Screenshots save as png not pdf

Screenshots (using shift+apple+4) save as png files instead of pdf.
Png blows; they're fuzzy, unreadable and generally makes the handiness of screenshot a waste of time
Someone suggested using the new GRAB feature but it's no better.
Anyone know how to get a fast, crisp screenshot that is actually usable.
I'm using CS3 Mac OSX v10.5.2

There's a great maintenance app called Onyx:
Once you install the software, open Onyx and under the Parameters menubar option, you will see on the right hand side an option called "Screen Capture Format". There you can select almost a dozen formats, one of them being PDF. Save the setting, close the application and you should be able to save all your screen capture shots in PDF format. This app is free. Cheers.

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    Is there a way I can get back to producing files ending .pdf?

    The default has always been PNG. You must have changed the default some time in the past. It can easily be done with 3rd party utilities, i.e., TinkerTool, Secrets, MacPilot, etc..
    Personally, I prefer using "jpegs."

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  • Why are screenshots saved as png in 10.5? PDF was better

    Screenshots (using shift+apple+4) save as png files instead of pdf.
    Png blows; they're fuzzy, unreadable and generally makes the handiness of screenshot a waste of time
    Someone suggested using the new GRAB feature but it's no better.
    Anyone know how to get a fast, crisp screenshot that is actually usable.
    I'm using CS3 Mac OSX v10.5.2

    Please DON'T spam the various forums with this OS issue! Thanks!
    Note that I've deleted several iterations of this same topic.
    That said, if you use a utility such as Cocktail or Onyx, you can change the default screenshot format. Please see my attachment of the Cocktail dialog box. Note that my .png is 100% faithful to the original image on my screen.
    As Dave suggests, you should update your OS to 10.5.6.

  • URGENT! Alive PDF - export PDF file ("my computer" prompt to save the file, not create in browser)

    Hi - I'm having issues with my code and I'm not an ActionScript coder by any means. I'm using Flash Builder 4. I've been able to figure out how to export to PNG and to XLS but PDF is really killing me.
    Below is my code and it's not causing errors when I do the release build but the my button doesn't work to export to PDF.  I'm trying to create a PNG using the PNGEncoder and then push that out to PDF (when the PDF button is selected). I used some sample code and I've commented out parts that I didn't want to use or didn't seem to apply to my application. Unfortunately, I have a deadline of May 3rd on this and there is no one else in the office here to help me... hope someone out there can.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" height="650" width="850">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import org.alivepdf.display.*;
                import org.alivepdf.images.ColorSpace;
                import org.alivepdf.fonts.*;
                import org.alivepdf.layout.*;
                import org.alivepdf.pdf.*;
                import org.alivepdf.saving.*;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                //PDF Export information
                protected var pdf:PDF;
                protected function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
                    pdf = new PDF(Orientation.LANDSCAPE, Unit.MM, Size.LETTER);
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                    var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                    //try {
                    pdf.addImageStream(ba, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, new Resize ( Mode.FIT_TO_PAGE, Position.CENTERED ), 10, 10, 800, 800, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                    //} catch (e:Error) {
                    //    trace("Error occurred!");
                    //myPDF.addImageStream(new jpgBytes() as ByteArray, ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, null, 0, 0, 500, 500, 0, 1, "Normal", null);
                    //imageBytes:ByteArray, colorSpace:String, resizeMode:Resize=null, x:Number=0, y:Number=0, width:Number=0, height:Number=0, rotation:Number=0, alpha:Number=1, blendMode:String="Normal", link:ILink=null):
                    //pdf.setFont(FontFamily.ARIAL, Style.NORMAL, 12);
                    //pdf.addText("Grafico de Rata de Fallas", 100, 40); // title
                    //pdf.addImage(imprimirRata, 50, 50, 200, 150); // captured canvas with charts
                    //      pdf.addImage(leyendaImprimir, 50, 120, 20,20); // captured leyend of charts
                    //pdf.addText("RTP Software. Modulo de Score Card.", 10, 200); // header of the document
                    //pdf.addText("Creado: " + new Date(), 180, 200); // Add the created date as a leyend or footer on document
                    var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
          , "nep_piefy11.pdf");
                    /*var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
                    var file: File = File.desktopDirectory.resolvePath("nep_piefy11.pdf"); // Name of the file
          , FileMode.WRITE);
                    //"El reporte ha sido generado", "Informacion"); // Confirmation message as a pop-up
                //Pie Chart Creation information
                public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
                private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
                private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
                private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
                private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
                private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
                private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
                private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
                private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
                private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
                private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
                private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
                private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
                private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
                private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
                private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
                private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
                private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
                private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
                private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
                private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
                private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
                private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
                private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
                private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                    var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                    return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
                //Export to PNG information
                private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
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          , "nepfy11-piechart.png");
        <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
        <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
            <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
                <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                    <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
            <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
                <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                        <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
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        <mx:Button x="444" y="623" label="PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
    Thank you in advance,

    I figured it out!!!!! In case anyone else needs to know - here is the working code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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                private function savePDF(event:MouseEvent): void {
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                //Pie Chart Creation information
                public var ds:ArrayCollection = sel;
                private function changeEvt(event:Event):void {
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Select NEP') {ds = sel;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program') {ds = nep1;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program') {ds = nep2;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Barnegat Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep3;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program') {ds = nep4;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Casco Bay Estuary Partnership') {ds = nep5;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep6;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program') {ds = nep7;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Estuary Program') {ds = nep8;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program') {ds = nep9;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Galveston Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep10;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Indian River Lagoon NEP') {ds = nep11;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Long Island Sound Study') {ds = nep12;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Lower Columbia River Estuary') {ds = nep13;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Maryland Coastal Bays Program') {ds = nep14;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Massachusetts Bays NEP') {ds = nep15;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Mobile Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep16;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Morro Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep17;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Narragansett Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep18;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program') {ds = nep19;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Peconic Estuary Program') {ds = nep20;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep21;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Puget Sound Partnership') {ds = nep22;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Francisco Estuary Project') {ds = nep23;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'San Juan Bay NEP') {ds = nep24;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project') {ds = nep25;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Sarasota Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep26;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tampa Bay Estuary Program') {ds = nep27;}
                    if(filterCombo.selectedItem == 'Tillamook Estuaries Partnership') {ds = nep28;}
                private var sel:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep1:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 778.44},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0.45},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 1276.30},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1.0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0.75},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 779.74},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3268.31} ]);
                private var nep2:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 7.25},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1185} ]);
                private var nep3:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 35.21},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 852.57},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 197.82} ]);
                private var nep4:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 751.82},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 321.82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 157.35} ]);
                private var nep5:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 217},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 324.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep6:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 1268},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 50},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 61},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 809},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 1690} ]);
                private var nep7:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 726} ]);
                private var nep8:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.14},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 2.3},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 643},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 501.9},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 148.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 2586.02} ]);
                private var nep9:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 26.21},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 37},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 27},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 646} ]);
                private var nep10:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 2868},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 407.06} ]);
                private var nep11:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 43},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 12910.5},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 5026} ]);
                private var nep12:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 21.95},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 120.72},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 151.08} ]);
                private var nep13:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 12},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 194},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 200} ]);
                private var nep14:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 58},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 153},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 494.3},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep15:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1313},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 8},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 543.8} ]);
                private var nep16:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 40},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 6.5},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 195},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 85} ]);
                private var nep17:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1109.9},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.14},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0.28},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0.71},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep18:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 1099},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep19:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 101.3} ]);
                private var nep20:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 98.72},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 17.99},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 106.13},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 12.97} ]);
                private var nep21:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 9},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 3},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1451},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 27} ]);
                private var nep22:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 26},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1.65},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 240.39},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 314.97},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 505.87},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1450.47},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1176.7},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 850.58} ]);
                private var nep23:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 43.05},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 4519},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 3271} ]);
                private var nep24:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0.13},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 1},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 10} ]);
                private var nep25:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 1.6},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 7},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 100},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 6.2},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 0} ]);
                private var nep26:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.5},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 4.5},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 15},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 82},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 40} ]);
                private var nep27:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 5.1},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 23},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 4.8},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 3.5},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 1221},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 17.4}]);   
                private var nep28:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
                    { habtype: "Agriculture/Ranch Land", Acres: 67},
                    { habtype: "Beach/Dune", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Coral Reef", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine", Acres: 2},
                    { habtype: "Estuarine Shoreline", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Instream", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Island", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Lake/Pond", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Mangrove", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Other", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Riparian", Acres: 31.33},
                    { habtype: "Upland", Acres: 0},
                    { habtype: "Wetland", Acres: 74.24}]);               
                private function displayAcres(data:Object, field:String, index:Number, percentValue:Number):String {
                    var temp:String= (" " + percentValue).substr(0,6);
                    return data.habtype + ": " + '\n ' + data.Acres + " Acres" + '\n ' + temp + "%";
                //Export to PNG information
                private function saveImageAs(event:MouseEvent):void
                    var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cChart.width,cChart.height);
                    var png:PNGEncoder = new PNGEncoder();
                    var ba:ByteArray = png.encode(bd);
                    var fr:FileReference = new FileReference();
          , "nepfy11-piechart.png");
        <!--mx:SeriesInterpolate id="chartChange" duration="2000" /-->
        <mx:Panel id="cChart" title="2011 Habitat Efforts" width="825" height="600" chromeColor="#527EAC" layout="vertical" color="#FFFFFF" verticalGap="10" x="15" y="15">
            <mx:HBox width="400" height="20">
                <mx:ComboBox id="filterCombo" x="140" y="140" change="changeEvt(event)" color="#000000" >
                    <mx:String>Select NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Albemarle-Pamlico Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barataria-Terrebonne Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Barnegat Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Casco Bay Estuary Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Charlotte Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Delaware Inland Bays Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Galveston Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Indian River Lagoon NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Long Island Sound Study</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Lower Columbia River Estuary</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Maryland Coastal Bays Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Massachusetts Bays NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Mobile Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Morro Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Narragansett Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Peconic Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Puget Sound Partnership</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Francisco Estuary Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>San Juan Bay NEP</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Sarasota Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tampa Bay Estuary Program</mx:String>
                    <mx:String>Tillamook Estuaries Partnership</mx:String>
            <mx:HBox horizontalGap="20" width="822" height="535">
                <mx:PieChart id="chart" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{ds}" width="634"  height="534" paddingTop="10" fontSize="9" fontFamily="Arial" color="#000000" textAlign="left">
                        <mx:PieSeries id="seriesId" explodeRadius="0.06" nameField="habtype" labelPosition="callout" color="#000000" insideLabelSizeLimit="8" field="Acres" labelFunction="displayAcres">
                <mx:Legend dataProvider="{chart}" dropShadowVisible="true" width="150" color="#000000" height="350" chromeColor="#527EAC" borderColor="#527EAC" direction="vertical"/>          
        <mx:Button x="746" y="623" label="Export to PNG" id="btnSnap" click="saveImageAs(event)"/>
        <mx:Button x="651" y="623" label="Export to PDF" click="savePDF(event)" />
    Thanks, Alison

  • Save as does not Create PDF Compatible File even when the creare pdf compatible files is on, Illustrator CC 2014

    save as does not Create PDF Compatible File even when the creare pdf compatible files is on, Illustrator CC 2014

    When I open is adobe acrobat I get this message.
    "This is an Adobe® Illustrator® File that was
    saved without PDF Content.
    To Place or open this  le in other
    applications, it should be re-saved from
    Adobe Illustrator with the "Create PDF
    Compatible File" option turned on. This
    option is in the Illustrator Native Format
    Options dialog box, which appears when
    saving an Adobe Illustrator  le using the
    Save As command."

  • On my macbook pro when opening a page i can not save it as a pdf only give me the option of saving it as a web page can any body help me on this I have tryed so many times without success

    on my macbook pro when opening a page on safaryi can not save it as a pdf only give me the option of saving it as a web page can any body help me on this I have tryed so many times without success?

    Just select Print in Safari and then, in the bottom left-hand corner, select PDF and you can save it to whichever flavor pdf file you like.

  • Mail app not showing some png and pdf attachments.

    I'm using the iPhone 4s and recently, both mobileme and yahoo email accounts are not showing some png and pdf attachments. I'm seeing the attachment is there, but it doesn't load. Load remote images is turned on in settings. Does anyone have the same problem and a solution/explanation?

    My work email account is an IMAP account.
    I removed my work email account on my home computer this morning to test out this problem on my computer at work. I just sent a test message to my work account from my iPhone. My iPhone, iPad and computer at work still have my work email active on them and all the devices are showing the test message as new and unread. The problem seems to be that when I have my work email activated on my home computer, the messages do not show new and unread on the rest of my devices.

  • Why can't I save text I've entered into a PDF file?  When I hit "Save As", only the PDF document is saved, but not the text i typed into the document.  I'm using Windows 8.

    Why can't I save text I've entered into a PDF file?  When I hit "Save As", only the PDF document is saved, but not the text i typed into the document.  I'm using Windows 8.

    Jan Whitfield
    The College Planning Center
    250 Palladio Parkway, Suite 1311
    Folsom, CA 95630
    (916) 985-0453

  • Save as Reduced Size PDF and Save as Optimized PDF do not reduce the file size.  What gives?

    Save as Reduced Size PDF and Save as Optimized PDF do not reduce the file size.  What gives?  I used Acrobat 9 to do this for a long time.  I recently received new laptop loaded with with Acrobat 10 and it does not work the same.  I typically scan 8-10 pages of receipts, combine the files in Acrobat, and then optimize to reduce the size so I can upload with my expense report.  Typically, my files were reduced to 200-400 KB.  I have a 2 MB file that will not reduce at all.

    Bernd, thank you for your attempt to help but the option dialog windows do not contain the same options.  There are numerous other posts on this forum about this issue and there is no answer.  Clearly, there is an issue.  I have submitted this issue to our internal help desk.

  • Save as png and not psd setting?

    hi all,
    i am a long time user but have not spent enough consistent time to avoid some very bad habits. i thought i would take some time to see if i can fix some of these. apologies for the multiple posts today.
    anyway, i am sometimes in a situation where i need to save images as png at a certain size or something for a website (or just because i like to save out as png) and in many cases i am not using any optimizations in psd files.
    is there a way to have photoshop default to Save As png?
    right now i think i have to do a pulldown every time i want a png and when i am trying to do some kind of "batch processing" i am getting a bit of carpal tunnel with all my clickthroughs.
    also, any tips on where to read up on optimizations or built in batch functionality in photoshop would be great. i have been using Preview for the mac and some of the functionality there (convert all to png, resize all to XX etc, etc) is really, really great.

    Ifanview will let you batch convert to PNG.  I've not actually used it in that respect, so can't say what options you get, but it usually does a stand out job of everything, and it's free.  Windows only AFAICT

  • Why doesn't the image from my fillable form not appear when I save it as a PDF?

    I created a fillable form and when I save it as a PDF and view my image at the top does not appear. How can I fix this?

    Never mind. Apparently it was just that image.

  • Hello, is there a way to export or save layers from Indesign to separate png or pdf -files?

    Hello, is there a way to export or save layers from Indesign to separate png or pdf -files? I have a Indesign document with serveral layers and I need them as separate png files.
    I know that is is possible with Illustrator but can't find it for Indesign.
    Thanks a lot.

    The script Peter's noting is in #122 here:
    how to export indesign layers to photoshop layers (same structure)
    It is OSX only and exports PDFs for creating Photoshop layers. The exported PDFs get trashed so if you can use AppleScript I can edit out the Photoshop part post a version that only saves the PDFs

  • I have inserted an image into my form that does not reflect when i save it a a pdf

    I have insetred an image into my form that does not reflect when i save it as a pdf - please cna you assist?

    Hi leannedatel,
    There was a possible answer to this posted previously. Try this thread for a solution:

  • Adobe Reader 9 and XI do not save other formats to PDF.

    I had Adobe Reader 9 on  PC Windows 7. I am sure I used to be able to save other file formats to PDF with Reader, but when I try now, I get the sign saying "The printer name is invalid" and the file wouldn't be saved to PDF. I tried uninstalling Reader 9 and installing Reader XI. Exactly the same thing happens. Does anyone know what this sign means and how the problem can be solved? Any suggestions gratefully received.
    Chris Swanton

    Adobe Reader doesn't save other formats as PDF.
    You probably had Adobe Acrobat if you remember doing this. They look similar.

Maybe you are looking for

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