Scope of check in APO

Can anyone explain me the catogories in scope of check in APO. What happens if I add the catagory in scope of check. I would like to know the meaning of the below catagories .
PrdRes (W)
PrdRes (N)
OrdRes (W)
The below sdn links explains each and every parameter used in ECC6(OPJJ).
I am looking for similar one for APO
Thanks in advance

Hi Purushotham,
Just goto the customizing for ATP groups:
SAP - Implementation Guide
Advanced Planning and Optimization
Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)
General Settings
Maintain Category
Here you find a short description of each ATP group. You can add one of these elements to the scope of check and next time you run a ATP check, this element will be considered for calculating the cumulated ATP quantity.
hope this helps.

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    KUMAR.S. wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have a problem that While creation or conversion from planned order to production order if i get missing part list i found that Scope of check is as Z6 and ZP (Checking rule).But when when i Release the same production order also am getting missing part list here when i check scope of check as Z6 and PP(Checking rule).
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    > Cheers,
    > Kumar.S
    Its simple for creation and release of Production order different checking rule is used(This must be intentional). You check this in OPJK transaction,  check for your order type / Plant combination for Business function 1(Create) the checking rule assigned would be ZP, whereas for the same order type / Plant combination for Business function 2(Release) the checking rule would be PP.
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    Can you check below notes:
    Mukesh Pandey

  • Scope of check

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    You need to delete the line item, then save the sales order. Then try to re-enter the line item in the sales order and check.

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    Edited by: SatishW on Jun 18, 2010 9:33 PM

    Hi Satish ,
    I am not an expert on GATP but logically what I can suggest following steps :
    1.As you want ATP check to happen in APO for few codes, you will have to Select/Tick 'Material Independant Object' - ATP Customization in CIF IM , so that ATP customizing settings are transferred to APO from ECC.
    2. But at the same time you need this ATP check to happen in ECC locally and not in APO for certain products, then in other CIF IM you have to select 'Material dependant objects '- ATP Check where you can set the filter/exclusion on those codes so that the ATP check does not take place in APO.
    3. Also like as R/3's backorder processing, in order itself you can set as the ATP check to occur in R/3 and not in APO.
    Hope this helps...

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    It is generally considered unwise to use more than one scope of check for a given product/location/business event.  It leads to unexpected conflicts and inconsistencies when canceling and/or re-ATP'ing a sales doc and when running BOP.
    I can't think of any legitimate business requirement that cannot be satisfied by using a single scope of check for a given business event.  For extraordinary business requirements, the normal solution is Rules Based ATP.  It is unclear what your actual business requirements are, so I can't say what is the best Standard (unenhanced) solution would be.
    Best Regards,

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    The end objective of GATP is the same as that of regular ECC ATP - provide customers with committed dates and quantities. Having said that, GATP provides a HUUUGE improvement in functionality compared to the ECC ATP check - for example, rules based ATP check for product/ location substitution, multi-level ATP check, capable-to promise, etc.
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    GATP is executed in the APO system and is a module of APO. Best place to start with documentation is SAP help.
    Rishi Menon

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    Thanks Babu
    I am referring to the delivery proposal screen that you get after clicking ATP check icon. Below the context menu there are analysis tab strips. e.g. check instructions, scheduling etc. There was the scope of check tab the day before but I dont see it know. In another box e.g. dev box I am able to see it. you would definately know this tab. It shows what requirements and receipts and stocks were used by the checking rule (ATP group and business event combination) to evaluate ATP qty. I dont know what made it vanish. I dont recall fiddling anything in customizing to make happen such and I dont think there is configurable setting for the same.

  • ATP : Scope of check planned order

    Dear guru
    In the ATP scope of check with inclusion planned orders I have also option B : only check planned order that are completely confirmed.
    What does it mean completely confirmed ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Setting in scope of check is set to only consider completely confirmed planned orders
    After some further testing with a 3 level BOM...
    C > B > A, Each level has a planned order
    When all 3 levels are shortage free, the availability check confirms each planned order as being 100% complete.
    Creating a partial shortgage on planned order C will confirm planned orders B and A as 0% complete and planned order C as partially complete.
    Creating a partial shortage on planned order B will confirm C as complete, B as partially complete and A as 0% complete.

  • ATP : Scope of Check : Requirements & Reservations ?

    Hello All,
    In OVZ9 --> for the Scope-of-Check combination 02-B , could anyone explain what is the impact of selecting the following fields with some examples :-
    1) "Include Reservations". (field RESBP).
    2) "Include Sales Requirements". (field VBBDP).
    There is not much information on

    Include Reservation  means system will consider Reserve Stock (Stock is blocked for any spl. orde/any order or you can say Make to Order stock) during availibility check if this check is activated at Checking rule level then system will consider these stock also for Aval. Check otherwise not.
    Include Sales Requirements Means System will consider the open sales order (Means the sales order not deliverd ) also consider for availibility check,Exp. you have 1000 Qty. stock available for you & 3 open sales order of 100 Qty. each ,now if you go for any new sales order system will show stock available 700 Qty. even if these order are not deliverd.
    Mean to say system will block the qty. for these order respectively based on the configuration done at checking rule level.
    I hope this will clear ur point...
    Revert me if still not clear.....

  • Problem in avilability check in APO while delivery

    Hello APO guru,
    we have created new material and we also have GATP setup .
    i have created two orders with different order type.
    One is normal order and one is free of charge order.
    In order avilability check done correctly.
    But when we try to deliver normal order its allowing to create delivery but when we try to create delivery for free of charge order its not allowing us to go in to delivery.
    Its saying 0 qty available.
    But QTY is there.
    when we try to debug we have found when its going in avilability of APO its comming with 0 qty.
    during debuging we have found that when in apo its going into SAPATP_PAC_CHECK its not comming with QTY but in case of normal order its comming with confirmed qty.
    in both the case material is same customer is same.Just order type is different,item category diff.
    Could you please let me know where should i check in GATP for this.

    Hi Nisha,
    As you have mentioned that you are using different sales order type & item category, please chck whether for the sales document type where you are facing the prbolem, under item category (in spro, SAP Customizing Implementation Guide , Sales and Distribution , Sales , Sales Documents , Sales Document Item , Assign Item Categories) item usage APO1 & APO2 has been assigned or not.
    Many a times due to item usage not maintained correctly can give such problem.

  • ATP check for delivery in ECC & Sales order ATP check in APO

    Hi All,
    Can we do an ATP check for delivery in ECC , but for the same set of Materials- Plant combination , the ATP check when a SO is created should happen in APO .
    We do not want to remove the Business event 'B'  which is meant for delivery in  APO . For some materials we need APO ATP check to happen for delivery   & for some it should be in ECC  & for SO  the ATP check should happen in APO .
    Even if we do not have check instructions pertaining to Business event 'B' & a particular check mode (for the materials where the ATP check for delivery should happen in ECC & SO check to happen in APO)  , when we are doing an ATP check for delivery , it is still pointing to APO ATP check rather than ECC check .
    Any pointers for this is highly appreciated.

    Hi Surendra,
    For SO, business event is A and for delivery it's B. When integrated with ECC, the check rule in ECC points as biz event in APO.
    You can control ATP check by customized settings for check rule in ECC.
    Also, by setting requirement class and requirement type in ECC, you control check mode in APO. So, even if you dont define for check mode in APO, the system might refer from ECC for the ATP check settings. Look into your ECC customization for how requirement class is derived and settings for requirement type. (based on MRP type, strategy grp and Item cat).
    I'm not sure how you can control ATP to happen for some sales orders/deleveries in ECC and for some in APO, since check mode is mentioned in material master.
    However, there are ATP BADIs (business add-ins) available in both ECC and APO, whch can serve your purpose.

  • Consictency Check liveCache - APO DB

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    In SAP APO we have the transaction /N/SAPAPO/OM17 to do a livecache consistency check. If there are inconsistencies, we will have the possibility to click the button "Correct All Inconsistencies" to correct them.
    In my situation we are running the consistency check as a background job every night. The program name is /SAPAPO/OM_SYNC_LC_DB. Do we have the possibility to customize, that the job also correct inconsistencies as far as there are some.
    Thanks in advance for help.
    Greetings, Chris

    Hi Chris,
    I dont think there is any option of auto correction.
    But you can run the job in background and than go to transaction and load the result by "button evaluate last background job "and correct inconsistecy.

Maybe you are looking for