ATP : Scope of Check : Requirements & Reservations ?

Hello All,
In OVZ9 --> for the Scope-of-Check combination 02-B , could anyone explain what is the impact of selecting the following fields with some examples :-
1) "Include Reservations". (field RESBP).
2) "Include Sales Requirements". (field VBBDP).
There is not much information on

Include Reservation  means system will consider Reserve Stock (Stock is blocked for any spl. orde/any order or you can say Make to Order stock) during availibility check if this check is activated at Checking rule level then system will consider these stock also for Aval. Check otherwise not.
Include Sales Requirements Means System will consider the open sales order (Means the sales order not deliverd ) also consider for availibility check,Exp. you have 1000 Qty. stock available for you & 3 open sales order of 100 Qty. each ,now if you go for any new sales order system will show stock available 700 Qty. even if these order are not deliverd.
Mean to say system will block the qty. for these order respectively based on the configuration done at checking rule level.
I hope this will clear ur point...
Revert me if still not clear.....

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    In the ATP scope of check with inclusion planned orders I have also option B : only check planned order that are completely confirmed.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Setting in scope of check is set to only consider completely confirmed planned orders
    After some further testing with a 3 level BOM...
    C > B > A, Each level has a planned order
    When all 3 levels are shortage free, the availability check confirms each planned order as being 100% complete.
    Creating a partial shortgage on planned order C will confirm planned orders B and A as 0% complete and planned order C as partially complete.
    Creating a partial shortage on planned order B will confirm C as complete, B as partially complete and A as 0% complete.

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    Can you be a bit more specific about ".....generally we assigned yes or no while creating sales order....."   Exactly what field(s) did you 'assign'?  Screenshots would be helpful.
    With respect to pegging; in general, ATP has very little to do with pegging.  Pegging is more of a planning concept, and not an 'availability checking' concept.  There are a few exceptions in APO, but they are not commonly implemented.
    Can you elaborate about exactly what you want to know with respect to 'pegging' and ATP?
    Best Regards,

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    It is generally considered unwise to use more than one scope of check for a given product/location/business event.  It leads to unexpected conflicts and inconsistencies when canceling and/or re-ATP'ing a sales doc and when running BOP.
    I can't think of any legitimate business requirement that cannot be satisfied by using a single scope of check for a given business event.  For extraordinary business requirements, the normal solution is Rules Based ATP.  It is unclear what your actual business requirements are, so I can't say what is the best Standard (unenhanced) solution would be.
    Best Regards,

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    Thanks Babu
    I am referring to the delivery proposal screen that you get after clicking ATP check icon. Below the context menu there are analysis tab strips. e.g. check instructions, scheduling etc. There was the scope of check tab the day before but I dont see it know. In another box e.g. dev box I am able to see it. you would definately know this tab. It shows what requirements and receipts and stocks were used by the checking rule (ATP group and business event combination) to evaluate ATP qty. I dont know what made it vanish. I dont recall fiddling anything in customizing to make happen such and I dont think there is configurable setting for the same.

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    You need to delete the line item, then save the sales order. Then try to re-enter the line item in the sales order and check.

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    Dear all
    I have a problem with availability check.
    Reservation transfer, generated from processing MRP (from MRP area Z002 to MRP Area Z001).
    Availability check doesn't  consider reservation transfers generated from processing MRP.
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    Hi Purushotham,
    Just goto the customizing for ATP groups:
    SAP - Implementation Guide
    Advanced Planning and Optimization
    Global Available-to-Promise (Global ATP)
    General Settings
    Maintain Category
    Here you find a short description of each ATP group. You can add one of these elements to the scope of check and next time you run a ATP check, this element will be considered for calculating the cumulated ATP quantity.
    hope this helps.

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    "path to signtool\signtool" sign /f "MyCompanyCodeSigningCertificatePrivateKey.pfx" /p "xxxx" /v "$(TargetPath)"
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    RegAsm : warning RA0000: Registering an unsigned assembly with /codebase can cause your assembly to interfere with other applications that may be installed on the same computer. The /codebase switch is intended to be used only with signed assemblies. Please give your assembly a strong name and re-register it.
    Types registered successfully
    I'm not using a shim if that makes a difference.
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    Any tips would be appreciated.

    Why do you need to use the regasm utility from the post-build action?
    There is a difference between signing the assembly with a strong name and digital signature. The
    How to: Sign an Assembly with a Strong Name article in MSDN explains how to sign an assembly with a strong name (.snk). See
    How to digitally sign a strong named assembly for adding a digital signature.
    You may also find the
    What's the Difference, Part Five: certificate signing vs strong naming article helpful.

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    Hello Friends,
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    Hi Sury,
    In regards to the error below:
    1EETGCLN Error: SNAP_ADT does not exist in the database -> manual check
    1EETGCLN Table does not exist
    Could you please try to activate the following tables via SE11?
    -  SNAP_ADT
    Once they are activated, Could you please repeat the phase and update the result?
    Thanks and Regards,
    James Wong
    Follow us:
    SAP System Upgrade & Update Troubleshooting Wiki Space.
    SAP Product Support Twitter  ( Hashtag: #NWUPGRADE)

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    Please let me know if there is any transaction for mass availablity check for reservations created manually.we can check avaialabilty for individual reservations in mb21 or mb22.but we need a collective availabilty check feature.
    Thanks for the help inadvance.

    Thansk a lot for your quick response.I could not find the option for availabilty check in MBVR.could you please explainn me how to see this.

  • Scope of Check Variation in Missing Part list Production Order

    I have a problem that While creation or conversion from planned order to production order if i get missing part list i found that Scope of check is as Z6 and ZP (Checking rule).But when when i Release the same production order also am getting missing part list here when i check scope of check as Z6 and PP(Checking rule).
    Why this difference is coming,can any body tell the possible causes.

    KUMAR.S. wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I have a problem that While creation or conversion from planned order to production order if i get missing part list i found that Scope of check is as Z6 and ZP (Checking rule).But when when i Release the same production order also am getting missing part list here when i check scope of check as Z6 and PP(Checking rule).
    > Why this difference is coming,can any body tell the possible causes.
    > Cheers,
    > Kumar.S
    Its simple for creation and release of Production order different checking rule is used(This must be intentional). You check this in OPJK transaction,  check for your order type / Plant combination for Business function 1(Create) the checking rule assigned would be ZP, whereas for the same order type / Plant combination for Business function 2(Release) the checking rule would be PP.
    If you want the same, you can change it here. But I assume there must have been a purpose for this custom checking rule creation. You can find the scope of check difference between these 2 combinations in transaction OPJJ.

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    << A property is said to have a set value if that value was assigned to it during unmarshalling or by invoking its mutation method. The value of a property is
    its set value, if defined; otherwise, it is the property’s schema specified default value, if any; otherwise, it is the default initial value for the property’s base type as it would be assigned for an uninitialized field within a Java class. >>
    I want to know , dose JAXB do this task ? (now I work with JAXB2.1 but it doesnt do this task.Maybe I must set some configuration)
    and if JAXB doesnt do it , how I can check required elements and attributes in JAXB ?
    Please help me.

    its all on Apple's Developer site _XML/index.html

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    Any reasons for this?

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    Thanks & regards,
    KT Varkey

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    Thanks for the advice. The problem is solved except that for Cost Centre authority check for SES. Tried SRVESLL but it doesn't work. Any other exit or any specific advice to make SRVESLL work for KOSTL check.
    Best regards,
    KT Varkey

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