Script to put the path of the File in an illustrator document

I was able to figure out how to embed the Date and File Name, now im looking to embed where the file is located within my folder structure on the document. is this possible?

if i use the variable fullName it puts in the word "file" if i use path i get the word "folder" this is much closer than i have been able to get in the past though.
var pointTextRef = app.activeDocument.textFrames.add();
pointTextRef.contents = app.activeDocument.path; = -1200;
pointTextRef.left = 10;
Edit: P.S. Thank you for your help!
I should add one more question, I want to make a template for Customer Proofs and have the folder name embed automaticly when it is saved, purpose being: when I or another person look at the hard copy of the proof they can find what folder it was saved in, is this possible or do i have to actively run this this script every time i use the template?

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  • How to put the file name in notepad file

    dear frank,
    how to put the file name in notepad file via power shell. I mean i want to put the file name in that notepad file
    for example,
    my file name is ABL and in this file data is
    and i want to data in this form
    There are many file like this that i want to be edit
    plese tell me how can i do it, i think it is possible via windows power shell.
    thanks in advance.

    Just for completeness, what version of VB.NET are you using?
    Here is a complete project to copy all the files with the added "ABL," at the start of each line.  You need to start a new Project with a BLANK default Form1, and replace all of Form1 code with the code below. When you run this project, you
    need to use the 2 buttons to set up the ORIGINAL file folder and a folder to place the copies. You need to check if the file EXTENSION is correct (I assumed txt), and check the text to add to each line is correct.  Once all is set up you should have a
    big red button to start the operation.
    NOTE: it is important that you try this out on a copy of some of the files to verify accuracy BEFORE trying on original files. Make sure you have a good back up of the original files before doing anything else.
    ' new project with default BLANK Form1
    ' replace all Form1 code with this code
    ' WARNING: make sure you have a backup of
    ' any files you use this application to
    ' operate on.
    Option Strict On
    Option Infer Off
    Option Explicit On
    Public Class Form1
    Dim OrigFileFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim CopyToFolderPath As String = Nothing
    Dim lab1, lab2, lab3 As New Label
    Dim tb1, tb2, tb3 As New TextBox
    Dim b1, b2, b3, b4 As New Button
    Dim fb As New FolderBrowserDialog
    Dim bgw As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Me.Size = New Size(731, 300)
    With lab1
    .Text = "Original Files Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 5)
    End With
    With tb1
    .Width = 560
    .Location = New Point(10, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab2
    .Text = "Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .Location = New Point(15, 125)
    End With
    With tb2
    .Width = 665
    .Location = New Point(10, 150)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With lab3
    .Text = "File Ext"
    .Location = New Point(600, 5)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With tb3
    .Text = ".txt"
    .Width = 80
    .Location = New Point(590, 30)
    .BackColor = Color.Khaki
    .ForeColor = Color.Maroon
    .TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 12)
    .BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    End With
    With b1
    .Text = "Choose Original Files Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 65)
    End With
    With b2
    .Text = "Choose Copy Files to Folder Path"
    .AutoSize = True
    .Location = New Point(10, 185)
    End With
    With b3
    .Text = "DO THE COPY"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    With b4
    .Text = "CANCEL JOB"
    .AutoSize = False
    .Size = New Size(240, 50)
    .BackColor = Color.Red
    .ForeColor = Color.White
    .Font = New Font(Me.Font.FontFamily, 20, FontStyle.Bold)
    .Location = New Point(420, 80)
    .Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right
    .Visible = False
    End With
    Me.Controls.AddRange({lab1, lab2, lab3, tb1, tb2, tb3, b1, b2, b3, b4})
    With bgw
    .WorkerReportsProgress = True
    .WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
    End With
    AddHandler bgw.DoWork, AddressOf bgw_DoWork
    AddHandler bgw.RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf bgw_Completed
    AddHandler b1.Click, AddressOf b1_Click
    AddHandler b2.Click, AddressOf b2_Click
    AddHandler b3.Click, AddressOf b3_Click
    AddHandler b4.Click, AddressOf b4_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub b1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = False
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb1.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    fb.SelectedPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
    fb.ShowNewFolderButton = True
    Dim r As DialogResult = fb.ShowDialog
    If r = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
    tb2.Text = fb.SelectedPath
    If IO.Directory.Exists(tb1.Text) AndAlso IO.Directory.Exists(tb2.Text) AndAlso Not (tb1.Text = tb2.Text) Then
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then
    redo: tb3.Text = InputBox("Enter the file extension that you want to copy/change", "FILE EXTENSION")
    If tb3.Text = Nothing Then GoTo redo
    End If
    b3.Visible = True
    b3.Visible = False
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub b3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = True
    If Not tb3.Text.StartsWith(".") Then tb3.Text = "." & tb3.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub b4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
    End Sub
    Private Sub ReadPWFile(fn As String)
    Dim filename As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetName(fn)
    Dim barename As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fn)
    Dim copyto As String = tb2.Text & "\" & filename
    Dim line As String = Nothing
    Dim lines As New List(Of String)
    Using sr As IO.StreamReader = New IO.StreamReader(fn)
    line = sr.ReadLine()
    If Not line = Nothing Then
    lines.Add(barename & "," & line)
    End If
    Loop Until line = Nothing
    End Using
    Using sw As IO.StreamWriter = New IO.StreamWriter(copyto)
    For Each s As String In lines
    End Using
    End Sub
    Private Sub bgw_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
    Dim ftc As Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(tb1.Text)
    For Each f As String In ftc
    If bgw.CancellationPending Then
    e.Cancel = True
    Exit For
    End If
    Dim ex As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower
    If My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(f).Extension.ToLower = tb3.Text.ToLower Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub bgw_Completed(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
    tb1.Text = Nothing
    tb2.Text = Nothing
    b3.Visible = False
    b4.Visible = False
    MessageBox.Show("Finished copying files", "Job Completed")
    End Sub
    End Class
    Regards Les, Livingston, Scotland

  • I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer

    I need to create an action or script to save the file with the name of the selected layer (not including the hidden layers, but including those visible).
    How could modify the script: 'Layer Comps To Files.jsx' to get the result?
    Warning: I do not need to export all layers as files.
    Who can help me?
    THX in advance

    Versione in Italiano (Further down the English version)
    NB - Nella versione inglese ho messo tutte le immagini dei menu in italiano.
    Versione per Mac, ma credo sia identico per Windows.
    Spiego passo passo cosa ho fatto:
    - Ho creato un file esempio con tre Livelli, salvato sulla scrivania e ho chiuso il file.
    - Ho aperto il file e selezionato il Livello al centro per iniziare a registrare una azione che ho chiamato: Save with Name of Selected Layer
    - Nuova azione
    - Dare il nome e premere Registra
    Ora salva…
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Ancora una volta Menu --> Livello... --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Ordina --> Dietro
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci sotto
    - Menu --> Livello --> Unisci visibili
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... e premi -ok-, (lascia il nome che viene mostrato)
    - Menu --> Livello - Nascondi Livello
    - Menu --> Elimina --> Elimina livelli nascosti (press -Yes-)
    - Menu --> Livello --> Nuovo --> Livello... Inserisci questo: 'Move this to the trash' e premi ok
    - Menu --> File --> Script --> Esporta Livelli in File... (Nella finestra che si apre scegliere l’opzione che si desidera, ma togliere il prefisso del nome) e premere -Esegui-
    - Selezionare il pannello Storia cliccare su Elimina premendo -Si- ogni volta che si apre la finestra di dialogo (Ripetere 8 volte questa operazione sino ad arrivare nella storia alla condizione di partenza. Ho visto che è meglio di Ripristina -F12-)
    - Fermare la registrazione.
    A questo punto, mandando in esecuzione questa Azione, ho raggiunto parzialmente l’obiettivo perché i file così creati mantengono, purtroppo, dei prefissi numerici per evitare probabilmente la sovrascrizione di file (credo senza avviso) nel posto dove vengono creati.
    Per ottenere l’obiettivo occorre un nuovo passo ed a proposito di questo riferisco quanto segue:
    ATTENZIONE - L’operazione descritta qui di seguito deve essere fatta su di una copia del file, per cui:
    - Duplicare il file,
    - Spostare l’originale in altra cartella
    - Lavorare sul file duplicato.
    mi riferisco a questo...
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica è effettuata a proprio rischio e pericolo ed il sottoscritto non si assume alcuna responsabilità su quanto venga fatto soprattutto da mani inesperte.
    ATTENZIONE - Questa modifica sovrascrive qualsiasi file che abbia nome uguale al layer che viene selezionato più l’estensione del file naturalmente.
    Comunque la modifica è banalissima e a portata di chiunque.
    Procedere così:
    - Chiudere Photoshop
    - Aprire (nel percorso specificato dall’immagine) il file “Export Layers to Files.jsx” (Export Layers To Files.jsx con un editor di testo puro.
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1029)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4);
    fileNameBody += "_" + layerName;
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += layerName;
    - cercare la stringa (dovrebbe essere in riga 1047-46)
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "_" + zeroSuppress(i, 4) + "s";
    - sostituirla con:
    var fileNameBody = fileNamePrefix;
    fileNameBody += "";
    - salvare e uscire.
    - riavviare Photoshop
    - provare l’azione registrata facendo attenzione che il nome del layer non sia identico al nome di un file già presente altrimenti questo verrà sovrascritto.
    Perché ho creato livelli che poi ho eliminato ecc.
    Semplice per evitare errori di esecuzione delle azioni nel caso di operazioni con livelli mancanti o altro.
    Semplice... no?
    English version
    Mac version, but I think it's the same for Windows.
    First of all, I'm translating the actions that I made using the Italian version of Photoshop, you look at the position of the menu that I have chosen to do the work with other languages.
    I explain step by step what I did:
    - I created a sample file with three layers, saved to the desktop and I closed the file.
    - I opened the file and select the layer at the center to start recording an action that I called: Save with Name of the Selected Layer
    - New action
    - Give the name and press Save ( I think it is so in English )
    Now save ...
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Once again Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - > Arrange (order) -> Behind
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Down
    - Menu -> Layer - > Merge Visible
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… and press -ok- , (leave the name that is shown)
    - Menu -> Layer - Hide Layer
    - Menu - > Delete - > Delete hidden layers (press -Yes- )
    - Menu -> Layer - > New —> Layer… Enter this: ' Move this to the trash ' and press ok
    - Menu -> File - > Scripts -> Export Layers To Files... (In the window that opens select the option you want, but take away the name prefix) and press - Run -
    - Select the History panel and click Delete (on menu opened) pressing -Yes- every time when open the dialog box (8 times Repeat this step until you get into the story to the starting condition. Not use Restore -F12-).
    - Stop recording.
    At this point, by executing this action, I have reached the goal partly because the files created in this way remain, unfortunately, the numerical prefixes to avoid possibly overwriting of files (I think without notice) in the place where they are created.
    To achieve the goal we need a new step and thinking about this as follows:
    WARNING - The operation described below should be made on a copy of the file, so :
    - Duplicate the file
    - Move the original folder to another
    - Work on the duplicate file.
    WARNING - This modification is performed at your own risk and the undersigned assumes no responsibility on what is done mostly by inexperienced hands.
    WARNING - This change will overwrite any files with the same name as the selected layer plus the file extension of course.
    However, the change is trivial and within reach of anyone.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Close Photoshop
    - Open (in the specified path from the image ) file " Export Layers to Files.jsx " (Export Layers To Files.jsx with a pure text editor.
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1029 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody = + "_" + zeroSuppress (i, 4 ) ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + layerName ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = layerName ;
    - Search for the string (should be in line 1047-46 )
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "_ " + zeroSuppress (i, 4) + "s" ;
    - Replace it with :
    var = fileNameBody fileNamePrefix ;
    fileNameBody + = "";
    - Save and exit.
    - Restart Photoshop
    - Try the recorded Action, making sure that the layer name is not identical to the name of an existing file otherwise it will be overwritten.
    Why I created levels which I then deleted etc..
    Simple to avoid errors of execution of the actions in the case of transactions with missing levels and other.
    Simple ... is not it?
    Sorry for my bad English...
    Thanks in advance for any hint.
    --->>> Please think about this... Adobe <<<---

  • I have a dilema i use a programme called Mackeeper i accidentally moved several files to my trash,i would like to put the files back where they belong but put back option is in grey and wont work??

    I have a dilema i use a programme called Mackeeper i accidentally moved several checked files to my trash BUT i didnt delete them,i would like to put the files back where they belong but the put back option is in grey and wont work?? i have spoken to Apple and to no avail !!!
    Mackeeper moved my files to my trash so i pulled them out of my trash to my desktop it has copied them to my desktop as well as kept them in my trash!!
    im so confused and things are not working properly anymore such as my google chrome for example...all my book marks are gone BUT i can go to the google file which is out of place on my desktop and view all my bookmarks data...ALL of my files still exist but they are just out of place now which is making it hard for certain options on my computer to work...
    the files includeAccounts,address book plug-ins,addressbook,Adobe,AIM,Alfred,Anquet Maps,Apple,Asramsoftware,Audio,Automatically add to itunes,facebook,facebook 15-53-13-329,faxfresh,five details,flipping book photo album, font collections, fonts, forismatic,Garageband,Gimp,Google,Google 15-53-13-344,icloud,icons,idocument lite,ilife media browser,ilifepage layout,internet plug-ins,ip scanner,itext express,itunes,iweb,Keyboard layouts,Keychains,launch agents,Librarian,limit point software,logs,mail,mail 15-53-13-895,messages,metadata,mobile documents,mobiscope,moso,movie effects,mozilla,MPlayerx,mywebcamBroadcaster,Native instruments,Skype and LOADS more......
    HOW do i get this stuff back to where it is supposed to go so that these programmes work properly again???? i also used delete and command but that did not work either,like i said i have not emptied my trash and ALL the info is there its just totally out of place and the put back option will not work sor some reason!!??? im running 10.8.5 imac someone PLEASE help me!!
    i have not set up time machine either but i do back up to a site called backupblaze...

    Step 1
    Remove "MacKeeper" as follows.
    "MacKeeper" has only one useful feature: it deletes itself.
    Note: These instructions apply to the version of the product that I downloaded and tested in early 2012. I can't be sure that they apply to other versions.
    IMPORTANT: "MacKeeper" has what the developer calls an “encryption” feature. In my tests, I didn't try to verify what this feature really does. If you used it to “encrypt” any of your files, “decrypt” them before you uninstall, or (preferably) restore the files from backups made before they were “encrypted.” As the developer is not trustworthy, you should assume that the "decrypted" files are corrupt unless proven otherwise.
    In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Applications
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-A. The "MacKeeper" application is in the folder that opens. Quit it if it's running, then drag it to the Trash. You'll be prompted for your login password. Click the Uninstall MacKeeper button in the dialog that appears. All the functional components of the software will be deleted. Reboot.
    Failure to remove MacKeeper will result from neglecting any one of these points:
    Quit MacKeeper before dragging it to the Trash.
    Don't empty the Trash after dragging the application to it. Let MacKeeper delete itself.
    Don't try to drag the MacKeeper icon in the Dock to the Trash.
    Here are some general suggestions. If you want your computer to be usable, don't install crapware, such as “themes,” "haxies," “add-ons,” “toolbars,” “enhancers," “optimizers,” “accelerators,” "boosters," “extenders,” “cleaners,” "doctors," "tune-ups," “defragmenters,” “firewalls,” "barriers," “guardians,” “defenders,” “protectors,” most “plugins,” commercial "virus scanners,” "disk tools," or "utilities." With very few exceptions, this stuff is useless, or worse than useless.
    The more actively promoted the product, the more likely it is to be garbage. The most extreme example is the “MacKeeper” scam.
    The only software you should install is that which directly enables you to do the things you use a computer for — such as creating, communicating, and playing — and does not modify the way other software works. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it.
    Step 2
    Restore from the last backup that predates the unwanted changes.

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    How do I transfer music from an external hard drive to my itunes on my mac? I have put the files into the itunes media, but they are not showing up in iTunes!

    Hi, did you try iTunes>File>Import?

  • We transferred purchases / synced an iPod touch to a toshiba laptop, and then updated the ipod. we can no longer put the files back onto the ipod. what are we doing wrong]

    we transferred purchases and synced from a iPod touch to a toshiba laptop, after it updated and synced again we have been unable to put the files back onto the ipod. the computer will not let us drag or copy paste files, and when we tried to " export" the library to the documents folder, it only showed up in code.  we have books and music we would like to reload to the ipod.

    Hello Jean164,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
    It sounds like you are unable to manually put your content back on your iPod Touch.
    It seems like you may need to re enable Manually Manage Music now that the device has been updated, and this article should help with that.
    Managing content manually on iPhone, iPad, and iPod

  • How do i put the file name right on the photo?

    how do I put the file extension number or name right on my photo for clients to order?

    DonRicklin wrote:
    Or put the file name as Copyright in Metadata and add Watermark (Simple Copyright) on Export!
    A plugin called LR/Transporter could probably automate that. However, I don't think many people will want to do this once all usages of the image are considered!
    So an export plugin called LR/Mogrify (which calls in the utility ImageMagick as an output processor) would be the next suggestion. This should let you put more or less whatever image parameter you want, onto the image as an automated label - also add borders outside or inside the image boundary, place the thumbnail inside a larger square canvas, a few other options. Then that can all be saved as a LR export preset for greater convenience and repeatability in the future.

  • DW/CS3 Preview in browser puts the file, not previews it.

    DW/CS3 When I preview in browser DW puts the file to the ftp remote server. It will not preview the local file in my primary or secondary browser.
    It was ok in Win XP but I now have Win7 64.

    Is this when you go up to File > Save or when you hit Ctrl + S?
    If it only happens with the keyboard shortcut, maybe your mapping for "Save to Remote Server" has been messed up.
    Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
    Click the + by File
    Is Ctrl + S on Save to Remote Server?

  • File repository server error: failed to put the file to file server

    Am trying to export relational and OLAP universe to repository and getting an error.
    Am using Universe Design Tool and product version is  BI 4.0 SP 5
    When I create a universe and export it for the first time it get exported successfully.
    However I tried to export same universe after making few changes, getting below error
    File Repository Server error: Failed to put the file to fileserver: frs://<FRS Location>/Universe_Name.unv already exists
    Is anybody faced such issue?
    I suspect it is a configuration issue/product bug.
    Your thoughts are highly appreciated.

    Hello Vinesh,
    There is a workaround mentioned in the following KBA:
    1309859 - Error: WIS 00501 Universe not found when viewing Documents
    Please have a look.
    Thanks and regards,

  • I exported my iBook and got the .ibooks file on my Desktop(iMac Retina 5K), I tried to put the file into the iBooks application but I get a message that says "The file "______.ibooks" couldn't opened because it isn't in the correct format.

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    Please advise as to Why it would work on an older OS X version as oppose to the newer OS X Yosemite

    Thanks Lyra,
    I may be doing something wrong because looking at the "Purchased" in iBooks I only see all the books that I actually purchased, none of the iBooks that I created in iBooks Author shows up. I can re-download all the iBooks I've purchased and some in iCouds, but the ones I've created  in iBooks Author are no where to be found.
    Any help is much appreciated,
    Best Regards,

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    Please have a look on:
    Christoph Maresch | My blogs: | XING:
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    | Linkedin:
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    carriinna wrote:
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    Make a new folder and put them in that different folder. Then the names can be the same as others already on your drive.

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        I want to write a shell script for piking the files in a sequence order (according to filename with time stamp)  from the sorce FTP server ..
                     Requirement is  in the source directory I'm getting files (Jain_1.xml  , Jjain_2.xml, Jain_3.xml .. ect..)  at  present my file adapter is picking all the files at a time  but  i want to pick  one by one... that to first i want to Jain_1.xml  after finish the processing of the file then only my file adapter should  pick the next file ( Jain_2.xml )  .
                  so..  all the forum mates suggest me to write a shell script..  but where  i have to write the s hell script. and where i have to deploy this script.... my Xi is running on UNIX ... so please sugest me  the procedure ...

    Why dont you use the option EOIO in which files will be picked up in order and will be proccessed in after another....

  • How can I Hide(not Disable) the Save As and Exit options in the File menu of Excel Documents in SharePoint 2013?

    I want to hide(not disable) the "Save As" and "Exit" options in the File Menu of Excel Documents in SharePoint 2013.When I make changes in the excelribbon.css file of xlviewer.aspx,all the options under File menu are getting hidden but
    I want to hide only these two options while retaining the others.
    Kindly suggest me a method to achieve this.
    Looking forward to your reply at the earliest.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sanjana,
    To hide the “Save As” and “Exit” options in xlviewer.aspx page in SharePoint, I recommend to use the code below(however it is not recommended):
    div.cui-menusection li.cui-menusection-items:nth-child(2)
    display:none !important;
    display:none !important;
    display:none !important;
    As “:nth-child()” selector is supported in IE 9 and later versions, please use IE 9 or later versions’ IE browser.
    Best regards.
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

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