Debug: :Path is
    [11:52:08]: Always: :SRS instance on WDC-SYSSQL01. Version 11.0.3000.0.
    [11:52:08]: Always: :No SRS instances on WDC-SYSSQL01.
    [11:52:08]: Error: :getSQLInstanceVersion:  Unable to find the SRS Instance Key: MSSQLSERVER
    [11:52:08]: Info: :Info: WDC-SYSSQL01 SRS version =
    [11:52:08]: Error: :Couldn't check SRS version: Threw Exception.Type: System.ArgumentException, Exception Error Code: 0x80070057, Exception.Message: Version string portion was too short or too long.
    [11:52:08]: Error: :StackTrace:   at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
       at System.Version.Parse(String input)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Setup.ReportingComponent.CheckSRSVersion(String srsInstance, String requiredSRSVersion)
    [11:52:11]: Info: :Attempting to check SRS version
    [11:52:11]: Error: :getSQLInstanceVersion:  Unable to find the SRS Instance Key: MSSQLSERVER
    [11:52:11]: Info: :Info: WDC-SYSSQL01 SRS version =
    [11:52:11]: Error: :Couldn't check SRS version: Threw Exception.Type: System.ArgumentException, Exception Error Code: 0x80070057, Exception.Message: Version string portion was too short or too long.
    [11:52:11]: Error: :StackTrace:   at System.Version.TryParseVersion(String version, VersionResult& result)
       at System.Version.Parse(String input)
       at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager.Setup.ReportingComponent.CheckSRSVersion(String srsInstance, String requiredSRSVersion)
    [11:52:28]: Info: :The user canceled setup
    [11:52:28]: Always: :Begin: Property bag dump.
    [11:52:28]: Always: :SetupStartTime = 26/03/2014 11:51:38
    [11:52:28]: Always: :Collection ProtectedProperties (System.Collections.ArrayList):
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [0] = ActionAccountPassword
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [1] = DASAccountPassword
    [11:52:28]: Always: :DefaultLogName = C:\Users\opsmgr\AppData\Local\SCOM\Logs\OpsMgrSetupWizard.log
    [11:52:28]: Always: :DefaultLogPath = C:\Users\opsmgr\AppData\Local\SCOM\Logs
    [11:52:28]: Always: :path = F:\Setup\AMD64\
    [11:52:28]: Always: :setupexepath = C:\Users\opsmgr\AppData\Local\SCOM\Setup
    [11:52:28]: Always: :ArchitectureIs64Check = True
    [11:52:28]: Always: :OperationManagerAgentInstalled = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :Collection ListOfSupportedComponents (System.Collections.ArrayList):
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [0] = OMCONSOLE
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [1] = OMSERVER
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [2] = OMWEBCONSOLE
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [3] = OMREPORTING
    [11:52:28]: Always: :install = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :installpath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Operations Manager
    [11:52:28]: Always: :EulaFilesPath = C:\Users\opsmgr\AppData\Local\SCOM\Setup
    [11:52:28]: Always: :HealthServiceTypeId = AB4C891F-3359-3FB6-0704-075FBFE36710
    [11:52:28]: Always: :hsPort = C51B7833-DA54-1653-D8FD-1A738EF8DED5
    [11:52:28]: Always: :ServerBlockReason = A Operations Manager agent was found on this computer. Please remove the agent and then run Setup again.
    [11:52:28]: Always: :ScreensLoaded = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :Collection ListOfSelectedComponents (System.Collections.ArrayList):
    [11:52:28]: Always: : [0] = OMREPORTING
    [11:52:28]: Always: :OMREPORTING = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :SelectDatabaseInstanceReloadScreenInformation = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :ReloadPrerequisitesPageChoice = PrerequisitesProgressPage
    [11:52:28]: Always: :LoadedPrerequisiteXmlFile = True
    [11:52:28]: Always: :PrerequisitesCheckXMLLoaded = True
    [11:52:28]: Always: :CountFilteredPrerequisites_Failed = 0
    [11:52:28]: Always: :CountFilteredPrerequisites_Warning = 0
    [11:52:28]: Always: :CountFilteredPrerequisites_PassedWithChoices = 0
    [11:52:28]: Always: :CountFilteredPrerequisites_Passed = 10
    [11:52:28]: Always: :PrerequisiteState = Passed
    [11:52:28]: Always: :XmlFilteredPrerequisites_Passed : Begin XML property
    [11:52:28]: Always: :<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Root><Title TitleText="OMREPORTING"><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="memoryCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="ReportingMemCheckPassed" resolution="ReportingMemCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="ntfsCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="ntfsCheckPassed" resolution="ntfsCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="DriveSpaceCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="ServerDriveSpaceCheckPassed" resolution="ServerDriveSpaceCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="OSVersionCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="OSVersionCheckPassed" resolution="OSVersionCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="WindowsInstallerCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="WindowsInstallerCheckPassed" resolution="WindowsInstallerCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="RemoteRegistryCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="RemoteRegistryCheckPassed" resolution="RemoteRegistryCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="PendingRebootCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="PendingRebootCheckPassed" resolution="PendingRebootCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="ActiveDirectoryCheckTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="ActiveDirectoryCheckPassed" resolution="ActiveDirectoryCheckResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="IsComputerNameValidTitle" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="IsComputerNameValidPassed" resolution="IsComputerNameValidResolution" /><Detail state="Passed" image="pack://application:,,,/SetupChainerUI;component/GreenCheck.png"
    name="AVIcodeAgentCheck" descriptionBody="" descriptionTitle="AVICodeAgentCheckPassed" resolution="AVICodeAgentCheckResolution" /></Title></Root>
    [11:52:28]: Always: :End XML property
    [11:52:28]: Always: :ManagementServer = WDC-SYSOPS01.landmarc.local
    [11:52:28]: Always: :DefaultSDKMachine = WDC-SYSOPS01.landmarc.local
    [11:52:28]: Always: :UserCanceledInstall = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :InstallSuccess = 1
    [11:52:28]: Always: :End: Property bag dump.
    [11:52:28]: Debug: :CEIP disabled. CEIP data will NOT be sent.
    [11:52:28]: Always: :Application Ended: Successful
    [11:52:28]: Always: :
    [2014-03-26T11:52:28.4724357+00:00]: Always: Trace Session Ended

    According to the error message:
    [11:52:11]: Error: :getSQLInstanceVersion:  Unable to find the SRS Instance Key: MSSQLSERVER
    [11:52:11]: Info: :Info: WDC-SYSSQL01 SRS version =
    [11:52:11]: Error: :Couldn't check SRS version: Threw Exception.Type: System.ArgumentException, Exception Error Code: 0x80070057, Exception.Message: Version string portion was too short or too long.
    The issue is SQL report server database related, I would like to suggest you create a new report database for SCOM and then check the reuslt. Please refer to the below links and follow it to set up SCOM 2012 R2:
    In addition, here is thread for your reference also:
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

  • Error During install Exchange 2013 through Powershell on Server 2012 "Mailbox role: Client Access service"

    Dear all
    During install Exchange 2013 through Powershell on Server 2012 I got this error in Mailbox role: Client Access service :
    The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
    $BEVdirIdentity = $RoleNetBIOSName + "\OWA (Exchange Back End)";
    new-OwaVirtualDirectory -Role Mailbox -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
    set-OwaVirtualdirectory -Identity $BEVdirIdentity -FormsAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true;
    " was run: "An error occurred while creating the IIS virtual directory 'IIS://MONAMBX2.mona.local/W3SVC/2/ROOT/o
    wa' on 'MONAMBX2'.".
    The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
    $BEVdirIdentity = $RoleNetBIOSName + "\OWA (Exchange Back End)";
    new-OwaVirtualDirectory -Role Mailbox -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" -DomainController $RoleDomainController
    set-OwaVirtualdirectory -Identity $BEVdirIdentity -FormsAuthentication:$false -WindowsAuthentication:$true;
    " was run: "The operation couldn't be performed because object 'MONAMBX2\OWA (Exchange Back End)' couldn't be fo
    und on 'MonaDc1.mona.local'.".
    Any advice please !!

    I can't answer your question but I had a similar issue when I was trying to move our mailbox database off the C: drive.  Our environment still has an Exchange 2007 server in it and when I was trying to move the database on the 2013 server, I would get
    error messages saying the database does not exist.  It seemed like it was trying to move the database on the 2007 server from the similar error messages that I was getting.  To get around it, I deleted the database and created a new one on the drive
    where we wanted it.
    I discovered this when I was configuring the Antispam settings.  I deleted our 2007 settings, added them to the 2013 shell, the settings appeared on our 2007 server.  The shell on 2013 was making changes to 2007.
    I'm not sure if there is a "Get|Set or New" command that I/we should be using when this happens.  Or maybe my issues will be fixed if I just remove the Exchange 2007 server?  I'm not ready to do that yet because I can't configure the spam filtering
    on 2013 yet with its shell not being able to make the changes that we need.
    I don't know if your environment is in coexistence mode like mine.
    Hopefully someone else out there has an answer or can tell us when/how the shell can make the appropriate changes to the 2013 server.  Does this happen after the 2007 server is removed?

  • Deploy scom 2012 r2 on server 2012 r2

    Going to deploy scom 2012 r2 on server 2012 r2 with sql 2012 sp1. a few questions before starting:
    1. roles placement: server1 - management server, operation console;
                                 server2: database server, reporting server;
                                 Not sure where to place web console - server1 or server2?
    2. what are the least privileges to have for the installation account - domain user with local administrators?
        should the servers' system account need to be member of local administrators?
    3. what about other SCOM specific accounts? what least privileges they need?
    Thanks in advance.

    1. You can place it on the 1st server. do note however the downside doing all in one box SCOM components.
    2. It would be best to use a domain user account with local admin rights on the box
    3. Its all in the SCOM deployment docs..
    You might want to check this link (same as 
    Blake Mengotto)
    Hope this helps.

  • Benefits of Client Side Monitoring with SCOM 2012R2?

    I'm working on the architecture for adding SCOM 2012R2 to our Windows network.  Right now we use SCCM 2012R2 and SCEP.  I'm trying to determine whether I should include our workstation computers as part of this or only servers.  We won't
    be doing Application Performance Monitoring (APM).  So what would be the benefit of putting the SCOM agent on the workstations?
    # When I wrote this script only God and I knew what I was doing. # Now, only God Knows!

    As it was mentioned by Yan Li_ first thing to do is the proper planning and comparing all pros and cons of SCOM client monitoring, depending on numbers of agent\agentless servers\workstations to be monitored. With a large number of agentless monitored
    clients, it makes sense to have a separate SCOM infrastructure.
    As well, please look at this links:
    ### If my post helped you, please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and\or Mark as an Answer

  • SCOM Agent on Linux Server Fail

    I am new to this topic of deploying SCOM Agent to Linux Server...
    In my deployment, I want to push SCOM Agent to Linux Ubuntu, I have confirmed below:
    Ubuntu distribution is supported
    I am using root account with no SSH certificate 
    On Linux Server firewall for IPv4 and IPv6 is off
    I can telnet to linux port 22
    root account have privilege to access 22
    WHen I try push installation, I am able to:
    Discover the servers
    Push the agent and deploy it (I can see the service scom agent service started and I can telnet to Linux Server port 1270)
    when scom push agent wizard try to sign the certificate it fail with below error:
    Task invocation failed with error code -2130771918. Error message was: The SCXCertWriteAction module encountered a DoProcess exception. The workflow "Microsoft.Unix.Agent.GetCert.Task"
    has been unloaded.
    Module: SCXCertWriteAction
    Location: DoProcess
    Exception type: ScxCertLibExceptionTask invocation failed with error code -2130771918. Error message was: The SCXCertWriteAction module encountered a DoProcess exception. The workflow "Microsoft.Unix.Agent.GetCert.Task"
    has been unloaded.
    Module: SCXCertWriteAction
    Location: DoProcess
    Exception type: ScxCertLibException
    Exception message: Unable to open root store; {Access is denied.}
    Additional data: Sudo path: /etc/opt/microsoft/scx/conf/sudodir/
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    Management group: OMMS
    Workflow name: Microsoft.Unix.Agent.GetCert.Task
    Object name: Unix Linux Monitoring Resource Pool
    Object ID: {76C1B3F5-866D-0AFC-3E98-4EBC36647765}
    I have tried to:
    I tried to add FQDN Name of Linux Server with IP address to host file (but again it fail)
    I have tried sudo account , it also fail with same error
    Please help on this.

    It looks like this is most likely your issues. Please give it a try and see if it resolves the problem.
    Possible Causes
    The Management Servers default action account does not have the necessary privileges (administrator) to open the root certificate store.
    Set the Action Account for the Manage Server(s) as a local administrator account
    Configure a local administrator account in the Run As Profile: Certificate Signing Profile
    If the Certificate Signing Profile is configured, the action account associated in that profile will be used. If not, it will fall back to the default Action Account

  • Move SCOM agent between gateway server and management server ?

    Dear all,
    IN SCOM 2012 R2 is it possible to move SCOM agent between gateway server and management server ? I mean if one agent is reporting to Gateway server , in case if i want to shutdown that Gateway server , can i move to another Management server and
    Vice versa ?

    and links at the bottom of
    the article

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