Screen issue flashing cycle color

I bought a Kirabook a couple of month ago. But one week ago started a problem. The whole screen is flashing from green, to red, to blue, to white and black in a loop. Even when is in the BIOS options. It is like the display does not work any more.
Is it possible to solve? Is it a design problem and all the kirabooks have the same issue?.
Thanks in advance

 Dear Sir ,  My Name is Ajay Ranjan, Government  officer in Indian Railway. I am pride owner Toshiba Kirabook which  I have bought after lot of saving through a friend who visited USA on trip. The Kirabook is just 7 month old and to my dismay it has started giving trouble which is explained below THE  FULL SCREEN IS  FLASHING FROM LIME GREEN ,TO RED,TO BLUE AND BLACK IN LOOP. Iam very disheartened.  I have sent a mail isung email facility... but no reply recieved .. the Reference number is 20140618585767... Pls tell feasible way to get it rectified without visisting USA for laptop repair  Ajay RanjanCONTACT NO-+919771482750BUNGLOW NO-303RAILWAY OFFICER COLONYKHARAGPUR, SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAYKHARAGPUR, WEST BENGAL

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    Try plugging an external VGA monitor into the mini socket on the side of your iBook. You'll need the mini to VGA adapter. I think they came with the iBook since I see a lot of them.
    Good external - Good GPU, bad LVDS cable or display.
    Problem same on external - most likely GPU detached from logic board. Try shim fix or pressure on lower part of heat sink.
    Permanent solution is reballing ~ $75 at Superior but you'll have to pull the board.

  • My screen is flashing different colors


    My wife's late 2011 13" MacBook Pro (i7) has been doing the same thing, intermittently, since it was only a month or two old. She took it to an Apple store back then. They entered the problem in their records for her laptop, but had no fix at that time since it was happening so randomly, and she didn't want too leave it. (We had video evidence of it via iPhone video.) Since then, the problem was fairly rare until recently, when it has started occurring more often, and occurred at some very inopportune times (on-call Radiology work). As a result, we took video evidence of it again in to the local Apple store today, and left it there. They said they need to reproduce the issue and then diagnose. Reproducing it may be a problem, since it occurs at such random times (usually when on for an hour or so). To clear the problem, I've either had to reboot in Safe Mode, then back into normal boot, or had to boot into her OS 10.6 smaller partition.
    I found today an older post on this forum back as far as 2009 with the exact same symptom on an iBook G4 (cycling through 4-5 colors, black, white, and then a grayscale screen, ~2 seconds each), so it's apparently not a brand new problem, but rare enough for many Apple Geniuses to not have seen it before. Since a certain type of reboot can clear it up (see above), without having to let it cool down, I'm suspecting it's software or firmware related rather than a hardware problem. I'll update with what their solution is when she gets it back.

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    Sounds as if you're having a problem with your GPU (graphics card). Only Apple can diagnose and fix this, so the best thing would be to take your machine into your local Apple Store or an AASP.

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    After further investigation, we found out that we were defining a few of our namespace by referencing directly the packages of our custom component instead of creating a clean namespace as recommended by the flex documentation.  Using the package definition works just fine when it is local but our component were located in a swc library.
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    instead of generating an xml manifest and basing our namespace on it
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    There is nothing wrong with your Dell, it will work fine with any MacbookPro. I have been using Dell displays for over 12 years with many different Mac models. I have two 21" Ultra Sharp displays working side by side to design a Keynote presentation right now.
    The issue your having is with the way Keynote  takes control of the video output to both displays, it sends the presentation signal to one and the presenter display to the other, this is set up in;
    Keynote preferences > Presenter display.
    If you want to show a wesite or another app on  either display,  use application switcher:
    press the the  command key on the keyboard, then the tab key; a row of applications will show what applications are running, choose which one you want to show. Use command  > tab to return to Keynote.


    The following has been added by vandelay (Nokia administrator) :
    Please note that there is normally a slight variation in the purple color level in each display
    unit. This is related to the display manufacturer's optical tuning process. However, some Nokia C7 and Nokia N8 users seem to be experiencing a
    slightly higher level of purple color tint on their device screens.
    Nokia Care's technical experts told me that the easiest way to spot this problem is to just look at the black idle screen of the device - if there is a clear purple color tint on the idle screen, you should have the device inspected at a Nokia Care point. They will repair the device the device under warranty if there is a clear defect in the device.
    So seeing some purple on the test image does not necessarily mean that your screen is faulty, but we hope that it helps some people to decide whether they should visit a Nokia Care point.
    (end of vandelay's addition)
    as you may or may not have read many n8s and c7s have a purple tint issue
    this can easily be spoted by saving the picture below to your pc , transfering it to your n8/c7 , then viewing the image in your gallery
    if the image shows purple squares in some areas then iam afraid you have one of the screens that is showing defects in gradiation of colurs and the greyscale
    there are also many n8s out in the wild that dont have this problem , i have 3 n8s , my gfriend has one , hers is perfect and shows the test image with no purple tint at all my three n8s all have purple tint and some display it worse then others
    the test image can be viewed on any brightness and it should display just as it does on your monitor screen ,my gfriends n8 displays the image perfect under all brightness levels yet my three n8s show the purple tint heavily on low brightness and not as much on full brightness
    the test image can also be viewed via tv out and hdmi out and again if you have a defect screen you will see the image perfect on your tv yet on your n8 screen you will have purple tints
    here is the test image for you to load to your device and view via the gallery
    as stated above if you have one of the screens with defects in colour gradiation you will see some of the squares as purple
    this shouldnt be happending as there n8s out there that display the test image perfectly
    from all my research on this in the last month and my time studying ICT systems support in which i have a diploma , it seems clear to me that nokia have used at least two screens in the build of the n8
    many phones bought between october launch and december dont have the problem yet there are still some that do but not as many as now , phones bought from the end of december up untill current date seem to have the issue moreand its now nearly impossible to find one without the purple tint issue
    this leads me to believe that from the start nokia were using at least two screen in the n8 , then one started to run out around december and by the end of december a huge majority of n8/c7 handsets have the troubles, if not all of them shipped after december
    infact ive been to every phone shop in lakeside , chelmsford , colchester which included : carphone warehouse , o2 , vodafone , orange , three ,  phones4u , tmobile all n8/c7 handsets i asked to look at had the problem not one n8 i looked at didnt have the issue 
    i have been in contact with nokia care escalation team , all they did is send me very badly refurbed handsets back for my brand new n8s ,  which across all three handsets had the following faults
    #hdmi covers scratched and worn
    #no imei number under the hdmi cover on one of them
    #torx screws on battery cover very worn
    #plastic top caps not fitted right
    #one had a huge gap between the silver screen surround and the main chasis of n8
    #they all still had purple tint issue
    so nokia sent me three refurbed handsets for my brand new n8s , i obvously complained as they were so new i could have taken them back to the shops with the reciept but now nokia had changed the imei numbers my reciept was useless , i said i should be sent three brand new n8s , they again sent me badly refurbed handsets just as bad as the 1st lot and again all three of them had purple screen issues 
    i complained again and this time supervsior took over the case and agreed that 3 new n8s should be sent to me as mine was so new , she got them sent out and this time they were new but they still have the purple screen issue
    thats a toatal 12 n8s direct from nokia and all of them have had the issue  so i cant recomend going to a nokia care point or nokia care uk as the refurbs i was sent was a complete joke and looked like they were just used handsets that had been through a rough time
    through this month of me talking to nokia and sending emails and getting these phones swapped back to a condition of the phones that i sent them , they have said they are investigating it and taking it seriously however after some of their actions towards users (myself included) on these forums it doesnt seem like they are taking it very serious at all , they have known about it for a month now and we still have not had an offical response from nokia themselves
    if you would like to read more infomation on this problem and to see how wide spread it is then please check the following links
    there are many more threads about this issue across the net and if you google n8 screen problems or n8 purple screen problems you will come acroos many many pages of unhappy users from all across the globe
    i just hope nokia sort this out soon
    ho do you users with the problem feel about this issue and how do you think nokia should resolve it
    id be happy for a screen swap at a nsc or via warranty postal repair as long as it could be done quickly and the user wasnt without their phone for too long after all this is nokias mistake and not the users that bought the phone so all fixes should be at minimal disturbance to them
    heres hoping when you test the image your not as unlucky as me and many other n8 owners from across the globe , its a brilliant phone but this screen issue lets it down alot especially during watching films and stuff

    sorry to hear you guys are having troubles too , its a shame sucha  great device as the nokia n8 has had an issue like this arise , it is effecting alot of n8/c7 handsets and is quite a widespread issue across the globe
    it would be great to hear from as many users as possible about this and what they think about it as a user of the c7/n8
    jimmyireland about your post mate
    yes it was written by me and yes it ws deleted not once but 3or4 times actually
    the mods said it was because i had set up a poll and voting system , so i read through forum rules and posted it again with what fitted their guidelines and even put in big caps that it was not a poll but a thread to help users identify a problem and discuss it which is what the forum is for , it was deleted again , i then posted it again with just the test image and how to spot the problem and again put big caps that the post fitted their guidelines and was just to help users , it was again deleted and i was banned by mods for 2 days saying that i had broke forum rules and posted a poll and that the test image wasnt a proper test image
    i then asked other users to post the image but when they tryed nokias spam filter kicked in with a message saying that their post contained spam and that they should write it again and try posting again
    to be honest it really looked like they were trying to cover up the issue , fair enough my 1st post could be considered a very very rough poll but the posts i made afterwards were edited to fit nokias guidelines and they still removed them ad banned me and then other users posts were marked as spam
    so i tweeted alot of people and even nokia have said that as long as the post doesnt contain polls/votes then it will be fine to postand that mods shouldnt delete it , which was excellent news and hopefull this thread will stay and users can load the image and test their screens and then discuss the issue here so nokia can see users discussion in one thread , it will alo help awareness of the issue
    hence this post that isnt a poll but a thread to help users identify wether their n8/c7 has a screen with a defect in the gradiation of colours
    as stated in original post not all n8s have this problem my gfriends doesnt and it displays the test image perfectly on all brightness settings , yet my n8s show the image as very purple on low brightness and the brighter the screen goes the less the purple is shown , it is still there just not as visible as it is in the lower brightness settings
    as i also mentioned many n8s between october and mid december are fine although some still have the problem , yet from mid december till current date the amount of n8s with purple issue is much much higher and it now seems very very rare that you will get a brand new n8 from the shops without this screen issue which leads me to believe that from launch nokia have used at least two screens in the builds of the n8 , some great screens and then the ones with dodgy purple tint , from the threads across the web it seems like the good screens nokia were using either run out or they have failed to source the same screen or the manufactuer of the screen has changed something
    iam not a nokia hater and iam not here to cause trouble or loose nokia sales etc
    i love nokia have used them for years and used symbian since the 6680 , iam always helping users across the web with their nokia problems and am an avid user on nokia users please check my profile and feel free to check my posts and how many times ive been thanked for being helpfull
    as you can see i love nokia and spend alot of time using their devices , speaking highly of them and helping their users with problems, i also love good customer services and customer relations
    i understand that big companys have build issues iam a gadget lover and trained in ict supprt iam not silly and understand that these things happend and building these phones with such complicated electronics and some could end up with issues , it could happend to anyone , sony , apple , samsung , blackberry , lg etc etc
    however its how the companys react to these issues and relate to their customers that have spent 100s of pounds on their devices that is important , issues do arise , its how the company looks after its customers thats important
    i think alot of users think the same , they dont expect nokia to click their fingers and go heres a fix but they do expect nokia to investigate the issue and they do expect nokia to relate to its customers and not ignore them or the issue which is what it looks like when posts are deleted and users are banned for posting informative posts that help users identify a problem
    things like sending users really bad refurbs for brand new n8s also dont help users confidence in nokia statement of going to nokia care about the problem as all i got was second hand looking n8s that still have the problem they were sent off with and the originals were in much better condition
    like i say iam not here to cause trouble and i love nokia the n8 is the best phone ive ever had and its almost my dream device and everything ive wanted on a device for years its the ultimate convergance device and agadget lovers dream , however when you see your gfriends and some of your mates n8 screens display the test image perfect then your n8 display it with a very purple hue it does dissapoint you and you do hope that nokia will take notice and fix the issue with the least amunt of hassle to the users
    cheers jimmy and sorry about the long post just wanted to clear some things up
    now lets get back to discussing the issue and what other users think about it
    have a great evening

  • IPhone is at a grey screen after flashing for a few minutes

    My iPhone is at a grey screen after flashing at the same screen for a couple of minutes.
    I can turn my screen on and off, phone functions and siri both work. The screen is just grey, no error messages or anything.
    This happened after I was trying to connect to a wifi hotspot and I was typing something into a field when it froze, flashed for a few minutes, and stayed on a grey screen. This has been going on for about an hour and a half.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Brialex119,
    If your iPhone is flashing with a grey screen, I would suggest resetting the device and resetting the network settings.  If that does not resolve the issue, then you may need to back up to iCloud and restore it.
    Restart or reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    iOS: Wi-Fi settings grayed out or dim - Apple Support
    Restart your iOS device.
    Make sure that airplane mode is off by tapping Settings > Airplane Mode.
    Reset the network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    This will reset all network settings, including Bluetooth pairing records, Wi-Fi passwords, VPN, and APN settings.
    Make sure that your device is using the latest software. To do so, connect your device to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.
    Back up and restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch using iCloud or iTunes - Apple Support
    - Judy

  • After iOS 8.2 upgrade, screen no longer displays color.

    I have restarted the phone several times.I have played with the accessibility settings (grayscale and invert colors) but that has not solved the problem. when I turn my phone and the orientation switches, I see a brief flash of color, but then it is gone (when grayscale is on there is no color flash).

    Hey Markwoody,
    Wow! That definitely sounds frustrating, but good job so far isolating and troubleshooting the issue. We have a few more steps that we can try in an attempt to resolve this issue:
    First, it sounds like you have tried restarting your phone. Let’s try a reset instead:
    Restart or reset your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support
    How to reset
    - You should reset your device as a last resort and only if you can't restart it.
    - To reset, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.
    If the issue persists, we’ll want to restore your device to factory settings and test once more. You can backup your device, but be sure to restore it as new first for isolation purposes, as restoring a backup can sometimes restore the same issues that you were experiencing before.
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings - Apple Support
    Matt M.

  • IPod nano 6th generation: "Do not disconnect" on white screen w/flashing icon; previously "Connected-Eject before Disconnecting" on dark screen w/USB icon; no content on iPod

    Trouble began with "Reconnect to iTunes to Restore" message after I inadvertantly held down the Wake/Sleep button long enough to turn the iPod off before pausing the podcast in progress.
    My subseqent actions to try to remedy:
    -Restored the iPod
         -while Restoring, the rotating circular arrows and "Synchronizing-Do Not Disconnect" screen appeared followed by "Connected-Eject Before Disconnecting"
         -when I ejected the iPod and disconnected it, the normal icons showed but there was no content
    -Reinstalled the latest iTunes 11.0.3 which I had downloaded previously a few days before my problems began
    -Restored iPod again:  still said "Connected-Eject before Disconnecting"
    -Manually put the iPod into Disk Mode (said to be helpful in troubleshooting):  "Do Not Disconnect" on white screen with flashing icon (circle with diagonal line)
    -Ejected and disconnected the iPod.
    -Reconnected the iPod:  same message

    You need to either the let the iPod finishing syncing with iTunes, or figure out what application is still using it in the back ground that prevents you from being able to properly eject the device.  Just unplugging it from the computer is almost always going to cause issues when it's still in use by iTunes or another application.
    So let's connect the device to iTunes one more time and let it finish restoring.  Then try syncing a bit of content over to it and wait for it to finish the sync process.  Then try to properly eject it from iTunes this time.

  • Just connected apple tv. Everything works perfectly but the screen is not in color. I have tried reversing the HDMI cable and changing the output in settings and restarting. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Just connected apple tv. Everything works perfectly but the screen is not in color. I have tried reversing the HDMI cable and changing the output in settings and restarting. The screen is still black and white. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Hi im,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  This article has a few troubleshooting ideas for issues with color on your TV when using Apple TV:
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Troubleshooting video issues
    - Ari

  • Has this ever happened to you? My ipod screen in flashing a white but not a solid white but its getting pretty bad now any help?

    Screen will flash a white screen i can still use my ipod but the screen flashes. Before it was just a little bit but now its getting ot be all the time any one know how to fix it or a solution?

    If it happens again and the reset (home + power buttons) doesn't work, just let the battery drain; you'll know when the screen shuts off. Charge it back up and it should be fine. Frankly, I'm surprised this worked for you. Usually I hear people with this problem say that holding both buttons doesn't work, and they have to do the battery drain.
    If the issue is incurable next time, you have a one-year warranty from the date of purchase.

  • JAI - Saved image has black background (unless screen config is True Color)

    I'm trying to save images using JAI's codecs. Everything is okay if screen config is True Color, but if in 256 colors (or even in 65536 colors) the background of my images looks very dark...
    Can you please have a look at the code bellow (and try it with some different screen configs). I'm really stuck with that issue; any suggestion may help...
    - I've noticed this problem when using JAI's jpeg codec.
    - The problem occurs with both JDK 1.3 and 1.4.
    - The problem does not occur (only) if screen config is True Color.
    - You must rerun the code after changing screen config.
    Thanks for help...
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
    public class Test2 extends JFrame
    String codecFormat = "jpeg";
    String outFilePath = "./test.jpg";
    JPanel jp;
    JButton jb;
    MyActionListener mal = new MyActionListener();
    public Test2()
    Container cp = getContentPane();
    jp = new JPanel(){
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
    Dimension dim = getSize();
    // initialization...
    g.fillRect(0, 0, dim.width, dim.height);
    // some drawing...
    int inset = 10;
    g.fillRect(inset, inset, dim.width-2*inset, dim.height-2*inset);
    jp.setBorder(new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED));
    jb = new JButton("Save image to '"+outFilePath+"'");
    class MyActionListener implements ActionListener
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    Object source = ae.getSource();
    if (source == jb)
    public void jb_actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    try {
    Image image = jp.createImage(jp.getWidth(), jp.getHeight());
    saveImage(image, outFilePath, codecFormat);
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "File '"+outFilePath+"' is now saved...");
    catch(Exception e) {
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Oops! An exception occured...");
    public void saveImage(Image image, String filePath, String format) throws Exception
    // conversion Image => RenderedImage
    RenderedImage renderedImage = JAI.create("AWTImage", image);
    ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
    renderedImage = JAI.create("format", pb);
    // saving file
    JAI.create("filestore", renderedImage, filePath, format);
    public static void main(String[] args)
    (new Test2()).setVisible(true);

    try this:
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(1728,500,BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY);
    Graphics2D big = bi.createGraphics();
    Graphics2D g2 = bi.createGraphics();
    big.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 20));
    big.drawString("Data/Time Created:" + new java.util.Date(), 80, 210);
    big.drawString("POLICY NUMBER: 1711215 NAME OF CALLER: BENEFICIARY", 80, 230);
    big.drawString("Requested: Loan Request XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Current Loan Value: $0.00", 80, 270);
    g2.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null);

  • On certain pages, my screen is flashing just happened I have it for now about three years

    my screen is flashing on certain sites, or parts of some (images, grpahics, etc...). It just happened suddenly

    Open System Preferences > Universal Access
    Select the Hearing tab.
    If the box next to; Flash screen when an alert sound occurs is selected, deselect that then restart your Mac.
    If the box was not already checked, just to rule out any hardware issues, run the Apple Hardware Test

  • IBook flashing solid colors and goes black.  Can anyone please help?

    Hi there,
    My 14-inch iBook has been flashing solid colors (green, red, blue, three different kinds of white) before going black for about a minute, and then start flashing again. I tried restarting repeatedly, and sometimes the normal screen would appear for about 1 minute before flashing colors again.
    Can anyone please help?
    iBook G4    

    Most likely its a problem with your logic board, specifically, the video memory. Apple has admited to this problem for the G3 ibook after a class action lawsuit was filed. My ibook, a g4 933mhz, which was made shortly after the computers that were part of this lawsuit has the problem. I stupidly paid apple $300 to fix the problem, because they told me that as long as the damage was not caused by me, then it could be fixed for $300. After i paid them and they shipped the laptop to their repair center, they called bacl to say that my logic board was damaged because i had spilled something on my keyboard, and that it would cost $700 to fix. I told them to ship it back, and of course they charged me $300 for nothing. I then tested the keyboard and inspected the laptop for this alleged "water damage" and found nothing. Apple offered no recourse to dispute their findings, and said that there were no problems with my laptops logic board that they were responsible for, despite the online petition having been signed over 700 times. They said that i could pay them an additional $70-$80 to have the apple store take my laptop apart and verify the water damage, and that it didnt guarentee anything, it would just make my case for demanding that the laptop be repaired stronger. Also, even though they orginally said that i had spilled something on the keyboard to cause the damage, when i told them that the keyboard was functioning, they said that i must have placed the laptop in water.
    Here is the link to the online petition . Good luck with your laptop, obviously, unless yours is still under warrenty, i dont recommend sending it to apple for repairs. I should also note that they did originally think that my laptop was part of the problem batch when i brought it to the store, but after they checked the serial number and determined that it was not, then mysteriously the damage was caused by me, and they pocketed my $300.

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