Scrollable area, needs movie clip?

If I want to have an area that scrolls when you put your
mouse over a left or right button.
I think I can do this by making a movie of the scrolling, and
then using action script to play the move backwards or forwards
when there is a mouse-hover over the buttons.
Is this the only way to do this or is there an action-script
only way which makes an area scrollable without having to make a
movie first?

you can control that kind of thing with where the mouse is on
the stage. i found this bit of code somewhere...
var t:Timer=new Timer(40,0);
function f(e:MouseEvent) {
// t.stop();
var speed:Number = .9;
function moveF(e:TimerEvent) {
=speed*front_mc.x+(1-speed)*(stage.stageWidth-front_mc.width)*root.mouseX/stage.stageWidt h;
back_mc.x =
if (Math.abs(front_mc.x-
front_mc.x =
back_mc.x =
just have to give one clip the instance name of front_mc and
another with back_mc... dont know if thats what your looking for?
but i love that bit of code!

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    Are the episodes being shortened when you publish to a local folder and launch them in the browser as well as when published to the server? See this page under "Troubleshooting"...
    If the local files are OK it would suggest the problem is on the server. Otherwise you need to troubleshoot iWeb.
    If the problem is files that are too large, you can reduce the sampling rate and/or convert to mono if the content is mostly speech rather than music.

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    The reason I asked about disk space is that what you described could be caused by not enough space. Movie projects take up alot of hard drive real estate, as you probably know.
    I'd keep an eye on it and post back if it happens again.

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    Please help!

    Each layer has a blank keyframe before and after each
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    animated news info, to sit and play 'within' the movie clip
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    Can anyone help please?
    I can post a rough working example online if need be.
    Many thanks
    A puzzled Adrian
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    area as I have tried this and instead of the swf file being loaded
    and contained within my movie clip file/area it instead seems to
    sit fixed on the main timeline (ie: not contained within the movie
    clip area).

    Thanks Sketchsta for you code. This looks like we're on the
    right lines as I see what the code is trying to do.
    Unfortunately though I can't seem to get this to work?
    I created a new file to get rid of other scripting that was
    going on and have placed a movie clip called centre_content onto
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    ... but it doesn't bring in the callin.swf file ... it just
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    Am i doing anything wrong?
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    Regarding the pre-loader ... can I simply build this into the
    swf file that is being called in to the movie clip?
    Thanks in advance for your support, it is much appreciated.

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    incorrectly, but here's what I have so far:
    11 layers, total: 1 layer with 10 control buttons, each
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    on (release) {
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    They do not have to be on the same layer, but they should not
    exist on the timeline for the entire movie, just where they are
    Lets say you have three movieclips ten frames apart on the
    timeline. Mc1 (movieclip1) is on frame 1, Mc2 is on frame 11, and
    Mc3 is on frame 21. Mc1 should only be on the timeline from frame
    1-10, then it should not exist on frame 11. This way if you jump to
    frame 11 only Mc2 will play, because Mc1 isn't on the timeline
    They do not have to be on the same layer.
    It may help if you email me the file. My address is on my
    name on the lefthand side of this forum post.

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    for each (which also contain custom variable).
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    tell application "Finder"
    set the_name to "Name"
    set the_count to 3
    repeat with this_num from 1 to the_count
    set new_num to this_num as string
    if (count new_num) is 1 then set new_num to "0" & new_num
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    end repeat
    end tell

  • Animated drop down buttons not working in movie clip

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    on (rollOver) {
    on (rollOut) {
    on (release) {
    I have also tried to use
    _parent.getURL and _root.getURL in stead of just get URL, but it does not work.
    The drop down buttons seem to be buried. In the left side the whole drop down panel seems to act like a link?
    What am I doing wrong?
    Can you help?

    Hi Ned
    Thank you for your reply again.
    I figured it out.
    Your reply prompted me to have my main button on rollover to go to a frame number on the main time line and then move the content of the drop down movie clip to that frame.
    The drop down panel now work and the child buttons animation now work as well. I just had to find a way to make the drop down panel disappear on rollout. Since I could not script the actual drop down panel I created three skinny invisible buttons and placed them on the right, left and button of the drop down panel. I scripted them to go back to frame 1 on both rollover and rollout. Done.
    See the result there:
    (Left side only)
    Thank you for your help.

  • Drag variety of movie clips with one script

    I am sure that this has been asked or answered before, but
    could not locate the correct response.
    There are 20 movie clips loaded onto the stage through
    actionscript. I have 20 different onPress scripts to start the drag
    for each (which also contain custom variable).
    Problem, I have one single onRelease script which is to be
    used for each, but do now wish to give 20 custom handled scripts.
    Can I somehow use certain scripting for using one single
    generic script for the onRelease? So no matter what was released it
    will go through this one script.

    something like
    upListener = new Object();
    uplistener.onMouseUp = function (){
    and the line
    in every onPress action could do.
    [Code not tested, likley full of typos - but hopefully useful
    as a general example;]

  • Controlling a movie clip timeline

    I am using a loaded movie clip in my movie. This script is on
    a button:
    Why can''t I control this loaded movie clip from a button in
    another movie clip:
    large1_btn.onPress = function (){

    Originally posted by:
    Opera Rat
    Yes, I'm loading largeWorks_mc into the target movie clip
    Let me see if I can explain this better. If you look at the
    old version (the one that loads the entire flash file at once), you
    can see the different areas of the movie I am talking about. You
    can see it at
    There is nothing there for me.
    and then view the gallery. I've just added about 50 new pics
    and don't want to keep the gallery the way it is now - loading
    everything at once. So each section of the gallery will load when
    you go to it - large works and small works.
    The thumbnails are a movie clip within the root movie. Then
    the large version of the pics are another movie clip in the root
    movie. So when your looking at the large work section your seeing
    the main movie (the purple background and buttons) and 2 movie
    clips (thumbnails and largeWorks). I no longer want large works
    movie clip to load when the movie is opened because it takes too
    long. So in a version that I have not put up yet I have the code:
    Ok.. this code will work just fine, but instead of having
    both LoadMovie() and gotoAndStop() on the same frame, it might be
    easier to simply have
    gotoAndStop() on your buttons, THEN, on the frame that it
    goes to and stops, have the loadMovie()
    when you click on the large works tab. This loads the movie
    clip of the large version of the pics and it also take you to frame
    6 or the root timeline (where the large works thumbnail clip is
    So if you were to do what i suggested, on frame six you would
    also have your LoadMovie() command.
    When I click on a thumbnail in the movie clip
    largeThumbnails_mc in the root movie it should tell the movie clip
    that loaded next to it to go to the frame that contains that the
    large version of that thumbnail.
    yes you would use something like this to target it...
    this. HOLDER . WHAT WAS LOADED . gotoAndStop()
    im using that instead of your instance names because im still
    abit fuzzy on what is loaded and when.
    So I do want to control the only timeline in largeWorks_mc
    (just 50 frames of pics) from the other movie clip in the root
    movie. See the site and see if this is any clearer.
    I really appreciate your help. I'm gutting my bathroom at the
    same time I'm trying to get this thing to work and it's driving me
    No problems.

  • Single droptarget for multiple movie clips

    I have a movie clip which i use as a drop target. And I have four additional movie clips which can be dragged and dropped into the droptarget movie clip. But when I place a movie clip into a droptarget and I drop the second one too, the droptarget for the second one becomes the first movie clip but not the actual droptarget movie clip.
    Please suggest.

    Thank you for the reply. Can you give me an idea what the below code does?
    mainContainer is a movie clip. mc1, mc2 are three movie clips
    mainContainer.addChild( mc1 );
         and while dropping mc2
    mc2._droptarget - what this will refer to?

  • Urgent : Flash CC File is corrupted, symbol (movie clip) are empty, use count : 0 . ONE week of work lost, need help!

    I have been working on a Flash File with a lot of animations / symbols etc, and on thursday (during the Adobe Update), when I opened my file, all the symbol (movie clip) are empty, use count : 0.
    The size of the file is still the same though, 35mo.
    I had only this file, I really need help to repair it...
    Please let me know if you have a solution.
    Thank you!

    Can you please share the file which got corrupted?
    Was the original file created in older version(CS6 and below) of Flash?
    Were you trying to open the file in Flash CS6?
    Did your original file had symbol names containing | : ; & * , etc.characters or leading/trailing spaces?

  • HT2518 I am trying to move across & view my home movie clips from my PC to Mac, but I can't view them.  What do I need to have installed on the MAC to view such files? (Originally put onto the MAC from a Canon video camera)

    I am trying to move across & view my home movie clips from my old PC to my new Mac but I am unsure what software I need to view them.  They are from a Canon video camera originally.  Please advise how this is done!

    Do they have a file extension?
    How about anything on the camera which might indicate what it is, like AVCHD?

  • I phone 5 movie clips do not download to my mac. Do I need to change something in settings?

    My iPhone 5 does not download my movie clips to iPhoto on my mac.  Do I need to change something in settings?

    There are 9 different versions of iPhoto and they run on 10 different versions of the Operating System. The tricks and tips for dealing with issues vary depending on the version of iPhoto and the version of the OS. So to get help you need to give as much information as you can. Include things like:
    - What version of iPhoto.
    - What version of the Operating System.
    - Details. As full a description of the problem as you can. For example, if you have a problem with exporting, then explain by describing how you are trying to export, and so on.
    - History: Is this going on long? Has anything been installed or deleted? - Are there error messages?
    - What steps have you tried already to solve the issue.
    - Anything unusual about your set up? Or how you use iPhoto?
    Anything else you can think of that might help someone understand the problem you have.

  • Scrollable movie clip?

    I am looking for a way to create a scrollable movie clip.
    Similar to a scrollable text box. In fact a scrollable text box
    would work perfectly if I could insert images within the text.
    I am hoping to find a way to have a series of areas within a
    single stage that can scroll independent of each other. Each area
    within the stage must be able to have a combination of text and
    Is there a way to make this possible. I have a cursory
    knowledge of action script.
    Thanks in advance for any help...

    Try the scrollPane component. There is tons of helpful
    information online
    (just do a google search) but the long and short is that you
    add the
    component to your stage and size it in the properties
    inspector. Then set
    the linkage of the movieClip in the library and in the
    component inspector,
    type the name of the linkage identifier under the "source"
    field. There are
    a bunch of other options to play with and you can skin the
    component as
    (Just in case you've never had to use linkages before, right
    click on the
    movieClip in the library, select "linkage" and then checkmark
    the "export
    for actionscript" selection)
    Hope that helps.
    "BO-TH" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:fg0dnj$ejj$[email protected]..
    > Hello,
    > I am looking for a way to create a scrollable movie
    clip. Similar to a
    > scrollable text box. In fact a scrollable text box would
    work perfectly if
    > I
    > could insert images within the text.
    > I am hoping to find a way to have a series of areas
    within a single stage
    > that
    > can scroll independent of each other. Each area within
    the stage must be
    > able
    > to have a combination of text and images.
    > Is there a way to make this possible. I have a cursory
    knowledge of action
    > script.
    > Thanks in advance for any help...

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