ScriptUI : Weird Dropdownlist behaviour after relocation

Hi all,
I am facing a tough one and maybe that will ring a bell to someone here. I am working on an advanced ScriptUI project and there is a group of three objects.
First group is a ListBox. Second and third object are groups. These secondary groups include a dropdown list each.
I relocate the primary objects once the window is drawn or in case of resizing. If I place my items as I want then the first dropdownlist (Para St.) is not clickable no matter what. The second one (Char St.) no problem.
If I pull the Para DD away, it's selectable.
And I can't explain myself what's happening here. I thought it would be due to some overlapping. So I modified the list size and it's not the source of the trouble. If I swicth position between the dropdown lists then it's always the top one which remains unclickable unless I place it far away from the bottom one. I mean far because it's like 100 px distance at least. If i reduce to 80 it starts being hardly clickable.
The colored zones represent the objects. Grey stands for the list. White for the parent group.
Any ideas here ? Thanks in advance anyway.

Oops ! That was for Workshop 6 (CC 5.1). For Workshop 5.0, you
can try installing the corresponding latest C++ patch:
Patch-ID# 107311-12
Synopsis: C++ 5.0: Patch for C++ 5.0 compiler
(Bug id # 4347423 - Build 5.0 libCstd.a with -KPIC)
One workaround is to build a shared version of libCstd from libCstd.a
and use the shared library instead of the archive:
CC -G -z allextract libCstd.a -h -o -lCrun
ln -s
Hope this helps.

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    use_xft yes
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    i thought it to be SELINUX problem and google gave me exactly what i wanted .. solution to it..
    SELINUX-Targeted Policy disallows restore segment prot after reloc which can be corrected by switching to SELINUX-permissive policy..
    this can be achived temporarily by issuing
    setenforce permissiveregards
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    #include <mmdeviceapi.h>
    #include <Functiondiscoverykeys_devpkey.h>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        if(FAILED(hr)) throw;
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        if(FAILED(hr)) throw;
        PROPVARIANT propVariant;
        pIPropertyStore->GetValue(PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, &propVariant);
        return -1;
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    terminates the process, and main()'s exit code is lost.
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    SMPlayer log (just extract, couldn't copy the whole log, but it doesn't seem to contain something relevant):
    [22:40:33:653] Core::pause
    [22:40:33:653] Core::pause: current state: Playing
    [22:40:33:653] Core::tellmp: 'pause'
    [22:40:33:707] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
    [22:40:33:707] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ' ===== PAUSE ====='
    [22:40:33:708] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
    [22:40:33:708] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'ID_PAUSED'
    [22:40:33:708] Core::changePause
    [22:40:33:708] Core::changePause: mplayer reports that it's paused
    [22:40:33:708] BaseGui::displayState: Paused
    [22:40:33:708] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
    [22:40:33:709] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
    [22:40:35:104] Core::pause
    [22:40:35:104] Core::pause: current state: Paused
    [22:40:35:104] Core::tellmp: 'pause'
    [22:40:35:143] BaseGui::displayState: Playing
    [22:40:35:143] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
    [22:40:35:144] Core::changeCurrentSec: mplayer reports that now it's playing
    [22:40:35:147] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
    [22:40:38:432] Core::pause
    [22:40:38:432] Core::pause: current state: Playing
    [22:40:38:432] Core::tellmp: 'pause'
    [22:40:38:507] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
    [22:40:38:508] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ' ===== PAUSE ====='
    [22:40:38:508] MplayerProcess::parseLine: ''
    [22:40:38:508] MplayerProcess::parseLine: 'ID_PAUSED'
    [22:40:38:508] Core::changePause
    [22:40:38:508] Core::changePause: mplayer reports that it's paused
    [22:40:38:508] BaseGui::displayState: Paused
    [22:40:38:509] BaseGui::togglePlayAction
    [22:40:38:509] BaseGui::checkStayOnTop
    [22:40:42:012] BaseGui::showMplayerLog
    [22:40:56:875] BaseGui::showLog
    MPlayer log (I've cut out a long list of subtitles' lines):
    /usr/bin/mplayer -noquiet -v -nofs -nomouseinput -sub-fuzziness 1 -identify -slave -vo xv:adaptor=0 -ao alsa -nokeepaspect -framedrop -autosync 100 -nodr -nodouble -input nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null -stop-xscreensaver -wid 52429143 -monitorpixelaspect 1 -ass -embeddedfonts -ass-line-spacing 0 -ass-font-scale 1 -ass-styles /home/ondra/.config/smplayer/styles.ass -fontconfig -font Arial -subfont-autoscale 0 -subfont-osd-scale 20 -subfont-text-scale 20 -subcp CP1250 -vid 0 -aid 2 -sub /home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks - -subpos 100 -volume 32 -nocache -ss 417 -osdlevel 0 -idx -vf-add ass -vf-add screenshot -slices -channels 2 -af scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -softvol -softvol-max 100 /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    MPlayer SVN-r32492-4.5.1 (C) 2000-2010 MPlayer Team
    CPU vendor name: GenuineIntel max cpuid level: 2
    CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz (Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 7)
    extended cpuid-level: 4
    Detected cache-line size is 64 bytes
    Testing OS support for SSE... yes.
    Tests of OS support for SSE passed.
    CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNowExt: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1 SSSE3: 0
    Compiled with runtime CPU detection.
    get_path('codecs.conf') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/codecs.conf'
    Reading /home/ondra/.mplayer/codecs.conf: Can't open '/home/ondra/.mplayer/codecs.conf': No such file or directory
    Reading /etc/mplayer/codecs.conf: 159 audio & 349 video codecs
    Using MMX (with tiny bit MMX2) Optimized OnScreenDisplay
    get_path('fonts') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/fonts'
    Configuration: --prefix=/usr --enable-runtime-cpudetection --disable-gui --disable-arts --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-openal --disable-fribidi --disable-libdv --disable-musepack --disable-esd --disable-mga --enable-xvmc --language=all --confdir=/etc/mplayer
    CommandLine: '-noquiet' '-v' '-nofs' '-nomouseinput' '-sub-fuzziness' '1' '-identify' '-slave' '-vo' 'xv:adaptor=0' '-ao' 'alsa' '-nokeepaspect' '-framedrop' '-autosync' '100' '-nodr' '-nodouble' '-input' 'nodefault-bindings:conf=/dev/null' '-stop-xscreensaver' '-wid' '52429143' '-monitorpixelaspect' '1' '-ass' '-embeddedfonts' '-ass-line-spacing' '0' '-ass-font-scale' '1' '-ass-styles' '/home/ondra/.config/smplayer/styles.ass' '-fontconfig' '-font' 'Arial' '-subfont-autoscale' '0' '-subfont-osd-scale' '20' '-subfont-text-scale' '20' '-subcp' 'CP1250' '-vid' '0' '-aid' '2' '-sub' '/home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -' '-subpos' '100' '-volume' '32' '-nocache' '-ss' '417' '-osdlevel' '0' '-idx' '-vf-add' 'ass' '-vf-add' 'screenshot' '-slices' '-channels' '2' '-af' 'scaletempo,equalizer=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0' '-softvol' '-softvol-max' '100' '/mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/'
    Using nanosleep() timing
    Terminal type `unknown' is not defined.
    Parsing input config file /dev/null
    Input config file /dev/null parsed: 0 binds
    Setting up LIRC support...
    mplayer: could not connect to socket
    mplayer: No such file or directory
    Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.
    get_path('') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/'
    Playing /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    get_path('sub/') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/sub/'
    [file] File size is 821880832 bytes
    STREAM: [file] /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    STREAM: Description: File
    STREAM: Author: Albeu
    STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
    LAVF_check: AVI format
    AVI file format detected.
    ======= AVI Header =======
    us/frame: 40000 (fps=25.000)
    max bytes/sec: 0
    padding: 0
    MainAVIHeader.dwFlags: (272) HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED
    frames total: 133641 initial: 0
    streams: 3
    Suggested BufferSize: 0
    Size: 640 x 368
    ==> Found video stream: 0
    [aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0
    ====== STREAM Header =====
    Type: vids FCC: xvid (64697678)
    Flags: 0
    Priority: 0 Language: 0
    InitialFrames: 0
    Rate: 25/1 = 25.000
    Start: 0 Len: 133641
    Suggested BufferSize: 125416
    Quality 10000
    Sample size: 0
    Found 'bih', 40 bytes of 40
    ======= VIDEO Format ======
    biSize 40
    biWidth 640
    biHeight 368
    biPlanes 1
    biBitCount 24
    biCompression 1145656920='XVID'
    biSizeImage 1413120
    Regenerating keyframe table for MPEG-4 video.
    ==> Found audio stream: 1
    [aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
    ====== STREAM Header =====
    Type: auds FCC: (0)
    Flags: 0
    Priority: 0 Language: 0
    InitialFrames: 1
    Rate: 16000/384 = 41.667
    Start: 0 Len: 222719
    Suggested BufferSize: 8064
    Quality -1
    Sample size: 384
    Found 'wf', 30 bytes of 18
    ======= WAVE Format =======
    Format Tag: 85 (0x55)
    Channels: 2
    Samplerate: 48000
    avg byte/sec: 16000
    Block align: 384
    bits/sample: 0
    cbSize: 12
    ==> Found audio stream: 2
    [aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 2
    ====== STREAM Header =====
    Type: auds FCC: (0)
    Flags: 0
    Priority: 0 Language: 0
    InitialFrames: 1
    Rate: 16000/384 = 41.667
    Start: 0 Len: 222735
    Suggested BufferSize: 8064
    Quality -1
    Sample size: 384
    Found 'wf', 30 bytes of 18
    ======= WAVE Format =======
    Format Tag: 85 (0x55)
    Channels: 2
    Samplerate: 48000
    avg byte/sec: 16000
    Block align: 384
    bits/sample: 0
    cbSize: 12
    AVI: dmlh found (size=248) (total_frames=133641)
    hdr=Software size=43
    Software : VirtualDubMod (build 2066/release)
    Found movie at 0x380C - 0x309B07A2
    Reading INDEX block, 400890 chunks for 133641 frames (fpos=815466410).
    AVI index offset: 0x3808 (movi=0x380C idx0=0x4 idx1=0x1F8C)
    Auto-selected AVI audio ID = 2
    Auto-selected AVI video ID = 0
    AVI: Searching for audio stream (id:2)
    AVI video size=641146236 (133641) audio size=85530240 (222735)
    VIDEO: [XVID] 640x368 24bpp 25.000 fps 959.5 kbps (117.1 kbyte/s)
    Auto-selected AVI audio ID = 2
    [V] filefmt:3 fourcc:0x44495658 size:640x368 fps:25.000 ftime:=0.0400
    Clip info:
    Software: VirtualDubMod (build 2066/release)
    ID_CLIP_INFO_VALUE0=VirtualDubMod (build 2066/release)
    File not found: '/home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -'
    Failed to open /home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -
    File not found: '/home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -'
    Failed to open /home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -
    [ass] ass_read_file(/home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks - fopen failed
    Cannot load subtitles: /home/ondra/Plocha/Poirot - S12E02 - The Clocks -
    get_path('sub/') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/sub/'
    [file] File size is 115710 bytes
    STREAM: [file] /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    STREAM: Description: File
    STREAM: Author: Albeu
    STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
    SUB: Detected subtitle file format: subviewer
    SUB: opened iconv descriptor.
    SUB: closed iconv descriptor.
    SUB: Read 1352 subtitles, 0 bad line(s).
    [file] File size is 115710 bytes
    STREAM: [file] /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    STREAM: Description: File
    STREAM: Author: Albeu
    STREAM: Comment: based on the code from ??? (probably Arpi)
    [ass] Opened iconv descriptor
    [ass] Closed iconv descriptor
    [ass] File size: 300
    [ass] Opened iconv descriptor
    [ass] Closed iconv descriptor
    [ass] [0xa6f6ef8] Style: Default,Arial,20,&H00ffffff,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,2,1,1,2,20,20,8
    plaintext event at 1000, +3000: Downloaded From
    plaintext event at 35920, +1670: - Good night Annie.\N- Good night Fi.
    plaintext event at 5286120, +3590: - Yes please.\N- Let's start again.
    plaintext event at 5290710, +10000: Downloaded From
    SUB: Added subtitle file (1): /mnt/ubuntu/home/sdilene/
    X11 opening display: :0.0
    vo: X11 color mask: FFFFFF (R:FF0000 G:FF00 B:FF)
    vo: X11 running at 1680x1050 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
    [x11] Current fstype setting doesn't honour any X atoms
    [VO_XV] Using Xv Adapter #0 (NV17 Video Texture)
    [xv common] Drawing no colorkey.
    [xv common] Maximum source image dimensions: 2046x2046
    Opening video filter: [screenshot]
    Opening video filter: [ass]
    [screenshot] query(Planar YV12) -> 3
    [ass] FreeType library version: 2.4.4
    [ass] FreeType headers version: 2.4.3
    [ass] Init
    get_path('fonts') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/fonts'
    get_path('subfont.ttf') -> '/home/ondra/.mplayer/subfont.ttf'
    [ass] Updating font cache
    Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
    INFO: libavcodec init OK!
    Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
    Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
    dec_audio: Allocating 4608 + 65536 = 70144 bytes for output buffer.
    mp3lib: using SSE optimized decore!
    MP3lib: init layer2&3 finished, tables done
    MPEG 1.0, Layer III, 48000 Hz 128 kbit Joint-Stereo, BPF: 384
    Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: No, CRC: No, emphasis: 0
    AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/8.33% (ratio: 16000->192000)
    Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
    Building audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/s16le -> 0Hz/0ch/??...
    [libaf] Adding filter scaletempo
    [libaf] Adding filter equalizer
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [libaf] Adding filter format
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    Trying preferred audio driver 'alsa', options '[none]'
    alsa-init: requested format: 48000 Hz, 2 channels, 1d
    alsa-init: using ALSA 1.0.23
    alsa-init: setup for 1/2 channel(s)
    alsa-init: using device default
    alsa-init: pcm opened in blocking mode
    alsa-init: got buffersize=65536
    alsa-init: got period size 1024
    alsa: 48000 Hz/2 channels/8 bpf/65536 bytes buffer/Float 32 bit Little Endian
    AO: [alsa] 48000Hz 2ch floatle (4 bytes per sample)
    AO: Description: ALSA-0.9.x-1.x audio output
    AO: Author: Alex Beregszaszi, Zsolt Barat <[email protected]>
    AO: Comment: under development
    Building audio filter chain for 48000Hz/2ch/s16le -> 48000Hz/2ch/floatle...
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    [Mixer] No hardware mixing, inserting volume filter.
    [libaf] Adding filter volume
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    [scaletempo] 1.000 speed * 1.000 scale_nominal = 1.000
    [format] Changing sample format from little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float
    [format] Accelerated little-endian 16-bit signed int to little-endian 32-bit float conversion
    Starting playback...
    SEEK: i=31390 (max:31427) dpos=6703872 (wanted:6703872)
    SEEK: idx=31390 (a:31390 v:31427) v.skip=12 a.skip=0/0.000
    XXX initial v_pts=418.520 a_pos=8064 (0.504)
    [libaf] Reallocating memory in module format, old len = 0, new len = 69637
    Increasing filtered audio buffer size from 0 to 69632
    [mpeg4 @ 0x8a2dc40]Invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B frames detected
    [ffmpeg] aspect_ratio: 1.739130
    VDec: vo config request - 640 x 368 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12)
    Trying filter chain: ass screenshot vo
    VDec: using Planar YV12 as output csp (no 0)
    Movie-Aspect is 1.74:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
    VO Config (640x368->640x368,flags=0,'MPlayer',0x32315659)
    REQ: flags=0x437 req=0x0
    [swscaler @ 0x8ad6520]using unscaled yuv420p -> rgb24 special converter
    REQ: flags=0x437 req=0x0
    VO: [xv] 640x368 => 640x368 Planar YV12
    VO: Description: X11/Xv
    VO: Author: Gerd Knorr <[email protected]> and others
    Xvideo image format: 0x32595559 (YUY2) packed
    Xvideo image format: 0x32315659 (YV12) planar
    Xvideo image format: 0x59565955 (UYVY) packed
    Xvideo image format: 0x30323449 (I420) planar
    using Xvideo port 331 for hw scaling
    *** [ass] Allocating mp_image_t, 640x368x12bpp YUV planar, 353280 bytes
    *** [ass] Allocating mp_image_t, 640x368x12bpp YUV planar, 353280 bytes
    [ass] PlayResX undefined, setting to 384
    *** [vo] Allocating mp_image_t, 640x368x12bpp YUV planar, 353280 bytes
    *** [screenshot] Direct Rendering mp_image_t, 640x368x12bpp YUV planar, 353280 bytes
    Unicode font: 1185 glyphs.
    Unicode font: 1185 glyphs.
    *** [ass] Allocating mp_image_t, 640x368x12bpp YUV planar, 353280 bytes
    ===== PAUSE =====
    [ass] Font info: family 'Arial', style 'Normal', fullname 'Arial', slant 0, weight 80
    [ass] fontconfig_select: (Arial, 80, 0) -> /usr/share/fonts/TTF/arial.ttf, 0
    ===== PAUSE =====
    ===== PAUSE =====
    ===== PAUSE =====
    So it seems there is no error during the resuming.

  • [SOLVED] Weird behaviour after formatting USB installation media

    Hi, I have noticed this weird behaviour with USB drives I used to install Arch linux with.  I format them using fdisk and mkntfs but after replugging them in, the udevil daemon mounts them again as ARCH_2013...[something] and even the directory tree exists!  This happens also when I use mkntfs without the -f flag (initializing with zeros).  I also checked the other files in /dev/sd* in order to make sure that my drive does not appear twice, but there is only sda (my HD) and sdd (or sometimes sdb, sdc,...) which must be the USB drive, also according to dmesg.
    Any ideas?
    EDIT: I wrote something about not seeing any files when manually mounting but that was my bad, I only tried mounting /dev/sdb1 but mounting /dev/sdb brought me the same files as devmon showed.
    Last edited by ysetdng (2014-07-12 22:36:46)

    I am assuming you used dd to write the image to the disk. You can use it to remove the contents of the disk as well.
    You should make use of the arch wiki, it is quite helpful. … tion_Media
    You can use this to zero out the entire device:
    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=8M // x is the letter assigned to the usb drive. Be careful, The dd command is destructive.
    It may take a while to zero out the entire disk, depending on the size. After that use fdisk/cfdisk or gdisk/cgdisk to create the partition table and partition.
    To create the filesystem type, this one, ext4:
    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx // or create a vfat
    then create the label:
    # e2label /dev/sdx1 USB_STICK_LABEL
    Use my suggestion as a last resort. Read the wiki, most of what I have said is in there anyway.
    Last edited by rgb-one (2014-07-12 18:21:18)

  • TTY colors problem (only 8 @ vim + weird behaviour after x started)

    I've got a problem with my tty colors. Everything seems to work pretty ok, but I have two weird problems - one is that vim doesn't display colors properly. It seems like it supports only colors 0-7, no more. My vim scheme & zshrc (dunno if helpful) attached below:
    scheme: mustangzill4.vim
    zshrc: .zshrc
    What's more, when I start X, tty colors seem to become totally messed up. I don't know where are those new color settings taken from, but they're changed somehow and stay like that till next reboot.
    Any help/tip appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    edit: I know that "2xx" colors won't work in linux terminal since it supports only 16colors, but even 16 colors don't work for me under vim.
    Last edited by muchzill4 (2010-01-24 21:00:25)

    I just set up vim and my terminal (urxvt-256 via .Xdefaults) and I'm experiencing this. When I start X, TTY2 picks up a grey background. Just curious about how this configuration should affect a console...
    Apparently this is less reproducible for me than I thought. After a system upgrade and subsequent reboot, this didn't happen again. Maybe the console liked vim's colors and decided to hold on for a while.
    Last edited by nsoodak (2010-02-03 04:52:53)

  • MPB + 24" LED, weird behaviour after disconnect

    When using my MPB in combination with my 24"LED (single screen setup), everything works perfectly. When I disconnect, the resolution drops to the maximum resolution of my MPB. This drop in resolution results in weird behaviour of application windows, expose (corner activation) and spaces.
    Expose does not work anymore, seems like it still thinks there is a larger resolution, so putting my mouse pointer in the corner will not activate expose or any other corner function.
    Spaces does not slide anymore, again it seems like it expects a larger desktop to slide which is not there anymore. The display flashes and skips to the next desktop.
    Windows can not be resized because the sizing corner (lower right) is outside of the current screen area. So to be able to resize my applications, I have to resize them to small before I disconnect the 24"LED screen.
    Solutions tried:
    1) System preferences > Displays > Detect displays... Does not work
    2) System preferences > Displays > Lower resolution > Normal (max) resolution : Works like a charm
    3) Logout > Login : Also works
    Does anyone else know how to make this work the way it should? So far it seems the programming (Leopard) is faulty.

    I agree that, at times, the SGE switches can be somewhat difficult when getting them in and out of stack mode. I would recommend getting them back to the config that they had before you tried to remove them from a stack, then configure them via the serial cable back to factory defaults. The pinout for the cable can be found here.
    There is also a little, round, red hole at the bottom left of the switches face plate that allows you to factory reset the device. You should use a paper clip and hold it for a full 30 seconds.
    These switches are designed to either be stacked or not, meaning they are not supposed to be put in and taken out of stacked mode at random. By default, the switches try to stack together, and do not work well when the stack gets broken up or changed. I sincerely suggest you pick either stacked or standalone and leave them as such.
    As a side note, there is a newer firmware available for this switch. It is version It can be found here.
    Please report any new problems.

  • Mac weird behaviour after wrong switch off.

    A few days ago I inadvertently switched off my Mac OS 10.6.8 by using the back on/off button instead of file/ shut down. Since then, random changes keeps happening: as soon as I switched it back on the desktop image had reverted to the original, then a few application seems to have disappeared, and today PhotoBooth no longer has the Video function but only Camera.
    As anyone any idea what is going on?

    FWIW, you cannot repair the disk you are booted from, so in order to run the repair disk function you will need to be booted from another source (either an external bootable clone or the recovery partition).
    Afterthought: if you are on 10.6.8, there is no recovery partition, so you'd need to boot from an external source.
    You can easily repair permissions while booted from the startup disk/hard drive.

  • Erratic behaviour after transfering user from PowerPC (G5)

    After getting my new MBP a few weeks ago I transferred most of the user data from my old Mac, a PowerMac G5.
    From day one the machine seems to have displayed erratic behaviour at times, and there seems to be a small "lag" at times, for example when scrolling through files.
    Today I also got a weird java-problem, which disappeared in the new, fresh test user I created ...
    Could something have gone wrong in the user transfer process? Is there an easy fix here, or do I have to reinstall?
    I have already done the usual things (disk repair, Cocktail processes etc.), but nothing helps.

    How did you transfer data? Did you follow Kappy's and a brody's guide to migrating?

  • Wrong DBHOST in Table DB4TABLE_STAT und DB4TABLE_HIST after relocation

    after the relocation of one of our SAP system to a new host, there is still the old dbhost-name in Column DBHOST in Tables DB4TABLE_STAT and DB4TABLE_HIST, DB4INDEX_STAT, DB4INDEX_HIST, (we are on IBM-i)
    within the default-Profile, there is already the correct new DBHOST.
    during relocation, the 2 reports SDB4GEN + RSDB4GEN were executed already.
    as i remember, there is a specially transaction-code or a speciall report to call ?
    how to fix this DBHOST in DB4xxxxx Tables ?

    Hi Christoph,
    the problem is most likely with table DB6NAVSYST, which most likely contains the old host name in columnd DBHOST. As soon as you execute transaction DB4COCKPIT or DBACOCKPIT once, the new host name will be stored in table DB6NAVSYST. When the next data collection for DB4TABLE_STAT is happening, the data will be collected for the new host name.
    We are planning to correct this behaviour, but so far we did not get to it.
    Kind regards,
    Christian Bartels.

  • Behringer FCA202 - weird metronome behaviour

    I could get my hands on a Behringer FCA202 firewire audio interface for a real nice price. It works fine, except for 1 thing: when I switched on the metronome - no sound! Now the weird thing: after I created an audio track and a bus with reverb, I heard my metronome, but with LOTS of reverb. So, I looked into the Environment: ahhhh... the Klopfgeist channel strip has it's output set to Bus1. That explained the weirdness! So, I changed the output to Output 1-2, and saved this as a new template. But... if I open this template, The Klopfgeist channel strip's output is set to Bus1 again.... WEIRD!
    Now, it's not a disaster to go to the Environment and change Bus1 to Output1-2, but if there's a trick to prevent this behaviour, I'd like to know....
    For your info: until now, I simply used the iMac's built in audio input/outputs, and the metronome behaved the way it should.
    Anyone have a clue??

    Hi MigCla,
    Unplug everything except your magsafe from your macbook.
    Try to boot into safe mode by booting and press shift key, repair your permission by opening application folder > utilities > disk utility > repair disk.
    And reconnect that firewire card afterward, and re-set up if it shows back up in audio/midi set up.
    If your Firewire card have any driver that comes with, re-install it or check their sites for newer driver if available.
    Good Luck.

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