SD-FI generate more then one post in FI

Hi all.
Does someone know if it is possible to generate, using enhacement or user-exit or costumizing (V/08) , more than one post in FI ?

Hi Sudhir, thanks for anwser.
The point is:
with one shot (one item of a billing document) we need to generate two posts.
Ex. item with 1200u20AC, we need to do the following posts:
1- debit 1200 (conciliantion account) - This is done in Tcode OV64
2- credit 1200 (revenue account) - This is done in Tcode VKOA
3- debit 1200 (conciliantion account)
4- credit 1200 (conciliantion account)
The first and second posts are OK. For the third and fourth post the system does not do the post.

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    data: end of mthead.
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    So when you read the documentation for TreeSet.add(), which you obviously did because it's so obvious that you should read the relevant documentation before posting questions, what did you not understand?
    Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present. More formally, adds the specified element e to this set if the set contains no element e2 such that (e==null ? e2==null : e.equals(e2)). If this set already contains the element, the call leaves the set unchanged and returns false.
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    Call one BDC after the another, Like if u want to create a sales order and then correspondingly display it as well, u can capture the sales order created afer ur first BDC theu the messages mostly in SYMSGV1 and using this u can do a call txn skip first screne of VA03.
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    | | 

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    See : 9.11 Overriding Built-in Framework Methods
    You can have the code that was generated modified to invoke an additional action - you'll need to add the binding to that action to your page.

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    Bob Headrick, Microsoft MVP Printing/Imaging
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

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    forward to pageA
    forward to pageB?
    Thank you.

    Thanks for the response. I did try it and I got a
    compile error. I just realized that the error was
    regarding a different issue.
    JJIn that case, it would have been appropriate to post the actual problem.

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    I could always send the file to someone to see if they can figure it out.
    Thank you,

    Thank you so much !
    but the link doesn't seem to work. It says that the URL is not in the correct format for an document link.
    Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 07:53:12 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: How do I get the text to flow throughout more then one page.
    Here is the corrected form..Even you you set the Subform type to "Flowed" to the subform where the Text box resides, you did not set the Page1 to Flowed (which is the key)..But when I make the Page1 type to "Flowed", all your fields above the Scholrship text boxes' Subform will go one below another.. To fix this, first I have select all the fields and wrap them into a subform and then set the Page1 to Flowed..*-gg

  • How can I restrict more then one user to access the table?

    Hi !
    I have a problem and two solutions and I am a bit confused as to
    which one is the best one and/or can there be any better way of
    handling the problem ?
    Problem : I have to update a key field of a table when I update
    it in the form 5.0 screen. I am basically doing a maintenance of
    a table and if a certain field is updated then the change has to
    be reflected in two more tables. But the issue is that the field
    is a part of the key in those two tables. So all I can think of
    is that I need to insert new set or rows for that new value of
    the field and delete the old set of records for old values of
    the field.
    There are two ways of doing it;
    1.One option can be to explicitely define two cursors separately
    and fetch the values in them one by one and then insert the new
    records and then delete the old records in both the tables. This
    I feel will be a cumbersome process both in terms of processing
    time and the coding.
    2.Second option I was thinking can be to create two flat tables
    (without keys) and insert the values in them and update the
    changed field there and then insert the rows in the respective
    tables. Delete the old records in the main tables and delets the
    records in these flat tables. This is a bit more faster and
    easier to predict and code. This seems to be a better option for
    Any comments on these ?
    In both the cases I was thinking of making some provision so
    that more then one person can't update the table simultaneously.
    Since if there are more then one persons doing the processing
    then some inconsistency might creep into the whole process.
    This is easier to do in the second process as if I check the
    data in the flat tables and if there is some data then I can
    presume that some one is doing the processing and I can ask the
    other person to hold for a while. But in this case how can I
    stop more then two people to simultaneously check for the empty
    table and start inserting the record ?
    I was just thinking of having a sepatare table having only one
    field and this will be a key field and as the process begins the
    process will insert a fix value say 'Y' in the key field and at
    the end of the process the record will be deleted and this way
    we can restrict the user to access the process more then one at
    a time..? Since you can't have same value of the key in a table
    more then once.
    Any better way of handling it will be deeply appreciated.
    How about locking the table at the begining and releasing the
    lock at the end ? Will there be any issue in that? since I am
    inserting and deleting the rows in the same transaction.
    Comments welcome,

    How about performing the update IN the database using a stored
    By using non-database fields on your form to get the
    information, you can then call the procedure in the database to
    perform the updates. If an error occurs in the procedure you
    rollback, if necessary, and send a message or status back to the
    form. If it succeeds you might wish to commit and then re-
    execute the form's query -- using either the original key values
    or the new key values...

Maybe you are looking for