SD Card Playback 'Bonus Track'

I have converted my iTunes playlist to MP3s.
I copied my playlist / songs onto my SD Card.
When I put the card into my car stereo I get a 'bonus' track after every sond, which is indicated by an error code by my car stereo.
Results, I play track #1 and the song plays fine, then goes to track #2 and the error is displayed, next it progresses to track #3 and plays the next song.
This is very frustrating as I have over 500 songs on my SD Card and fast forwarding on the radio can be a bother.
How would I remedy this issue when I copy my songs onto the SD Card so I will not have these 'bonus' tracks?

Yes, the ._
Tools such as Tinker Tool and Cocktail have features you can toggle such as "Don't create hidden .DS_Store files over network connection"
Blueharvest - commercial software to delete .DS_Store and ._ AppleDouble files -

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    So that's the scoop. It seems that there's no pure solution to this issue. Perhaps if there's a way to generate title cards out of Avid that are importable into FCP, that would do the trick, but I haven't taken my research that far.
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    Hello there, Fineshot.
    The following Knowledge Base article might provide some information that should help you resolve the issue you're having:
    Why aren't songs with the same album art grouped together?
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.
    Pedro D.

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    Ok, good. Sounds like you just need to force the DB to reload then. Two trouble shooting steps.
    1. Force quit the Music app from the App Switcher.
    2. If that doesn't work then toggle the iTM service off, launch the Music app to let the content clear out, then toggle the service back on.

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    If you want to revert back to the original album name, you must change the name in iTunes and sync again.
    Hope this works for you.

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    Sockatume wrote:
    Sounds like the music in question has DRM on it, probably Apple's Fairplay. This locks the music to particular players, for example the PC the music was downloaded on, or a particular iPod. Unless Apple start providing support for Creative players (not going to happen) you're stuck. There are lots of tools out there to take the DRM off the files and let them play freely, but they may be illegal depending on the regulations in your location (if you're in the US, the DMCA applies and explicitly bans you from doing this).
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    Problem: No sound output because all software instrument tracks are locked in muted position (M-box flashing).
    Solution: Open Mixer, select “All” and then un-solo all auxiliary buses. This should automatically un-mute all software instruments tracks.
    LPX. Mavericks. Relatively new user. Here’s how I created this problem: Had been alternating between track and mixer views to isolate and adjust various effect and instrument settings on several tracks. Ultimately returned to full track view to evaluate total mix but discovered that all software instrument tracks were locked in mute position even though none of them was soloed. Went back to Mixer and found that one of the auxiliary buses was still set to solo. Un-soloing that bus automatically un-muted all software instrument tracks and restored normal playback.
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    Grandpa Adams wrote:
    Question: Is there a way to easily see that an auxiliary bus is soloed in track view when mixer window is not visible? 
    The mute buttons should be blinking if this is the case.  Instead of trying to hunt it down, or opening the mixer, you can hold Option and click any solo button (solo's everything), then keep holding Option and click solo again (unsolo's everything).

  • Timeline slowing down playback / deleting tracks remedies problem

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    1. Zoom in on the timeline until playback smooths out again. If a small enough piece of the timeline is visible, it seems to smooth out playback again.
    2. Maximize the program monitor window (so that it's the only visible window in Premiere) and then again, immediately playback snaps to full speed again. I can full-screen the video playback, etc, without issue. And un-rendered portions of footage with effects applied play better as well.
    3. Reduce the number of video/audio tracks. This is what I think is actually slowing down Premiere. But the problem is, I don't have that many tracks to begin with. On the project I'm working on right now, I have 4 video tracks and 5 audio tracks. Simply deleting the bottom 3 audio tracks (which are sparse and only have a few incidental effects) fixes my video/GUI playback problem immediately.
    So my question is... why is Premiere slowing to a crawl just because I added a few audio tracks to a project? Apparently my machine is fast enough to edit 4K material off the GH4 with effects applied and not drop a frame. But add a few tracks of stereo audio? Premiere slows to a crawl.
    It wasn't like this in previous versions, guys. Please advise.

    Try accessing your audio from a different drive location.

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    You can select a range of tracks by clicking the first, and then holding shift while you click the last. You can also add or remove individual tracks from the selection using ctrl+click. When you have your selection drag it to the playlist.

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    On music playback, there are certain tracks that will not start at the beginning of the track and start half way through or even towards the end of the track.
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    The local apple store have replaced the Touch with another and the same happens on the same songs.
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    All software is up to date, I have been through restores etc. with the local Apple Store.
    Any suggestions guys?

    We are having the same issue with our iPod touches and iPad, and yes, it is very annoying. I came here searching for a solution, but all I see is you all with the same problem/question.
    I'm assuming this behavior probably has something to do with the new AirPlay in iOS and its ability to stream media to another iOS device and pick up where it left off. However, I find this extremely annoying for music, since songs start halfway through when in the middle of a playlist.
    I have found no solution to this issue, and it is one Apple needs to resolve, especially when we have "Remember Playback Position" UNchecked for all of our music.
    Here's hoping Apple puts a little more effort in the future to help us actually manage our media well, instead of crap feature bloat like Ping, Genius, etc.

  • Bounce Playback - Wrong Track

    Hello, Apple Community!
    First, I must admit, I'm a novice user.  This project is so easy, however, that it shouldn't matter (famous last words?).
    I've recorded six tracks of spoken word (chapters of a book) with no processing.  I edited the misspoken portions of each track and now need to bounce them individually.  This is a process I've done many times before, but now I'm having problems.
    When I play back the tracks within Logic, they are correct.  But, no matter which track I select for bounce, the bounce playback is always chapter 4.
    The correct track is selected in Logic prior to bouncing, soloing is off and all undesired tracks are muted.  I'm running Logic 8.0.2 on a MacPro tower using OS X (10.6.8).
    Apologies if the solution to this problem appears in another thread, but the issues I read about didn't sound the same as the one I'm experiencing.
    Thanks, in advance, for your insight!

    Can you post a screenshot of your mixer? It does sound like you're doing everything right.
    If you bounce, do you use a key command or the button on the output strip?
    How have you muted the other tracks? Via the mute button, or have you muted the regions themselves (recommended - mute button muted tracks are still read and processed by Logic, whereas if you mute the regions no processing is happening.)

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